Manic Saturday

We have a neighbor that’s prone to go off her meds on a regular basis.

The poor dear will start speaking to the voices in her head in one of three languages usually at the top of her lungs.

The ironic thing is that the voices in her head are apparently deaf as a stone!

Tonight it’s Italian.

Ya feel sorry for her because you know it can’t be any fun for her, but at the same time it’s late and some of us are trying to go to sleep.

Thankfully she hasn’t had a really bad episode in a long time. The last one of those she had resulted in her being hospitalized for several weeks.

Oooops, looks like some one has called the cops so they’ll calm the situation down or they’ll have the EMTS here in a short time.

We try to be good neighbors and stay out of other folks business but we always wonder if she’s ok or going to hurt herself.

The question we always wrestle with is, should we  call the police when she first winds herself up or do we take a wait & see attitude?

Tonight we didn’t have to make the decision but other night’s or days we face the conundrum.
Looks like all is quiet on the Eastern front at least until the cops leave.

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