I woke up wet…


No! Nothing like Homer Simpsons recent urinary problems due to guilt.

I’ve picked up another nasty cold. This is the second one in 8 weeks. On the up side… Supposedly you can only catch 600 colds in your life so I guess I’ve only got 598 to go. On the down side I’M Fucking miserable and easily go from mostly OK to being a bastard in a matter of minutes.

This one started on Friday morning as a slight tickle in the back of my throat. Within hours it was a constant burning then came the coughing and sniffles.

A particularly fun torture of this cold is that if I”m sitting or standing I’m coughing violently. If I’m laying down I’m not coughing but I can’t breath because my sinuses wad up.

To add a special Joy it’s been snowing which means that I’ve been outside clearing decks, stairs & such.

So when I woke up this morning soaking wet I was CRANKY!

Obviously I’d been running a fever and it must have broken. There is nothing quite so disconcerting as rolling over and having a soggy wet spot that starts at the back of your neck and goes down your spine to your ass.

There are other “wet spots” that all men have encountered. Usually we try to make our partner sleep in THOSE. There’s a BIG difference between the two. How the wet spot came to be is usually a lot more enjoyable for instance.

The bedding will be in the wash for another hour or so. Then perhaps I’ll crawl back into bed and sleep the rest of this crappy cold off.

I did get to watch the sun come up. That was neat.

2012 03 18 06 44 21

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