Well that was easy

The cable bill has been creeping up and it finally reached the annoyance level that caused me to pick up the phone.

I‘ve been meaning to take care of issues pertaining to my life for weeks, I come home from work with the intention to deal with shit every day, and honestly after dealing with everyone else‘s shit I haven‘t had the energy to deal with my own.

The lease renewal, the cable bill, groceries, you know, all the little bits of bullshit that run n the background of our lives.

Anyway, Wednesday, I was tired as hell. I‘m not talking tired from work, I‘m talking so exhausted that I came home, laid down and went immediately to sleep. Thursday morning, I was still dog tired and decided (with prodding from my body) that I just wasn‘t up for driving 2 hours up to the mountain, spending the night, and driving 2.5 to 3 hours back down to San Diego. So I stayed in San Diego and honestly spent all of Thursday napping.

This morning I woke up feeling almost normal. I‘m rested, and pretty relaxed. Thus far, I‘ve handled laundry, the lease renewal (I‘d toyed with the idea of moving to a better place), and just got off the phone with the cable folks.

Saved myself 40.00 a month, and got more for my trouble. I was going to pull the cable box entirely and switch to an antenna, but this is a 2 year deal and it includes HBO go. That alone is worth the price since the Apple TV knows what HBO go is and I can have movies on demand on the big screen.

I like having the ability to check local news etc, even if I don‘t use it all the time. Network TV is pretty much useless to me since my schedule is weird and most of the time the news just pisses me off. God knows, I generally don‘t need any help being pissed off.

Thus far this morning, I‘ve done laundry, cleaned, taken the trash out, cleaned some more, and am still relaxed and happy.

I think it‘s time for a shower and then I‘ll wander over to the barbershop for a haircut.

It‘s amazing what a little rest and a lot of sleep does for me.

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