I’ve been thinking about this for a while…

I’m pretty conservative, albeit some of my previous posts may not reflect that.


I frankly can’t listen to more than about 30 seconds of OutQ on SiriusXM.I’ve also begun to weary of the Ultra Liberal gay “mainstream” media.

As I’ve previously stated It’s rare that I agree with Joe My God, or Dan Savage… As to Perez Hilton… All I can say is NO!

These bloggers don’t reflect the rest of us. By that I mean the GLBT folks who aren’t into all things GAY. 

There are a lot of other folks that live their lives, do their jobs, and build homes with their significant others without being all about entitlement, or the Democratic party.

They’re the people that don’t feel it’s appropriate to submit to the jack-booted tactics that so many of the GLBT brethren use to keep them, and the straight world at large “in line”… which in this case means silent.

I started wondering who speaks for those of folks that choose to live out of the Urban Meccas of so called gay culture, and who don’t like the concept of an entitlement rich society. Or who may not agree with the likes of the HRC or GLAAD.

I’ve decided that perhaps I could be a voice on the more conservative side of the equation.

To that end let me throw the following ideas at you.

The Republican Party is not, by definition SATAN.

Members of the Republican Party are not always capitalist pigs bent on the destruction of the planet.

Religion is not always automatically bad.

Guns are not evil… they are tools, nothing more. The 2nd amendment must be protected, and responsible gun ownership should be encouraged and as simple as putting a credit card on a gun shop counter.

Someone who doesn’t financially support, or who may in fact speak poorly of the HRC,  EQCA, GLAAD or whatever other organization isn’t a traitor to the cause or an “Uncle Tom”

Not all of us can be artists, rock stars, actors, or “wealthy beyond the dreams of avarice”. It’s not a sin to work hard to derive, and enjoy nice cars, homes, or other material goods from that labor.

The wealthy, should not be expected to suffer disproportionate and unfair tax increases that specifically target them.

War is not always wrong… (the current wars notwithstanding)

Ever increasing Taxes are not the answer to all problems.

Expensive Social programs designed exclusively for “The Poor” are inherently unfair.

It’s not a crime or racist to desire securing our country’s borders. (It’s irrelevant that 200 years ago this land was settled by people of X ethnic origin. By that logic the peoples of the Lakota nation should have the Great Plains and Midwest returned to them. Currently, the United States is owned and occupied by its CITIZENS, deal with it!)

A national healthcare system that increases our national debt by trillions of dollars is nothing short of irresponsible. Fighting such a system is, ultimately in the best interest of the nation.Desiring to institute a single national language is NOT racist

President Obama… Is NOT the second coming, nor are he and his programs in the best interest of this country at this time. (President Obama is not however solely responsible for the problems our country faces.)

Environmental protection should be factored into any equation, however Human needs (food, clothing, power) should always be considered first. Carbon credits are nothing more than a method to collect additional taxes and will force corporations to manufacture their goods in unregulated third world nations. This is bad for our national economy and ultimately bad for the world at large.

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