Spaghetti, Not the food.

IMG 0063

Why is it no matter how much I clean my desk I always have a rats nest of cables?

Have you ever noticed where computers are wires follow?

All these wires and cables have a function and they’re used at least every other day.

Then you add the wires for the HAM radio… And this is a small little thing and yet, More wires… It’s a radio! you know, the English used to call them Wireless sets so what gives?

Then add the myriad of cables for connecting this widget or that one to my computer and it all turns into a rats nest pretty darn quick.

I’ve been looking for solutions.

What I really want is a thunderbolt hub with about 6 USB 3.0 ports and at least 2 thunderbolt outputs.That would give me a ONE cable solution to plug in to the computer and I’d be able to route all the cables to a point under the desk out of sight. The closest thing I’ve found that would do What I want is $329. Wow! It’s very nice, but still a little rich for my blood.

For $329, I’ll keep sorting through the cables and complaining about it. Maybe If I complain a lot… I’ll get it for Christmas!

Yeah, now there’s a plan.

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