The Oscars…

Supposedly it’s a really big deal tonight… The Oscars

Really? This is important?

LA, already a nightmarish drive has been made more of a nightmare for the past week because of road closures around the Kodak theater.

Thousands of people living and working in the area have been inconvenienced in major ways… and for what?

So that the entertainment industry can pat itself on the back for movies that a dwindling theater audience actually saw? So that all the lovely train wreck “celebrities” can be trotted out of whatever rehab center they call home?


It’s not just the 2 hours of sophism about the relevance and importance of the movies, it’s the hours of commentary by the “analysts” about the haut couture of every single actor or actress.

God save us from another tired old lisping queen with a birdnest hair style telling a news staff about the inappropriate dress/bag/shoe combination of Lindsey Lohan.

Just mail the award for best operation of a plunger in an executive washroom to Phil the plumber and let’s move on…


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