
As you may have noticed, I’ve been sporadic in writing lately.

Nothing personal, Just that 1) I haven’t had all that much to say and 2) I’m having a really tough time focusing.


After the 6th day in a row where I wasn’t able to sit down and write anything.

I shredded a manuscript that I’d been working on, and that quite frankly I was sick and tired of looking at sitting on my desk

No need to worry, the digital copy is safe, and there’s even another hard copy offsite. 

Literally every single time I’d sat down to do anything with the manuscript or it’s associated datafile I’d been interrupted.

What little concentration I had was shattered usually for the rest of the day, so that even if I had the discipline to come back to the writing I wasn’t able to return to the frame of mind needed to put my thoughts on paper.

Here I am in the quiet of the early morning trying to get my eyes to focus properly and voilà I’m able to  put thought to paper. It’s amazing what silence and a cup of coffee can do.

The shredding of the manuscript was cathartic. I felt like I was at least making progress at something. Even if that progress was in the destruction of a burdensome brick of paper that no one in this household respected.

Now I have several decisions to make. 

How do I define that I absolutely need a boundary when I’m writing?

Do I want to continue trying to finish a book or should I let it go?

Do I have enough time and money to finish the first book before I absolutely must return to the hell of a thousand pricks called Corporate America?

I don’t have any answer to these questions yet. 

I do know that either I must make a decision… or time passing will make that decision for me.

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