Oh Nancy!

Ms. Pelosi…

Ipelosi78.jpeg’m sure that the Botox has paralyzed your brain.  You do realize that too much Botox may have side effects right?

Here, just for your information is the list of Botox side effects:

allergic reactions, rash, itching, headache, neck or back pain, muscle stiffness, difficulty swallowing, shortness of breath, nausea, diarrhea, stomach pain, loss of appetite, muscle weakness, fever, cough, sore throat, runny nose, flu symptoms, cold symptoms, respiratory infections, dizziness, drowsiness, tired feeling, anxiety, dry mouth, ringing in your ears, increased sweating in areas other than the underarms, urinary tract infections, burning/painful urination, and difficulty urinating.

injection site reactions including
bruising, bleeding, pain, redness, swelling, or infection, 

So Nancy, you might want to have a discussion with your doctor about being over-botoxed. I can understand your desire to be pre-embalmed, but even the Ancient Egyptians didn’t start the process pre-mortem. Although come to think of it you do look like a mummy now.

Based on the side effect list, is it just possible that it’s the Botox and not The President that’s causing that nagging pain in your neck?

It was kind of you to express your concern about the health of The President upon his disclosure that he’d been taking Hydroxychloroquine for the past two weeks.

However it is exactly opposite of your previously expressed desires. While you personally may not have suggested that you hope he falls ill, your flying monkey minions most certainly have. It’s safe to say they are your mouthpieces, so what they say are certainly echos of your desires.

I think I should point out for you, and your minions that if The President is incapacitated or dies, You still won’t be president, nor will Hillary Clinton. There’s the little matter of Vice President Pence. Or are you expecting for something untoward to befall him too?

Is your plan to insert Hillary as VP in the interim before the election and then let the Hillary Curse take care of then presiding President Pence? Or is that the plan if Biden is elected? 

You’ll have to pardon my misgivings about you and our government. Your tone deafness to the American People does not engender trust. Suffice it to say that you do not have my vote. I’d sooner cast my vote for a homeless syphilitic drug addict than you. At least such a person would do little harm to the nation.

Ms. Pelosi, Fat Shaming? Oh my… that’s low, even for you. Is this yet another example of your hypocrisy.

Is your intent to suggest that fat shaming is only wrong if it’s against Women? You know men have fat shaming issues too. We’re simply not as likely to whine in public about it. I’d imagine that we’re more likely to seek comfort in the solitude of our closed garages with our beloved cars motor running.

But of course that’s of no concern to you. After all, many of your minions clearly hate men, or at least believe that all men are evil, with the notable exception of Joe Biden.

He’s allowed to completely sidestep rather serious and somewhat credible allegations of sexual misconduct. The fact notwithstanding that he’s been observed, in public and often, behaving inappropriately.

Brett Kavanaugh on the other hand was excoriated for something that could at best be described as college hijinks and stupidity. Even the witness wasn’t sure about what happened. 

Double standard much?

I don’t hate you, I won’t waste the energy on hatred or even intense dislike. I’m a big believer in Karma. I know you’ll get what’s coming to you, because your kind of evil always does.

When you lose your election, when you see your works dismantled piece by piece, when you’re the one testifying before congress for your misdeeds, when you lose all that you have and are cast upon the rubbish pile of history, and yet continue to live a long, long life.

I’ll be smiling. I’ve learned first hand, that Karma is a stone bitch. I dare to hope that Karma is in a particularly bad mood the day she looks at you. It would be an absolute joy to see you duckwalked in handcuffs out of congress. 

Understand it’s not necessarily your politics that I find so distasteful. It’s your duplicity.