Happy Halloween!

Hunters moonAlthough this year has been a bit like we’re living in some bizarre cross between 1984 and 28 Days or The Andromeda Strain. Here we are once again at the time of the fall festival.

This Halloween won’t be spared the insanity of 2020 but I hope everyone finds some way to enjoy it.

In this house, we’re all about the scary movies. (Or just watching the news…) On the plus side, watching movies you don’t have to worry about flubbed lines and the edits are a lot cleaner.

Just a few days from now, we’ll be watching the election and hopefully that won’t be a horror show. As I write this, I can’t help but feel it’s whistling in the dark while walking past a graveyard.

Have a great Halloween.

Grrrr. Some People & Their Cell Phones!

Speakerphone cellWe’ve all seen them.

People wandering around having conversations on speaker phone assaulting everyone around them with both sides of the call. The person you can see screaming into the little device and the person you can’t see blaring their responses in a overly loud tinny little voice back. Then the offensive person gives you a dirty look and cranks the volume even higher when you raise your voice to place your coffee order. As if you’re the one being rude because you’re interfering with their conversation.

One of these days Alice… Pow! Zoom! Right to the Moon!

Or I’ll just slap the phone out of their hand and stomp it into the ground. Probably to applause from everyone else!

That’s annoying as hell in a public setting & oddly seems to be something that happens a lot on the lower rungs of the socioeconomic spectrum. Although my next door neighbor likes to sit on her patio having similar conversations. In her defense, I think she’s actually doing other things and is legitimately using the hands free speaker phone option because she’s got her hands full.

dnd iphone.pngBut there’s another class of folks that can be just as annoying.

They’re the people you sleep with every night, or the people that you may sleep with occasionally.

These folks don’t seem to understand that there’s a nifty little function called do not disturb on their phone. They also don’t seem to understand that some of us can’t sleep with their phones lighting up every 5 minutes. After all who can sleep with a disco ball flashing in their bedroom?

I’m one of those people that often has a hard time sleeping.

As long as it’s dark, and quiet I can stay asleep, but any state change in the local environment will wake me up. The refrigerator changing it’s normal rhythm is often enough to wake me. The power going off in the middle of the night will wake me because of the sudden silence. Even things like the A/C or heater switching on at more irregular intervals than “normal” will wake me.

So you can imagine what it’s like for me if there’s someone obsessively checking their phone for a message or reading new emails. It probably doesn’t help that I’ve got great night vision and can see well in nothing more than starlight.

It’s because of this that I am appreciative of DND and more so of the “Bedtime” settings on my phone. After about 10:30 my phone goes into DND automatically. By 11:00 my phone is in bedtime mode (so is my nifty watch). This means that no lights, whistles, or bells are flashing through the night. Unless you’re on a very short list of people, you’re not going to be able to reach me until morning, after all that’s why God made voice mail! Hell, my phone doesn’t come out of DND until after 7:30 am. I prefer to have my morning coffee in peace, thank you very much!

Sleep Schedule.pngI hit the DND button at dinner, before a Doctors appointment, during meetings, massages, or even drinks with friends (back when we actually had dinners or drinks with friends).

Now imagine me laying in bed asleep with a person next to me who refuses to activate these features.

The light from the phone penetrates my eyelids, and I’m awake. I open my eyes to see if there’s something going on. Nope, their phone is sitting on the nightstand but illuminating the walls & ceiling. Okay, I close my eyes again and go back to sleep.

This cycle is repeated 20 or 30 times (due to notifications, email, occasional text messages, etc.) each night. Add in almost incessant snoring, mumbling in their sleep, trips to the bathroom, and it shouldn’t be any wonder that I generally liked living alone in a tiny little apartment. Even though some of the neighbors were completely out of their damn minds and their personal issues sometimes robbed me of a decent night’s sleep.

As an aside, since moving back to my house I’ve lost about three hours of solid deep sleep a night. It’s not uncommon for me to be sleeping on the couch or floor in another room.

However there’s another factor in this that you may not have considered. Those times when the other person is actively checking their mail, messages, or notifications. They’ll be laying there reading things, and because the phone is like a damn searchlight in my face I’m awake and reading their phone too.

Then I get in trouble because I know stuff that I wasn’t supposed to know. I get accused of going through their private messages. I don’t… That would imply that I care. Nope, I’m just reading what’s on their display over their shoulder because they’ve woke me.

I guess there are those who might think I should politely not read the information but here’s the thing. You know that I’m going to wake up, if you really wanted privacy, you’d get up and go elsewhere to read rather than shining it in my face.

All this is to say; use the features on your phone!

On the iPhone just open the conveniently located control center and tap the little half moon. That will turn on “Do Not Disturb”. If you’re using a later version of iPhone that has the bedtime reminders, set it up. You can even schedule automatic DND between certain hours.  Another helpful thing that used to work, is that just putting your iPhone face down would silence it and even if it doesn’t completely silence it, at least the phone won’t be lighting up the whole room.

I can tell you, it will be appreciated by your other half or just your guest for the night…

As I suspected…

This is such a first world problem, I’m laughing at myself.

In August, a year ago I got laid off from my job. That afternoon after all was said and done, I went home and opened my trusty 6 or 7 year old MacBook air and was greeted with a display that wasn’t working properly.

I looked at my watch, and buzzed out to the Apple Store, (God I miss being able to do that without the hassle we have to go through today,) to see if they could give me any help.

touchid.pngTechnically they were helpful, but not with the display in my poor computer. I walked out of the store with a brand new MacBook Pro with the nifty touch bar. I really like it even today.

At the time, sitting on the couch in my apartment I pondered the functionality of the fingerprint scanner and the fact that it could be used to authenticate transactions. I distinctly remember thinking that could be trouble.

I mean, you see something online, and there’s the nifty button saying…

Press me and your hearts desires can be yours…

I set it up to handle authenticating my passwords for websites and added one debit card to it.

My iPhone tried to helpfully add other credit cards. While I appreciate the assistance and the Apple ecosystem, there are times when you can be a bit too helpful!

I’ve been very good about using that nifty button. Or rather I should say not using that button.

The first time you use it, you’re not sure that it worked. It’s special, you’re excited about using something new. After you use it a few times it’s not so new or exciting, it’s still special, but it starts to become “ho hum”.

There’s the danger! Next thing you know, you’re tapping that little button all over the place and it’s very easy to become disconnected from the concept that each time you press that cloying little fingerprint, you’re spending yourself into the poor house.

Don’t get me wrong. It’s very cool and very convenient.

BUT if you’re unemployed, essentially locked down and bored you’re potentially in trouble!

Thankfully I’ve had decent self control but over the past week or so, It seems that I’ve been hitting that button a lot. Not so much that I’ll need to have it replaced, but much more than usual.

To be honest, I’m a little terrified with the holiday season coming up.

Me, bored and holiday depressed with super easy online shopping is a really bad combination. I tend to get a bad case of consumerism.

In my defense, I do need to buy some shirts, the ones I’m wearing, I’ve been wearing for 10 years. Yes, they’re starting to get threadbare and the collars are fraying. That being said, it seems that the shirts have been at the bottom of the list this week and (ahem) haven’t been the recipients of the touch button love.

While in Florida, I watched my brother place an order for gun parts on-line and get them the next day UPS. OMG! That was a revelation!

Living in California I assumed that just wasn’t possible, my Brother looked at me like I was crazy. Differences between the California gun legalities and living in the real world astounded me. And I thought to myself, “Probably just as well the little button and I would get too familiar,” Not that I’m a gun nut or anything, but guns like any other hobby can get expensive.

Luckily, most dive gear sites aren’t using “The Button” I’ve noticed that some travel sites are using the button though, that could be dangerous too.

My weaknesses seem to be in the area of movies, TV shows, music, electronics, and software. Guess what? Amazingly, those sites all use “The Button”.

I’m soooo screwed! But I’ll have plenty of entertainment, and a house that is smarter than I am… At least until the power gets turned off.

Have a great week!