Well that was kind of a waste

Just got back from the dum dum de dum “SIGNING” which could easily have been done via fax and telephone. But on the positive side I got to enjoy the big boss and his slightly dark sense of humor.
The letter is simply a formalization of what I already knew. The official layoff date is the 29th and well … there’s nothing much going on in terms of other projects so…. I’m going to be out the door on the 29th. Ok good NEXT!

Then I took a nice drive with the top down, along Pacific Coast Highway and enjoyed the ocean and sun.

Coming home my car posted a NEW message which has resulted in an appointment with the dealership tomorrow morning.
This can’t be good!

On the plus side maybe now they will be able to track down and solve the issue that I’ve been feeling in my ass when I’m driving. I AM NOT YOUR GRANNIE when it comes to driving and I drive a performance car because 1) I love pissing off and then smoking Priuses and 2) I like driving on open freeways and having fun.

I’m glad it happened today and not while I was flying up the coast 1000 miles from home.

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