Ding Dong The Witch is gone…

I couldn’t help myself! 

Nancy Pelosi is stepping down. 


This fossil has been banging around Congress for 35 years it’s about damn time that she stepped aside. I can only hope that she retires completely soon.

She said something that as humiliating as it is to admit, I agree with. 

It was something like, it’s time to pass the torch to younger politicians.

I agree wholeheartedly.

It’s time to move the old fossils out of Congress.

I also think it’s time to remove the lobbyists as well. Our leaders shouldn’t be listening to specialized well funded lobbying organizations. The leaders should be listening to the people of their states and making decisions that are in the best interests of the people, not special interest groups.

I’m not holding my breath about the lobbyists being done away with, but Nancy getting the hell out of the way is a good start!

I’ll try not to dance when Nancy hands the gavel to someone else.

Please Don’t

I wish I could speak directly to Donald Trump.

If I could, I’d tell him the following:

Please don’t run for President again. It’s nothing personal. The last two, maybe three, years of your presidency I did feel hopeful, I felt that the country was on the right track. I loved your “Mean Tweets” and almost always enjoyed hearing you smack down the media.

I felt that finally someone was at least half way concerned about the American People in Washington and waited with gleeful anticipation for Nancy Pelosi’s head to explode when you pissed her off. That woman literally hates your guts!

That being said, I don’t think you should be president in 2024. Had you won in 2020 I’d have a different opinion and be looking forward to maybe a DeSantis presidency in 2024.

You see, after watching what Congress did in the last year of your presidency and how laser focused they were on destroying you, instead of doing their job, followed by  four years of the shitty Biden administration. I think that, should you get elected in 2024 you’ll be a distraction and unable to force Congress to do the work they were elected to do.

America can’t handle another four years where nobody is at the helm. Or where there’s constant distraction for the business of the nation. I personally believe that you have the best of intentions  and that you’d be trying your level best to steer the country away from the shoals. The Biden administration has in my opinion set course directly for a large reef and lashed the wheel to that course.

Sadly, I think that if you won the election you’d be limited by the enemies you’ve made. There are far too many people throughout the government that would happily throw a monkey wrench into whatever plans you have, no matter how good or beneficial a plan might be. These people are so vile they’d happily destroy themselves just to make sure you don’t succeed. They’re also very willing to take the rest of the citizenry to whatever hell they end up in just to see you fail.

Our government is no longer for and by the people. I don’t know who, or what, our government serves, but it isn’t us. Apparently, there are an unbelievable number of frankly stupid Americans running around that want something much different than the America I grew up loving and believing in. 

Admittedly, I may have a somewhat nostalgic view.

I don’t think another Trump presidency can fix what’s wrong in America. I’m no longer believe that what’s wrong can be fixed. The fractures are too deep, the wounds too infected.

Honestly Sir, I think you’d be better off just walking away. There are times when you just have to let a dumpster fire burn. 

Spend time with your family, enjoy the grandchildren, play golf and enjoy your successes. Don’t expose yourself to the parasites and vermin. They’ll destroy themselves in due time. It’s not for either of us to try to stop the lemmings from running off a cliff into the sea.

You have the wealth and resources to go anywhere in the world. I wouldn’t blame you if you liquidated your financial holdings in America and took your family to another country entirely. Switzerland seems to be pretty free, albeit expensive.

For my part, I’m looking for a quiet corner of the country where I can live in peace, relative safety, have the ability to defend myself, and hopefully die, before the inevitable destruction of America comes.

Respectfully Mr. Trump, all the best.

Election Day!

Happy Election Day!

It’s a cold rainy day here on the mountain. On the plus side, at least I’m not having to walk through snow to the polling place and back. Yes, I’ve done that in past elections. It’s been raining enough here that if it was only a few degrees colder we’d have a foot or more of snow.

If it’s raining where you are, don’t let that stop you from casting your vote!

I don’t buy the hyperbole about voting for the soul of the nation. 

In fact I don’t care what your politics are, or your party preference. 

What I do care about is that you vote. Vote your conscience, vote for candidates that represent your beliefs, vote because it’s your civic duty.

If you can’t be bothered to do this one thing, then you have no voice and I’m not going to listen to you whining about the results after the election.


Personally, I’m hoping to see Gavin Newsom tossed out, unfortunately here in California that won’t make much of a difference because there are a lot of bad ideas that have ossified into the dreaded, “We’ve always done it this way,” mindset in this state.

I would enjoy seeing Gavin standing there with his hair blown back in surprise. I know it’s kind of a cheap shot but I’d love to see his smug arrogance take a nice uppercut. For clarity’s sake, I’m not advocating physical violence to Gavin, I’m speaking metaphorically about his attitude and arrogance taking a hit.

There was a time when such disclaimers weren’t necessary, these days though, people seem to be searching for anything they can spin into something it’s not.

I pray that Newsom takes such a drubbing that any presidential aspirations he may have, get flushed down the toilet. The whole country knows what Newsom has done to California. I’m hoping that they remember it in 2024 and decide they don’t want the rest of the country to follow California’s lead. Let the wonder that is Kamala Harris be a warning to everyone.

I’ve been fascinated by the Democrat messaging over the past week or so. (Spending hours on end in a car means you listen to a lot of radio.) The message seems almost like they’re expecting to take a major hit. Some candidates sounded like they just expected to win without really putting in the work.

These candidates seem quite surprised that they’re being challenged strongly by their opponents. When asked why their opponent is doing so well in polls they’re unable to answer. To me that speaks to a profound disconnect between the incumbents and their constituents. In a nutshell, that’s the answer.  Many of them appear to be blindsided that their voters are interested in much more basic issues than special interest stuff. Most of us are really focused on basic necessities.

How can so many candidates have missed or ignored that?

The Republican Party appears to have capitalized on the concerns most Americans have. What remains to be seen is if they were lying to get into office or if the candidates really meant what they said on the campaign trail. 

Time and vote counts will tell.

There was a piece in Politico that says in part, “The 2020 presidential election was rife with allegations of voting machine hacks that were later debunked. Yet there are real risks that hackers could tunnel into voting equipment and other election infrastructure to try to undermine Tuesday’s vote.” 

That one was a head snapper. I thought there was no possibility that the election could be tampered with. Isn’t that what we were told after the 2020 election? So what’s changed?

More from Politico

Wireless modems enabling hacks of voting machines or vote tallies

At least seven states and Washington, D.C., use wireless modems to transmit unofficial election-night results to their central offices. These modems use telecommunications networks that are vulnerable to hackers, and malicious actors could exploit them to tamper with unofficial vote data, corrupt voting machines or compromise the computers used to tally official results.

Really? So are we to assume that since the 2020 election which was “perfect and secure”, that some states have taken steps to make the voting process more vulnerable? If these states haven’t made the process less secure, then can we assume that these states were as vulnerable in 2020 as they are today?

Does that mean that law suits filed by Trump which were dismissed as having no standing should be re-evaluated? 

I’m sorry, but I’m kind of a binary guy. Either something is a problem or it’s not, Politico seems to be playing both sides depending on which party wins. How about we just settle for reporting the actual facts, and let the chips fall where they may? That would seem to be a simpler way to deal with politics and life in general. 

President Biden’s speech may have muddied the voting waters as well. Listening to his speech I couldn’t help but think he was setting us all up for endless challenges about ballot counts and election integrity. As if we haven’t had quite enough of all of that over the past two years. What happens when the Democrats become “Election Deniers”? How does that play out?

If both parties become election deniers, does that mean both groups are domestic terrorists?

I’m looking for a change in this election.

I’d like to see someone tap the brakes on the excessive spending in Washington.

Instead of hiking the interest rates to curb inflation, how about we fix the supply chain issues? More products on the shelves and in the pipeline would also curb inflation.

I hope that our politicians pay more attention to the immediate issues that we’re all facing.

Go Vote, and have a good day!


The rain has picked up quite a bit. The normally dry creek bed behind the house is roaring, rocks the size of small cars are tumbling down the mountain. It’s causing the ground to shake almost as if there’s an earthquake.

When I think of all the water rushing down to the desert floor, I’m hoping that it makes it into the ground and replenishes the aquifers a bit.

Before all the streets and rain culverts, water ran down and soaked right in. On old aerial maps a perfect example of an alluvial plain was clearly visible. Today, with all the streets, parking lots, and pavement, localized flooding is becoming more common at the base of the mountain. Builders and City officials literally paved over the alluvial plain and now spend tons of taxpayer’s money combating the flooding. It would have been simpler to take the hint from nature and not allow building there in the first place.

For all our knowledge, humans miss the obvious more often than not.

I’ve often thought there should be wilderness buffer zones between communities. I picture areas that provide habitat for wildlife and access for runoff to soak into the ground. Zones as I envision them, would provide places for walking, hiking and communing with nature. I’m not talking about miles wide buffers, I’m talking about 1/4 of a mile or so green belts.

I guess the problem is that some people would see wilderness areas as places to dump their trash and do bad things.

What a surprise… As if anyone expected anything different.

Color me surprised

There is no doubt Democrats, are quite orgasmic over the January 6th committee issuing a subpoena to former President Donald Trump.

As if there was ever any doubt that’s exactly what they would do.

Was anyone surprised? Did we need the theater? Did we need to waste  untold millions of dollars? Did we need to see the further debasement of the the rule of law? Does anyone believe that the timing of this is anything more than a “Hail Mary” play just before the midterms?

Liz Cheney is toast, this is her last grandstand play and I hope that we never see her in the political arena again. The rest of these “lawmakers” and I’m bastardizing the term by applying it to them, are probably toast as well.  Not over the Jan 6th committee bullshit but over terrible policies and lack of service for their constituents.

Surely all, but the most rabid supporters of the Democrat party realize at some level, the January 6th Committee was a Soviet style, kangaroo trial. Hopefully everyone finds it as distasteful as I do.

Nothing I’ve heard or read of the “testimony” in this hearing appears to be anything more than hearsay, and as such, is inadmissible in actual court proceedings.

This whole Jan 6th hearing has been beneficial in one way. It has provided ample demonstration to America of the absolute rot in our government.

I don’t mean to say that the government is rotten because the hearing is about Trump,

It was the manner in which the hearing was carried out. Closed door sessions, allegations made with no opportunity to rebut or cross examine, witnesses whose testimony was second hand, various people referenced in testimony who were not called as direct witnesses.

This is not justice, nor is this hearing indicative of the American Justice System we portray to the world. This is exactly the kind of Stalin-esq hearing that American denounced during the era of the U.S.S.R.

The Jan 6th hearing and all the protestors being held in what amounts to a gulag speaks to me of a system that is corrupt beyond imagining.

If there is a “Red Wave” in November I will tune in to C-SPAN every day to watch the hearings investigating the Jan 6th committee and every single member of Congress responsible for it.

My problem is this;

I don’t think that Congress should be investigating Congress. That’s having the fox guard the henhouse.

I’d be a lot happier if the Supreme Court of the United States oversaw the State Supreme courts, and State Attorneys General investigation into Congress.

I think looking at their actions over the past 8-10 years would be a great start. Every state has an interest in the integrity of Congress, and 50 states looking at Congress at the same time, pulling on threads, digging into facts, might have a chance of burning out all the corruption and saving our Constitutional Republic.

No doubt this would take a lot of resources. However, I think the American People need to see that justice is served to all regardless of their station in life. It would go a long way toward restoring the people’s faith in government, if corrupt members of Congress were marched off to prison, just like everyone else.

Just to make it fair, I’d like to see Congress members accused of corruption, tired by jury outside their home states.

Hell, I’d volunteer to sit on a jury of a Congress member. I’d hear the evidence and vote based on the evidence presented. I’d be in favor of any guilty Congress member serving out their time in general population federal prisons.

I know, that probably makes me a radical, and 15 minutes after I post this, the FBI will be kicking my door down.

Our Republic is worth it.

I received my Voter information guide


127 pages long. I guess I’ve got some reading and research to do.

I’m so angry at both political parties, I’m tempted to just vote Libertarian or Independent down the line so long as it is against all incumbents. Not that it would matter.

I don’t necessarily believe that the 2020 election as stolen. I believe that there were simply that many people who hated Trump and would have voted for road kill consisting of a rancid opossum instead of Trump. In Biden, what they got isn’t far off.

I do believe that there were enough voting irregularities to justify asking questions and really investigating. I’m still super pissed off that so many courts dismissed out of hand allegations of voter fraud and now guess what?

Turns out that there was voter fraud, though not on the scale that Trump alleged. As we’ve now heard in a limited way (thanks to our incompetent news organizations), there were irregularities in MN, AZ, and WI. We’re not talking minor gaffes, we’re talking really illegal stuff that has no business being allowed in the voting process. Oh, and to be clear, these irregularities happened on both sides of the political divide.


I can only conclude, the American people apparently wanted a turnip as President. Well, now we’ve got a Turnip in Chief and how’s that going?

I ashamed that my Mother voted for Biden. In her case, he was familiar and he was old, and she believes 100% anything that CNN says. She’s too tired to actually fact check herself.

Prior to the election, I was chatting with someone that I know more or less well. He was happy to vote for Biden, but knew nothing about Harris. I told him that she was an idiot. He’s new to California and didn’t know anything about her. He was surprised when I called Harris a tramp that apparently had a golden hole and slept her way to power.

“Dude, that’s pretty strong!”
“Well, I’m entitled to my opinion,” I replied.

We haven’t talked politics for a while. In fact we haven’t seen each other in over 2 years. I’d be interested in pouring him a stiff drink and asking if he still thought I was wrong.

The shittiest part of the midterms in California is that I have zero faith in voting.

I notice that in this election, I will not be able to cast my vote against Adam Schiff, maybe I’ll be in California long enough to write in “broken dildo” as a candidate against him. Hey if we can elect a turnip from president, why not something equally useless as a senator?

I suppose that I’m like a lot of other people in the country. It’s not that, “My Candidate” isn’t elected, it’s that the elected candidates aren’t listening. They spend decades doing the same thing over and over again and call it important work even when the victims of that important work are telling them, “This shit isn’t working!”

Their answer is always the same, “Let’s spend more money on this plan that isn’t working,” then hamstring everyone to more rules and regulations that insure the plan can never work.

This is why I’m in favor of smaller government, when something is too big its course can’t easily be changed. The nasty truth of big systems and lot of rules and regulations is that they inevitably lead to graft and corruption.

Mr. Scott from StarTrek famously quipped, “The more complicated the plumbing, the easier it is to stop up the works.”

We all know when the works get stopped up, things flow into places they were never supposed to. This is true of money flowing through a government.

The difference is that corrupt politicians are more than happy to scoop clogged money into their pockets. While they will immediately run from a clogged toilet. In Nancy’s house, the screeching probably sounds like, “Where a Mexican to clean this mess up?”

That doesn’t sound too different from my Grandfather telling me as a 5 or 6 year old to, “Go get the ’N’ word to clean that up.”

Nothing has changed.