Puppy Spa Day


Early start for me this morning.

A cup of coffee then load the pups into the truck & take them to the groomer.

They enjoy it and come back all fluffy, trimmed claws,  and nice smelling. The elder of the two, will have to be treated with some care. He’s had some medical issues recently and I’ll have to make sure that the groomer knows about it.

I’m always amazed that at least one of them manages to put their full 80lbs on a bare foot, usually with a claw digging into my arch every so nicely.

While the dogs are occupied, I’m going to head up to a mountain and take some photos it’s a pretty morning up here.

I guess I should figure out if there are any new fires burning that will impact my day. 

Uggh that means turning on the news & hoping that there isn’t some tragedy of greater importance pre-empting local coverage.

The dogs are having a blast on the deck. 

Baby hummingbirds have taken flight this morning. I can hear them but can’t clearly see them the dogs are going to break their ears trying to keep up with sound. 

Baby humming birds make this weird sound. It’s like a machine sound, reminds me of metal on metal. It’s most pronounced during their first flights.

The only thing I can come up with is that their flight feathers and wings are smaller and they’re playing and diving more relying on their tail feathers to stop. The sound is very distinctive

Sitting at the Car Dealer

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Today has already been an eventful day.

I’ve had a nice drive down the hill with the top down. Traffic was as always a bitch mainly because of dumb ass driving. But until I got to the North end of San Bernardino I was having some serious fun.

Then of course there was an accident and the inevitable bullshit of everyone trying to fuck everyone else over just to get one stinking car length ahead.

I let them, I’m over the whole fuck everyone attitude. I used to actively try to prevent the assholes from getting their way, It was a matter of principle. But there are so many who play “Gotta get one car ahead” that It’s just not worth it anymore. I mean really, if it’s that important for you to sit right behind a gravel truck who’s dropping rocks and gravel on the front of your car… More power to you!

I noticed last year that that kind of behavior wasn’t all that common outside California. I don’t know if it was an aberration of the year or if that’s the norm. I’m hoping to take another trip in the near future to test the theory.

I’m sitting at the dealership while they replace some parts due to a recall. The recall isn’t going to cost me but the car seems to have known we were going to the dealership and decided to ask for more service. Fine… Now that it’s paid off I don’t mind spending a little money now and again on it.

It’s just too damn much fun to drive!

We’ve had Alarm follies today too.

The other half somehow managed to trigger a panic alarm. This results in an automatic police response. I wasn’t home at the time and when the alarm company called I couldn’t answer the phone. I tried, but the connection dropped the moment I answered.

I spent some time on the phone with the alarms company’s “Genuine People Personality Computer” God I hate those things! I just needed a person riki tic. Of course the system had to try to help me even after it understood that I needed a human being.

I still don’t know if the police showed up at the house or not. I tried to cancel them but I don’t know if I was successful or not.

Yet another time when I’ll have to ask the partner what happened. I swear I’ll get a call about the least little thing, but the major stuff? No word at all, It’s silent as a tomb.

Oh well…

Once I’m out of the Dealership I’ll read the news. Their WiFI is busted, and for that matter so are their hardlines in their “Customer Business Center”

I suppose I could start hacking… Just don’t know if it’s worth my time.

Who knows, maybe being out of the news cycle for a few more days will be a good thing.

Of course I’d hate to miss the latest scandal!

Well then, Here it is.


5 years ago an event which changed my life happened.

My house burnt down.

As life changing as that was, on this anniversary there was some question in my mind as to what the actual date was. I take that as a good sign, or perhaps as a sign that I’m getting Alzheimer’s. It’s said that often the 5th anniversary of a negative event hits hard. 

As I have my first cup of coffee this morning I’m in a pretty good space. 

I’m still reaching for tools and other things that aren’t there anymore. But it happens less & less frequently. This house no longer feels like something is “Off”.

Hindsight being 20/20 I wish I hadn’t rebuilt the house on the same floor plan as the original. Yes I made some changes but those changes only made the rebuild feel strange sometimes.

I’d have been better served going with a completely different floor plan. But those are choices I made then and I’m not going to second guess them now. 

We do the best we can and move on. Dwelling in the past, or  carrying anger or old hurts doesn’t do anything for you in the present and colors your future. 

I note this anniversary simply because I’ve noted the previous years. It’s a habit and seems to serve as a touchstone for where my head is at.

I’m OK. I could be a little richer, I could be a little poorer. But I’m still kicking which is always a good thing.

Jobs in my field are pretty much non-existent here. Contrary to the happy news that the media keeps floating about economic recovery.

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I’m looking into alternatives to my former work and hope that I can pull something together damn quick.

I’m actually somewhat optimistic and ready to go back to work. 

Remember carrying anger, and hurt?

I’m getting to the point that I think I’m beyond it at least regarding employment.

Problem is that at my age (And this was true when I got laid off)  Few firms want to hire me and fewer HR departments will even talk to me. Yes it’s agism, it’s illegal, and there’s not a damn thing I can do about it.  Moving On…

That’s another blog post for another time.

For Today I’m content to take it easy and see where the day takes me.

Ahhh Bliss…


I turned off Twitter, the TV, and am not reading or looking at any “News” sources.

After watching President Obamas brief speech this morning I simply couldn’t take any more.

The silence has been very nice. The more I’ve heard over the past week the madder I’ve gotten. After a couple of hours of peace & quiet I’m feeling much better.

I have been thinking it’s funny that the tin foil hat wearing crowd may have been vindicated!


I’ve also been enjoying the thought that the most rabid of the Democrats must be twitching in apoplectic fits that their “Savior” seems to be at the center of a maelstrom of  scandals.

Somehow thinking of those Democrats (including one who told me I was a moron in my own home after accepting my hospitality) drinking themselves into a stupor over all of this, is somewhat satisfying.

Make no mistake. 


The last Republican administration wasn’t any better. 

But the haughty arrogance that so many of the Democratic representatives have exhibited and that their rabid constituents have leveled directly at people like me, is deserving of a humbling.

More often than not I happen to agree with the Republican stance on issues.

I don’t agree with the Republicans about DOMA, and didn’t agree with them about DADT. I have a serious problem with the ultra fundamentalists injecting God into the government and then being shown as hypocrites when they’re caught with their pants down porking or being porked by some sweet young congressional page. I’d love to tell the hypocritical Republicans that Defense of Marriage starts at home. If they can’t live up to their vows, then how can they possibly be defenders of the institution.


I most often don’t agree with the Democrats, about anything. I don’t think endless government agencies and intervention is the way. I don’t think that outrageous spending is going to help do much of anything except put our country further into debt.

But I work pretty hard to see both sides of an issue. 


I can honestly say I’ve never told someone I disagreed with on twitter “Fuck off”, “I hope you get cancer”, “I hope you get shot”, “I’m sure that the natural disaster that has leveled your town is karmic payback for your beliefs.”, “Gee you seem like you want to learn perhaps you should go to a real school and learn the right information.” 

All of these curses/comments have been leveled at me for no other reason than I didn’t agree with the Democratic perspective. Or I committed the horrific affront of asking for facts. Just because I don’t drink the Democratic Kool-Aid doesn’t mean I’ve been smoking the Republican bong.

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What I really want is that simplest most elusive of Human states. Freedom!

I want to be free from religion, interference, hatred, hostility, and rhetoric.

I want to marry who I want to, and be left the hell alone to live my life MY WAY without 10,000 busybodies telling me that I’m wrong or trying to control every moment of my existence.

What I want is to tell Washington, and Sacramento;

You’re not living my life, I am. You don’t have a fucking clue about what’s best for me so let me marry the consenting adult of my choice, get your hands out of my pocket, your regulations out of my face and keep your noses out of my business.

And one more thing Government… 

I look at our relationship as a contract. One that you’ve not delivered on… If I were to have broken a contract as thoroughly and intentionally as you have, I’d be in jail.

Time for you Government, to realize you’re not above the law, you’re as bound by it as I am. 

So Start acting like it!

Dang! This is amazing to me.

There’s a lot of people who are obviously upset about the scandals keeping the Obama staff up at night.

I stumbled across these pieces yesterday and I was honestly gobsmacked. (I love the British… some of their terms are so colorful.)

The first piece I found was this one from Representative Jim Bridenstine

The next piece was from Mike Kelly

The last piece is Paul Ryan rebutting comments made by McDermott that implied the victims of the IRS targeting were somehow deserving of IRS abuse.

Honestly, I haven’t seen a President disparaged on the house floor since Nixon. I don’t remember if Clinton ever had anything so directly said against him during his hearings.

As to the IRS Scandal I honestly can’t believe what I’m hearing.

This is not a partisan issue. That the IRS has been implicated in this kind of corruption is frightening to the American people.

It should have the members of both parties quaking in their boots. After all what happens when the Republicans are in control? Payback is a bitch and the Republican party has a lot of axes to grind with the Democrats.

Instead of sniping at each other, and instead of the Democrats apparently circling the wagons concerning themselves only with this Presidency they should be hopping mad at being forced into this awkward position in the first place.

Both parties should be demanding that heads roll from the top to the bottom of the IRS. They should be working together to ferret out the corruption no matter where it leads.

Oh I’m not deluding myself, they wouldn’t be extinguishing corruption for reasons of Country, Oaths of Office, or The People. No they would be hunting down the corruption for no purpose other than enlightened self interest.

Whoever started this mess was sloppy. That can’t be tolerated… It hurts the Members of Congress chances at re-election. Heads on platters from the White House Staff, on the other hand would play very nicely in the 2014 & 2016 election cycle.

Cynical? Hell Yes! Plausible? Pragmatic? Expedient? Yes, Yes, & Yes!

The saddest part is that the members of Congress are so short sighted that they can’t see it. Given that shortsightedness can we really rely upon them to run this country?

Sorry, but in my book the answer is Nope.