Fox News again…

A friend sent this to me. Fox News! need I say more? Well YES I DO!

Oh for gods sake!

These people are nuts.

Poor people have been poor since the Polk Administration. That Conservatives or Liberals would try to lay the problems of the poor at ANY ONE presidents feet is insultingly stupid. Mind you I’m not at all impressed with Obama and haven’t been since well before he took office. Unfortunately, the republican alternative wasn’t an alternative at all.

The poor are poor due to any number of factors, education being chief among them. But when I say education I mean it in a far broader sense than books and classrooms. If folks don’t not KNOW that a better life is possible… then it’s only the few malcontents that aspire for something different. When you start rubbing peoples noses in what they don’t have that’s when you create problems. Hell, I’m poor by comparison to Bill Gates, Paul Allen, or Steve jobs. (I’ve got way better teeth than Paul Allen though. DAMN!) I’m obscenely wealthy compared to someone from Kenya.

“Poor” is an arbitrary measure usually applied by fat middle to upper class people that makes themselves feel better about their accomplishments and their obscene wealth. “Poor” gives bleeding heart liberals and do gooder conservatives photo opportunities that can be labeled “Socially Conscious”. “Poor” sows discord and creates the “Haves”&  “Have Nots”. The term then provides an excuse for someone that perceives themselves to be “poor” to feel entitled to take what they want.

Spend some time in Compton&  South Central like I did over the past 4 years and then talk to me about the “poor” the media is talking about.

I’d gotten to the point that I was wearing no jewelry, driving my beat to hell 13 year old truck and never carrying anything other than my ID and $20 while I was at work. And I’d go out of my way to NOT spend any money in that area.

When I was in KY I went to school with people that were more content on the farm using hand tools than accessing any of the modern technologies. Why? Because it was easier and they didn’t have to learn nothin new. These people were dirt poor, but they were actually pretty happy because they didn’t aspire to have all the pretty shiny trinkets. They were only interested in things that had practical value in their daily lives. Their phones only worked half the time because they didn’t always feel like paying the bill. They had electricity most of the time, but their farm houses had been built before electricity and everything worked just fine without it.

Most of these people quit school as soon as they could and went back to the farm. They weren’t stupid, they just couldn’t relate how anything they were learning in school was of practical use in their day to day lives.

They didn’t consider themselves “poor” any more than the Amish consider themselves “poor”. Although both groups were often well below the “Poverty” line.

In comparison, ask anyone in Compton or South Central if they’re “Poor” and they’ll say yes… When you ask them why they’ll say it’s because they don’t have the latest iPod.

When I started this rant I was thinking about the poor people that I’d grown up with. THOSE people were very rich in spirit and community. And so I disagreed with the characterization that Fox applied to the poor.

But then as I thought about it, “Poor” really means different things dependent on context. The media uses “Poor” to describe people living in the ghetto. In that context Fox news is right….

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