Probably the shape of things to come…

Congressional redistricting what fun!!!!

My guy used to be Olbernolte. He lives in Big Bear and knows the mountain communities well. He’s a businessman, a Pilot, and technology guy. But… It looks like he’s not my guy anymore, thanks to redistricting.

Now it’s some woman named Judy Chu out of Monterey Park. I guarantee that she couldn’t find my town with GPS. Nor would she give a damn. She’s a dazzling urbanite whose only concerns will be for the other dazzling urbanites living in the wealthy parts of Pasadena, Altadena, La Canada / Flintridge, La Crescenta – Montrose, and Sierra Madre.

No one of any value lives outside those areas. Right?

In other words, we will not exist so there will be no advocating for disaster assistance coming from Chu in the event of another winter storm like we had last year. But Chu happily votes to spend Trillions of dollars we don’t have in foreign countries because she’s an obedient puppet.

Here’s another proof of just how we’re going to be ignored.


Just to be clear, I tried all five of the variations of my address created by the masters of technology that have given us all such wonderfully fucked up maps in rural areas. Helpful hint… your mapping efforts should start with the original county maps. It’s so much fun that my address can appear in one of three different towns depending on whose map you’re using.

Chu was also targeted by Fang Fang the Chinese Spy, shortly before Eric Swallow-well started dipping his wick in Fang Fang.

Fang Fang worked for Judy Chu for a time.

Ahhh, it’s going to be grand having zero representation!

Perhaps another clue that it’s time to get the hell out of California… Or learn Mandarin.

I caught a snippet of a report about NY demanding money to deal with illegal immigrants.

I gather Kathy Hochul wants several billion dollars to house, feed, and provide healthcare for people who broke our laws getting here, then ended up being sent to sanctuary NY.

Okay, I get it. These people are here now and they’re sucking up tons of resources.

My opinion is, they should have been turned around at the border. At the end of a gun barrel if necessary.

As I was shaking my head thinking about the hypocrisy of NYs Hochul and that winner of a Mayor in NYC. I found myself wondering if ANY of these politicians actually hear themselves?

It wasn’t too long ago that they were criticizing actual border states for requesting federal funds to deal with the border crises.

These politicians called Governors, Mayors, and even ranchers, in Arizona and Texas racists because they were pointing out that their resources were stretched too thin and they couldn’t accommodate or ensure the safety of the flood of people. When Arizona and Texas asked for funds they were insulted and essentially told to, “suck it up” or called fascists for trying to add additional law enforcement to the border.

Now that the shoe is on the other foot, suddenly these declared sanctuary cities and states are begging for money and even criticizing the Biden Administration.

Uhhh, hypocrite much?

A lot of the small towns on the border have been bled completely dry trying to keep up with the onslaught of needy people. The quality of life for Americans citizens in those small towns has been sent straight to the shitter. And no-one gave a fuck until NYC had 10 or 15 thousand illegals.

We’ve seen illegals crammed into airport terminals and police stations in Chicago. The illegals are sleeping on the floors and arguably preventing the “Normal” business of airports and police stations from progressing smoothly. Chicago and NYC are big places. Meanwhile, the small town of 800 is effectively wiped off the map when 5000 illegals show up demanding to be fed, housed, clothed, and in need of medical attention.

There should be a lot of outrage at the irrevocable damage done to our border towns. There isn’t! On a national front, but I’m sure that the folks who call these small towns home are hopping mad. The dazzling urbanites never give it a thought because while they’re inconvenienced, their cities are relatively unchanged.

Then you have ranchers trying to keep their herds fed that can’t actually use big chunks of their land to turn the herds into. Why? Because Biden’s Administration keeps cutting their fences so the illegals can more easily enter our country.

Fences often are necessary to keep things in, Cattle, Sheep, Goats, Emus… The last thing a rancher needs is half the herd wandering off through a fence the damnable government cut.

If you think about it, in addition to the small towns and ranchers paying regular taxes that are sucked up into servicing the illegals, the rancher gets to pay again and again for every head of cattle lost or injured because the jackasses in Washington DC have no clue what it takes to put meat on their tables.

You’d think that morons like Hochul and Adams and that idiot mayor of Chicago would wake up and realize this immigration mess is not sustainable.

We all know Alejandro Mayorkas will not do a damn thing to stop the invasion. Mayorkas is an absolute moron who would keep piling people into a lifeboat until it sank, then say it wasn’t his fault.

Our “Border czar” Vice President Cacklema Harris is completely useless on all fronts. Hmmm Come to think of it she’s even more useless than Biden was as Vice President during the Obama Administration. That’s saying something!

I know I’ve been “Political” for a while. I’ve been trying to pull back but I caught this snippet while I was tuning around on the HAM radio this morning.

Uh Yeah, Sometimes I’ll listen to a distant country station on the HAM rig. Hey… It’s got a decent antenna and the radio itself has really good ears. That’s the “up” side, the down side is that radio stations sometimes do news segments in the morning.

That’s how I got onto this whole immigration disaster. I was able to tune out of the political crap quickly because I was heading for a morning “Net” where a bunch of local HAM operators check in with each other.

The morning “Net” is a lot more rewarding than listening to the news…

Hope you all have a great day.

Are you kidding me?

LionsGate studio has reinstated masking in their offices. Kaiser appears to have done the same thing in Northern California.

There’ve also been some articles suggesting that the Biden Administration is talking about some new vaccine and potentially trying to demand everyone take it. That’s unconfirmed as of yet, but the implication that we’re going to do this COVID bullshit again is mind boggling.

A) Masks have been demonstrated to be ineffective in multiple peer reviewed studies over the past couple of years.

B) There’s a new study that appears to be independently verified describing a danger in the manufacturing process of the COVID vaccines. Here is the link to that article, there are a ton of links to other supporting materials contained within the piece, I see no reason to replicating all this links. The upshot is the COVID vaccine may well expose folks to much more serious complications than catching COVID (even the original variation).

C) The FDA and WHO have recently reversed themselves on the matter of Ivermectin and its safety and efficacy in humans, against COVID.

D) The “newest” mutation of the COVID virus is doing exactly what viruses do. The new version is more transmissible but less harmful to the general population and less harmful to even those at higher risk.

So why the hell are we talking about COVID? Why are we hearing about masking and all the bullshit that didn’t work over the past 3 years?

Is this more fear mongering on the part of an out of control Government, Medical, and News Media? I can forgive conspiracy theorists asking if this is all being ginned up to mess around with the 2024 election.

I’m shocked, that anyone among the powers that be would think we’re going to fall for this shit again, or that there is anyone who would begin to comply.

I’m very conflicted

I was thinking about removing the other half from the voter roles. There’s no conflict there, it should be done for the sake of clarity and also to make sure that some damn mail in ballot (Automatic in Kommifornia) doesn’t end up being used in his name. What’s that old joke? Something about voting Democrat all your life and well beyond? I can’t remember…

But then I got to thinking about it. Why not remove myself from he voter roles too?

I’ve become so disheartened voting in California that I feel it’s pointless. The recent Redistricting has reduced the power of what used to be a fairly conservative voting block in this area to almost nothing.

Our town is now part of Pasadena. The towns to the north have been sliced and divided into the liberal gimme gimme gimme crowd in the large city North of them, The other mountain communities have been folded into the crime ridden Democrat utopias in the valleys.

All this, mind you was done in the interest of “Joining like minded communities, with similar needs.” Uh Huh… sure, gerrymandering the lines the way it was done was about similar needs.

Nope! It was about weakening the voice of a fairly conservative block of voters in the mountain / high desert communities. Who by the way have almost nothing in common with the urban areas they were sliced and diced then distributed into. I can tell you without much doubt the only time Pasadena thinks about the mountains or the people living here is when they want to ski.

Then, the only concern they have for those of us who live here, is when they treat us like “THE HELP” and bitch that their TESLA can’t make it up the icy road. It’s so gratifying to be coming out of the grocery store with a couple of items and be screamed at to “DO YOUR JOB, clear this ice out so I can be on my way…”

But it’s also funny when a working guy who’s walked a mile or two, to the grocery store to get milk for his kids whips out a largish buck knife and punctures the sidewalls of two of the TESLAS’s tires as he walks by, never saying a word.

I’ve actually seen that happen. I thought the Tesla driver was going to have a stroke! I’ve also been screamed at as though I was a servant. I didn’t have a large buck knife at the time. (I do now.) But I lost my shit at the woman screaming at me, demanding that I dig her out.

It should be noted that I didn’t have a shovel so apparently this insane bitch thought I should be on my knees in the snow digging with my hands, instead of going back to my warm home with the goods I’d just purchased in the store.


I told her to call AAA. She replied they told her the wait was going to be 6 hours. Well, I guess you’ll have to wait 6 hours then… That’s what started the extremely hostile exchange between that bitch and myself. She didn’t seem to understand that 1) I didn’t work for her. 2) The town wasn’t like Disneyland or WestWorld. 3) That speaking to a free man like she was speaking to me less than 2 miles from his home wasn’t likely to get her the desired result because surprise! I wasn’t a slave. 4) I hate with every fiber of my being entitled skanks like her.

I did feel sorry for her son sitting in the back seat. He seemed truly mortified at his mother’s behavior. Every time she started screaming, he slid further down in the seat.

A couple of enterprising young men approached her with shovels, they had a large well equipped 4×4, & really nice tow straps, (the kind that are unlikely to do damage if they slip or break). They offered to get her back on her way for $500.00. These guys directed her to the bank ATM because they wanted cash.

Smart boys.

She really freaked out then. Threatening to give the town a bad review on yelp. The young men, several other locals, and myself all had a good laugh over that one. Fuck Yelp!

She refused, and the young men left to go “Help” the next unprepared moron.

It should be pointed out, this particular moronic woman and he child were not in any danger whatsoever. They could retire to the grocery store, or any of the restaurants within easy walking distance.

I digress…

In any case, I don’t much see the point of voting in California anymore. I honestly don’t see the point in voting in national elections anymore. The evil machine in Washington DC will NEVER release its parasitic hold on the levers of power.

The never ending impeachment / indictment/ sabotage / corruption / and double standards we’ve see over the past 16 years in our Government is plenty of evidence.

The United States of America is dead. May it rest in peace. The great experiment ran its course and the conclusion is humans were born to be dominated. When given freedom and justice they squander it, preferring instead to be ruled over by emperors, kings, dictators, or whatever else.

The bottom line is humanity desires to be slaves to anything, just as long as they don’t have to be responsible for themselves.

This country died and nobody noticed. I wonder how similar the USA’s death was to the Roman Empire’s? Did Rome just one day cease to be relevant? Did the Roman emperor just one day realize he controlled nothing?

With all the migrants, the divisiveness, and dysfunction, whatever rises to replace the USA will probably look a lot like the governments the migrants were trying to escape. It’s not the migrants fault per se, they’re coming here and bringing what they know and are familiar with. The fact that these migrants are from virtually every country on the planet means that all those voices will demand things be done “their way” and then it’s just a matter of time before the country gets sliced and diced up so that it looks more like Europe or the Middle East.

There was a time when I actually thought voting mattered. There was a time when I believed that my voice counted. I was stupid and terribly naive.

I do hope someone keeps a copy of The Constitution. I fear however that we’ll have an orgy of book and document burning that would be the envy of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party.

Yeah, I think I’ll remove myself from voter registration. At least until I move somewhere that my voice might have a chance of being heard, and my vote counted. Neither of those things will happen while I’m in Kommifornia.

This Just In!

New allegations and indictments against Donald Trump have just been released by the Grand Inquisitor Jack Smith.

The new charges are as follows;

Donald Trump was supplying the cigars to the Clinton Whitehouse.
Donald Trump has been confirmed as one of the Watergate Burglars
Trump was the man on the grassy knoll.
Trump provided the financing for The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand leading to World War I
Trump was in fact the Roman soldier who stabbed Jesus as he was being crucified.
Nancy Pelosi has subpoenaed Vatican records and discovered that Donald Trump was the serpent in the Garden of Eden.
In sealed secret testimony, God has confirmed Donald Trump is Satan. God is unavailable for comment because he’s in hiding, apparently afraid of MAGA Republicans.

NONE of the pervious statements are true!

(Apologies to God… You made me, you’re not surprised.)

But I wouldn’t be surprised in the least to hear a news person seriously reading any of them. This is because the Democrats have spent the last 6 years going on and on treating equally ludicrous statements as absolute truth.

I’m still waiting for the irrefutable evidence Adam Schiff claims to have seen proving Trumps guilt.

Uh Huh… Crickets! We know that California is doomed because the voters in Adam Schiff’s district keep that lying moron in office. I digress…

At this point Donald Trump could murder someone in full public view and no-one would believe it.

This constant witch hunt has got to stop. I truly believe that even if Trump is guilty of something… No-one outside Washington D.C. would believe it or care. Stop pissing away our tax dollars on this bullshit.

And for the record. Joe Biden, will likely never be impeached. Although God knows the evidence supporting impeachment is a hell of a lot stronger than what was used to impeach Trump TWICE!!!!

So please can we just get back to running the country into the ground with Bidenomics, or perhaps by some miracle maybe our politicians can actually do their fucking jobs…

Just a thought.