Well the bitch still succeeded didn’t she?

Rick & Morty, an adult animated show is in the process of recasting one of the show’s creators voice roles.

Justin Roiland was accused earlier this year of felony domestic abuse. Mind you he had not been convicted, but that didn’t stop Adult Swim from pulling him from the show.

Here’s the really shitty part. All the charges were dropped Roiland said at the time the charges were filed, that he believed that a disgruntled Ex-girlfriend was attempting to get revenge by having him cancelled. Well that may be true but the bitch still won.

An Article from UPROXX is located here

This is one of the reasons that I don’t really want to return to work with corporate America. Women have demonstrated time and again that there are completely willing to destroy someone’s career for nothing more than petty vengeance. I’ve witnessed it at the last place I worked.

I’ve also witnessed Male persons of color getting away with sexual harassment of white women. And because the white women weren’t believed when they reported something, they became targets for more and more abuse. So much so that they left the company. It’s in effect sanctioned racism and sexism but no corporation will ever admit this happens. In fact they’d accuse me and the other people who made statements to HR of lying. Corporate America will say, “It doesn’t happen and has never happened!”

But it does and did.

It’s another example of double standards. Roiland is white, and Male. All it takes for him to lose his job is an accusation from a person he once dated.

Males of Color on the other hand are credibly accused by multiple witnesses of groping white women’s breasts and feeling those women’s asses and HR says, “It’s their culture. They meant nothing by it. You just don’t understand.” Then later, officially nothing happened and nothing was done. So much for that vaunted Zero Tolerance policy.

I’d like to have a job. I’d take 2/3 of what I was being paid if I could work from home and not have to deal with corporate politics. I’d join the video conferences and such but I probably wouldn’t speak.

I literally have become suspicious of the motivations of practically anyone in corporate America. There have been way too many times when something I said was misquoted, or taken out of context, or misunderstood and some jackass from some other department decided something had to be done.

There once was a Director of my department who found themselves on a plane at 37,000 feet flying from Florida to California when they discovered that they only had half of a story. Then when they got the rest of the story, realized that I was probably loaded for bear and had my attorney on speed dial.

They were entirely correct!

The problem was a female boss who couldn’t stand that I was dragged into a lot of meetings. She had a real problem that I didn’t answer her instant messages instantly.

I should point out that more often than not her instant messages were, “How’s your day going?” If I answered, “Very Busy.” It led to a third degree, 25 minutes of instant messaging and a 30 minute phone call. God I hate passive aggressive shit! This particular bitch couldn’t count butts in chairs to validate she was in control so she resorted to inane questions that she shouldn’t have been asking if she actually knew what she was doing

I only had a desktop computer. Since the meetings I was attending were not at my desk, but were instead in conference rooms throughout the building, obviously I wasn’t going to be able to answer her silly instant messages instantly. For that matter, most of the conference rooms didn’t have Wifi so a laptop wouldn’t have helped all that much either.

Not to mention that it’s rude to be in a meeting with a Vice President and carrying on a conversation with someone else via instant messaging.

After costing the company 5 to 10 thousand dollars in travel expenses for the director and herself, she was only demoted. She should have lost her job. She didn’t because she was a girl and I was an evil testosterone poisoned male. I still should have sued the shit out of the company because that bitch lied and slandered my name throughout the company.

It’s stuff like this that make men like me super cautious about working for women. I’ve had way too many female bosses.

I guess now the bitches don’t even have to work at the same company you do. All that has to have happened is that you fucked them and broke up with them. How could you decide their so called “golden hole” wasn’t worth the pain or expense necessary to use it?

I hope Rick & Morty survives but if it doesn’t we’ll be able to thank another lying bitch for taking something else enjoyable away from the rest of us.

Amber Heard – I’m looking at your abusive lying ass!

I hope Roiland sues the living shit out of the woman that falsely accused him.

Oh For God’s Sake!

Now in addition to all the other shit I’ve got on my plate, I’ve started getting text messages from random numbers asking me if I’m wanting to sell my house.

MOTHERFUCKERS!!!! These sons of bitches are really starting to damage my calm!

I’ve increased the shielding as best I can but with all kinds of private information literally SPATTERED all over the fucking internet there is no way to be totally secure.

Let me be clear. When and or IF I sell this fucking house it’s not going to be through some anonymous jackass contacting me through a text message. I’ll be selling the place through a realtor.

I swear to God! I’m beginning to feel like I should just sell everything, convert it to cash and then convert the cash to gold or diamonds, close every single bank, phone, internet, email, or whatever account and go completely off grid in Costa Rica or something.

At least then I wouldn’t feel like I’m exposed to some nameless faceless fucker metaphorically slipping a knife between my ribs from behind. Or If such a person were to show up, they’d be physically present and I could shoot them.

I’ve deleted as much as I can for today. This was some time I didn’t need to have stolen from me. And Yes, I view it as having time stolen. No-one should have to deal with the intricacies of deleting their information from the web. Their information shouldn’t be on the web in the first place. A lot of these data aggregators have these really interesting methods of getting you to delete your information. They want you to create an account first. Sigh! Isn’t that how the problem originated in the first place? Some dumbassed account created for something equally pointless, like a dancing cat video or something?

Anyway, I’ve spent the past hour or two deleting profiles from all the various sites. Thankfully there are only 9 that had my shit. I’ve enabled home title security everywhere and reported the text message phone numbers to the FTC and FBI.

Not that I have much faith that they will do anything, but at least I’ve recorded my concerns and those reports should be date and time stamped. If someone does do something illegal and it looks like my house title is questionable, I’ll be able to hold up the reports, and subpoena the records to state I sought protection under the legal structure.

There really is a certain allure to cashing out of the system completely. It’s not possible, but oh if it was… What would that look like?

I guess it would look a lot like my childhood.

Phones mounted to the wall. Politeness dictated that you let the phone ring 10 times before giving up. After all, the person might have been out in the yard, or had their hands full, or been in the bathroom.

The only interference in your daily life was paper mail. Since paper mail cost something to produce and put into the post office system, what little junk mail you received was generally pertinent to life in your area. New siding, concrete driveways and such.

There just wasn’t as much crap to filter through.

In the past hour 70 junk emails have appeared in my junk folder. They’re all utter bullshit but they’re sucking up CPU cycles in my computer. They’re sucking up bandwidth on my fiber connection. And they’re taking time from me, in that I have to modify rules to flush them.

The new assault is against your home title and your banking / credit system in general. I’ve been hearing about title theft for a while and honestly blew it off as fear mongering to sell a service to the public that they don’t need. I’ve revised my position a bit because of the sudden uptick in junk email and now text messages or phone calls asking “Do You want to sell your house?” And they have my name and the physical address. They’re offering to buy the place even if it’s occupied by tenants.

What the living fuck?!?

Almost got me…

I was looking at Twitter. I’ve been debating about getting back into it. I suppose the better description is choosing to allow Twitter back into my life.

I ran across this tweet from Shannon Watts and my first instinct was to comment on it by pointing out that Ms. Watts can’t count.

There are only eleven humans in the picture not 24. I’d like to tell her and a lot of folks that words matter.

I’ll allow that the DeSantis flag might be associated with the group of eleven people but honestly it appears that it’s offset, and may have been there previously. There are two people in the left of the photo that may not be associated with the group.

They could be standing there thinking, “What the shit is this? My granddaddy got his ass shot to keep assholes like this out of our country!”

What stopped me was that I didn’t have a Twitter account and after seeing Shannon Watts tweet, I’ve decided to hold off rejoining Twitter.

After all it was people like her that devalued Twitter’s utility for me in the first place.

The Shannon Watts, of Twitter could literally say anything they wanted to. Those of us who opposed them, or presented alternate verifiable information or just expressed a different opinion would get thrown in twitter jail.

Here again Shannon Watts paints an entire party based on the actions of a few.

So lets do this.

The Democratic Party in 2023.

See Ms Watts, that shit cuts both ways!

Interesting I just applied for a job in Rupees

So weird!

I converted my required American salary to INR so that I could apply for the job. What the hell is that about? I wouldn’t have bothered except that the company appears to be legitimate and it was on LinkedIn.

The job is in America so hmmm. I wondered if it was one of those silly HR tests to determine if you pay attention. Of course it’s entirely possible that the person putting the ad up on LinkedIn carelessly specified INR instead of American Dollars.

Who knows these days?

Every company plays games, and HR people seem to have orgasms tormenting folks just trying to find work.

It’s possible it’s just an artifact of an HR person that’s poorly educated.

This is what it’s come to. I’m mostly applying to jobs now, just to rub salt in my wounds. Call it an exotic form of self harm. LOL! I’m still applying only for positions that I’m entirely qualified for. I know that I’m never going to be actually interviewed by a human for any of those positions. So this is nothing more than beating my head against a wall.

It’s a total crack up in a very sick way, that now I’m applying just to attempt to annoy an automated system.

I suppose this is better than me creating a viral bit of code that utterly destroys automated hiring systems.

And yes, the thought has crossed my mind!

Was just thinking, I’m catching up with Hillary Clinton.

Since 1992 I’ve had 3 members of my immediate family die by suicide. In December I lost my Stepmother and her husband to natural causes.

In January I lost my husband of 34 years.

I bring you all up to date because there have been some of his friends who keep telling me they know how I feel.

In short, they don’t!

These folks are trying to be kind and supportive. They wax on and on about how difficult it was for them to lose a sibling or a parent. Then they start telling me how I should live my life now.

My friends, those who really know me, have been very supportive and kind. They’ve taken a step back and responded instantly when I’ve asked for help. They’ve done what I asked, maybe made a suggestion or two to make things go smoother and then butted out.

They’re the ones, who like my brothers are concerned, but respect me enough to let me work through this gut punch in my own way. They’ll text or call just randomly to ask how I’m doing and that tells me I’m in their thoughts. They’ve lost parents and siblings, but they’re not banging on about their trauma. They’re providing a wall of strength, occasional guidance when asked, and staunch solid support.

The only people who know how I feel, are those who’ve lost their spouses. There have been a couple of folks who’ve come to me privately offering support or a shoulder. Some of them, I didn’t even know had lost their spouse. I thought they’d been through the more common event of divorce and were single by choice.

I appreciate their support and kindness. I think that them putting themselves in a position where my spouse’s death could reopen their old wounds takes a lot of courage. Maybe someday I’ll have that same courage, but I don’t see that in my immediate future.

To the people that would tell me, “I know just what you’re feeling…

I say this.

Until you’ve bagged up shirts, pants, suits, ties, and shoes that you saw your spouse wear often, into garbage bags to go to a donation site. You have no fucking idea what I’m feeling.

Until you’ve occupied a house where the grim reaper’s handiwork is laying on your bedroom floor for 9 hours, You don’t know shit.

Until you’ve cried yourself to sleep out of guilt and loneliness after masturbation. No words, anecdotes, or over sharing of your personal drama even compares.

Until the future you’ll have to forge into alone yawns before you, almost everything you think you know is absolute and complete bullshit.

Nothing prepares anyone for losing a spouse that you’ve spent almost your entire adult life with. It’s massive! It’s a kick to the balls and the kicking just doesn’t stop.

Telling me “You’ll have to sell object X, Y, or Z,” to keep the lights on, mentioning a person’s name over and over but not providing a phone number after repeatedly being asked to do so isn’t helpful.

It’s cruel! Especially when the person you mentioned is hidden behind multiple websites with no fucking phone number on any of them. It’s also not helpful at all to keep saying that the objects in question are valuable. Duhhhh! I fucking paid for them! The objects in question are also not the kind of things that sell like hotcakes, especially in this economy. Which means these objects are not instant income streams. Despite what you think.

So for those of you who keep saying, “I know just how you feel,” shut the hell up!

You’re not being supportive. You’re not helping, all you’re doing is ripping the bandage off again and again and pissing me off. I’ve got better things to do right now than listen to you blather on about your trauma and attempting to use me as a free psychologist.

You deal with your own shit and leave me to deal with mine.

Yeah… There are some phone calls you just let go to voicemail!

I’m getting better at that every freakin day.