Holy Shit! 72 hours later…

I know there will be people reading this who will disagree with me. That’s okay! 

There are people who will even say these things were underway and just came to fruition coincidentally 72 hours after the election was called in Trump’s favor.

Regarding Ukraine & Russia there are people who will say that the sudden change is because Putin and Trump are boyfriends.

Okay, the folks that believe those things are more than welcome to continue to believe them.

July 2024 kamala harris joe biden podium getty 640x480.But regardless of the reasons, it may be that Trump’s win, and let’s face it, this was a drubbing of Democrat policies in general, and the policies of the Biden/Harris Administration in particular, has catalyzed a lot of nice things happening very suddenly.

One of those things that I find most amazing is that the American people didn’t just speak, they roared.

Had the Democrat party been paying attention, and adjusted their approach addressing the concerns of the people, I doubt that so much of the country would have voted red.

Look at the map. There were counties in deep blue California that flipped to red. That’s almost unheard of. Except that the entire country is clearly pissed off.

I honestly don’t think it was only about Trump’s messaging. The media kept up their attacks, Kamala, Biden, Obama, and the rest of the Democrat Machine kept up their badmouthing and misrepresentation. If anything, all that side of the equation was constant.

Orange man bad, Nazi, Racist, Misogynist, Felon, Rapist, Dictator, blah blah blah. And all his followers too should be in camps! (Honestly, the Democrats sounded a lot more Nazi than the Republicans.)

Trump isn’t much different than he ever was. He might be a little more humble but I’m not sure.

So it comes down to 1 of 2 factors. Kamala was a terrible candidate or Americans believed their lying eyes and not the gaslighting about the economy or how much better their lives are under the Biden/Harris Administration.

It’s maybe a bit of both.

The media is saying that suddenly the whole damn country is misogynist, and racist. I think that’s funny as hell because even after getting stomped, the media is still trying to prop Kamala Harris up and completely missing the point.

I don’t believe the American people give two shits about her race, her gender, or anything else aside from she said she couldn’t think of anything she’d do different from Biden, and that she’s deeply flawed and unlikable, she could not or would not address the concerns of the people.

I believed that Kamala would win anyway because it could be argued the Democrat Party and the machine in Washington demonstrably hate the American People.

What better way to demonstrate to We The People that our voices fall on deaf ears than to saddle us with a blithering idiot like Kamala Harris & lying buffoon like Tim Walz, coupled with crippling debt that serves other countries interest but not our own?

I believed that Harris/Walz would be installed regardless of the voting results and that would be the end of our nation. I was envisioning the decline of Rome. A string of mostly shitty leaders who frittered the wealth of The Empire away.

Trump being elected has given me some hope. It sounds stupid but I’ve been in a depression, closer to despair, that I had attributed to Jerry’s death.

Now I wonder. Since the election I’ve been smiling more, I’m feeling lighter and more positive. 

I can see the possibility of being employed again. Things aren’t so dismal. My need to work on projects isn’t quite so daunting. Hell, I wasn’t paying attention and found that I’ve cleaned the garage.

Monday, there’s a representative from a new church coming to pick up at least some, if not all of the boxes of music that Jerry had stored but hadn’t touched for a decade.

The thing is, I was smiling most of the time I was moving things around, sweeping floors,& making sure that Jerry hadn’t stashed important papers amongst the music. I wasn’t sad, it wasn’t drudgery, I was content moving boxes and re-stacking them for easy loading.

It’s progress born of hope rather than “going through the motions” not wanting to extend myself or expend any physical or emotional effort because “Why should I? Some faceless nameless fuck will just come along and tax me or steal my work.”

California has made me feel like this for a long time, but California plus an overarching federal government that appeared to be capricious and arbitrary too, was right on the raggedy edge of too much for me to bear.

At first I thought this was strictly about my own issues. That I was taking it all far too personally. That I’d never recovered from the “Lockdown” mentality. All these things are probably true in some measure. With gas & food prices what they are, I don’t go places often. I’ve gotten out of the habit, and I don’t enjoy sitting in traffic.

During the California lockdowns, you didn’t know if you were going to be arrested for surfing alone on an empty beach. Or when the next insane Karen was going to accost you in a parking lot because you hadn’t put your completely useless chin diaper on. Or finding shelves empty because our transportation infrastructure was a useless mess, I got into the habit of not wanting to go anywhere because I just hated and loathed dealing with the insanity.

One thing that I did notice during the COVID / Biden / Harris years was that going to Florida,  Texas, Louisiana, Georgia, and Alabama were pleasurable because those places were not treating their citizens like prisoners in their own homes. Oddly, their shelves were pretty damn full too in addition to gas costing about 1/2 what I paid in California.

All of which is why I was pressuring Jerry to move. I really wanted us to enjoy our golden years  someplace that was calm and comfortable. We never got the opportunity.

We put up with the lockdown mentality. I kept beating my head against the wall employment wise, and Jerry kept working all the jobs he’d been working for years. We settled into almost a Stockholm syndrome way of living. We were prisoners and we couldn’t see any way out of the prison. Things were as they’d always been and they weren’t going to change. 

The world was a uniform grey of rules, fear, regulations, and not wanting to deal with anything outside our four walls more than we had to. When Jerry died, for me, the grey got a lot darker.

I stopped correcting people who needed to validate their COVID terror, by saying Jerry died of COVID. In a way that is true, not because he contracted the virus, but because he wasn’t able to get the medical care during COVID he needed.

Doctors here in California made it so very difficult to schedule appointments plus it was questionable if the appointment would be kept dependent on the doctor’s staff testing positive for COVID or not. After a while Jerry stopped trying. His schedule had far too many moving pieces to accommodate the doctor’s office calling to say, “tomorrow?  Next week??? Maybe in a month?”

A lot of these were wounds that I didn’t realize I was carrying. I knew I was burdened, but you get used to the weight and after a while you don’t notice it at all.

Donald_Trump_32758233090 768x512.jpg.optimal 3278148077.Since Trump’s election I look at the stock market soaring, I see Hamas saying they want to stop the shit. I look at Putin & Zelensky publicly stating that it’s time to stop their war, and the middle east countries who suddenly have decided it’s not a good idea to harbor terrorist groups and kicking them out. Look at the most recent migrant caravan suddenly reduced to 1/2 its size because the message is out, the free ride ,in the United States is over.

So perhaps it’s not just me, that feels like I’m seeing the sun for the first time in a long while. Sometime in the last 3.5 years, I wrote in this blog that the Biden Administration “Felt” a lot like the Obama Administration. At the time that was a “one off” comment. 

Looking back on it, and the Obama Administration, I wasn’t happy either. About a year or so into Obama’s first term I felt profoundly betrayed.

I’d voted for the guy and he wasn’t who or what I thought he was. I felt relieved when Trump won in 2016 even though I didn’t vote for him or Hillary.

I realize now that even though I was attempting to ignore politics, on some level I was very aware of the political machinations. I was seeing the effects on my life and worried about how I would be affected by nameless faceless bureaucrats.

I’d had a taste of what could happen under the Clinton administration when he closed military bases in the local area. Our local economy tanked, there were layoffs, high unemployment, our home’s value dipped underwater and we were very concerned that we’d lose our home altogether.

The Bush II years were slightly better. At the time, I was not happy with the Republican Party at all, hence my voting for Obama and “Hope & Change”. I was willing to risk a Democrat Administration because I looked at Obama and thought “He’s a younger guy, he’s going to understand the working class. The Democrats are the party of the working class so things will be better off.

Except they weren’t. Scandals, mismanagement, & misuse of the DOJ, IRS, and other government agencies plagued Obama. Even Jerry, a lifelong Democrat, turned away in disgust from the Democrat party toward the end of Obama’s administration.

Both of us rolled our eyes at Trumps 3AM Tweets. Neither of us voted for Trump in 2016. Jerry thought I was nuts when I came around to Trump. I could see the advantage of a Businessman’s practicality in the Presidency. In 2020 we both voted for Trump and were both disappointed when Biden was installed.

We both had many questions about the election and thought that it was a bad idea to switch Presidents with the looming COVID crisis. But all too soon we were locked down. Shortly thereafter Biden was mandating vaccines, as a condition of employment, even if you never left your damn home, because you were working remotely.

So I was screwed. My system doesn’t react well with RNA inhibitors so medically speaking a modified RNA vaccine was out of the damn question.

Until Tuesday, I’d given up even looking for a job except for once every two weeks or so. I am white, old, male, don’t have a degree, and while I am gay, I’m not much into the pronouns de jour, or worrying about how someone identifies if they’re wearing genderfuck drag. That was the employment environment. Why bother wasting time looking?

That seems to have been the recurring theme for me over the past 4 years. Why bother? Why try? The obstacles and impediments are too high. After all, I’m a racist, disease carrying, misogynist, uneducated, illiterate, nazi, garbage, existential threat to democracy, transphobic, domestic terrorist, worthless useless, male piece of shit. I don’t deserve to be able to have a job, or to even exist… According to Biden, the sitting President of the United States.

My sole usefulness was to pay taxes.

Words matter. 

Negative messaging and name calling is destructive.

Perhaps that’s why Donald Trump fills stadiums. His message is one of we’ve got these problems, here’s what I plan to do about those problems. We’ve got a few nasty people in power who are not listening to all the beautiful voices of you good people. I appreciate that you folks have taken the time to come hear what I have to say.

It’s possible that I and the rest of a weary nation heard him and thought, “That message is a better one than we’re hearing from the other side.”

Hearing that the country had elected Trump in both popular vote and electoral college vote was heartening.

It represented a possible end to the slog through hell we’ve experienced for the past 4 years. That the House and Senate were also red provides a mechanism wherein Trump can implement his plans without a lot of static.

That made me happy. I can see an end to the shit. I feel like trying again. I look forward to the future and want to contribute again.

All of which is to say, If you see me and I have a goofy grin. It’s because I’m happy for the first time in 4 years…

For the first time in years I woke up cautiously optomistic.

I wasn’t going to watch the election results, but I turned the coverage on mid-afternoon. It was like watching an accident, I found that I couldn’t look away.

Then the numbers kept coming in that began to indicate the current administration was crippled and on its way to the trash bin of history. It was addictive, and I was hooked.

As the night wore on, I felt like the rug would be pulled out from under me. I was sure that somewhere in a dank basement in Washington D.C. a cabal of vile creatures that used to be human, in whom the corruption had finished its horrific work, were meeting to dash my hopes.

I was waiting for some last minute judicial maneuver, played out in grandiose fashion that disqualified not only Trump but somehow criminalized all Republicans and MAGA supporters. With anyone wearing Red being loaded up into cattle cars then shipped off to “Work Camps” or Re-Education camps.

I was expecting Kamala to take the stage cackling like a hyena announcing she won… by default… again…

As more states turned red I was dumbfounded. I poured myself another drink and waited for the inevitable crushing despair I knew had to come. Surely there was something that the slimy Democrats had up their sleeve.

I knew Harris & that strange troll of a man Walz, were destined to win, their job was to subject us to at least 8 more years of horrific policies, war, and poor governance. 

Their job was to finally and completely break the backs of the American Citizen.

AP24255498713961 640x480.Then Kamala blew off her “watch party” leaving her supporters exhausted, despondent, and unappreciated. She went to bed, without appearing. She sent a minion to make nice, and tell everyone the party was over and to go home.

Trump meanwhile, along with his family, Vice President elect, and many others appeared before the crowd and he was humble (relatively speaking for him). He thanked people, those who were on stage and those in the crowd for their support.

In short, he was Presidential. 

Donald_Trump_32758233090 768x512.jpg.optimal 3278148077.X lit up like a Christmas tree.

There was a fair amount of vitriol directed at the paid shills who’d been propping up the Biden / Harris administration for the past four years.

They’d been doing this often by misrepresenting the truth and never missed an opportunity to bash Trump, often touting previously debunked stories or flat out lies as evidence of Trump’s Hitlerian evil.

The general consensus of the messages directed at these people was a resounding “Fuck You!

As I was reading these streams of messages, I couldn’t help thinking that I’d rather have a strong convicted Felon, than a a weak duplicitous communist as the President.

At least a Felon can communicate with Putin and Zelensky on even footing…

I think the popular voting numbers also say “fuck you” to Democrats and their policies, only a bit more polite.

Some Senate seats flipped, it looks like the Republicans will control the Senate. Unfortunately, the scum Adam Schiff is projected to return to the senate. As is typical in California, the coastal areas screw over the farmers and ranchers in the interior of the state.

The House seats are still too close to call, maybe a majority will be held onto by the Republicans?

On a funnier note, some of the folks on X were saying, “I never thought I’d say this, but I am looking forward to watching The View tomorrow.”

Joy Reid is out of her damn mind and is calling Florida an “Extreme Right-Wing Fascist State”. Wow! She’s obviously never been there for any length of time. One thing I can say about Florida is you’re pretty much going to be left the hell alone to live your life so long as you don’t break the law or hurt someone else. Thats kind of the opposite of a Fascist State isn’t it?

Honestly, Joy Reid needs to retire. She seems to be interested only in fomenting anger and hatred with half truths and rage.

Oh isn’t that nice? George Gascón has been kicked out on his ass in a landslide. I guess the people of Los Angeles County are sick and tired of living in “Escape from Los Angeles” . Perhaps there will be a crackdown on lawlessness. 

Barbra Streisand, & Cher should be busy packing their bags. They’ve both said they’d leave the United States if Trump was elected. In fact a lot of Hollywood celebrities should be loading up the U-Hauls this morning.

Even the HAM Radio Net, I’m in most mornings (a regular communication of HAM operators, checking in with each other.) Normally, these Nets are apolitical but once in a while someone makes a comment. This morning was one of those mornings.

One operator commented to another, “Four years ago you said we were in for a rough ride. We made it through & It’s been a pleasure to ride along with you.” The comment was super innocuous and nothing more than what it said on the face of it. The two operators had even signed off.

But there was a KAREN who listens but never says anything on-air during the net except to complain, piped up telling everyone how important, experienced, and righteous he was and that political comments weren’t appropriate.

My response to that “Karen” out of California City was to turn my radio off. I’d have liked to yell into my microphone “Go Fuck Yourself!” But that really is inappropriate and against FCC Ham Rules. Perhaps I should coin “ESGFY” as a shorthand way of saying “Elon Says Go Fuck Yourself” I don’t think it would catch on though.

I’m tired of all the fucking busybodies! Look you joyless scolds, stay in your own lane, stay out of other peoples business or conversations and live your life. That’s a lot better than sucking the life out of everything and everyone around you. Not that any of you would have the introspection to see that.

CNN’s Van Jones is, of course, playing the race card. Jones is already making excuses yet ignoring the blatantly obvious facts. 

Jones stated that while you can’t really say what exactly determined the result of the 2024 election, President-Elect Donald Trump had leeway to behave poorly that his Democratic opponent, Vice President Kamala Harris didn’t due to race and gender.

Uhhhh no you blithering idiot. It wasn’t about race or gender. Trumps win was about the American People rejecting the Democrat policies, and about Kamala Harris being so throughly unlikeable that she was forced out of the 2020 election because she had so few votes. She hasn’t changed or learned anything and the American People haven’t changed their opinion of her. End of story.

I think perhaps the way forward to healing the rifts between us, starts by telling the truth. The broadcast media oughta give that a try for a while and see where it takes us.

I woke up this morning actually feeling hopeful.

I did check the news feeds because I’m still waiting for the legal maneuvering that Jamie Raskin alluded to so that Trump can’t be President. I’m sure that will come out of New York, you know the source of the shittiest legal proceedings in the country. The place that killed a pet squirrel and a raccoon in what can only be described as an authoritarian like cluster fuck, while allowing rapes, murders, theft, and drugs to wash through the place like a fetid river of shit. The place that re-elected Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, the dumbest bimbo ever, (although AOC and Harris seem to be in a competition to reach bottom for that title.)

Today is still a good day, Trump is still the President Elect by number of votes cast. I was half expecting some “counting errors” to have occurred during the dark of night. Like last time.

For the moment, until New York does some other shitty legal wrangling, or BLM and ANTIFA, the dumb shit gays for Palestine, or the Frankenstein looking mob of Transgender mutilations, start burning shit down.

I’m going to enjoy feeling lighter, hopeful, and happier, than I’ve felt in years.

I think the military used to say something like “Smoke if ya got ‘em”

Have a great day.

Here we are, Election Day Finally!

I’m looking forward to some peace & quiet!

Unfortunately, that’s not going to be the case.

If Trump wins the Democrats are not going to accept it, they’ll start protesting, demanding a recount, screeching that the election was stolen and … 

Oh wait, suddenly the Democrats will be the nasty, vile, wrongheaded, stupid, insurrectionist, despicable Election Deniers! As they have labeled everyone who simply questioned results.

You wonder why people like me are pissed off? 

Look at the past four years, or wait, look at the past eight years for perspective. That bitch Hillary Clinton has been saying the election was stolen from her by Trump and denying the 2016 election results the whole time.

In that spirit Democrats in Congress did literally everything in their power to derail even Trumps good ideas.

This election cycle Kamala Harris has been telling us that Trump phoned up his cronies in Congress to stop a border bill.

Let’s see, Clinton does that shit and it’s all sunshine and unicorns flying out of our asses. Trump does that shit and it’s an existential threat to Democracy, the world, and Satan himself is shooting out of the MAGA folks asses.

That kind of differential treatment is exactly what is not supposed to happen in this country!

Do you begin to understand why I’m soooo very angry?

I could go on and on enumerating all the reasons that I’m angry at our government, but it wouldn’t be good for me or interesting for the reader.

Suffice it to say, I want this bullshit over with. Once this shit is done, I’m hoping best case that I’ll be able to afford shit again. Worst case, I’ll know what I have to do.

Perhaps I’ll find a quiet corner of the world and live out my days in peace and solitude.

Much confusion, Little understanding of English, and No Shame

Liz Cheney War Hawk 640x480.The media continues to slit their own throats with the American people. 

The latest tempest in a tea kettle is their willful misrepresentation of Trump’s statements regarding Liz Cheney. 

Because I’m actually paying attention. Because I really want to know if Trump is the monster he’s consistently made out to be. Because I’m kind of interested in how these horrific misrepresentations get started, then gain a life of their own. And because I have a fair understanding of the English Language and believe words have actual meanings.

I listen carefully to what Trump says. 

Painful as it is, I also listen very carefully to what Biden and Harris say as well. 

Joe Biden did in fact call 1/2 of the country “Garbage” he didn’t stutter, he didn’t have an apostrophe in supporters.

Trumps actual Cheney comment was something every single one of us who is honestly anti-war has said at some time or another. I’m a hot head, when someone messes with my country, I tend to shoot my mouth off. Which is why I’m on record in this blog saying that I believe the joint chiefs and military advisors to The President should be men and women who have actually seen combat.

I believe this is especially true if the sitting President has never been in the military.

My reasoning is simple. Military people who have seen combat are likely to want to seek diplomatic solutions before sending troops to war. They’re not afraid of war, but understand it is inherently wasteful and horrific.

I say that as someone who’s never served and I might be talking out my ass. 

So I might shoot my mouth off and say something stupid like “Kill ‘em all” of our enemies, upon reflection I come back to my generally anti-war stance.

I do believe when dumb fucks, even me, start shouting for war, they should be willing to pick up a rifle and march into battle right along with the actual troops. There should never be rear echelon motherfuckers or desk jockeys that never pissed themselves under fire.

I could be wrong about that and welcome comments from actual soldiers.

The Trump comment every news media outlet ran with came during an interview with Tucker Carlson. Prior to the “Actual” comment, Trump was detailing his anti-war stance. 

What Trump actually said is:

“[Dick Cheney’s] daughter’s a very dumb individual, very dumb. She’s a radical Warhawk. Let’s put her with a rifle standing there with nine barrels shooting at her, okay? Let’s see how she feels about it, you know, when the guns are trained on her face. You know, they’re all Warhawks when they’re sitting in Washington in a nice building saying, “Aw gee, well, let’s send ten thousand troops into the mouth of the enemy.” But she’s a stupid person.”

In other words, Trump called out Liz Cheney for being pro war, just like her father Dick Cheney who made a shit ton of money via the Military Industrial Complex and his Vice Presidency.

Nowhere in Trump’s comment did he say anything about a firing squad, or any of the bullshit the media was spewing on Thursday and Friday.

In other words the media lied… 


Not only did they lie, they all parroted the same damn story pretty much verbatim and not one of these outlets had the integrity to fact check. Perhaps it’s the fault of their DEI hires who can’t read, write, add, or subtract, but whose college loans were paid for, by Biden violating a Supreme Court Order.

It’s only this morning that even the most radical of these organizations are saying, “Nah, he didn’t say let’s execute Cheney.” But they’re doing it quietly and the damage is done.

The news cycle has ended for the week. This was nothing more than a blatant attempt to screw Trump one last time before the election. It should be called what it is and the punishment should be liberally applied. This is/was election interference. The talking heads, wags and pundits should all be held to account for it.

CBS, ABC, FOX, & NBC should be fined because they allowed this unchecked unverified lie to be broadcast over the public airwaves in violation of their broadcast licenses.

The thing is, there are people who heard a 15 second sound bite on the boob tube on CNN and thought “Typical! Trump is gonna be a dictator so he’s working on his list of political prisoners.”

Those are the folks that believe all the other now debunked lies about Trump. From “Very Fine People” to Trump will institute a Nation wide Abortion ban, or as Whoopie Goldberg spewed the other day Trump was gonna reassign white men to white women when he deported the people of color.

She’s completely insane and should be taken off the air for any number of reasons so I didn’t bother to write about her wacko rant this week. I assume my readers know insane & stupid when they see it.

These are people who believe that the Hunter Laptop is the work of a Russian disinformation campaign. (I knew the laptop was real and explained my reasoning in a post in 2022)

I’d looked at it as soon as the data on the drive was leaked in 2020. Then the data got scrubbed and I hadn’t backed up the filth. The 2020 analysis was a pithy expose about the lies from the intelligence community. But since I hadn’t finished the analysis and no longer had the data I deleted the original piece. I do have some standards & honestly was a bit afraid of the FBI kicking my door down.

Quote if you repeat a lie often enough people will believe it and you will even come to believe joseph goebbels 141 92 76.After 8-10 years of lies mixed with the occasional bit of truth about Trump we’ve come to the Joseph Gobbels point in our program.

Propaganda works best when those who are being manipulated are confident they are acting on their own free will.” — Joseph Gobbels

I think at this point we can objectively prove that the media is the propaganda arm of the Democrat party and that it’s very possible the Democrat party will be rebranding itself and the Democratic Nationalist Communist Party any day now. That last bit is probably incorrect, however at this point I wouldn’t be surprised. 

The Democrat party “Feels” a lot more communist than I can recall in my lifetime. But it’s worse than that, there’s an almost religious dogmatic feel that I find extremely disturbing and uncomfortable. 

I’d fearlessly walk into a Republican Party convention or meeting and disagree with a point or points. 

I wouldn’t dare do the same at a Democrat event. They have literally become the party of Karens and Scolds who thoughtlessly shut down, or more properly shout down, dissent.

That’s a lot closer to communism or religion than actually being concerned with governance for my tastes.

The media does a great job of reenforcing the propaganda. They literally tell us what we’re seeing isn’t happening and stunningly, people believe what they’re told instead of what they see and experience.

This coming Tuesday will be interesting.

Will the propaganda machine be powerful enough to overcome a Trump win? Will enough people believe it? What if Kamala actually does win? How much effort will the Propaganda machine exert to prop her up, as unlikeable as she is? If Trump wins how many celebrities will follow through on their threats to leave the country?

I guess we’ll have to wait on the “Film at 11” Tuesday evening.

In no case though will we ever have an apology or contrition on the park of our News Agencies. I guarantee they’ll pull the “We were only following orders” defense.

I know this question is a tough one.

Kamala harris in nevada 640x480.How can you vote for Kamala? From the other side I know the question is the same about Trump.

Kamala gets flustered very easily if there’s pushback or distraction while she’s speaking in public. She seems to have problems when she’s confronted with the unexpected. We’ve seen this for her entire Vice Presidency. Prior to her selection as a running mate by Biden she was so throughly mistrusted and disliked she couldn’t get votes in her own state.

GettyImages 2175688934 crop 640x480.That alone speaks to her authenticity and character. If you think about it, when an inauthentic person can’t get votes in one of the most inauthentic states in the union, a place where illusion is king and success is one phone call away, then there’s something seriously wrong.

This is important to me because you have to be authentic if you’re telling someone like Putin to stop advancing into Ukraine. He’s gotta believe you’re not only serious, but what you’re saying at a negotiation table is what you really mean.

The Mullahs of Iran will not have respect for a woman, culturally speaking they don’t have to. They’ve got to believe that the President is going to provide any and all weapons to Israel necessary to level Gaza, Lebanon, and Tehran. Same goes for Xi. 

Critically thinking, Kamala just doesn’t fit that bill. Few, if any people take her seriously and she in her Vice Presidency has demonstrated that she’s culturally insensitive and out of her depth.

July 2024 kamala harris joe biden podium getty 640x480.When you add the issues of translation. How will one of Kamala’s word salads translate? Translation isn’t just word for word… It’s taking what the speaker says, then framing it in context to the situation and subject under discussion then putting it into the listeners language.

These are some of the reasons that I won’t and can’t vote for Kamala.

I loathe the woman but that personal feeling has no place in my assessment.

I loathe Hillary. I thought and still do think that she’s an evil person. That being said If it was necessary to have a woman president, I’d vote for Hillary in this election because I think she’s more logical, a better communicator, and flat scary. That decision is about the good of the nation, not my personal distaste for that vile woman.

She would be able to command respect, and lots of people have noticed her enemies end up shooting themselves in the back of the head. Putin, Xi, and the Mullas will also have noticed that. So at the negotiation table they’d perhaps be more likely to believe her. She’s authentic. Authentically evil but world leaders can work with that.

Trump Arrives in Garbage Truck 640x480.Trump on the other hand is plain spoken, sometimes too plain spoken. He’s believable, and honestly just random enough that Putin, Xi, the Mullas, and everyone else don’t quite know what to think. He’s an interesting combination of bombastic, arrogant, and narcissistic which puts him on equal footing when he walks into a room full of world leaders.

No-one is going to walk all over him, or dismiss him, or talk over him. He will be heard, and his message will be plain. Easily translated foul language and all.

Even now, while Trump isn’t president, he’s a candidate, the EU is moving to budget payments for  their fucking NATO bill. That’s a win for America and American interests. The EU appears to be making this move because they believe Trump will be elected.

I’m of a mind that Trump accurately reflects the mood of at least 1/2 of America and that mood is generally pissed off.

Americans don’t want to be in another fucking war. We don’t want to have to take in millions of so called “economic migrants”. Fuck! I’m damn close to becoming an economic migrant, where the hell do I go?

Jw 5d149ef7126ae2.45014772.(Although Poland is stable, clean, and full of good people. I don’t know if they’d give me a residence permit. )

We’re tired of all the bullshit fighting in our government, we’re tied of our tax money being frittered away for nothing. We’re angry that our government organizations can’t help our people but somehow manage to help anyone else around the world. We’re sick of zero accountability for our representatives. We’re tired of endless hearings and investigations that go nowhere.

When do we get to see some butts hanging on our office walls? When do we get to see real criminals being taken to prison, or real traitors being taken to the gallows?

I’m pissed off as a citizen, who can’t afford medical insurance, (it’s a roof over my head or insurance not both). I’m pissed off as someone dealing with home owners, and car insurance rates skyrocketing to the point that I will likely have to give up my home. I’m pissed off because feeding myself is more difficult, & finding a job, even a job cleaning toilets, is ridiculously difficult. Most are occupied by an illegal immigrant on a temporary work permit.

I’m pissed off and worried all the damn time about the next expense, or next thing breaking. I’m pissed off interest rates are affecting my purchasing power, and my dollar goes 1/3 as far as it did.

I’m pissed off when Politicians claim that the minimum wage should be $15 and I ask, “why isn’t the social security minimum $2400 a month?” They never have an answer for that one!

At the same time illegal immigrants get healthcare, cellphones with service and Internet access, housing, and stipends of, in some cases 4K a month, all funded by taxpayer dollars. 

How do people become homeless 1.What about our people, our elderly, our homeless, our veterans?

Why would American Citizens have done better putting money into a savings account during their working life than paying into Social Security? Wasn’t that supposed to be a managed fund? Oh, right our politicians have effectively stolen Social Security funds and now claim the system is broken and the money won’t be there for people in their 30s and below when they’re ready to retire

I’m asking a simple question.

Why the fuck did I work my ass off?

For what? To watch a bunch of assholes piss money, they collected from me and everyone else in the county, away on stupid shit?

Did I work my ass off only to be skating the edge of the financial precipice after a lifetime of doing the right thing, being the good American, shouldering my tax burden, obeying the law, keeping my nose clean, and then watching the Biden Harris administration shift educational loans to the backs of the taxpayers, against rulings from the Supreme Court?

Then they tell me they’re going to raise taxes? After they’ve broken the law???? WHAT!?!?!?!

Well, I’ll be damned! I was a sucker and a loser, for doing the right fucking thing. I should have devolved to my Viking heritage of looting and plundering. I’d have been better off!

My personal anger isn’t justified by any more than these issues.

Our Military service members have every reason to be a whole lot angrier. They’re dealing with my gripes and they’ve been screwed time and again.

Biden fucked em over during COVID. The VA fucked ‘em over regarding health care they earned! They’re trying to make ends meet like everyone else, they’re ignored until elections then promised the sun, moon, and stars. After the election is over they’re forgotten about again.

Our “checked out” politicians don’t get it.

We The People are angry because of the things I mentioned above.

That’s why Trump, for all his faults, is resonating with the American people, and why Biden and Harris have become a very bad joke.

We’re hoping that at least during a Trump administration when we’re being screwed it’s not because we’ve got some stupid DEI hires making the same shitty decisions that led them to $100K degrees in women’s studies. 

We hope that Trump will at least put a stop to the firehoses of money the Biden / Harris administration has been burning.

And yet, I still believe that somehow, someway, Kamala will be installed in the Oval Office. I believe that the Washington Machine is already cheating.

Virginia, Pennsylvania, Arizona, even some districts of Kentucky have evidence of incorrect voter rolls and very specific “Malfunctions” on voting machines. Colorado has leaked administrative passwords to their voting machines that the registrar of voters tried to cover up. Those passwords were available online, unencrypted, for weeks. Yet all of this is just “accidental”.

We’ve seen this movie before. All of these “accidents” that also didn’t happen last election, we’ll be told are insignificant and that they aren’t really happening this election. (We’re mistaken, we didn’t see what we saw. There are live action videos all over X of people tapping Trump and the machine changing it live to Harris.)

Four years ago, in this blog, I said I didn’t really care who won, I just wanted to get on with life. At the time I also said that our concern should be to improve our voting process such that any question of cheating could be ruled out. I suggested that we adopt voter ID and cleaned up voter roles, and even mentioned the possibility of everyone having to re-register. It’s obvious we must have clean voter rolls and only citizens should be voting. I expressed the opinion that If we did the basics without spending a ton of money we would know the will of the electorate.

Four years later… it’s Same Shit, Different Year. The election process is just as screwed up as it was because “The Machine” made sure that no consensus about voter ID and clean voter rolls could be reached. 

I believe the machine will cheat like there’s no tomorrow. The Machine acts like a living animal, it will defend itself. The last thing the machine in Washington DC wants to deal with is Donald J Trump and a cabinet of people who ask “why money is being spent on x,y, or z”.

The machine is terrified of those people in Trump’s cabinet or administration being unafraid of firing 80% of the dead wood and moving on.

So yeah, Kamala is likely to be installed in the Oval Office, just as she’s been installed in every other office she’s had. She’s the ultimate DEI hire.

Here’s another juicy thought. If by some miracle Trump wins, Kamala and the Democrat party will become election deniers and this time…

The courts will hear every case Kamala brings in every state. Why do I say this? Because we have two tiers of justice in this country. The Machine is no longer trying to hide it from us.