If this doesn’t get politicians attention, nothing will.

Eric Cantor, of all people has been defeated in the VA primary.



There are a lot of people that wouldn’t really care. I personally was shocked to see it happen.

Cantor is a very conservative republican. Some thought he was next in line to take John Boehner’s position.

The take away in my less than humble opinion is that no-one in congress is safe. I suspect that the men and women who have actually been doing their jobs will likely be safe from the growing anti-incumbent movement. but all the rest of congress who have been going along to just get along…

They’d better watch out.

It’s entirely possible that both Democrats and Republicans are going to find themselves clearing out their offices.

Personally I think it’s a great thing.


I’ve long believed that we the people needed to crack the whip over the heads of congress, to remind them who was really supposed to be in charge.

I’d personally love to see Pelosi, Reid, Boxer, Feinstein, and Cummings out, and some new blood installed in their place.

Yeah, I know those are all Democrats, I don’t even care if new Democrats are put in their place I just want these folks out of office because time and again they’ve demonstrated a special contempt for average American People.

They’ve all been in office too long and have become steeped in Washington Politics. They serve the interests of their party, their donors, or themselves, they’ve forgotten that they’re supposed to serve We The People. I Strongly suspect that they’ve forgotten that they too are part of We The People, having been in elitist positions for so long.

The pundits and wags are still trying to figure out why Cantor lost. The analysis will no doubt take some time. I rather suspect it was over the immigration bill.

It’s not that Americans don’t appreciate immigrants, but Americans have a particular disdain for cheats. After all the folks crossing the border without permission are in fact cheating the system. They’re cutting in line, in front of those good folks that are trying to come to America with cash in their pockets, great ideas, and who have been waiting in the  line patiently, sometimes for years.

As a people we don’t like cheating. Cantor’s support of the amnesty bill (and that is what the bill is, amnesty) probably didn’t set well with the fine hardworking folks in VA. 

In this age of Obama, where at every turn it seems the President is breaking the law, it might just have NewImage een that the people decided ‘’No More”. The folks in VA expressed their general opinion of lawbreakers at the same time they expressed their distrust of a conservative Republican that suddenly started championing a system that in effect rewarded lawbreakers.

For the VA voters, it was a two-fer. They put the fear of god in their Senators, and Congressmen in Washington and  they got rid of someone that they didn’t feel was representing their interests.

I’d imagine this morning all over Virginia, there are Mayors, Council members, and County commissioners who are all wondering just how safe their jobs are.

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