Puppy Spa Day


Early start for me this morning.

A cup of coffee then load the pups into the truck & take them to the groomer.

They enjoy it and come back all fluffy, trimmed claws,  and nice smelling. The elder of the two, will have to be treated with some care. He’s had some medical issues recently and I’ll have to make sure that the groomer knows about it.

I’m always amazed that at least one of them manages to put their full 80lbs on a bare foot, usually with a claw digging into my arch every so nicely.

While the dogs are occupied, I’m going to head up to a mountain and take some photos it’s a pretty morning up here.

I guess I should figure out if there are any new fires burning that will impact my day. 

Uggh that means turning on the news & hoping that there isn’t some tragedy of greater importance pre-empting local coverage.

The dogs are having a blast on the deck. 

Baby hummingbirds have taken flight this morning. I can hear them but can’t clearly see them the dogs are going to break their ears trying to keep up with sound. 

Baby humming birds make this weird sound. It’s like a machine sound, reminds me of metal on metal. It’s most pronounced during their first flights.

The only thing I can come up with is that their flight feathers and wings are smaller and they’re playing and diving more relying on their tail feathers to stop. The sound is very distinctive

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