Blank Pages

There Blankpageyou are my nemesis.

You mock me with your blankness.

Is your blankness a reflection of what’s in my mind?

Featureless and smooth an ephemeral phantom of real paper.

You ghostly simulation of what once had form, texture, smell, and which would take my words by soaking up the ink with which I wrote them, forcing me to choose my words carefully and with purpose.

The smell of white-out permeated the room when I chose poorly, announcing to all that I had made a mistake.

You were my blank nemesis then too. But I could touch you, tear you, crumple you and discard you with satisfaction. Knowing that I had lost the battle of words but could still snatch victory from defeat by destroying you completely.

Your blankness now is nothing more than a dance of electrons through a backlit gel. My ink is composed of the same electrons and is just as fleeting. No-one knows of the errors, the poor word choices or indeed my identity at all unless I will it.

There is no satisfaction is deleting you, or turning off the device within which you abide.

You’re ever present silent mocking still confounds me each morning.

I fear that one day you will not be blank, that one day all my mistakes will somehow fill your blankness and then all will see the typos, poor word choices and run-on sentences that I’ve carefully expunged for years.

Apparently that day is not today.

There you appear in all your blank glory, patiently waiting for me to pen something…

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