More Snow….

Thankfully it was only 3 inches or so. The cleanup was minimal and it’s warmed up very nicely so the road is pretty clear already. It’s about 40 and sunny.

Bigsnow2 20100123

The next door neighbors have yet to be seen…

There is some question as to whether the elder lady is in fact a Maenad. (with nods toward True Blood)

I can say she’s nowhere near as interesting as Maryanne Forrester.

Hell, if they threw the kinds of parties that were shown in True Blood… I’d be totally happy to have her living next door.

Alas, no such luck. I noticed last week that the car in her driveway is in fact up on jack stands. In California we don’t use cinder blocks for cars, as we did in my Southern childhood. The Jack stand is somehow acceptable where the cinder block is not. I guess that’s why California can claim not to have any rednecks…

In anycase for those of you that ski… the snow at the resort should be really nice.


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