What a Surprise!

Hunter Biden is being given a plea deal. Well who the heck could have seen that coming?

There’s an article in The Hill this morning. Here’s the link if you want to read it.

The Biden family’s breathtaking corruption never ceases to amaze. As a TV show, it would be great entertainment. As reality, it’s just sickening.

And these people laugh all the way to the bank.

The administration is hoping that by serving up Hunter, it will appease the mob and prevent the White House Press Secretary from dealing with distracting headlines.

They’re missing the point. Karine Jean-Pierre creates a lot of distracting headlines all by herself with her mind boggling answers or more precisely non-answers to questions. I didn’t think it possible, but the Biden White House found someone worse than Jen Psaki.

Jean-Pierre, checks all the boxes save one, She’s cute, She’s black, She’s a lesbian, She’s a woman, (although sadly not Trans,) and with all that going for her, she’s dumb as a bag of rocks. Wait, maybe she does check all the boxes after all.

I’d imagine it’s easier to lie with a straight face if you are unable to actually think about what you’re saying.

That was Psaki’s downfall. She wasn’t quite dumb enough. You could tell she was lying because she still had a flicker of intelligence and hadn’t quite managed to extinguish all of her morality. It showed in her face. Interestingly, she kept looking more and more haggard through her tenure. I guess lying that much would be exhausting.

Well we know how this story ends. All the charges against Hunter will vanish. The corruption investigation into the Biden family will drag on & on until everyone is so tired of it no-one is paying attention anymore.

Then it will either vanish, or turn into a cushy job for the favored of Washington elites where tens of millions of dollars go in and nothing of use comes out.

This is one of the reasons the founding fathers were in favor of small government with limited powers. They’d studied how monarchies began, grew, aged, and fell.

There’s a very predictable and discernible pattern. All governments near their end undergo a period of massive corruption followed by putrefaction and then they’re plowed under by something claiming to be new or better.

“Better” is entirely subjective. Better for whom is a more appropriate question.

The Biden administration is simply an erupting pustule denoting the corruption extant within our government. What is impossible to determine at the moment is; are we in the latter stages of our government’s death or are we actually in the putrefaction stage?

Biden himself might be the perfect poster child if our form of government is in the last days of life. Doddering, Senile, Mercurial, and Lost.

None of these things are good with a nuclear armed country or person with launch codes.

On the plus side, we’ll have the reality TV show known as Trump.

Will Donald have to go to prison? Will he be President? Will he be President While in Prison? For the answers to these questions, and more tune in next week. Same time, same channel. This show brought to you by Pfizer and now a word about health from St Fauci.

It’s sickening top to bottom. It’s been said, “When rape is inevitable, try to enjoy it.” That may be the only choice any of us are left with.

Why the company of a Dog is better than that of a person.

Your dog doesn’t care if you wander around the house naked. The dog doesn’t judge you if your fat ass shatters mirrors in every room.

Your dog doesn’t care if you say climate change is normal and the end of the world in 10 years is BullShit. Your dog looks at you as if to say who cares? I’m going to be dead and you’re old enough that you’ll probably be dead too!

Your dog doesn’t care if you voted for Trump or Biden. I have noticed that my dog tends to pee on one kind of yard sign more than the other.

Your dog doesn’t care if you don’t use the right pronouns.

Your dog doesn’t care if you say the transgender bullshit is wrong.

Your dog doesn’t judge you on anything but the quality of the treats, the punctuality of you putting food in the bowl, the walk schedule, your ability to play ball and cuddling during thunderstorms.

It’s not correct to say your dog doesn’t judge you, they do. But what they judge you on are real things, in the real world.

For a dog every day is a new beautiful thing, full of adventure and joy.

A dogs exuberance is contagious and my dog has carried me though one of the roughest times in my life.

I noticed today that he’s making me smile and laugh a little more every day.

Lots of people on the other hand are almost exactly opposite of a dog.

That’s why I’ll take my dog over most people every time. Yep, even when he demands to go for a walk in the rain or snow. Strangely, those walks are fun even if we come home soaking wet and muddy. His laughing look makes it worth it.

Trump Should not be the 2024 Nominee!

Yeah, I said it!

Yes I’m a conservative, a lot of people would call me too far to the right and others were say I’m a little too moderate. The fact is, I’ve made up my mind based on Trumps words, his recent attempts to revise his own history, and also on his attack ads against DeSantis.

It’s not that I think DeSantis is perfect, he’s not. It’s that Trump’s attack ads are misrepresenting what DeSantis actually did. For this kind of mud-slinging to be going on this early in the election cycle reeks of fear on Trumps part.

If Donald Trump and by extension his campaign cannot run and win on their own merit then so be it. But I can tell you that the Trump ads I’ve seen have turned me completely off Trump.

The shittiest part of it will be that Trump will split the fucking ticket and probably ensure that Joe “Lying” Biden remains in the White House.

Personally, I think if Biden and his moronic administration remain in Washington then the USA is doomed.

That being said, I don’t think Trump has any answers either. I think Trump is making this about revenge and settling scores. Trump, as we know, has always been about winning and in his mind I think anyone who disagrees with him is automatically an enemy. We’ve seen some evidence of this before, the ads against DeSantis who Trump previously endorsed and supported, prove the point in my book

DeSantis is a stronger competitor in the Republican field than pretty much anyone else. He’s popular and has proven that he can govern.

You can see the proof in that statement by watching how often DeSantis is misrepresented in the media.

Democrats rightfully FEAR DeSantis, and so does Trump.

I’d vote for anybody but Biden and that’s a dangerous thing. It’s how we got Biden in the first place. Too many people voting for anything but Trump.

At this point I’d vote for Nikki Haley, Ron DeSantis, or possibly that Vivek guy.

I’d vote for anybody that exhibited a lick of common sense.

Maybe I’ll write my own name in, on the Presidential Ballot. God Knows I could do better than most of these jackass politicians!

The fall out over the Durham report is interesting.

I’m not sure how much is hyperbole when it comes to all of the potential consequences.

I do believe that the people involved should be arrested, and tried for the alleged crimes. The crimes on the other hand are where things start to get sticky.

I think it’s a situation where you can easily “know” that crimes have been committed. But the law tends to be pretty specific. I think enumeration of the crimes committed, and by whom, is a major sticking point.

The whistleblowers testimony looks worth spending the time to listen to. The snippets I’ve heard are shocking and frightening.

Honestly, the FBI / CIA / NSA / DOJ / IRS all appear to have been compromised and weaponized against the enemies of the “Powers That Be.”

This is not justice, this is the American equivalent of the KGB or Stasi.

The exchange between Rep. Linda Sanchez and whistleblower Marcus Allen was embarrassing.

I heard this and thought to myself It might have been amusing if she tried to badger me like that.

Her “I’m asking a simple ‘yes or no’ “tactic was overused.

But her asking this agent his opinion about a tweet from an account that was not his, is plain weird.

I think Nancy Pelosi allowed the preconditions for the Jan 6 th civil unrest by refusing to accept additional national guard. Would that statement be worthy of congressional investigation?

I’m astounded at the way the Democrats are reacting to the Whistleblowers. The democrats should be absolutely terrified and working to get to the bottom of the allegations and then take them off the table with laws and cleaning up the affected organizations.

It’s actually in their best interests. Because when the worm turns, and it will, the Republicans will absolutely use these weapons against the Democrats.

Mayorkas reminds me of Baghdad Bob

Aside for this guy’s general scumminess, he really is like Baghdad Bob.


Remember that guy? There were American tanks rolling in the background as he was telling people in Baghdad, “The American Pigs are nowhere near the city!”

Yeah, uh huh.

There are some things that really piss me off. Number one is someone taking me for a fool and lying to me about it. I guess they call that “Gaslighting” these days.

We all know that there are a lot more illegal immigrants coming into the country than lying Joe or this Mayorkas asshole are telling us about.

We know that this is a crisis that would have destroyed Trump and yet we’re supposed to believe that Trump’s border policies were ineffective.

Our government is not to be trusted. In fact I don’t think they should be given any money until they have a functional budget that includes paying down the national debt.

Allowing millions of people to come into the country with few skills, no ability to speak English, and no work permits is not only foolish, it is cruel. 

These people have the potential to  become an underclass, the poor, of the poor class and if they do they’ll become a burden that the country is ill equipped to afford. 

This means that the country will probably struggle to pay for them, won’t send them home, and will ignore the increased homelessness and civil unrest or disobedience.

These people came here effectively at the invitation of Joe Biden with dreams of a better life. How do you think they’ll react when they can’t find work, to repay their debt to the smugglers and realize that their dreams have all become nightmares?

Do you think they’re gonna start taking shit that isn’t theirs? And even if the older people do maintain a sense of honor and desire to obey the law, (except the immigration law they broke, what of their children?

Since many of them have court dates years in the future, what is going to happen when they start reproducing? Every single baby these people have is an anchor baby and how will our court system handle that?

This isn’t just a temporary problem on the border right now. This is a problem. That will have ramifications many years into the future.

That after all is the point isn’t it? How better to maintain power than to import a compliant voting block of people who are already predisposed to communism and socialism? Yes these people will claim they were escaping communism in their homeland but we’re not fully communist, socialist authoritarian yet.

By the time our leaders make it to the authoritarian stage, it will seem normal and not too different from what their immigrants are already used to.