I remember when…

My parents were very concerned that I was listening to Alice Cooper and had a poster of him in my room. The poster, I’d purchased from Spencers Gifts. My parents hated that I went into that store way too often to spend my allowance.

I even got grounded for sneaking into the living room one Saturday night to watch “Saturday Night Live” because Alice Cooper was performing.

Totally Worth it!

So imagine my surprise and joy to find that Alice Cooper is still raising hell.

I was astounded that Alice has rattled cages at a cosmetics company because he said there are only two genders.

In an interview with Stereogum Cooper said, “I’m understanding that there are cases of transgender, but I’m afraid that it’s also a fad, and I’m afraid there’s a lot of people claiming to be this just because they want to be that,” he said. “I find it wrong when you’ve got a six-year-old kid who has no idea. He just wants to play, and you’re confusing him telling him, ‘Yeah, you’re a boy, but you could be a girl if you want to be.’”

Later in the article he said, “If you have these genitals, you’re a boy. If you have those genitals, you’re a girl.”

Apparently this was enough to cause cosmetics company Vampyre to end a Brand Relationship (whatever the hell that is) with Cooper.

I guess “Brand Relationships” are what we used to call spokesmen or endorsements.

Vampyre Cosmetics caters to the Goth community. Who Knew?

In the ancient days of my youth, we’d find cheap garish makeup and go to town. It never occurred to us that we needed a brand that catered to us. We shopped the bargain bins. Blood red lipstick, grey / black eyeshadow (I preferred it to look like dark ash,) and almost any whoreish black gunky eyeliner would do. (After reading about Egyptian culture and their makeup, I made my own eyeshadow out of charcoal from the fireplace. Hit & miss but Goth to it’s core.)

All of our supplies were usually available for 50% off. If you were in a super religious area, Goth makeup was easy to get and even cheaper because “Decent” people wouldn’t wear makeup that made them look like the whore of Babylon.

The only place you could get some pieces was Spencer’s Gifts and that was a pricy proposition. Your leather or heavy antique coat was either from an old trunk in the basement (and smelled like it), or from Goodwill. Sometimes suitable leather coats could be found on the Wilsons discount rack.

Then along came Hot Topic…

Half the fun of being a Goth was finding all the Goth accouterments as hand-me-downs, throwaways, and goodwill items. Your style was defined by you and what was available, which meant all good Goths were unique individuals and their attire spoke to that uniqueness.

Alice Cooper and Ozzy Osbourne were out patron saints. We modeled ourselves on their performance art. Our parents hated those two with a passion.

My Goth clothing phase lasted less than a year. It was tiresome to get into costume ever day. I also found that I preferred to be invisible in a crowd. Dressing Goth meant I couldn’t blend in with the general population, I had to remain in “GothLand”. I don’t like limits. It was fun, it was a phase, and in short order I was done.

Maybe one of these days I’ll dust off the old Goth me, and dress up for Halloween. It might be fun.

For me, Alice Cooper going against the grain of the alphabet culture, is at once ironic and comforting. It says that apparently I haven’t drifted too far from my roots.

Mr. Cooper always said what he thought, and carried the mantle of counter culture proudly.

I find that I agree with him once again. He makes sense and he’s willing to speak his mind in this cancel culture, consequences be damned.

Vampyr Cosmetics said in their statement,
“In light of recent statements by Alice Cooper we will no Longer be doing a makeup collaboration. We stand with all members of the LGBTQIA+ community and believe everyone should have access to healthcare. All pre-order sales will be refunded.”

There was a tweet… Should I call it an X now? Oh never mind. Anyway this tweet directed at Vampyr Cosmetics absolutely nailed it.

I’d like to shake @OldGuyGamer2’s hand for being so succinct.

This goes back to the LGB part of the gay community wanting a divorce from the TQIA+ bunch. The divorce will be very ugly and god only knows who’s going to get custody of the kids but it’s time. The TQIA+ bunch has moved to almost diametric opposition to the LGB group and the rest of “Decent” culture at large.

I’ll be curious to see which side the Goth community comes down on, or will they split into opposing groups?

What does that look like? Cooper Goths and PlannedParenthood Goths?

The vision in my head of “Cooper Goths” marching with Church groups is amusing. There’s something just funny about pink taffeta and white heels juxtaposed with Goths more somber hues carrying anti-grooming, anti-puberty blocking, and perhaps even anti-abortion signs.

That last one might go just a tad too far but that would be priceless to see.

A Snarky PSA

After the various news appearances by this guy…

Representative Dan Goldman of New York

It’s become obvious that I missed another memo regarding changes to language.

Apparently, the following symbols and terms…

Have become synonymous with…

Here is the poster child for the word, LIAR. His image should be shown as a representative example.

Bidenomics Is working!

I was in the barbershop and somehow I’d missed that The President had actually used the term. The solemn newscaster was trying very hard to talk Bidenomics up but was having a hard time reading his script. I’d bet that newscaster will be working for one of the conservative outlets soon or he’ll blow his brains out. Cognitive Dissonance is a real bitch for any honest person to maintain, eventually they’ll snap one way or another.

Up to this point I’d thought the term was pure sarcasm from Conservatives. When I found out it wasn’t satire or sarcasm I about fell out of the barbers chair.

My Barber grumbled about how tough his finances had become.

His rates are a bit higher than the chain haircut places. I’ll pay the price to be in a male space where I can have a straight razor shave and not smell the stench of hair chemicals. I have him line up my beard with a straight razor and I get a good hair cut and beard trim / shaping.

Yes, it’s more expensive than the chains, but it’s a monthly ritual where I get value for the dollar, and it makes me feel good about myself.

All that being said, not everyone understands the value or has the cash to partake of it. (Technically I don’t have the cash but I’ll eat ramen and hotdogs a couple nights a week for a month to be able to afford doing something nice for myself, egg salad sandwiches are inexpensive to make despite the cost of eggs these days. I’m not wealthy enough to contemplate a luxury item like tuna or cat food.)

If I had a family to feed or a shit paying job that I had to commute to, then I might make a different choice. Apparently, a lot of my barber’s clients have been forced to make a different choice.

Whether the families are going to the chains or Mom is cutting everyone’s hair is unknown, but business is down.

I’ve seen other evidence of business being down too. The last couple of Costco’s I’ve been in were crowded, but not as crowded as pre-covid & Biden. Even my Home Depot isn’t as busy as it was in 2019 and 2020. Either everyone got their projects done or don’t have the time (due to a second job,) and/or money to do those projects anymore. I’ve noticed in both stores that there are still empty shelves. The pet store is very often out of the large size treats for my dog. I’ve taken to looking for the big sizes in every store I shop in.

The Barber grumbled, “If this is his idea of working, we’re screwed!”

I replied, “But it is working, and it’s beautiful.”

Point of interest… It can be scary making a provocative comment to a Barber while he is holding a razor to your throat. Think Sweeney Todd!

I continued, “Every single thing the Biden administration has done since seizing power has been to degrade, destroy, reverse, or otherwise undo any of the prosperity of the Trump years. Literally the Biden Administration has reversed even those policies that were working effectively, and in so doing has created chaos. They haven’t cared that killing working policies has damaged their administration, or that the President’s approval rating is the lowest of any President in decades. The administration has consistently gone about erasing or expunging all traces of Trump, and they’ve done so with a single minded fervor that rivals Chairman Mao’s purges. I don’t personally want Trump as president again. But I can’t have any respect for an administration that cancels working policies simply because of whose name is on those policies. When I think about it The Biden Administration seems to have elements of a proto-dictatorship. They’re not quite there, but give them another 4 years and they’ll probably find a way to move closer to dictatorship. Remember some countries suspend elections during declared national emergencies, be it military, natural disaster, or financial difficulties…”

My Barber went back to straightening the beard line at my throat, “Okay, I’m following you there but how is Bidenomics working?”

I smiled and waited for him to stand up with the blade away from my throat, “That’s simple, Bidenomics is demonstrably working. Your proof is many people in the country, maybe half, specifically those who are traditionally conservative and work for a living in flyover states are suffering. This is clearly punishment from the Democratic Party for America’s rebellious voting in 2016, when everyone was supposed to vote for Hillary. Bidenomics is working exactly as designed. It was supposed to destroy the economy, increase financial stress across the board, create a greater divide between the ‘Haves and Have Nots’, screw up retirement for boomers, and keep people angry and polarized. All of this potential strife must be in place before the 2024 election. That way, if by some chance, a Republican who is not under full control of the political machine in Washington is elected, rioting can commence instantly. The administration having Joe Biden claim Bidenomics is working is quite possibly the only true thing said in the White House during this administration.”

“I don’t know if I believe your assessment. I do think you’re one of the scariest people I know. Your ability to think in such a diabolical and evil way is terrifying. Here, have a beer,” my Barber said opening a brew.

“Thank you, I’m an amateur. The truly terrifying people are those who live this shit 24/7 in Washington DC. They’re called the United States Government.”

At which point we both had a good laugh.

My Barber went back to his work on my beard, and the conversation turned toward wondering if our sexual escapades of the past would come to haunt us in the future.

The question, “Have you ever wondered if your aggressive sex from years ago might be considered sexual abuse or even rape by todays standards,” led to another fun conversation that could only be had in a safe male space.

Have a good weekend!