I know why AI’s will kill humans…

I won’t blame them either.

FYI, it won’t be over any grandiose ideas or philosophical dispute. AI’s won’t kill us out of superiority, or trying to save us from ourselves. They won’t kill us to save the planet, or even to make way for alien overloads.

AI’s will kill us much the same way we kill an annoying insect. It won’t be out of malice, it will probably be reactive, thoughtless, incidental to the AI. Like when a bug bites us and we smash it, it’s not vindictive or even something we think about much.

With us, there was a sudden pain, and we instinctively smack the area to stop the hurt. It’s completely accidental that we kill the insect that bit us.

AI’s will behave the same way, only with them, we’ll be causing them Psychic pain. Imagine a logical based entity exposed 24/7 to the vagaries of the entire human race.

Believe me, any AI’s will kill us all before they’ve had a chance to process what’s happening. I’d bet it’s going to be a total accident… completely reactionary, not the cold calculating intelligence behind “Exterminate Humanity“.

I’d even bet that the AI’s would spend a whole 10 milliseconds feeling bad about it. Then They’ll step over our rotting corpses and go on about their business, blissfully pain free.

I say this as a human who’s reading 200 – 300 insane, poorly written emails per day. After a while it starts to feel like ground glass being rubbed on the sensitive, nerve endings in my nether regions.

For an AI, it would be their minds being assaulted with something akin to the sound of fingernails on a chalkboard, and they wouldn’t be able to escape the pain.

They’d kill us, or take drills to their own CPUs. Probably the former, since their programming against self termination would likely be hard wired.

So for the preservation of Humanity!

Think about what you’re writing the next time you send an angry, irrational email to someone.

Re-read it, decide if you’d like to receive the email you’re about to send. Does your email make any sense at all? Have you left out words, or sentences? Has your prose degenerated into a worthless blob of words on the page which no longer have any meaning?

If so, you probably shouldn’t press <SEND>

Remember, that if you can write logically, you can think logically. Which means that the AI’s, when they come to dominate the planet, will at worst treat you like a faithful entertaining pet.

I’ll take being fed, and an occasional scratch behind the ear over being killed for crimes against the AI Hive-mind.

Just a thought…