The halls are decked

The tree is upIMAG0297, the house is mostly ready for a family visit. 

I’ve been threatening to shave the dogs, because they’re shedding continuously. I’m running the vacuum daily, sometimes twice a day.

It’s not their fault, it’s the weather. For example, yesterday and today it’s been 40. Last week it was in the 20s, the week before that started in the 50s.

The dogs can’t figure out which wardrobe they’re supposed to be wearing but they’re trying to keep up. 

More chores to do, then I prep for cooking Christmas dinner. 

I’m looking forward to being a couch potato on Christmas evening and watching some movies on DVD.

We’ve survived the Mayan apocalypse, we’ll survive the madness of the holiday season and then the country drops off the fiscal cliff.

Merry Christmas from your representatives in Washington DC.

I’m not going to care… I’m going to be entertained by fantasy on my big screen TV.

I’m thinking Star Wars!!!

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night! 

I’m off to make cookies.

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