Holy Shit Batman… There’s a picture of a gun! Lets arrest everyone

Ok, this is sooooo over the top I can’t even wrap my head around it.

Aa Second Amendment montage good one

In general I like Canadians, I’ve even thought about living and working in the Great White North from time to time. Well after reading this article…

All I can say is NO FUCKING WAY!

My Brother is probably right… (As Usual about such things) Alaska might be a better choice of place to live, since he & I are both more about being left the hell alone to live our lives.

The article is from the thespec.com and details how a father was arrested, strip searched, his wife & 15 month old child detained and removed from their home, their other three children placed in protective custody by the Canadian child protective services all because his daughter Drew… YES you read that correctly DREW as in on paper with a crayon… a picture of a gun

Are you fucking kidding me?

As I read the article I couldn’t believe how crazy this whole thing was. I’ll tell you this If I was this guy… I’d have been way less that cooperative and After my release I wouldn’t be accepting an apology… I’d be seeking damages in a court of law.

Since when does ANY civilized country arrest someone without informing them of the charges?

In this case I had to keep reminding myself that we were talking about Canada, not some third world cesspool like Iraq or Iran where death squads do this kind of thing on a daily basis.

This behavior is exactly why the NRA screams every time some idiot mayor or city decides that the 2nd amendment doesn’t apply to them.

In fact reading stuff like this makes me want to join the NRA! Living as I do in the Peoples Republik of Kalifornia, I know it’s only a matter of time before some asshole in Sacramento will figure a way to suspend the 2nd amendment. Well they can try…

I’ve put snapshots of the article out here too so that if the Canadian government orders thespec.com to take the article down, out of embarrassment you’ll still be able to read it.

Frankly the Canadians should be embarrassed by their over-reaction.

TheSpec  Man arrested after daughter draws picture of gun Page 1

TheSpec  Man arrested after daughter draws picture of gun Page 2

TheSpec  Man arrested after daughter draws picture of gun Page 3

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