The Wailing and gnashing of teeth is getting boring

My goodness!

The shrieking, & wailing is annoying enough.

Leftist woman shaving.Seeing women shaving their heads and vowing not to have sex was kind of funny.

Reading about psychologists (then seeing the same person on TV), telling people that maybe they shouldn’t go to holiday dinners with their families who voted “Incorrectly” is a good thing, is just flat stupid on it’s face.

If you don’t like your family you were never under any obligation to have Thanksgiving Dinner with them. You don’t need an election as an excuse. Alternatively, in the South we had a simple rule. No talking of politics, or religion, (aside from the prayer over dinner,) on Thanksgiving. It was enforced by cutting off the bourbon, or denying uncle Bob his favorite sweet potato pie. For one stinking day, the family didn’t grind axes, we all sat down, joked & laughed, watched a football game or two, and remembered we were family.

The day after Thanksgiving, all bets were off, until we all got together again to celebrate baby Jesus’s birthday.

I’ve not seen anyone rending their clothing over the election, but I have seen at least one dumb assed woman walking the dog & pushing a pram, while wearing a handmaids tale costume. I’ve not seen any episode of the show, nor read the book(s)?

Burqa Style Islamic Code of Dressing for Muslim Women.However the contextual reference is that it’s some form of oppression show for women. Interestingly, the similarities between the shows costume and real life, in the form of Muslim oppression of women are conveniently overlooked.

Pete Hegseth.As Trump has been naming his cabinet & administration picks the wailing has jumped up a notch or two.

I like Trumps nomination for Secretary of Defense. Pete Hegseth. I like having an Army combat veteran in that position. Two bronze stars might suggest that he’d be mindful of what’s at stake both in our military readiness and the lives of our troops.

The mainstream media has portrayed Hegseth as a News host, mostly ignoring that he’s done other things including writing a best selling book.

Tom Homan 640x480.I really like this Tom Homan guy. The news showed him testifying before congress and I liked him putting AOC in her place, but really liked him reminding Representative Jayapal that she works for him (the American taxpayer). 

He’s just the SOB I want in the position to deport illegal alien immigrants.

It’s not that I’m wanting to be cruel, but I realized I’m sick and tired of weak willed politicians giving our tax dollars away to the point that you’re better off being an illegal alien, or part of a questionable foreign government, than being a retired person in this country.

For that matter, the amount of tax money that has been sent to fund proxy wars is obscene and should have been spent here, you know, on Americans. Tough concept I know…

Think about it, we’re being bled dry like a dog with too many ticks. We’ve got mouths to feed, high food & fuel prices, disasters in the form of hurricanes and flooding to attend to. But we’re sending billions to Ukraine with no accountability, and apparently no-one has thought to turn the cash faucet off?

Kamala Harris’s election debt is a prime example, she’s a poster child if you will, for the problem. Her campaign raised, and spent a billion dollars. Then ended up 20 million dollars in debt. That right there is a fitting example of what’s wrong with the Biden / Harris administration in particular and more broadly the Washington establishment. She apparently thought she’s just magically going to have as much money as she wanted.

I’ve been concerned over the past 3 or 4 years that very few in Washington have mentioned any concerns over the shit ton of money we’ve been burning. If Harris is any example, then I know where that problem came from.

I am hard and dripping over the thought of Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy heading up a government waste elimination department. It will be nice to see the cockroach bureaucrats being bent over their desks, taking it up the ass, then sent on their way to the unemployment line. Better yet, the soup line. Yes, I realize that this kind of disruption may in fact cause some problems.

It’s also possible that we’re looking at something more substantial than “problems” and more like the Great Depression. So be it!

That will be the end of the Democrat party in the country, and Communism for at least the next 50 years. Hopefully, the memory of the American people will be long and bitter towards both.

The dying main stream news is doing all they can to keep their base revved up and angry. That’s laughable when some of the more popular talking heads have seen anywhere from a 35 to 60% loss in viewership over the past few months.

Who knows? We might finally be rid of the shrieking harridans on The View, I’m not holding my breath. Hollywood is nothing if not iterative. They might cancel The View, but they’ll respawn the bitter vitriol on another hateful daytime show. The up side is that we won’t have to hear the unhinged bullshit of Whoopie Goldberg and Joy Behar.

The thing is, most everything I’ve listed above is just on endless repeat. Trump is naming people that he thinks can do the job. Each time he names a selection, the media machine churns and comes up with anything they can to say how bad it is.

Then it’s Wash, Rinse, Repeat.

This morning, the establishment media added something new, They’re screaming that his choices aren’t diverse enough. 

I think they’ve missed the point. Trump ain’t hiring folks for the color of their skin, he’s hiring folks based on their proven ability, & whether he can work with them, that’s it.

All the rest of the DEI bullshit is out the fucking window in his administration.

He’s going full businessman mode. “What can you do? When can you do it? How much will it cost? When will you be done?” 

I think DEI and all this other artificial racial hiring bullshit is about to get tossed out & replaced with a meritocracy, the way it should be and the way it should always have been.

It’s about time. If you look at the government like a house that needs a major remodel. When you look for a contractor, do you look in the phonebook to pick a contractor by race? Hell no! You ask your friends who they’ve used and if they were happy.

The mouthpieces for the Communist/Democrat party are completely hypocritical in their criticism of Trumps hiring practices. They damn sure wouldn’t hire the bottom of the class heart surgeon to crack their chest open, based on them being the only black/indian/mexican doctor, just to virtue signal about DEI.

The funny part about the media trying to pump the diversity narrative is that for the better part of a decade, they’ve been telling us Trump is a racist.

I find myself thinking, “So what if Trump’s cabinet isn’t diverse? I mean He’s a racist right?”

The Democrats, The Media, Hollywood, and a lot of other organizations should shut up and stop beclowning themselves.

Oh yeah, what about all those “Important” actors who were supposed to leave if Trump was elected? I’ve put a list up, I’ll add to and update it to see who really does what they say.

Funny how that works isn’t it?

I’d be laughing my ass off about this, if it didn’t underscore a real problem.

NYC protesters 640x480.There were protests in New York over the weekend about Trump’s election win.

Uhhh, folks. Trump won both the popular vote and the electoral vote pretty much nation wide.

This is EXACTLY the democracy you were yammering on about protecting for the past 4 fucking years playing out in real time.

I literally fail to see how Americans, my fellow citizens, could be so horrifically hypocritical. You people shame all of us! I for one, do not appreciate it one little bit!

Demand your recounts. Go before the judiciary to register your complaints. (I guarantee the courts will hear you, where they refused to hear us in 2020)

How about you figure out where that almost 20 million votes you had in 2020 disappeared to? Oh right, you don’t really want to look at that particular issue because you know exactly what you’ll find… Exactly the level of cheating we were complaining about, and were then completely, totally ignored, castigated, shamed, mistreated, and in some cases imprisoned because we had the balls to ask questions.

Now that the shoe is on the other foot, suddenly there has to have been election fraud, to the point that some of you have put forth the asinine theory that Musk blew up his own Starlink satellites on Election Day in order to hamper voting or counting? 

What the actual fuck are you morons talking about?

A) the voting machines aren’t supposed to be connected to the internet (that’s what you told us in 2020.)

B) destroying Starlink satellites doesn’t specifically deter Democrat votes, it would potentially drop all communications being carried over the Starlink network in a given area, but not the internet.

My God! That you supposedly educated people have so little understanding about how shit works is terrifying!

You’re the dumb fucks that would kill all the cats in a village as minions of Satan, during the fucking black plague. Oh wait… you’re the people who demanded everyone wear a bit of fabric, if N-95 masks weren’t available, over their faces to prevent a virus that was 20 nm in size. I rest my fucking case! (Here’s a little tidbit of fact. The virus was smaller than the wavelength of an X-Ray emission.)

You’re the folks that assume electric vehicles are clean and carbon free because they’re electric. While looking down your noses at anybody that doesn’t drive an electric vehicle or who worse yet questions the long term environment effects of electric vehicles when they reach end of life.

But you have no clue that most electricity is generated by burning coal or natural gas.

You’re the people who require Twitter to put community notes on pictures from a movie called “Interstellar” to tell them that the scenes were filmed on Earth. It’s astounding to me that would be required. We’ve not set foot on another planet other than the moon. Therefore it should go without saying that the scenes, all the scenes from the movie were filmed on Earth.

Worse yet, you people have claim to want a democracy, (We’re actually a Constitutional Republic)  but pure democracy means the rights of the individual or smaller groups of individuals can be completely abrogated by the will of the majority.

So all that worry you people have about women’s rights? Well here’s a thought, in a pure absolute democracy without the protections of The Republic, respect for the individual’s rights, The Constitution, & Bill of Rights, theoretically, if the democratic majority voted to force every single woman in the United States to get pregnant and have a baby under penalty of imprisonment, it would be law. You’d have no protections.

Just like the lesbians in Nazi Germany who were forced to “accept” a good German soldier’s Aryan seed for the good of the Reich. Technically it was industrialized legal rape. That’s where pure Democracy can lead.

But none of you bothered to learn about these issues in your minority lesbian black womens studies classes. God forbid you’d be triggered by reading about something distasteful.

I’m truly disgusted by people protesting Trump’s election. 

It’s stupid on its face and only complete idiots would march in the streets demanding these particular election results be overturned. He fucking won on election night. We knew the results by 4 am EST. That kind of turnout nationwide, not just in a few key cities, should be the end of it.

But the Democrat Party seems to be comprised of the brain dead. You know, the same people whose women are going to the hospitals for tubal ligations because they fear a Trump administration is going to take away their “Rights” to have abortions. Dumb shits! It’s already a States Rights issue. That was the point of the Supreme Court decision. The issue of abortion is not a federal issue, it’s a States issue. You continue to have access to birth control, as will the men you so willingly open your legs for.

So stop! Stop playing the victim, stop being idiots, stop being so narcissistic that you can’t stand not being the center of attention for more than 5 minutes.

Take a breath. Open a book, or the site with a dictionary and learn something useful about your rights and the protection of those rights.

Who knows? You might learn that you aren’t losing a damn thing.

At the same time, those of us who really do try to be egalitarian will be watching closely to make sure that all of our rights will be preserved. If I think Trump and his administration step out of line, I’ll be screaming bloody murder against whatever infraction they attempt.

I swear CNN seems to search for idiot commentators.

The idiotic statements that come out of these peoples mouths never ceases to amaze me.

CNN political commentator Ashley Allison said Tuesday on CNN’s “Situation Room” that it is offensive to her as a black woman when Vice President Kamala Harris is called incompetent.

CEO and Commentator Ashley Allison.

How the hell do you get to the race card with a statement of objective fact?

I’ve linked the rest of the article as it appeared in Breitbart Here

Ms Allison makes her case after an exchange with Matt Mowers formerly of the Trump Administration, wherein he described Kamala Harris’s record of failure. All of which fits the definition of the word “Incompetence”. Apparently Ms Allison nor anyone else on the panel, aside from Mr. Mowers, has ever opened a dictionary.

Allison said, “She’s not incompetent, okay. Like, you don’t become the attorney general of California or senator or the vice president of United States. By calling her incompetent you’re calling the 81 million people who voted for her incompetent as well.”

All one need do is look a Kamala’s history to dismantle Ms. Allisons defense. Kamala Harris had the path cleared for her to become attorney general of California by Willie Brown. Her ascension to Senate was similarly arranged. What should offend Ms. Allison is Kamala’s record as attorney general and the various miscarriages of justice and scandals during her tenure. 

I believe it was Tulsi Gabbard who in a 2019 debate enumerated Kamala Harris’s incompetence as California Attorney General. Effectively ending Harris’s presidential campaign.

CNN Talking heads just can’t seem to do any research at all, unless it’s about Trump or someone loosely affiliated with Trumps 9th cousin thrice removed on his mother’s side.

One line of her reasoning stood out to me, “By calling her incompetent you’re calling the 81 million people who voted for her incompetent as well.”

Okay, by that logic, the left and media calling Trump a NAZI, a Rapist, a white supremacist, an insurrectionist, etc., has been calling ~80 million voters who voted for Trump all of those things as well.

And people like Ms Allison wonder why there is so much hate and division in this country. Really? Look to your own double standards lady!

As a White Man, It’s offensive when media “personalities” call and /or imply Trump, Vance, Comer, Jordan, or Rand Paul are hateful Neo-Nazi bigots without evidence because these talking heads don’t like their politics or decisions.

But we all know, if I say something like that, it’s dismissed because I’m a White Man and my concerns or opinions don’t matter nearly as much as yours do. Racism and your race card have become so fucking irrelevant at this point you might want to back off that rhetoric. 

I daresay white people are sick of hearing it, and have started to reexamine the guilt you trigger screaming racist every freaking minute.

I have no guilt. People like you will not shame me any more. I refuse to allow you to manipulate me. I will proudly cast my vote for the most qualified person regardless of their gender or skin color.

As an aside, I have no more patience or pity for any group who defines themselves first by their race, gender or sexuality.

Be Americans, stand with other Americans, or get to the fucking back of the bus! Yeah, I meant that to be offensive. I’d love to be able to ask Rosa Parks what her thoughts on screaming “racist” every five minutes is doing to end racism. Somehow I bet you wouldn’t like what she said.

Ms Allison, you and your ilk should understand this, with your constant haranguing, and rhetoric, you are creating the very Nationalists you’re scared of.

Maybe you should start doing journalism and reporting facts instead of emotions.

I had to say it. I know nothing in the media is going to change, except to get worse.

As my Father used to say, “Son you’re pissing into the wind.” 

Ahhh Twatter, you’re back!

X formerly known as Twitter has reinstated its Deadnaming and misgendering protections.


Twatter is back. Yippee!

In case you’ve not been following along, and why the fuck should you have been?

Deadnaming is calling someone by their previous gender’s name. 

So if Cecil became Cecelia (even if only for a day) and now runs around with nail polish, a beard, garish clown makeup, in a pink tutu, a dirty wife beater, showing his/her/its gorilla-like body hair. And you call she/he/it “Cecil” on Twatter you’ll get in trouble.

I’m in favor of always listing the transgenders as she/he/it in that order because if you say it fast…

Did you get it??

You’ll actually accurately describe the stupid fuckers that have overly complicated everyone’s lives. There are real transgender folks out there, to them I sincerely apologize, 

The attention seeking trans/non-binary/2 spirited/ whatever the fuck else these gender confused idiots are calling themselves these days can literally go fuck off.

I’m speaking to them/they/zim/zer… The loads their daddies should have jacked into a really filthy cum rag… I believe the rest of my brothers and sisters in the LGB community. As well as the straight folks have had quite enough of your bullshit!

We used to call you all deranged. 

“God how I miss that simpler life… “

Honestly, we didn’t care that you were deranged. You could live your lives as you saw fit and when y’all hauled your skanky asses out into the sunlight for a pride parade, the rest of us politely didn’t laugh and point derisively. We let y’all have your fun. We were annoyed that you were always the ones the news media focused on and the Anita Bryant’s of the country pointed to, as reason enough to hate the gays.

Y’all made our fight for equality tougher but we fought on, and won. We even carried your basement dwelling freaky asses forward with us.

But you’ve all gone way too damned far.

I will not comply with your ever changing demands to use some made up, unpronounceable, “pronoun”.  Go Fuck Yourself.

I will not worry about “Deadnaming” you. If I know you as Bob, I’ not going to call you Citronella-Dawn. Go Fuck Yourself.

I personally am sick and tired of hearing of your struggles and I’ll be damned if I’m going to let you usurp my history. You have pissed me off and alienated me 100% by rewriting history. The history of Stonewall, the history of our fight for equality, the history of being LGB. 

According to people who were actually AT STONEWALL, no one knows who threw the first brick. What we do know is that it was the moment we stood together to say, “STOP! You may arrest us, but you can not erase us. We are here, we have always been here. You no longer have our permission to abuse us because you’re bored on a Saturday night.”

I’m paraphrasing.

Just because we don’t know who’s hand threw that brick doesn’t mean that YOU Alphabet nut jobs get to commandeer our history. You don’t get to claim all the LGB struggles as your own.


Crying tranny.And frankly, that’s exactly what it feels like.

You bitch about the wrong pronouns, you whine that Gay men don’t want to sleep with you because you’ve got a vagina, you say straight men should sleep with you regardless of what you have,  vagina or penis. You expect the entire rest of the world to engage with your delusion without question. 

When any of us express our sexual preferences that don’t include sleeping with a person whose body isn’t our cup of tea, you scream transphobe. Then you try to make us feel guilty about how our sexuality expresses itself. All the while telling everyone, whether they’re interested or not, how your sexuality expresses itself. Newsflash, nobody would give a shit except that you keep shoving it down our throats. 

You’ve invaded gay spaces & even apps, trying to negate our ability to find what we desire. You’ve even made it “BAD” for us to reject you. We’re not rejecting you as a person, we’re rejecting you as a sex partner. You’re not what fires our rockets. There are some guys who are into it, but if the majority of gay men reject you because you have a vagina that’s not a crime and you have no right to make us feel bad about what excites us.

The FTM transgenders seem to have the hardest time getting it. For a lot of gay men, a vagina is a boner killer, and contrary to popular belief men aren’t just living dildos, always able to get hard at the drop of a hat.

Let’s face it, a lot of gay men are handsome, they’re often successful and pretty well educated. Has it ever crossed any FTM transgender’s mind that a lot of gay men could have literally any woman they wanted?

Some gay men are so handsome they could probably walk into a straight bar, walk up to any woman, and ask, “wanna fuck?” Then walk out woman in hand 4 minutes later. Some of these guys probably wouldn’t have to bother with a hotel or going anywhere but the parking lot. 

So given that reality, it’s obvious that a gay guy wants dick. Therefore he’s not going to be interested in a “Dude” with a vagina.

I really don’t get some of the FTM transgenders. If you’re only looking for dick, you don’t need to have surgery and take drugs.

Buy a nice dress, learn how to apply makeup, then go out with your friends to a bar. Be willing to look at men who aren’t 10s driving Porsches.

Look at the guy with a less Dunn & Bradstreet eye. Is he fun, does he laugh easily, does he dance like no-one is looking? If more women looked at men as nice guys, and fun to be with instead of a payday. I’m betting men and women would be a lot happier.

It seems a lot of the transgenders have partnered with insane liberal women suffering from Münchausen syndrome to literally erase Gay Men and Lesbian Women. 

What else would you call it? A boy says he feels like a girl and suddenly he’s on all kinds of hormone and puberty blockers. A girl says she feels like a boy or wishes she was a boy, and it’s the same. Surgeries are scheduled as soon as possible.

Guess what? The end result is there will be no boys who want to suck cock and no girls that want to lick a clit. There will only be boys and girls.

The transgenders are always speaking of transgender genocide. While at the same time assisting in the commission of Gay and Lesbian genocide. Do they hear themselves?

Now, they’ve re-conquered Twitter. 

Now, they can’t be insulted or have their feelings hurt, by someone with a different opinion. Their victimhood is complete, built upon the backs of everyone else. Now, no one has the right to speak without fear.

None of what I’ve written here could be published on Twatter. It would hurt the little Transgenders feelings. I’d be banned for hate speech. Hey snowflakes… This isn’t hate speech. This is angry speech

I left Twatter years ago over this kind of censorship. I returned to Twatter because I was assured freedom of speech and opinion were again the highest principals. 

If this is not true, then I can leave again. In the short time I’ve been on X/Twitter (Twatter) I’ve run across a lot of men that are like me. Most of them are too young to be dating material for an old fossil like myself, but they’re decent guys, conservative, and I’ve enjoyed reading their posts.

I’d miss access to them, but leaving X/Twitter would still be easy at this point.

Oh, one more thing…

Put the fucking urinals back in the damn public restrooms!!!!

Ahh Gotta love the tryany of inclusivness!

Recently, I started seeing little bit of chatter urging people to not donate any more money to the Multiple Sclerosis Society. 

I wasn’t sure what that was about. The Multiple Sclerosis Society has been around for a long time and has done a lot of work supporting people with Multiple Sclerosis.

I always thought of them as a pretty honorable group, as such things go.

Wherever there is money and tax free organizations, there is always misappropriation of funds and the nasty infighting of power hungry individuals scrambling to the top of the hierarchy. 

It’s a fact of life. My rule has been that if more than 60% of the dollars actually get to helping the people an organization claims to serve, then they’re probably okay to donate cash to, as long as I get the tax deduction out of it.  

Ever since my encounters with the HRC, United Way, and Several of the “Pride” organizations in the 1990s. I’ve been a lot tighter with my money and my volunteer time.

It’s not that  I don’t want to help other people out, it’s that I don’t want to volunteer time, money, effort, and resources to make a bunch of assholes at the top of an organization wealthy and powerful.

Most of the organizations I encountered behaved a lot more like High School Prom committees than actually wanting to help. Every organization was rife with back stabbing, misspending, cliques, the “popular” shitting on the less popular, and all the shitty behaviors you can imagine people are capable of. Any of this sounding familiar? If you need a refresher course, go volunteer for one of the alphabet groups for just one week. I dare you!

Believe me, after that you’ll be ready to move off grid, never interacting with another human being for the rest of your life.

Besides, we’re already forced to participate in this sort of group behavior with our shitty government Federal and State!

I learned my lesson!

Imagine my surprise learning what the source of the chatter was. I absolutely agree that the Multiple Sclerosis Society needs to have its donations cut off.

It turns out that Libs Of TikTok is the source of the chatter and once again I have to applaud them.

The story is this, 

A 90-year-old California woman has been fired from her volunteer role at the National Multiple Sclerosis Society after 60 years of service because she didn’t understand the necessity of declaring her preferred pronouns. 

And why should she? I guarantee she understands Pronoun usage better than most people. Even if she isn’t an English teacher.

What she didn’t understand was being forced to declare her pronouns. Yes I said FORCED

To someone like her, or in fact myself, having to declare pronouns is a useless and pointless exercise. Pronouns have pretty much always been self evident.

I personally despise being forced to declare my pronouns, because doing so, drags me into someone else’s delusions and makes it appear that I support those delusions. Which I do not! Nor do I wish to keep up with the ever changing miasma of odd combinations of two or three letters which are unpronounceable, yet appear to serve as a pronoun for some visibly deranged individual.

Upon seeing these individuals, it is not what pronoun I should use that is forefront in my mind. It is usually the verb, “RUN”.

There is a YouTube interview here with Fran Itkoff who is the volunteer the Multiple Sclerosis Society dismissed.

I’m linking the Breitbart article here 

Further I’m lifting chunks of the Breitbart article that are interesting. I urge you to read the entire article.

An email from National MS Society Community Engagement Manager Kali Kulor accused the veteran volunteer of violating the nonprofit’s “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion” guidelines.

Fran Itkoff is 90. She’s been involved with the MS Society for 2/3 of her life. I’d say she fucking deserves a little consideration and courtesy.

Oh and this is just my opinion… FUCK Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. How about we just treat each other with respect, kindness, and courtesy?

Itkoff’s daughter, Elle, said the move to fire her mom was “ironic” because “excluding a 90-year-old disabled woman who has volunteered for 60 years” doesn’t seem to fall in line with the group’s mission for inclusivity.” 

This is one of the best examples of, ‘Lets be inclusive by being exclusive.’ You know, kind of like college safe spaces that say, “All are welcome here, EXCEPT WHITE PEOPLE!”  If the people coming up with this sewage had the briefest moment of introspection, or the capacity to think with any kind of logic they’d probably have their heads implode. Unfortunately, instead they assault the rest of us with their insanity.

Frankly, I’m DAMN sick and tired of the psychological assault!

The Libs of TikTok interview has gone viral.

Following the viral interview, the National MS Society doubled down on their decision to fire Itkoff. In an email to other volunteers, the executive vice president of the group’s general counsel implied that the 90-year-old was let go because others shouldn’t have to feel “unsafe” at work.

Unsafe at work? What the fuck? How about the fact that through my entire career, there have been people who got my pronouns right but couldn’t pronounce my last name?

AHHHHHHHHH I’m afraid! I’m damaged, I’m Triggered, I’m not valued, I’m unsafe at work! Where is my million dollar restitution????

Unsafe at work… My Hairy ASS!

Grow a spine, and thicker skin you fucking pronoun pussies!

Can you tell I’m over this kind of shit?

Good I knew you could!

The sudden resignation of the society’s president and CEO, Cyndi Zagieboylo, further added fuel to the flames.” 

I suspect that Cyndi Zagieboylo saw the handwriting on the wall and decided she didn’t want to be at the helm of a society that was probably going to self destruct. So she exited stage left, getting out while the gettin was good.

In a way I respect her if that is what she did and why. She probably realized the rot was too far gone for her to be able to do anything about it.

In typically laughable fashion, The MS Society has attempted to, what? Explain themselves? Uh, hold the course? Ignore the real issue? (They’re wrong, and they’ve fucked up.) By releasing this statement.

Recently, a volunteer, Fran Itkoff, was asked to step away from her role because of statements that were viewed as not aligning with our policy of inclusion. Fran has been a valued member of our volunteer team for more than 60 years. We believe that our staff acted with the best of intentions and did their best to navigate a challenging issue. As an organization, we are in a continued conversation about assuring that our diversity, equity and inclusion policies evolve in service of our mission, and will reach out to Fran in service of this goal.

Apparently, the MS Society has also taken down their Board of Directors page. Why is unclear. 

Some are suggesting that perhaps the blowback has been intense enough that the board is attempting to “Hide” 

I hate to say it, but perhaps the National Multiple Sclerosis Society needs a good dose of the “BudLight Treatment”.

When their donations drop to the point that they’re laying off payed staff and not being able to keep the lights on, maybe they’ll get the message that this Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion shit needs to fucking stop.

At least now I get why X/Twitter chatter was saying to defund the Multiple Sclerosis Society.

Surprisingly, I agree.