The halls are decked

The tree is upIMAG0297, the house is mostly ready for a family visit. 

I’ve been threatening to shave the dogs, because they’re shedding continuously. I’m running the vacuum daily, sometimes twice a day.

It’s not their fault, it’s the weather. For example, yesterday and today it’s been 40. Last week it was in the 20s, the week before that started in the 50s.

The dogs can’t figure out which wardrobe they’re supposed to be wearing but they’re trying to keep up. 

More chores to do, then I prep for cooking Christmas dinner. 

I’m looking forward to being a couch potato on Christmas evening and watching some movies on DVD.

We’ve survived the Mayan apocalypse, we’ll survive the madness of the holiday season and then the country drops off the fiscal cliff.

Merry Christmas from your representatives in Washington DC.

I’m not going to care… I’m going to be entertained by fantasy on my big screen TV.

I’m thinking Star Wars!!!

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night! 

I’m off to make cookies.

I think she’s going have her college degree paid for….

I noticed that this case was proceeding.


This Article is short.

Essentially a high school girl wore a Romney / Ryan T-shirt to class. It’s alleged that her teacher told her to leave the room and that wearing that T-Shirt was akin to wearing a KKK outfit. (Neither of which is banned in America, if I recall both are still protected by the first amendment.).

A KKK outfit? Really? Had I been a student in that school I’d have shown up the next day in a Nazi Uniform. With the added touch of putting an Obama / Democratic Party logo below the swastika. At least then I’d have been sent home for just cause. I’m assuming that the school has some kind of dress code that precludes something as blatant as a Nazi uniform.

The teacher went on to say that the school was Democratic.

Clearly the teacher forgot the other definitions of  democratic.

Websters says

1) “of, relating to, or favoring democracy”.

2) “often capitalized: of or relating to on of the two major political parties in the United States evolving in the early 19th century from the anti-federalists and the Democratic-Republican party and associated in modern times with policies of broad social reform and internationalism.”

3) “relating to, appealing to, or available to the broad masses of the people”

4) “favoring equality: not snobbish”

Yes I know that the teacher was speaking about the party… But I’ve noticed recently that the average members of the Democratic party… the citizens claiming to be Democrats often don’t practice what they preach.

The school and the teacher are being taken to court for violation of the girls first amendment rights. But the young lady has since transferred to a different school and was apparently threatened by other students due to the teachers action.

I’m ambivalent about the lawsuit thing.

I wouldn’t mind seeing the teacher punished.

Not because they expressed their opinion. But because they in one moment destroyed the concept that everyone has a right to speak their mind. The teacher used their power in the classroom to create a mob mentality. Us vs. THEM!

The teacher instituted a CLASS distinction. They created a situation where clearly the ruling class (We’re Democrats) had the ability to oppress anyone that disagreed with them.

The oppression came in this case in the form of the young lady being sent home from school. And subsequently when she was threatened by her peers.

In our society we must listen to differing opinions. It’s our duty to protect the rights of people to speak their mind. EVEN if we ourselves disagree vehemently with their position.

An interesting piece about mass shootings

This piece is in my opinion well written and thoughtful


The author makes several good points about mass shootings and doesn’t engage in the rhetoric.

I don’t know how accurate his information is but I think his points are worth noting.

For the record, I’m not for assault weapon bans nor am I for additional gun control.

I’m honestly not sure what actions would make a difference in making schools in particular and our world in general safer.

The public schools I went to as a child were all open.

In the morning and at the end of the day we students came onto the grounds on our bicycles and on foot from all directions and we felt safe. It never occurred to us that there was any danger except crossing the street.

Of course, in point of fact… there wasn’t any danger. We’d all avoid strangers and none of us were kidnapped. Our neighborhoods were essentially safe, and our neighbors kept an eye on the kids going to and from school.

I’m personally disturbed by schools today that look like prisons. 


What’s changed?

A friend and I were discussing this subject the other day. As we all know I’m opinionated and my friend patiently listened to my theory.

I think that the problem is manyfold. With the primary issues being;

1) We have pussified our male children

2) As part of that enforced PC thou shall not fight, we’ve created a situation where our young people don’t understand the consequences of violence. 

3) Life isn’t a video game, you don’t get to ‘respawn”, which is not to say video games are at fault.

What I’m saying is that if all the violence a person knows is in the context of a video game then they’re obviously going to have a skewed idea about violence.

Now let me briefly, defend my points

Children have pecking orders. Just like Wolves, Chimps, and the Great Apes. Those pecking orders are established and defined often by shoving, pushing, biting, and in the case of Chimps and Great Apes outright fighting to demonstrate dominance.

I believe this is completely normal and shouldn’t be interfered with. The adults in the species that I’ve sited observe and interfere only when it becomes apparent that someone is going to get seriously hurt.


The winners, losers, AND the other young observing the fight for dominance all learn something.

Violence up to a point is OK as long as no-one is permanently injured.

In my personal case, I saw many fights at school. I participated in quite a few of them. In the case of the humans we learned a few lessons. 

1) Fighting hurts.

As we got older, we began to make choices about what was worth fighting over.

2) Choose your battles carefully.

3) Peace and discussing the problem is always preferable to fighting.

As I entered high school, fights were moderated by the Phys Ed coaches. They took on the role of referee. These Men made sure that there was no hitting or kicking below the belt.

They made sure that neither party got too badly banged up and when it was obvious that one party had surrendered, they made sure that the fight came to an end and both parties shook hands and acknowledged that IT was over.

The lessons that I learned then have been invaluable throughout my life.

In my fights, win lose or draw I learned that I was capable of defending myself. I developed confidence and became more self assured. 

I knew, I could take an issue to one of those coaches… Those Men and that they’d arrange for someone I was having a problem with, and me to sit down and decide how we’d proceed. 

I knew that I was becoming a good citizen and that I was gaining the respect of those Men when I was able to talk out an issue with another guy without resorting to fighting.

I learned that consequences follow your decisions and being injured was a possible consequence of improper behavior.

I believe today, that we’ve demonized being male and cut masculinity out of the equation so much that males never get an opportunity to connect the dots between violence and the consequences.

There is NOTHING as powerful as the moment when you’re standing over your defeated opponent.

Yeah you taste your blood because he got off a good shot to your face.

But standing over your opponent savoring the adrenaline rush and your victory, you learn something else too.

You learn that your physical power can be dangerous.

If you have an iota of conscience you also have pity and compassion for that person lying on the ground.

Because at some point in your young life, you’ve been that person too.

That’s the moment you learn that peace is always a preferable choice to war.

That’s also when you look directly into the eyes of one of the coaches and your newfound knowledge is reflected in their eyes. It’s that moment that they accept you into manhood.

That was a very powerful and transformative experience for me and many of my friends. 

Perhaps part of our problem is that we no longer allow any rites of passage.

I’m not a fan of fighting… but I’m also not a fan of the emasculation that’s so prevalent in our society either.

I’d suggest that we start allowing the schoolyard fist fights. I have many memories of sitting in the chair outside the principals office waiting for judgement. 

Those lessons about consequences were as valuable as anything else I learned in school.

Well we’re still here.

NewImageI guess it really was a case of the Mayan artisans running out of space on the stone.

Either We’re still here or I woke up dead this morning and haven’t really noticed.

I am of course watching for signs of reality failing you know… Like in The Matrix.

Thus far gravity and physics all appear to be in order.

I have noticed that people are perhaps a bit nicer today… Maybe it’s the relief that nothing happened. They’ll return to their nasty selves once the relief has worn off.

I did have the nicest little moment this morning.

Unfortunately I didn’t have my camera or phone with me to capture it.

I was standing out on the front deck sort of enjoying the world when a young coyote came trotting up the street. By nature these critters are very skittish and you don’t often get an opportunity to just watch them.

This guy didn’t know I was there and I froze silently waiting to see what he was going to do.

The coyote was beautiful, obviously young and I really enjoyed watching it paw at the snow and sniff the air. At first I didn’t understand what it was doing then I realized it was eating the snow so that it could get a drink. Makes sense because it’s been bitterly cold here and most standing sources of water are frozen.

I couldn’t tell but the coyote seemed almost lost. It was sniffing the air and would start to walk then catch scent of something new. It would investigate and then move on. After a short trip up the road it turned around and walked back in front of me again.

Then it turned and went up the main road, crossing toward the mountain. 


I couldn’t help but appreciate the beauty of the animal and while I know some people call them a nuisance I can’t get past the feeling that they have every much right to be here as I do.

I’m grateful that I got to have a few minutes of that special peace that I feel when I’m watching something wild and beautiful.

I hope the little coyote found his pack again. 

Paraprosdokian Of the Week

A Friend sent me a list of these. I thought it would be fun to share them.

Paraprosdokians are phrases or sentences that lead us down the garden path to an unexpected ending.

Hospitality: making your guests feel like they’re at home, even if you wish they were.