And from the “OH For FUCKS Sake Column”

HenryCavillOk I’m catching up on news and noticed that Henry Cavill… You know Superman?

Apparently he caught a bunch of crap for expressing his personal opinion and observation that dating SUCKS!

I get what he’s saying, maybe it’s because I’m a white male. 

This guy’s comments resonated with me because I censor myself all the time. There is not a moment in a workplace or public place where I’m not wondering if anything I say is going to be taken out of context and used to suggest that I’m some kind of racist, rapey person.

For him it’s more of an issue because he’s a public figure.

There are a lot of people looking to be offended by almost anything, all the damn time. The response that his comments drew is actually a prime example of exactly what he was talking about.

There are self absorbed little special snowflakes the world over who seem to be spending their entire days looking for the slightest thing to be offended about. In the case of far too many women, (NOT ALL) everything they encounter in their world is about causing them offense.

Guess what princess, the world don’t give a shit. Get over yourselves. Ain’t nobody got the time to tailor a series of affronts to you. Increasingly, fewer and fewer people have any time to worry about whatever the fuck you’re bitching and whining about this week.

If a dude expresses an interest in you it does not automatically mean he’s going all rapist. It means that he finds you visually, personality-wise, or intellectually appealing. Take it as a complement and even if there’s no way in hell you’d like to date him, you can at least be nice about it.

Now, if that dude doesn’t take “no” for an answer then you’ve got something to complain about and ample recourse either with the law, or with some big strapping decent man who’d be pleased to make sure you have a nice time by putting a dirt bag out of whatever establishment you’ve found yourself in.

I’m not denying that there are dirtbag men out there who have no clue about proper behavior. But ladies… stop making every man you encounter fear any interaction with you.

Who knows? You might find a prince charming if you’d drop your defenses for just a moment and let a guy buy you a drink and spend two minutes talking with him.

Just Sayin…

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