The Inquisition… What a rush!

Like most Americans, I haven’t bothered to watch anything but snippets of the Jan 6th Hearings. I have been moved to laughter and tears by some of the headlines.

Usually I’m moved to tears when I read the articles associated with those headlines.

Most recently there was a Brietbart headline, “Liz Cheney, January 6 Committee Call for More ‘Confessions’”

Within the article, is a video clip from CSPAN of Liz Cheney sloppily referring to the testimony before the Jan 6th Hearing as confessions.

Testimony, is not necessarily a confession. Association is not necessarily guilt. Hearsay is not admissible in court.

According to Liz Cheney’s Bio posted on the Congressional Website she’s an attorney. You’d think that as an attorney she would be a lot more precise with her wording and language. You’d also think that she would know the above facts.

During this whole hearing mess, in the back of my mind I’ve been hearing Mel Brooks singing the catchy tune “The Inquisition” from History of the World Part 1

I think like most Americans, I’ve been completely unimpressed. Perhaps a better description would be shamed and terrified.

I do not think this hearing represents the best of American Jurisprudence. In fact the hearing truly looks like a Soviet Era show trial. It is completely obvious that the sole purpose of the Jan 6th Committee is to find Donald Trump guilty.

Look, if he’s that guilty refer the matter to the freakin DOJ and get on with a real trial. The DOJ appears to have become the “Junk Yard Dog” of Congress, so dispense with the bullshit and just go arrest Trump. You could dispense with the trial and simply take Trump to prison. I’m sure from there you could “Epstein” him.

Everyone knows that guilty or not, Congress and the DOJ will fully destroy Trump, if for no other reason than he was uppity with Congress, he made mean tweets, and screwed up the status quo.

Come on Congress you’ve already shown America and the freakin World that there are two tiers of justice. You’ve demonstrated that the is no longer liberty and justice for All Americans. You’ve shown that certain groups have favored status, (for the time being,) and are therefore more equal than the rest of us. You’ve shown time and again what you really think of We The People.

America has already been destroyed by malfeasance, corruption, and elitism. Why not just come out of the freakin closet and tell us all, The Constitution is dead, Justice isn’t ever going to be “Just” again, you have decided that you…

… Our “Betters” know what is best for us and get on with the soft enslavement you’re gunning for.

That’s where you’re headed right? Elites and little people? Masters and slaves?

The little people beaten down and controlled, drones whose sole purpose of existence is to enrich elites then be cast aside when they are too tired, or useless to serve a function.

Stop nibbling on the barrel of the gun, fucking pull the trigger! I’m sick of watching my nation being torn at by a pack of corrupt rabid hyenas such as you.

None of you represent me, or even the interests of American Citizens. None of you are worthy of my vote. None of you in Congress are my betters. I hold you all in Contempt.

Just declare the Declaration of Independence a flawed racist founding document. Say that The Constitution and Bill of Rights were racist, illegal, drunken, fevered dreams, of a bunch of white supremacists. Call those two documents garbage and say that the United States was a bad idea.

Then Congress, you can move forward with your communist central committees, and your dictatorships, beginning the real purges.

All Republicans
Anyone who ever questioned or disagreed with you
All the conservative Justices on the SCOTUS and every single Judge not approved by your new regime
All the educated constitutional law scholars who disagree
Follow that up with purging real Scientists. Set us back by 100 years to ensure complete dependency on government by destroying innovation.
You could probably get away with marching most of the “educated” pseudo elites to re-education camps
With proper party members and regional tribunals you could order the summary executions of all the rest of us who should have forced you to stop who were too distracted by the latest episode of “The Masked Singer” or whatever other vapid show you’d care to name.

Just get on with it. Bend Lady Liberty over and slit her throat while you’re ass raping her. While you’re at, it don’t forget to blow up the Statue of Liberty in NY Harbor.

After all isn’t she the epitome of celebrating the racist founding documents? Therefore shouldn’t she be cancelled as well? Don’t forget… she’s white. That should be an easy sell dontyathink?

Remember this you miserable fucking bastards. Once you do, you’ll never know another moment of safety or peace. You’ll be despised, cursed, and hunted for all time.

Enjoy your humiliation on your knees in front of whatever communist masters come help quell the dissidents. I’m sure their cocks will taste sweet on your tongues.

That is what the Jan 6th Hearing makes me think. I no longer give a shit if Trump did or didn’t do anything wrong.

I didn’t vote for him, I also didn’t vote for Hillary. I did vote for Trump as opposed to Biden in 2020 because at least in that matchup, Trump knew where the fuck he was.

The longer this show trial goes on, the madder I get. At this point, if I vote in the next elections I’m going to vote for the least funded, most common, man in the line up. I’m going to vote for people who are hopefully just as pissed off as I am because it’s long past time for the anger of the American People to be represented in Congress.

I’d love to see 435 pissed off average citizens sitting in The House. I don’t care if they’re farmers, janitors, truck drivers, or garbage collectors.

At least they’d have the perspective of not living in a life of luxury. They’d know how to balance a checkbook and what is needed in a budget to put food on their tables.

Our entire leadership needs to be flushed like a gas station toilet. Then follow-up with a good dose of industrial bleach.

One of those times I’d love to do the Moe slap!

As in Curly, Larry, and Moe.

I was skimming the news and ran across a case of a 13 year old boy and two of his friends being brought up on sexual harassment charges.

First, 13 year old boys inadvertently sexually harass everyone. They’re riding the testosterone horse through no fault of their own, other than biology. They’re thinking about sex at least 40 seconds out of every minute.

That’s not to excuse it, but 13 year old boys are trying to learn how to be in control and honestly they’re going to slip up.

As I read the article, I was expecting them to have made some inappropriate comments about a particularly hot teacher.

(I know I had some seriously inappropriate thoughts about a particular teacher when I was their age. Oh Ms. Ivy, you were every boys dream!)

Picture Kelly LeBrock in Weird Science The line she leads off with after the boys have called her into existence is priceless, “So what would you little monsters like to do first?”

Reading further, it turns out the boys were being accused of sexual harassment because they’d failed to use the preferred pronouns of one of their classmates.

The classmate in question was a female… a girl… who identified as non-binary and her preferred pronouns are They/Them.

You know, it’s hard enough for kids to learn English! Then when you start throwing improper use of plural pronouns into the mix for special cases it’s going to make it far worse.

Further into the story, it comes out that the non-binary girl had for the entire school year gone off on these three boys in profane inappropriate language since November. The girl had only come out as non-binary in March.

It was apparently during one of these profane tirades that one of the boys rightly pointed out that his constitutional right to free speech didn’t mean he had to call anybody by incorrect pronouns. She was a She/Her not a They/Them.

Bravo! Young man! You were obviously paying attention in Civics and English!

Later on the boys side of the story gets more interesting. This girl was always accusing them of talking about her. Anytime she heard one of them say the word “She,” the girl automatically assumed they were talking about her. It sounds a lot like the girl has issues.

This is a possibility the boys were talking about her, if she was hot. The other possibility is that the boys were talking about her simply because she was such a pain in their collective asses. If she wasn’t hot, and hadn’t pissed the boys off during the day it’s more likely they were talking about their sisters, mothers, or a video game character.

Mothers and 13 year old boys often find themselves locked in conflict.

Clean your room!
Put your clothes in the hamper!
Stop leaving bowls and plates of mostly eaten food under your bed! Rinse the damn plate and stick it in the dishwasher when you’re done with it.
Why does your room always smell like a feral animal lives in there? (Technically Moms, a feral animal does live there.)
You’re not going out with your friends until your homework is complete and I’ve checked it!

All of the above common comments from Moms will generate griping and whinging one 13 year old boy to another.

It’s called puberty and adolescence. Generally everyone survives.

Little sisters have an annoying propensity to go into their big brother’s rooms.

At 13, your little sister finding your wadded up Kleenex and hand lotion could be devastating. Especially since your little sister is duty bound by her pact with Satan to bring these items to the attention of your mother..

Usually at the dinner table, in front of everyone, including your father. Some little sister’s hold onto that information until a large family gathering with Grandma and Grandpa and all the Aunts, Uncles, and cousins.

I can assure you that it’s not nearly as funny as the scene in Parenthood where Steve Martin goes searching for a flashlight during a blackout at his sister’s house and comes back asking how to turn the flashlight on.

In the darkness you hear a buzzing and then the lights come on.

It’s a little sister’s job to stir up as much shit as she can… Trust me, they usually get over it and turn into really nice people. Before they turn into nice people, they’re the topic of a lot of discussion between their brother and his friends. Those discussions are not usually nice.

The really screwed up part of this is that this allegation is going to be on the boys record. It could cause them problems in the future, say in college admissions?

At the end of the article, it was pointed out that currently the charges are in an investigation stage. But the accused boys families have all lawyered up.

I’m hoping to find a followup to the article. I’d like to see how the investigation comes out.

I also have to say, as an adult I’m going to be hard pressed to remember all the improper usage of pronouns when I’m out and about. I honestly cringe at the thought of having to return to an office and deal with crazy people freaking out about some bullshit weird pronouns.

Obviously I’m going to have to have some kind of scorecard just to function.

And the people I’d like to do the Moe Slap on…

Every member of the school board in these kids town. For that matter, I’d love to smack every single one of these “Woke MORONS” who have, and are still, bastardizing our language.

I was soooo excited to hear the SOTU Address

I could hardly wait to hear the pearls of wisdom from His Royal Majesty, The Imperial President Biden.

I wanted to see who would tear up their copy of the SOTU speech this year. I was hoping it would be a Republican and then we could see the dirty traitorous racist bastard roughed up and hauled away by The Nobel, Efficient, Capital Police.

I was hoping that we’d see angry “peasants” throwing themselves against the fence and razor wire surrounding the Capital. We might have seen The National Guard opening fire on them ensuring the majesty of our democracy.

The whole world would then see how strong our leaders were, as bulldozers scooped up the bodies and dumped them in a mass grave.

I was hoping for there to at least be some random arrests on the streets outside the Capital were the arrestees were detained without charge, denied their right to counsel, and imprisoned without due process.

After examples like that, the world would know that our leaders are fearless, behind guards, fences and walls, and they know how to control undesirable elements in our society.

Alas, it didn’t happen.

I suppose The Most Glorious Biden’s government is spread thin chasing down all the people who visited Washington DC during Jan 2021.

Happily, many of those racist, white supremacist, bastards, are rotting in prison. Perhaps there wasn’t enough room for more criminal scum?

Please pardon my venomous sarcasm!

I’ve always hated politics! I hate even more that I feel like I’ve been watching a 50 car pile up in slow motion for the past 20 years, and can’t look away.

By now, even the most ardent lover of Joe Biden must be having some buyer’s remorse. His polling numbers would seem to support that assertion.

Yeah, I’ve been aware of a creeping problem in politics for at least the past 20 years.

I voted my conscience, not my party for all of that time. I voted for the candidate, Local, Statewide, and National, that I thought would do the best job. Party be damned.

Ultimately, I thought that the individual candidate and their purported beliefs and history mattered more than their party affiliation. I naively believed that common sense and the inherent decency of the human being would prevail.

I was apparently wrong.

As an American, I understood that we would sometimes have hard times, and sometimes we’d be riding high. I didn’t have a problem tightening my belt for the betterment of my fellow Americans. It wasn’t easy, but it was a duty I shouldered right along with the rest of society because I saw that the government was taking action to correct the problem(s) and those corrections took time. After all, you can’t instantly turn an aircraft carrier, or a cruise ship. I still believed in the system.

However, unlike the frog in a slowly heating pot of water. I’m aware that we’re being boiled alive.

None of my core beliefs fit anymore.

I really wanted to believe The Biden Administration would address the raging issues facing Americans. I wanted to believe that they’d heard the people.

President Joe Biden delivers his first State of the Union address to a joint session of Congress at the Capitol, Tuesday, March 1, 2022, in Washington as Vice President Kamala Harris and House speaker Nancy Pelosi of Calif., look on. (Jim Lo Scalzo/Pool via AP)

Instead all we got from the SOTU address was what they thought we wanted to hear. Not an actual concrete plan to change course.

I’ll leave the fact checking to the political analysts, (Or Twitter).

A few things did pop out at me. Just a few days ago, there was an article, (I think from CNN) that said Biden admitted that sanctions against Russia wouldn’t help.

Now, in the SOTU, we’re being told that sanctions are hurting Russia? But we and the EU are still buying oil from Russia?

Part of Biden’s speech sounded like it came from the Republican platform. “Buy American”, “Open Schools”, “Build the economy from the bottom up”, “Immigration Reform”, “Rework the Tax System”, “ReFund the Police”. That last one was probably the most astounding.

Biden did mention that our divisiveness needed to end. He said we are all Americans and need to unify. I agree wholeheartedly with that sentiment. He followed up with more rhetoric about gun control.

He went on to conflate voter integrity laws with voter suppression. Again that was expected.

Most of the speech felt like pandering.

It felt like Biden was saying words but there was no intent behind them. Once again we heard about Beau Biden. It seems like every time Joe Biden speaks, he invokes Saint Beau.

For all his screwups, I feel kinda bad for Hunter. His Dad always speaks about Beau with a sense of deep loss, when Joe Biden speaks about Hunter it’s almost as an afterthought. Hunter must feel like, “Dad wishes I’d died and Beau lived,” perhaps that is why Hunter appears to be so self destructive.

At some point I tuned out. Biden’s SOTU address was exactly what I’d expected. A whole lot of rhetoric and hyperbole but not a lot of substance.

I’d hoped that he (or his handlers) would have addressed a few very specific points and then provided specific corrective actions.

Something like;

Fuel prices are high and that’s hurting Americans across the board. High fuel prices affect people at the pumps and increase the cost of goods being moved to market, adding to inflation.

To address this:
First I’m releasing our strategic reserves. That won’t last forever but will buy us time.
Second I’m authorizing a ramp up of domestic oil production. Fuel prices won’t fall instantly but as our production goes up and we replenish the strategic oil reserves I expect the prices to start dropping.
Third We will reduce our oil purchases from Russia. This will move us toward energy independence and simultaneously apply more pressure to Russia to stop their war in Ukraine.

This is not a short term fix, I ask all America to be patient. I call upon those companies with workers who can work remotely to delay bringing workers back into the office. That will help offset fuel demand and possibly reduce carbon emissions during this transition. If we work together, we’ll come through just fine.

A simple statement like that would have been commanding and shown leadership. It would have shown there was a plan and even if that plan didn’t work, Americans would have accepted it, and tried to make it work.

Similar statements on just a few key issues would have made all the difference to me, and my opinion of Biden’s leadership.

There was no need for Biden to make anything more than a passing statement about the Ukraine conflict. He could acknowledge it and move on. After all, this speech was about the state of our union not necessarily world events. That’s what speeches at the UN are for.

I’ve included a transcript of the speech from Yahoo News, here.

Re-reading the SOTU. I felt like the Biden Administration was going down a laundry list, not of issues, but of special interest groups.

One item I warmed up to was making the VA work toward linking Toxic exposure from burn pits to disease ravaging our troops after they return from war. This is a problem that the VA has swept under the rug for a very long time. It’s not right that our troops should return home only to be driven into poverty by medical bills because the VA denies the problem is related to our improper disposal of known toxic materials.

Generally, this SOTU left me cold and disheartened.