Happy April Fools Day.

This is going to be a short post. My head is in complete chaos and I don’t know why.

I remember having bad dreams most of the night, but don’t remember the nature of the dreams. I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or a bad thing.

I was looking forward to a sunny day, unfortunately I won’t see that until the clouds lift sometime in the afternoon. Right now it’s just gray and nasty looking. This is not helping my mood!

On the plus side, the projected snow we were supposed to wake up to this morning didn’t materialize so I’m not having to shovel again today. There remains the possibility that on Friday I’ll be clearing snow once again.

It would have been a great April Fools Day joke to wake up to another foot of snow. Mother Nature would be laughing at us for having been excited about Springtime.

Something I’ve been considering and was recently asked about.

Voting integrity.

It’s been an issue for literally decades. In the past 15 or 20 years it’s become more of an issue. 

There was a time when the only way to screw with an election was to stuff the ballot box with paper.

With the adoption of electronic voting machines, suddenly paper ballots weren’t that big a deal because electronics are really good at duplicating. 

What happens if you select a ballot with desired characteristics and tell and electronic voting machine to triple the count of the desired ballots. In a way, that would be the hardest malfunction to refute if original paper ballots weren’t available. How do investigators separate fiction from reality.

Let’s assume that I wanted to screw the pooch on a free and fair election. I’d create a random number generator, then I’d set that to collapse and regenerate at random intervals.. The random number would be the length of time that the voting machine was going to duplicate ballots for a particular candidate or select group of candidates.

Because the duplication wouldn’t be the same number every time, and the duplication would be happening at random intervals it would require a complete paper audit to get a real count on a single machine.

Now think what it would be like to have thousands of machines randomly duplicating a random number of ballots. From a software test perspective, these kinds of software glitches were maddening to figure out. 

Believe it or not, it’s possible for software to have something like I’ve described built in by accident. People like me, used to be what stood between the software you used and enjoyed, and software that made you crazy.

If someone were to intentionally program something like this into the voting machines, you’d have a suspicion the vote was being monkeyed with, but proving that assertion would be really difficult without a hand count.

Here’s another nasty thought about this kind of cheating. Because there isn’t any consistency it could be interpreted as spurious (and defined as well within the margin of error,)  causing courts to decide the plaintiff / candidate has “No Standing”.


So the question is, how do you ensure that there are no shenanigans in voting?

Well, you can bring technology to the rescue. But that is I think an incomplete solution and lends itself to the very shenanigans you’re trying to stop.

You could use a blockchain solution. You could use a simpler encryption. You could probably use just a simple CRC.

The problem as I see it, isn’t so much the encryption mechanism, the problem tracks back to one vote, one person. That implies that every State would have to  implement voter ID.

Once you implement Voter ID then something like a bunch of fields can be used to create a long string of data as a kind of header.


464E414D454C4E414D45535452454554414444524553534150544349545953544154455A4950564F54455249444E554D424552C2A0 0x85BB9A40

464E414D454C4E414D45535452454554414444524553534150544349545953544154455A4950564F54455249444E554D424552B2A0 0xAA84E3B6

If you covert that data to numeric equivalents you’ve now got a string of numbers that can have a CRC value calculated.

In the example above, the portion of the data that starts 0x is the CRC. You’ll notice that they’re different. That difference is caused by 1 character being changed. The example was created from the text above the hexadecimal numbers.

Next, is the block of data that contains the actual voter selections. Again, convert this data to a kind of packet. The packet could be as long as needed.

For the sake of argument assume that the entire ballot is represented by binary numbers.

Candidate for office 1

Office – 00000001


X – 001

Y – 010

Z – 011

Gives you 0000000100000011 assuming a vote for candidate Z.

Office 2

Office – 00000010


X – 001

Y – 010

Z – 011

Gives you 0000001000000010 assuming a vote for candidate Y.

All this results in a string of numbers 00000001000000110000001000000010 that can be CRCed and again if one number is changed the CRC value won’t match. Indicating either tampering or a glitch.

Using a system like this you could easily have 255 issues/offices on one ballot. It’s equally possible to have 255 candidates per issue. This is just using 8 bits “0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0”. If necessary, expansion to 16 bits is easily done.

It’s even possible to have one or more selections to a point. It’s possible to build in checks that invalidate multiple selections per office where only one selection is allowed. In the case of a rejected ballot, you needn’t  review the entire ballot, simply the office(s) where a stray pencil mark may happen.

For the sake of consistency it’s probably best to convert the binary to Hex

The result would look like 01030202 0x4786058E again the 0x is the CRC. 

Then finally, encode the date time, and location the vote was cast. To do this use epoch time. Epoch time is a number that computers use to calculate time internally. Since computers don’t think in Feb 27, 2024 there’s a numeric constant that’s being incremented every second. The starting date is Jan 1, 1970. Now you know why your devices will sometimes reset to that date when they lose power. Nothing magical about it, it’s just an arbitrary date that everybody agreed upon. So the number below represents the number of seconds elapsed since Midnight, Jan 1, 1970 followed by the CRC.

1709058569 0x3A404184

What I’m building here is modeled after a network packet. 

The object in the preamble it’s going to be unique. The vote data might be the same across 1000s of people is added as part of a unique yet retrievable voter record and the date/time, voting location ensures that only the first vote is valid.

If all of these fields were just CRCed. Then any variation or alteration of the data would show up. A CRC mismatch would indicate that the data has been tampered with. If more complex encryption or block chain was used, the security would increase. The question is, do we need that level of security?

Under this off the cuff system, each vote would be a singular event. There would be only one valid vote, any copies would be ignored. The data packet would look something like this:


And it would be unique per person. Folks receive a printed receipt that contains a number (as above), possibly a QR code, and their “I Voted Sticker”. Even folks voting on paper or with punch ballots could get a printed receipt easily. They just feed their completed ballot into a scanner as they exit the polling place. The scanner, records the image, produces the numeric data above and generates the checksum. 

Much the same process occurs in a computer network. Packets originate from a specific computer and even specific applications. The origination address makes certain that any response is returned to the proper computer and application. The data block is a defined size, and the time increment makes sure that individual packets can be reassembled into coherent data even if the data is received out of sequence.

There are CRC’s run on the data when it’s transmitted and again on the receiving system. If the CRC fails, the data packet is requested to be sent again.

The trouble is, no matter what system is implemented. Without voter ID in all 50 states the system falls down. 

A system like this also requires that no-one can register and vote on the same day. Registering and voting on the same day is INSANE and ripe for abuse. Everyone knows that, yet there are states that allow it.

Let’s be honest here, do we really want people voting who can’t make enough of a plan to register to vote 2 or 3 months in advance of an election? Voting is kind of like gun ownership, maybe we need a 21 day waiting period!

Another problem with a system as I’ve described is making the data unique to an individual. This begs the question of who votes? Do you allow only United States citizens the right to vote, or do you allow everyone in the country the right to vote? I’m a big believer that only United States citizens should be allowed to vote. I might consider flexibility for those people who are several years along the naturalized citizen pathway.

Voting rights could be granted as a milestone during the naturalization process. I’m aware that often a person working toward citizenship is better informed about this country and our laws than a citizen born here. I’m counting on it, and that the reasons a person chose to come to this country, then chose to work to become a citizen are reasons that will inform their voting choices. The idea is that whatever they left behind does not become the law of this land.

What does this have to do with a voting system as I’ve proposed? It’s about adding another data field that helps with making each vote a unique event.

What I’ve described is just a basic thumbnail sketch of a system. Application of encryption adds more security, and perhaps with a public key / private key scheme, tampering or whatever could be stopped. But everyone would have to have a public/private key pair. Using blockchain adds the same level of complexity. Everyone would have to have something like a blockchain account. How do you manage that?

One way would be to use the “smart” functionality of our passports and encode a key pair or blockchain ID into that chip. Then presenting the passport would unlock the voting process for the individual.

I’ve long been a proponent of every single citizen having a passport. I’ve got a passport and a passport card. I wouldn’t be opposed to presenting a passport, and my driver’s license at a polling place. I wouldn’t mind having to use my thumbprint next to my signature on the ballot, or to access the polling place, or activate a voting machine.

My Mother thinks I’m some kind of fascist for thinking any of the above is okay. She parrots that tired old BS the Democrat party has been peddling for years. “Not Everyone can get an ID. They’re poor, they may not have a birth certificate, it’s tough to navigate the complexities of getting an ID.” 

The last time we spoke about this issue, I asked her, “Okay Mom, then how do these people have bank accounts, buy cars, apply for FEMA when a tornado destroys their trailer park, or apply for welfare? They have to have ID for all of those things.”

I suggested that while my Mother was one of the least racist people I know, she was sounding a whole lot like an old racist Dixiecrat waiting on the sheets to dry for the cross burning that night.

That ended the conversation. 

I’d even be totally willing for any U.S. Citizen to be able to obtain taxpayer funded verified ID. If money wasn’t a roadblock to the poor, then implementation of national voter ID should be a breeze. 

Except… the pushback for a national ID system is enormous and it comes from some of the oddest places.

One of the funniest things I’ve ever participated in was a family reunion discussion that found atheist democrats and religious republicans startled because they both were against national voter ID.

The religious group called it the number of the beast and a sign of the end times. The atheists called it a horrific invasion of privacy and the first step toward a Nazi fascist state.

I was sitting there watching the show, enjoying my beer. 

After both sides appeared to have exhausted themselves, I pointed out that unless they’d moved from one state to another, their driver’s license number was already an ID number that hadn’t changed since they were 16 years old. How big a leap is it to have the feds just used that number as a national ID?

Then I pulled another beer from the cooler.

I’m sometimes an evil fucker. The other half glared at me trying to act angry, then he started chuckling and we both enjoyed the rest of the show.

I can see some of my über liberal friends saying, “what about those people who can’t get to a polling place?” Well, if we have national ID then the polling place can be taken to those people. Their ID grants access to a digital polling pad that’s portable and records their biometrics and their ballot. That pad gets physically plugged into a voting tabulator which verifies the records and either tallies the vote or kicks it out because it’s invalid. 

That puts an end to dead people voting. When you die, your ID along with your credit cards, and bank accounts are closed or at least locked and unusable.

As an aside, when you die… the Social Security Administration is informed pretty damn quick. They in turn send out some kind of notice to the banks and credit card folks. So if one of your loved ones dies, don’t fall for the scumbag banks trying to bully payments out of you. Especially if your name isn’t on the card or line of credit.

Don’t fall for the creditors claiming they weren’t notified of the death. They absolutely had access to that information. It’s probably the one time the misuse of our Social Security Account Numbers works in our favor.What those fuckers are counting on is that in your grief you’ll reaffirm on the line of credit by paying or talking to them about it. If you acknowledge the debt they can fuck you.

Note, if the account, card, or line of credit has your name on it, sorry bucko, you’re still on the hook.

Have you ever really thought about this? Someone asking for your social security number is pretty much the same as them asking for your checking account number or debit card number. So why does the medical system, or banking, or insurance provider, or utility company need your social security number? 

You know why? It’s a unique identifier, kind of like a national ID number. Yeah… Think about that for a minute!

How about this? Ask me for my passport number. It’s more secure, has a photograph of me, and with the new chipped versions they’re going to be really hard to duplicate.

Just a thought…

It’s Primary Day

So Proposition 1 and a Senator.

Kinda doesn’t matter who you vote for as long as we FLUSH Adam Schiff!

He’s just gotta go.

That’s just my opinion, vote for who you want. Just take the 5 minutes to vote.

Ahhh Twatter, you’re back!

X formerly known as Twitter has reinstated its Deadnaming and misgendering protections.


Twatter is back. Yippee!

In case you’ve not been following along, and why the fuck should you have been?

Deadnaming is calling someone by their previous gender’s name. 

So if Cecil became Cecelia (even if only for a day) and now runs around with nail polish, a beard, garish clown makeup, in a pink tutu, a dirty wife beater, showing his/her/its gorilla-like body hair. And you call she/he/it “Cecil” on Twatter you’ll get in trouble.

I’m in favor of always listing the transgenders as she/he/it in that order because if you say it fast…

Did you get it??

You’ll actually accurately describe the stupid fuckers that have overly complicated everyone’s lives. There are real transgender folks out there, to them I sincerely apologize, 

The attention seeking trans/non-binary/2 spirited/ whatever the fuck else these gender confused idiots are calling themselves these days can literally go fuck off.

I’m speaking to them/they/zim/zer… The loads their daddies should have jacked into a really filthy cum rag… I believe the rest of my brothers and sisters in the LGB community. As well as the straight folks have had quite enough of your bullshit!

We used to call you all deranged. 

“God how I miss that simpler life… “

Honestly, we didn’t care that you were deranged. You could live your lives as you saw fit and when y’all hauled your skanky asses out into the sunlight for a pride parade, the rest of us politely didn’t laugh and point derisively. We let y’all have your fun. We were annoyed that you were always the ones the news media focused on and the Anita Bryant’s of the country pointed to, as reason enough to hate the gays.

Y’all made our fight for equality tougher but we fought on, and won. We even carried your basement dwelling freaky asses forward with us.

But you’ve all gone way too damned far.

I will not comply with your ever changing demands to use some made up, unpronounceable, “pronoun”.  Go Fuck Yourself.

I will not worry about “Deadnaming” you. If I know you as Bob, I’ not going to call you Citronella-Dawn. Go Fuck Yourself.

I personally am sick and tired of hearing of your struggles and I’ll be damned if I’m going to let you usurp my history. You have pissed me off and alienated me 100% by rewriting history. The history of Stonewall, the history of our fight for equality, the history of being LGB. 

According to people who were actually AT STONEWALL, no one knows who threw the first brick. What we do know is that it was the moment we stood together to say, “STOP! You may arrest us, but you can not erase us. We are here, we have always been here. You no longer have our permission to abuse us because you’re bored on a Saturday night.”

I’m paraphrasing.

Just because we don’t know who’s hand threw that brick doesn’t mean that YOU Alphabet nut jobs get to commandeer our history. You don’t get to claim all the LGB struggles as your own.


Crying tranny.And frankly, that’s exactly what it feels like.

You bitch about the wrong pronouns, you whine that Gay men don’t want to sleep with you because you’ve got a vagina, you say straight men should sleep with you regardless of what you have,  vagina or penis. You expect the entire rest of the world to engage with your delusion without question. 

When any of us express our sexual preferences that don’t include sleeping with a person whose body isn’t our cup of tea, you scream transphobe. Then you try to make us feel guilty about how our sexuality expresses itself. All the while telling everyone, whether they’re interested or not, how your sexuality expresses itself. Newsflash, nobody would give a shit except that you keep shoving it down our throats. 

You’ve invaded gay spaces & even apps, trying to negate our ability to find what we desire. You’ve even made it “BAD” for us to reject you. We’re not rejecting you as a person, we’re rejecting you as a sex partner. You’re not what fires our rockets. There are some guys who are into it, but if the majority of gay men reject you because you have a vagina that’s not a crime and you have no right to make us feel bad about what excites us.

The FTM transgenders seem to have the hardest time getting it. For a lot of gay men, a vagina is a boner killer, and contrary to popular belief men aren’t just living dildos, always able to get hard at the drop of a hat.

Let’s face it, a lot of gay men are handsome, they’re often successful and pretty well educated. Has it ever crossed any FTM transgender’s mind that a lot of gay men could have literally any woman they wanted?

Some gay men are so handsome they could probably walk into a straight bar, walk up to any woman, and ask, “wanna fuck?” Then walk out woman in hand 4 minutes later. Some of these guys probably wouldn’t have to bother with a hotel or going anywhere but the parking lot. 

So given that reality, it’s obvious that a gay guy wants dick. Therefore he’s not going to be interested in a “Dude” with a vagina.

I really don’t get some of the FTM transgenders. If you’re only looking for dick, you don’t need to have surgery and take drugs.

Buy a nice dress, learn how to apply makeup, then go out with your friends to a bar. Be willing to look at men who aren’t 10s driving Porsches.

Look at the guy with a less Dunn & Bradstreet eye. Is he fun, does he laugh easily, does he dance like no-one is looking? If more women looked at men as nice guys, and fun to be with instead of a payday. I’m betting men and women would be a lot happier.

It seems a lot of the transgenders have partnered with insane liberal women suffering from Münchausen syndrome to literally erase Gay Men and Lesbian Women. 

What else would you call it? A boy says he feels like a girl and suddenly he’s on all kinds of hormone and puberty blockers. A girl says she feels like a boy or wishes she was a boy, and it’s the same. Surgeries are scheduled as soon as possible.

Guess what? The end result is there will be no boys who want to suck cock and no girls that want to lick a clit. There will only be boys and girls.

The transgenders are always speaking of transgender genocide. While at the same time assisting in the commission of Gay and Lesbian genocide. Do they hear themselves?

Now, they’ve re-conquered Twitter. 

Now, they can’t be insulted or have their feelings hurt, by someone with a different opinion. Their victimhood is complete, built upon the backs of everyone else. Now, no one has the right to speak without fear.

None of what I’ve written here could be published on Twatter. It would hurt the little Transgenders feelings. I’d be banned for hate speech. Hey snowflakes… This isn’t hate speech. This is angry speech

I left Twatter years ago over this kind of censorship. I returned to Twatter because I was assured freedom of speech and opinion were again the highest principals. 

If this is not true, then I can leave again. In the short time I’ve been on X/Twitter (Twatter) I’ve run across a lot of men that are like me. Most of them are too young to be dating material for an old fossil like myself, but they’re decent guys, conservative, and I’ve enjoyed reading their posts.

I’d miss access to them, but leaving X/Twitter would still be easy at this point.

Oh, one more thing…

Put the fucking urinals back in the damn public restrooms!!!!

I hate it when I’m like this.

I’ve been writing… I try to write every morning over the first cup of coffee. Okay maybe the second and third cups too.

The trouble is, as I’m writing multiple thoughts collide and then the post sort of falls apart. 

A way to visualize the problem is watch a zipper as it’s closing. The left and right halves would represent two distinct trains of thought in my head, then you run the closure mechanism up the zipper and both trains are merged. 

That works great for a zipper but when you’re writing it creates a mess. If you have a few trains of thought running in your head at the same time what you end up with is a really bad train wreck.

There have been a number of train wrecks over the past few weeks.

I’ve written about Leticia James, Donald Trump, women gloating, why I think female to male transgenders can’t pass as men, and why I think the Biden regime is being run by women or man bun wearing soy boys who are weak & annoying.

Sometimes when I have a train wreck in my head I’ll just copy out the train wreck point and create another post that stands on its own merit.

Oh there was also a piece bemoaning the loss of meritocracy.


That hasn’t worked very well lately. I’m thinking the trouble is in everything being so intertwined.

Here’s an example: 

Trump was being a whiney little bitch about losing 2020 for the past 3 almost 4 years. Had the Biden regime not weaponized the legal system against Trump, I think Trump would have faded into history and lost to another conservative presidential candidate. That’s because the Biden Regime moved too far left too fast and the correction is going to be Biden is a one term president. People in general are or were tired of Trump and all the drama. However the Biden Regime behaved like a woman in a divorce and couldn’t just let things settle. They needed vengeance. It wasn’t solely the Biden regime, it was the entire Democrat party. They’re still pissed off that Hillary lost in 2016 and they’re willing to punish Trump and the American people for 8 -12 years for that heinous “betrayal”. It’s analogous to the way women hold onto their anger in an argument. Instead of putting a stake in the heart of the monster known as Donald Trump, Biden and the Democrat party effectively fed him virgins blood. Now each trial, each indictment, each bloviating buffoon of a Mayor, Governor, District Attorney, Attorney General or Special Prosecutor makes Donald Trump stronger than ever before.

If you read that paragraph there’s a lot to unpack!

Yes, I’m not a big fan of Trump. I’ll vote for him for no other reason than he’s the better of the options available.

I think the Democrat party is behaving like a bunch of bitter women who want their pound of flesh no matter the cost. That’s a major problem for the nation.

I think that Trump lost much of his dignity by bitching and moaning for the past four years about 2020. I lost respect for him because of his inability to lose with some shred of good grace. After 6 months or so, he should have shut the fuck up. Honestly, if he’d “Gone Dark” then exploded on the Presidential campaign scene say in Jan of 2024 he might have avoided all the legal bullshit.

Biden’s presidency has been the most filthy administration since Nixon. I literally hate every single aspect of the Biden Regime top to bottom. I would dance a jig if the lot of them were tossed into prison cells awaiting trial for treason. I call them a regime because there is no honor in this Presidency. The will of the people, and the good of the people has been subverted by the Biden Regimes greed and lust for power. 

I have grown increasingly angry at the justice system, starting with their refusal to hear cases regarding voter fraud. Not for Trumps sake, but for the sake of our Republic. By not hearing the cases, the judiciary has effectively countenanced voter fraud. But then it goes further. Every case brought against Trump, every alteration in the law to allow Trump to be tried for whatever, demonstrates that the country I love and believe in, doesn’t exist. I don’t know if that country ever existed but I’m really pissed that my illusions have been shattered.

Lastly, there’s a fair bit of misogyny in there because I point out women’s behavior in divorces and their preternatural ability to hold onto anger and vengeance (look at Nancy Pelosi!). That line of thinking leads to my exploring why female to male transgenders might pass as men visually, but fail to pass emotionally.

So gentle readers, that’s why the blog posting has been spotty recently. 

My multiple trains of thought have been about as controllable as psychotic horses running into a burning barn.

It’s going to take some time to work through it. Your patience is appreciated.