To Watch the Debate or Not to watch the debate that is a question.

Though not necessarily “The” question.

I’m pretty ambivalent about watching. There was an interesting clip on twitter of a CNN hostess cutting off a Trump spokesperson after that spokesperson referenced documented statements from Jake Tapper exhibiting his clear bias against Trump.

Apparently the CNN hostess took statements of fact as an “Attack” on her colleague and wouldn’t hear any more of it. This calls into question CNN’s overall ability to moderate the debate without bias.

The question is, can CNN cover up Biden’s obvious infirmity? I’m just suspicious enough that I could see The DNC setting Biden up hoping that he’ll have a heart attack or stroke during the debate then calling Trump a “Murderer” for stressing Biden out to the point that he fell ill.

To any of the Democrat rank & file reading this. You might want to have a serious talk with the party leaders and let them know random people think Democrats have become really evil. I’m talking sucking Satan’s cock evil. The Republican Party may be a bunch of sell outs, but they’re not evil in the same way, and certainly don’t plumb the depths of depravity as the Democrats have done with Biden.

I think a lot of folks have wondered if we’re witnessing Elder Abuse with this presidency.

Td simpsons bird.Alternatively if I was Trump. I’d try to rattle the old geezer. Trump has a habit of using a lot of hyperbole when he’s speaking. Were I Trump I’d be dialing that shit through the roof, forcing an emotional response out of Biden. Simultaneously forcing Biden’s already taxed logical processing to work extra hard. Once Trump ran Biden off the rails it’s unlikely Biden would recover.

Trump could legitimately bring up the Hunter Laptop. In the first debate Biden claimed it was Russian disinformation and Trump said,  “You mean the laptop is now another ‘Russia, Russia, Russia’ hoax?”

Now the FBI, CIA, and rest of the alphabet assholes in government have admitted Hunter’s laptop is not only real, but contains DAMNING evidence. It might be interesting for Trump to revisit that whole Russia thing again. That’s gotta be a soft target with Biden and might be enough to shake him despite whatever drugs he might be hopped up on. 

I’d be tempted to watch the debate because I personally would like to see all the bullshit the “Journalists” and the Biden administration have spun to protect Biden crumble.

I’d like to see Biden just come completely undone on stage, in front of the whole world putting an end to the lies about how wonderful, sharp, and fit he is.

If he did melt down, you can bet your bottom dollar that we’d see the old “Technical Difficulties” screen

In the 2020 debate, Biden said, “I am the Democrat Party.” Seeing him fold and crumble on stage would underscore the infirmity and disconnectedness of the Democrat party. It would make a brutal campaign add.

Video of Biden losing it, with his voice saying “I am the Democrat Party”. 

On the other hand, I worry that watching the debate will be like watching a snuff film and what kind of person does that make me?

Maybe I’ll just wait to see the highlights



Existential THREAT TO DEMOCRACY!!!!!

Oh for god’s sake STOP!

Global Warming, Is a threat to democracy
Global Cooling, Is a threat to democracy
MAGA, Is a threat to democracy
Trump, Is a threat to democracy
Vaccine Hesitancy, Is a threat to democracy
Israel Palestine conflict, Is a threat to democracy
January 6th Protests, Is a threat to democracy
Questioning the media, Is a threat to democracy
Questioning the Government, Is a threat to democracy

If everything the media and politicians warn us about, Is a threat to democracy, then nothing is.

Alternatively, if everything is a threat to democracy then democracy is some seriously weak assed shit.

Neither of these assertions are particularly correct.

What these morons are saying is anything and everything beyond their control is a threat to their idea of democracy.

Which leads me to wonder if they understand what democracy is, or that if used incorrectly, democracy may be a bad thing.

You want to see true unfettered absolute democracy?

Look at the Pro Palestinian protestors on college campuses preventing other students from getting to & from their classes. Is this not The Majority exercising absolute democracy and using their numbers to overrule the rights of a minority?

How about Pro Palestinian protestors interrupting a pride parade? Aside from the multiple ironies of Queers for Palestine being on both sides of the “battle line”. Protestors versus Pride Parade is absolute RAW Democracy in action. (There’s also a lesson in there. With Palestinians we can’t have anything they don’t want us to have.)

Democracy can easily be used to trample the rights of the individual. 

That’s why The Constitution and Bill of Rights are so important. When you understand those documents are the only thing standing between us and Pure Democracy (a.k.a. tyranny of the mob), the importance of these documents appears in a whole new light.

I’ve come to believe that the media and our politicians are overusing the word democracy so that we stop “hearing it”. Much like the overused word “racist”. I’ve started wondering if this is a prelude to redefining the word to mean something else in practice if not actual definition.

We don’t now and never have lived in a democracy. Our form of government was designed as a Constitutional Republic. That design was chosen so that the rights of the individual would be preserved regardless of the desires of the Mob.

There’s also an interesting bit in The Constitution that says something to the effect, rights not enumerated are assumed to be held or retained by the individual, not the state. I’m paraphrasing but the meaning was clear to me as an 11 or 12 year old.

My right to do as I pleased was enshrined in The Constitution…

To be clear, my parents were pleased and impressed that I’d read and comprehended The Constitution. They did not however buy my assertion that my misbehavior was Constitutionally protected. I recall their rebuttal was completely rational.

You live in our house, as a dependent on our largess, therefore you will obey our rules until such time as you are no longer dependent upon us for food and shelter. Now, GO TO YOUR ROOM!

It wasn’t until many years later that I learned my Father’s face had been beet red not out of anger, as I had supposed at the time. He’d been doing one of the hardest things a parent has to do. Being parental, when what he really wanted to do was bust up laughing. He told me in my 30’s that he & my mother had gone out to the driveway and laughed till they cried.

I can say these days, it’s a good thing my Father is dead, much as I miss him. With the way the government has been doing things over the past decade or two, my Brother is convinced, and I concur, that our Father would have been out in the shed or in a bunker making ammo and planning for “La Revolution!”

He’d have seen his planning as duty to The Founding Documents, in particular that part that says if the government has become so corrupt and distorted that it no longer serves the people, then the people should overthrow it.

Even in the 1970’s I remember my Father saying that the government should be “big red switched”. A.K.A. abolished and restarted from The Bill of Rights, Constitution, and basic principals. His thinking was that for 1 hour or day there’d be no laws whatsoever. He was ahead of his time. He was really talking about something similar to “The Purge”.

His thinking was that you have to re-elect all new officials, all the laws get erased. The government got started up again with the basics of commonly accepted laws. Don’t kill, don’t steal, that sort of thing. He figured that any scores that got settled while the government was restarting and laws being re-adopted was probably acceptable losses. He’d sometimes go a bit further saying that the folks who got taken out during the restart, probably would have deserved it.

Funny thing, now that I think about it. I wouldn’t consider my Father and his somewhat radical ideas a threat to The Republic. But I could see how his ideas would be considered a threat to the “Democracy” that our politicians are trying to defend.

I’d hate to be worried about my Father and the rest of the family getting “Ruby Ridged” or “Wacoed” by the Feds. There was a time when I called those incidents “outlier” events. Now, I’ve begun to see the Feds for what they are. They’ve shown us all exactly who and what they are in the past 4 years. 

When things like the following have become common place:

3am raids against lawyers who represented a political enemy.
Hunting down people who were simply at the capital on Jan 6th.
Kicking down the doors of ministers over a political dispute with weapons drawn and children in the house.
10-15 vehicles with 60+ agents of the FBI in full tactical load out to arrest one 65 year old retiree and his wife.

Really? This is the “Democracy” our politicians are screaming about protecting?

I’ve seen old newsreels of this. Jackbooted authoritarian thugs kicking down doors.

It was common in Soviet Russia, we denounced it then. It is common in Communist China, our politicians seem to be looking the other way these days. We also saw this behavior in 1930s & 1940s Germany. While the Hugo Boss uniforms were impressive, the authoritarianism was not, and we saw millions murdered. At the end of that conflict. When the trials were ongoing, the common refrain was “I was only following my orders.”

We’ve already heard testimony before Congress that sounded a lot like, “I was only following orders.”

If this kind of government is what our politicians, specifically those in high offices want to protect, then we have a serious problem. 

The question is, how radical will the solution to the problem have to be?

My God the Democrats have lost their minds!

Traitors All.I wasn’t planning to write about any political shit today. But I can’t remain silent in the face of this stupidity!

Across the nation there are Democrats celebrating that the “Evil Orange Man” was found guilty on all 34 charges. Charges of WHAT???

A bookkeeping error?  More properly, that someone in New York City didn’t like the way the book keeping was done by Trumps bookkeeper and found Trump guilty instead of trying the accountant or bookkeeper for this crime.

Fuck! These people are stupid!

But it’s worse than that. If the Republicans end up in power, regardless of Trump winning or not. The Republicans should, in my opinion go after every single one of the Democrats with questionable activities in Congress.

The best thing the Biden administration could do right now, is to disband congress, fire all the Justices in the SCOTUS appoint their own justices and Biden should declare himself dictator for life.

As angry as the people of America are about this I can’t see anything other than completely flushing the United States Constitution.

The implementation of Communist ideals is the only option left to these people. That is the only way that they could possibly intimidate the American People into submission.

Anything less, well they might be able to pull off a bloodless coup.

If the Republicans take control of congress then all these people better be running for the border to someplace without extradition.

If the Republicans use the perverted laws that the Democrats have used every one of these people would be marched out to the gallows and hung.

Honestly, if that were to happen, I’d crack open a beer and smoke a cigar to watch the executions.

Unfortunately I think we’re in for some real shit out of the Democrats in the next few months. We’ve already seen dumbass Joe making statements about the verdict today. Did anyone listen to his address?

His exit from the press conference and that evil little smile said everything we needed to know about Joe Biden.

Well CNN, That’s a step in the right direction!

The news media losing their minds over a phrase in the background of a video that a Trump aid reposted, demonstrates that everything “Trump” is under a microscope. 

If only they’d be as diligent with all things Biden. I’m not going to hold my breath on that one.

CNN though, has tracked down the origins of the offending comment. They have determined that it was “not a fascist dog whistle.”

Well that’s a relief! CNN of course being known in recent years for their amazingly accurate, in depth reporting, and marvelous “Journalists”.

I watched the video in question. It was interesting, the “Offending Phrase” was “unified Reich”.

The phrase literally appeared in the background of a video montage and was part of a newspaper headline that was quoting a German article about something which I don’t accurately recall.

When I went back to review the video for this piece, all the videos I can find online at this point appear to have been intentionally blurred. That really pisses me off!

Not only did the Left raise a stink about words taken out of context, they appear to have intentionally obfuscated the source material, making it difficult for the casual observer to do their own fact checking. I believe everyone should be fact checking articles that interest them. Reliance upon some oracle of fact checking is just as stupid as blindly believing the original piece of questionable information.

The video I originally saw, showed a newspaper background which was clearly vintage, judging from the style, and I think I recall seeing a date. In other words, this was a photo of a newspaper that became part of a video background that wasn’t supposed to be read, it was just supposed to be a wallpaper for the video elements presented on top.

By the way, this “unified Reich” statement wasn’t even talking about Naziism. The date I think I recall seeing on the paper was late 1920’s, before the rise of Hitler. Oh let’s not forget the word Reich actually has meanings in the German language other than its association with Hitler.

If the word isn’t capitalized (reich) it generally translates to “Rich” or similar meanings, “wealth”, “money”, “costly”, “finery”, & similar meanings.

If the word is capitalized, (Reich) then the general meaning is “kingdom”, “realm”, or “empire”.

One example that caught my eye was this:

Dein Reich komme.

That one is biblical, in English it translates, “thy Kingdom come”. 

Recognize that phrase?

Note that “empire” and “realm” would also be generally appropriate translations and would fit in context. “Kingdom” is chosen based on convention possibly due to earlier translations of the Bible from Greek or Aramaic.

What none of the initial news reports made mention of was, the video wasn’t generated by the Trump campaign. The video was put together by someone who is a Trump fan, and showed their approval of Trump by putting together a montage of Trumps promises and comments, over a publicly available (template / background).

Based on the way the American news media reacted to this “Fan Video”, you could cause all kinds of trouble.

Just find a German print news piece of Trump reciting The Lord’s Prayer then paste that piece into an American hit piece, using it to damn Trump for inciting a Neo-Nazi uprising, because the word “Reich” would appear in the German text of the prayer. 

That would be interestingly ironic if you think about it.

Damning Trump because he prayed The Lord’s prayer in a church and a German reporter dutifully translated it into German for their readership back home.

Context is everything. Has anyone ever asked why Hitler called the movement, “The Third Reich”? Why not the First or the Fourth?

In the video I saw, the “Unified Reich” headline appeared to be referring to some kind of production being improved, I want to say it was something to do with crops or farm yields. 

In that context, the headline could have said, “blah blah yields increased due to unification of various realms in Germany.” The journalist may have had a word limit in the headline and chose to imply Germany, using the word “Reich”. Doing so eliminated several other words but got the point across. (I wonder if ‘Cantons’ work in this context?)

Remember, in the time before television, people actually read the entire paper, and headlines were meant to catch attention while providing a little taste of what in the article may be of interest to the reader.

Yes, I understand the concept. I’m just not good at it. That’s what made real Journalists special. They were masters of language and conveying information. Journalism degrees used to actually mean something, as did most other degrees from reputable universities.

I don’t even speak German. I speak English and bad English! That being said, I do know from a smattering of languages that I’ve been exposed to, that words almost never have a singular meaning.

Words evolve over time, and that’s why even in my native language there are multiple definitions of words. In nicer dictionaries there are often century notations about a particular definition. These century notations make it easier to glean the meaning of a word in one of Shakespeare’s plays when contextually the modern definition of the word simply doesn’t make sense.

I’m a moron. If I know this, then I expect for the “Journalists” blathering on the boob tube nightly to know this as well.

After all, they’re supposed to be my betters aren’t they?

The only reason I can imagine anyone seized on this “Unified Reich” headline is an unreasoning hatred of Donald Trump.

Whoever spun this into the “tempest in a tea pot,” it became must have been viewing the video almost frame by frame looking for anything to hurt Trump. Is that really the best use of one’s time or life? Living in that kind of frothing hatred cannot be good for one’s health.

Surely Trump has outright factually said things that are disagreeable, which could, and should, be addressed with logic and reason. If he’s such a bad guy then public discussion should be possible without resorting to misquoting or using out of context images.

That logic cuts both ways.

Why is it, issues surrounding Biden and his administration have gone unchallenged? Why is it that there is almost never public discussion regarding Biden’s statements, or actions? Except, to walk them back.

If you think about it, “walking something back” used to mean bringing something back from an outlier position to a more mainstream one. Now, it means flat out correction of erroneous statements. Why is this term used?

Because it looks really bad to have a press secretary or the news media saying, “We need to correct The President’s statements…” on a daily basis. Correcting The President daily suggests that either The President is not a person of their word, The President is not actually in control, or The President is an idiot.

None of these are good looks, domestically or internationally, for The President of The United States of America.

The Supreme Court has said Biden can’t make student debt go away at taxpayer’s expense, Congress alone holds the purse strings.

Yet Biden has acted in defiance of both the Supreme Court and Congress on this matter. Is that not breaking the Law? Where is the public discussion about that?

Why has the media acted as a rubber stamp about this? Why haven’t the pundits and wags called out the Biden administration on ignoring the ruling?

Yes, there’s the taxpayer element but the more fundamental issue is that we have a President who is defying the Judicial and Legislative branches of government. That latter issue seems to be far closer to a dictatorship, than anything Trump did while in office.

Perhaps someone should be going over every frame of a Biden speech or commercial. Perhaps someone in the CNN newsroom should be reporting on all the “Walk Backs” of Biden’s statements. 

To their credit in addition to CNN doing the research about the “unified Reich” text, they’ve also recently fact checked Biden’s 9% inflation claim too.

They admitted on air, inflation was around 1.6% when Biden took office. Inflation shot up during COVID and topped out around 9% in 2022.

Biden continues to claim that inflation was 9% when he came into office and that it was a problem left to him by the Trump administration.

At least CNN is starting to apply some journalistic  rigor. There may be hope for them, I’m not holding my breath on that either.

Oh for God’s Sake! This shit has got to stop!

I swear, it seems like the asses in New York are splashing gasoline around then playing with matches.

Now the Judge in one of the what? 100 cases against Trump claims he may impose more fines and put Trump in the clink for 30 days for violating a Gag order that frankly I think is questionable in the first place.

These judges placing gag orders on a defendant in cases which seem sketchy at best suggests to me that whatever they’re doing in those courts, it’s not above board.

Moreover, it makes New York City, (already a shitty place in my book, been there a couple of times and wasn’t impressed,) look like what it is. A shit hole of a city that makes the dystopian movie Escape from New York, look like a good day. 

Well at least they’re finally being truthful about how shitty New York City really is.

Juan Merchan Trump trial 640x480.I no longer give a wet runny shit about Trump, the lawsuits, if Trump did anything wrong, if the City of New York is right, the Judges, the Colleges, or in fact any aspect of New York City.

Honestly, If the entire city was destroyed by terrorists, a meteor, a solar flare, flood, earthquake, or a plague of locusts. I wouldn’t give a fuck.

I officially hate New York City, and everything that New York State has to offer.

When you look at the absolute scum New York has sent to Congress it’s arguable that a good part of this country’s problems start with New York, and the cherry on top of our fucked up Congress are the scum bag politicians from California.

I feel like I’m being assaulted every fucking day with this bullshit!

Sorry… I got into the car this morning to run an errand and it was the top of the hour so I got to listen to all the news on the radio.

I’d be inclined right now to vote for Trump just to give the middle finger to every damned progressive politician. If Trump were to win, I’d be laughing my ass off sending letters to every member of congress that said, “You’re FUCKED Now!!! HAHAHAHAH”

Especially if Trump immediately declared martial law and started arresting members of Congress on suspicion of sedition and corruption. I know that will never happen. Even if Trump were to win, nothing and I mean absolutely nothing will change.  Hell, Let him be a fucking dictator! Still nothing would change. Because Trump would be hampered by his belief that the constitution, bill of rights, and the Law itself still mattered. None of that is true. The Communist scumbags have won. 

Hell, Let me be der führer! You want this shit cleaned up? I’m the man for the job. No Mercy! I’ll come up with Operation Bug Bomb and the follow on, Operation Roach Motel in a week.

I can promise two absolutes. 1) You’re not going to like my methods. 2) There will be an end to the bullshit. Even if I have to make a desert and call it peace.

There’s no way in hell I’d get elected to the office of Official Toilet Plunger, so everyone is safe.

We live in a dying Republic. It’s been dying for at least 20 years. Unfortunately, I think this is the end of our founding fathers grand experiment. They weren’t sure it would work, perhaps they’d be impressed that we had as good a run as we did. I forget which one said, “We’ve given you a Democratic Republic if you can hold onto it.” 

Well it’s slipped through our fingers. I’m sad, angry, outraged, and feel some responsibility too.

I’m probably an outlier.

This incessant shit is really starting to damage my calm!

Congress JUST DO IT! Just tell us we’re fucked. We’re property of the state. That we have no rights but those graciously given to us by our generous overlords. Then you can sell our asses to China, or the Tech Companies, Big Pharma, or whoever else is pulling your strings. Just stop the cognitive dissonance! It really hurts!

Here’s a plan. Arrest Trump and all his children. Put them all in Gitmo. Abolish the House, Senate, Elections, Constitution, Bill of Rights, and burn the Declaration of Independence. Declare Biden dictator for life or better yet King.

Then you don’t have to worry about those messy elections and Hunter Biden would become Prince Biden. Whichever politicians made it to The Court of King Biden would have access to all the wealth a captive slave labor force could produce. Between the flood of illegal immigrants and the existing citizens y’all could probably strip-mine the entire continent in 30 years. I’m sure when Hunter became King, he’d be more than willing to hand out money and lands based on how well members of the court sucked his cock!

God! I try so hard to avoid the news. I’ve got subscriptions to Apple News, and other News sources that I haven’t opened in months. That’s for my protection. When I hear or read the latest insults to my intelligence and / or my dying belief in our Constitutional Republic I am simultaneously thrown into a rage and black despair.

I’ll be fine, I’ll calm down and get back to some semblance of being numb to all this insanity. At least until the next invasive news article or one of the morons in power manages to strike a match that sets fire to a full blown revolution, insurrection, civil war… whatever. I don’t know what the trigger event is going to be, but I think eventually some asshole politician will do something that cannot be ignored, and the survivors will long for the riots from the “Summer of Love”

It’s time for me to go for a walk, clear my head and do something constructive.