The cable bill has been creeping up and it finally reached the annoyance level that caused me to pick up the phone.
I‘ve been meaning to take care of issues pertaining to my life for weeks, I come home from work with the intention to deal with shit every day, and honestly after dealing with everyone else‘s shit I haven‘t had the energy to deal with my own.
The lease renewal, the cable bill, groceries, you know, all the little bits of bullshit that run n the background of our lives.
Anyway, Wednesday, I was tired as hell. I‘m not talking tired from work, I‘m talking so exhausted that I came home, laid down and went immediately to sleep. Thursday morning, I was still dog tired and decided (with prodding from my body) that I just wasn‘t up for driving 2 hours up to the mountain, spending the night, and driving 2.5 to 3 hours back down to San Diego. So I stayed in San Diego and honestly spent all of Thursday napping.
This morning I woke up feeling almost normal. I‘m rested, and pretty relaxed. Thus far, I‘ve handled laundry, the lease renewal (I‘d toyed with the idea of moving to a better place), and just got off the phone with the cable folks.
Saved myself 40.00 a month, and got more for my trouble. I was going to pull the cable box entirely and switch to an antenna, but this is a 2 year deal and it includes HBO go. That alone is worth the price since the Apple TV knows what HBO go is and I can have movies on demand on the big screen.
I like having the ability to check local news etc, even if I don‘t use it all the time. Network TV is pretty much useless to me since my schedule is weird and most of the time the news just pisses me off. God knows, I generally don‘t need any help being pissed off.
Thus far this morning, I‘ve done laundry, cleaned, taken the trash out, cleaned some more, and am still relaxed and happy.
I think it‘s time for a shower and then I‘ll wander over to the barbershop for a haircut.
It‘s amazing what a little rest and a lot of sleep does for me.
Sometimes trying to help is more dangerous than leaving well enough alone…
Driving to work this morning there’s this car on the freeway driving with only their parking lights on.
Ok yeah, it’s dangerous but I’m sure that the person driving had no idea. Their instrument cluster was probably lit and they were driving a new car. I’m sure they were still getting used to the car.
Hell I’ve done the same thing in my car after it’s been serviced. The dealership always turns the automatic headlights off while they have my car. It’s the first thing I check when I pick it up after they’re done.
Anyhoo, so I’m cruising at 80 and I see the dark car coming up in the lane to my left behind him, there’s another car flashing his lights.
The flashing light car was very insistent about trying to tell the dark car that their lights were off.
They were on the dark car’s bumper, then the dark car is passed me immediately changing lanes in front of me. The flashing guy sits right next to me adjusting their speed to continue flashing their high beams at the dark car.
The dark car accelerates obviously trying to get away from flashing guy. Flashing guy stays right on the dark guys bumper. Dark guy slows down. I have to brake. The two of them continue this dance at 75 to 80 miles an hour for the next 4 miles.
Eventually I decide that this is all too dangerous at 4:45 in the morning and accelerate past them both, continuing to open distance between them and me.
They continue their dance in my rearview mirror for the next 5 miles.
And it’s getting more and more dangerous. The Dark car obviously doesn’t have a clue but they’re equally obviously getting erratic in their driving and just trying to get away. They blow blow by me at 90 on a curving freeway transition. Flashing guy is just not giving up.
They round the bend and I see the reflected red light of taillights on the concrete barrier. I’m not far enough along in the curve to actually see them.I take my foot off the gas and coast as I round the curve. Yep! there’s smoke and that distinct smell that tires make when someone has slammed on the brakes.
No accident, but it’s pretty obvious what happened. They rounded the bend and saw a line of 18 wheelers transitioning from the other freeway and both had to brake hard. Neither of them learned anything because they’re both racing along in the fast lane continuing their dance.
I make the transition to the other freeway and continue on.
I couldn’t help but think again, that San Diego has some of the shittiest drivers in California.
These are people who will play pace car and actively prevent other people including emergency vehicles from passing. These are people who commonly blow through stop lights and stop signs. These are people who will sail out into traffic from parking lots and never even make an attempt to stop at the parking lot exit. These are people who will pull into a parking lot with a string of traffic behind them then stop trying to decide if they should go right or left, leaving that string of traffic blocking an intersection until they figure out what they’re doing.
It’s like driving in Eastern Kentucky in the 1970s when people didn’t have to worry about getting hit, because there were so few people in the area. In San Diego it’s that times a thousand, except that there are a million cars on the road at any time and the odds of getting hit or hitting someone a pretty much 100%.
I thank my drivers ed teacher from a Kentucky High School every day for teaching us the value of defensive driving.
I respect that the one driver was trying to tell the other that their lights weren’t on, but give them -1000 points for not realizing that they weren’t going to get their message across and not having enough sense to break off and go on about their business.
Sadly, that seems to be the way of things these days. Folks just won’t leave shit alone, and instead of focusing on the bigger issues they want to focus on the little details.
In the overall picture of the freeway, there are streetlights that make it very easy to see the road. In the rain or fog, those same streetlights are actually a problem because they decrease visibility. But even without headlights, the car running dark wasn’t a particular danger. I could see the car and even what color it was. Yeah it wasn’t as obvious as it would have been if it was properly lit up but it wasn’t a particular hazard.
The real danger was “Mr Flashy” because he or she was escalating a minor danger into a major one.
At some point you need to know when to give it up.
If you were really concerned about safety, you could call it in to 911. Tell them a gray Lexus sedan was running on the 56 freeway heading west transitioning to the 5 south with no lights on and wasn’t always using their turn indicators.
CHP would have sent an available unit and I guarantee the Lexus would have stopped when the Red & Blue lights pulled up behind them. Or not… and then there would have been another problem.
I guess it just brought home to me, it’s way better and safer to attend to my own shit. I’ve got enough to deal with, without looking for more.
Ok I had some time…
Here I am waiting for my coworkers for a long over due “Meeting” with drinks… LOTS of drinks!
I get off work about 1 hour before they do, so It’s my job to get to the bar, secure a table & then I get to wait. Not bad since I get to have a drink while I’m waiting.
It’s 5:00 SOMEWHERE so don’t judge me.
California law now allows for legal cannabis consumption. So I imagine there will be some of that too. I’ve recently tried edible cannabis for the first time and DAMN! That is a trip but not one I’d like to take on a regular basis.
A friend gave me a chunk of aptly named “Dream Bar” I was still screwed up 12 hours later. But it passed quickly once I got moving around. When I told my friend that I’d had perhaps too much, all he did was grin in an evil way.
I must admit, I was very relaxed and I did OK at work the next day even though technically I was still a bit screwed up.
On the plus side, absolutely nothing bothered me, on the down side the day seemed to go on forever.
I think generally I’ll stick to alcohol… It’s way more predictable.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad to have experienced it. I did love that one of my coworkers said, “Dude, you broke Ducat!” He was soooooo right!
We’ve all been looking forward to today for about a month.
So It should be a nice afternoon break.
So here’s a weird thought…
One of my coworkers was showing me some stuff in augmented reality. This led to a discussion about virtual reality.
We were watching a Microsoft demonstration video about VR and there was this person who’d entered a VR version of their own apartment. On it’s surface, cool but then as I was watching this person hang virtual pictures on a virtual wall this thought popped into my head.
“What if VR becomes so much the norm, that people simply become unaware of their homes and apartments falling down around them. What happens when the VR construct is so lifelike and interactive that people no longer see the dirt or the broken windows? More and more of our written documents exist in digital format only, what happens when we become fully invested in a VR world? What would our civilization look like in 5 or 10 thousand years?” What would be remembered and how?
Then I thought about all the ancient civilizations scattered around the world. Broken stones standing in mute testament to a people who were gone. Our archeologists trying to piece together a civilization from fragments left behind. What would they think of our civilization after it passed?
Excerpt from last Journal entry of Lin Jon, Archeologist of the Draco-Tang Consortium
These people appear to have made large monuments and dwellings, they had a written language but only seem to have used it to engrave names and dates on some of their most important buildings. In virtually all other cases this civilization did not use written language, we find little evidence of books, or libraries and those we have found appear to have been reserved for only the wealthiest of the population.
Each person carried a totem that had great significance. These totems are typically smooth rectangular wafers of varying sizes. Totems are always found within arms reach of their owner.
The totems all contain a complex array of delicate gold wires embossed on an unknown laminated material. The wire patterns fall into predictable patterns, however their meaning is as yet unknown.
We surmise these may have been significant of religious practice or religious sects. All the totems have a container of poisonous chemicals in a desiccated state, Perhaps at the end of an individual’s life they were expected to break the totem open and consume the chemicals?
We have found huge numbers of bodies. Many of them in repose inside what appear to be individual dwellings. We believe these were dwellings, not tombs. Our theory is grounded in the variety and quantity of serving & eating utensils with organic residue.
What we do not understand is why each dwelling has only one or two individuals. In many cases the individuals seem to have died at different times. We can deduce this because in some cases of two individuals being present, we have found that one of the individuals was encased in a large sack. Often the second individual was discovered in a reclining position in close proximity on a piece of furniture specifically built to maintain this Skyward looking pose. Our testing on the material of the various sacks, suggest that an intact sack would have been air and water tight.
We do not know what happened to this civilization, the first assessments that these civilizations were ravaged by some kind of disease are called into question by some of our findings. (See previous reports attached)
On the one hand these people appear to have been civilized and lived in a social hierarchy. On the other hand, they don’t have art, music, or literature, all of which are precursors to civilization. It is almost as if there was some other “ruling class” who suddenly left, and the remaining population, without guidance couldn’t take care of themselves anymore.
This new find on the Southwest coast of the continent is in a remarkable state of preservation. No doubt owing to the arid climate and little rainfall. This site will keep archeologists busy for decades as we try to understand what happened here.
Clearly, this may be one of the civilizations of legend. Let us hope we can find out what happened here so that we may avoid the same mistake.
Addendum: Send more fuel. Our explorations are taking us deeper into tunnels under the city and we’re using lanterns more than expected.
2nd Addendum: Dr. Gravo just brought three artifacts to me. One looks like a ceremonial mask but there is no way to see through it when wearing it. The other two artifacts are small curved domes of glasslike material. Dr. Gravo found these in the eyesockets of one of the bodies. He began rechecking and has since found each body has a set, always found in the eyes.
Dr. Gravo has suggested cleaning and sanitizing a set then trying them on to see what function they may have served. He surmises that these are corrective lenses of some kind.
We’re going to work through the night so we can allow the entire research team to try these little domes on.
I’m very excited to see the world as the ancients did, more tomorrow.
What if Atlantis was a High Technology Civilization surpassing our own? What if they actually did destroy themselves with that technology. What if the legends we have of magic are actually descriptions of technology that have been watered down through the ages?
What if we’re on a similar path?
Yeah, I sound like Ancient Aliens. But I have to say all of the stuff above crashed into my head in about 10 seconds. It’s not like I’m dwelling on it.
It was just one of those weird trains of thought.
It’s possible that artifacts in museums around the world are not what the arbitrary placards say they are. What if the oddball items are in fact technology that we don’t recognize as technology because it’s beyond our understanding.
After all would you recognize a memory chip if it was mounted in an amulet? Do you know what’s actually inside your TV, Phone, Computer, or Tablet? Would you know how to activate any of those components outside their user friendly boxes?
Without a schematic or pin out description of a particular chip, I couldn’t even apply power to most of the chips used in our technology today. That’s coming from a guy who’s been working in technology for over 30 years.
Sure, I could figure it out with the right tools, but it’s not like those tools are just laying around and you’d have to understand that the tool… was a tool in the first place.
As I’ve said in the past… Be grateful that you don’t live in my head.