Generally speaking, I’m in favor of sending all the migrants right the fuck back across the Mexican border. I don’t care where they originally came from, how they got to South or Central America or what happens to them after they’re back across the border.
I know that sounds mean, cruel, selfish, or whatever. They can all wait in line, presumably like their other countrymen who are trying to immigrate to the US legally.
This is particularly true for the men who are able bodied and military aged. I’m sorry, they’re a threat to our nation even if they’re not acting on behalf of some foreign government. It’s a plain simple fact. These men are far more likely to be involved in crime, either theft or assault out of frustration that they’re woefully unprepared for the reality of life in the United States.
Most people in America don’t speak anything except English, (Londoners, would say we don’t even speak that.) So if someone comes here from another country and cannot speak the language they’re not going to get very far. Spanish is more common so Central and Latin Americans will have a leg up. But African languages? Asian Languages and dialects? Uh, not so much.
No Dingwalla there is not gold on the streets, nor is everything “free” despite democrats best efforts, and oh right, generally speaking we take a dim view of rape and rapists even if that is culturally appropriate in your country.
You left your country remember? Apparently you weren’t doing any better getting work or laid there, than you are here. Perhaps the fault is not where you are so much as who you are.
Besides you fuckers always go for the really nice pretty girls, you never go for the self mutilated ugly harridans. (Just an observation.)
Maybe it’s time for someone to start telling the truth to other countries. We don’t want you, the people before you have drained America like malaria or cholera does.
America is in the last stages of shitting itself to death. Look at our leadership, are these people examples of a healthy country? Yeah, best that you stay home and try to make your country better.
Believe me, you probably don’t want to be here for what comes next. Hitler blamed all the ills of Germany on the Jews, Gypsies, and the gays. His solution was to send them to death camps.
Just thinking out loud here, what happens if America has a leader that rises and blames all the country’s ills on the 12 millions or so illegal immigrants the Biden administration has allowed in?
The Biden Administration has already been floating the idea that blame for our country’s problems falls on MAGA Americans and white supremacy. Biden is trying to blame 1/2 of the country for his administration’s failures. Think about what that might portend.
The American people are pissed off at a whole lot of things right now. Believe me, Dingwalla you do not want to be here if / when this shit blows up. Hell I’m concerned about what happens when this shit blows up and I’m a redneck American.
You really don’t want to be here if someone declares “open season” on “enemies of the state”. The problem with “Enemies of the State” is the term is completely subjective. Believe me an “open season” situation could easily make “The Purge” look like a comedy. (Admittedly I’ve wondered what I would do if suddenly there was no reason for me not to cross a few people off my enemy list. Would I take the moral high ground and walk away, or would I do a little purging of my own? I hope to never find out.)
As an aside, no country will let me immigrate claiming asylum because I’m an American. I still haven’t figured out how THAT works. Why can the fucking world immigrate to the USA or the EU with little to no training or education but I, as an American am denied that ability? It just doesn’t seem fair.
To all immigrants: For your own safety, go home, or stay home. Make your part of the world a paradise.
By the way, when you’re making your country better, you might want to make sure that you have really strict border security and immigration laws. Otherwise the surviving parasites from the western countries will invade your homes and destroy them as has been done with western countries.
Just a thought.
The above is pretty much what I’m thinking when I see the insanity of the border.
Then when I hear Eric Adams and the idiot Chicago Mayor talking about their cities inability to continue accepting the influx of migrants, All I can do after blowing coffee out my nose, is laugh and say, “What the Fuck?”
These morons haven’t been accepting migrants for three solid years like some of the small border towns in Texas and Arizona. Some of the smaller border towns are literally overrun with migrants to the point that the little towns will never recover. Really, how on earth can these mayors be whining and complaining when border towns with populations of 500 are dealing with 1500 migrants coming in per day?
These states and cities were fine calling Texans and Arizonans RACIST. When Texas and Arizona ranchers were bitching about their fences being cut, or migrants stealing shit out of their barns, or breaking into their homes. When these actual Americans who owned land, paid taxes, and raised food were effectively under siege, New York, Boston, Chicago, and Martha’s Vineyard, were telling them to, “Shut up. Stop being mean, It’s not that bad, You’re just racists.”
The trails used by the migrants remind me a lot of the devastation seen after locust swarms pass. The trash alone requires special handling and it’s literally measured in TONS. All of which has to be removed before a pasture can be opened again to cows or sheep. Who pays for that? Oh Right… The rancher.
So the rancher pays their taxes, Property, Business, State (if applicable), and then gets to PAY again for the cleanup and repairs to their property with no recourse to our out of control federal government, who has utterly failed to “Secure the Border”, which is one of the primary things the federal government is supposed to do.
But we’re sending another bazillion dollars to Ukraine or an aid package to Gaza while demanding that Israel, (our ally,) stand down so Hamas can steal the aid package, regroup and fuck Israel again.
We need to shut the hell up, let Israel destroy Hamas and however much of Gaza is necessary to end Hamas once and for all. There is a penalty, sometimes a terrible one, for shitty governance and assholes who poke a bear. Hamas poked the bear, now they die. Too Bad, So Sad,
Ukraine is another post entirely… Where has the money we’ve already sent gone? Why is there no accountability? I don’t have the time or enough blood pressure medication to get into that one.
Here’s an idea, how about that Gaza. a.k.a. Hamas aid package get redirected to our fucking southern border? How about the federal government use our tax dollars to, I don’t know, clean up the mess they’ve made at the border and help the American ranchers bring their ranches back to operational? The federal government should be held financially accountable for the damages their illegal immigration policy has caused to private properties along the border.
I think that the money to pay federal restitution should come from the operational budget of Homeland security and Mayorkas’s office. Not another taxpayer funded boondoggle.
I mean money from the budget that keeps butts in chairs and coffee in the DHS break room. When Homeland Security and Alejandro Mayorkas have to start laying people off because they’re literally paying the price for their incompetence maybe then it will make an impression.
I’d like to see Mayorkas’s pension and salary decremented by the amount of restitution paid to the ranchers and homeowners. I’d also like to see Biden’s paycheck and government pensions decremented.
I think if bad decisions had serious financial consequences to politicians there’d be less bad decisions. I’m not talking about a one time screwup, those happen. Doubling down on clearly bad decisions such as the border, shutting down domestic oil production, demonizing coal etc. is choosing to make the same mistake repeatedly.
Maybe Biden and Mayorkas would rethink their mistakes if they had to sell one of their beach houses.
Clearly the financial incentive works. Now that New York and Chicago are having to PAY for the flood of migrants, suddenly it’s a crisis.
these high minded “Sanctuary” Cities and States change their tune fast when the problem is in their back yard, costing them money. Ever hear of NIMBY assholes? Well, you’re prefect examples right now.
NIMBY= Not In My Back Yard. This sentiment often applies to Power Plants (nuclear and otherwise), Public transportation (Trains, Elevated Trains), Prisons, Low Income Housing, high-rises, mines, and immigration camps.
People practicing NIMBY are often progressive liberals who say these things are absolutely necessary and should be tolerated as long as these things, are not visible to the progressive liberals from within their walled, gated, subdivisions.
When these necessities get too close, are, or will be, visible to the progressives, suddenly they’re opposed to construction. Usually for the same variety of reasons, non progressives or poor neighborhoods cited and were castigated for. Examples: Pollution, Hazardous materials near schools and daycare, Destruction of poor neighborhoods, etc.
This leads to people like myself having a bit of schadenfreude when I hear progressives screaming about things they were content to see visited upon others.
In the current situation with New York and Chicago, my schadenfreude is on overload and about to blow the breakers.
To New York and Chicago, San Francisco, and in fact any other progressive liberal stronghold, you’re getting what’s coming to you.
So, “Shut up. Stop being mean, It’s not that bad, You’re just racists.”
Yeah we’re all equally fucked but I’m tired of you calling me names when I point out obvious truths.