I’m not looking forward to dating…

Yes, I’m still a ways off from that. Nonetheless I’m not looking forward to it.

The reason is straight forward.

Statistically all gay men are Democrats. Sure, there are actually some republican gay men, and there are some conservative gay men. However their numbers are so vanishingly small as to be numerically insignificant. Therefore they don’t exist.

Given the premise that all gay men are Democrats and all Democrats are liars, it follows that all gay men are liars.

I’m sure there are gay men who are not liars, but statistically the number of honest gay men must be so close to zero, as to be functionally zero.

Since I don’t like liars, I’m expecting for dating to be pretty unpleasant.

My other half was a Democrat when we met. I was a Republican. That was back when gay men were just happy to find someone else who loved them and didn’t care about stupid crap like politics. Sure, we canceled each others votes out for years, but over time, we both moved to a more centrist view and then both left our respective political parties so we could hurl insults at Democrats and Republicans, without being hypocrites.

The process of us moving toward more centrist beliefs took many years, and honestly, it was a fun process. We both learned a lot. Mostly, we learned that we loved each other.

I doubt I have that many years ahead of me so I’m not going to engage in another long term conversion project. I have decided in general that I’m not going to date Democrats. Of course rules are made to be broken and someone who is particularly interesting could be forgiven their political insanity.

Given what I’ve seen with the dating apps & sites. I’ll Pass! I think I’ll find a bar or pub that’s comfortable when I want to be around people and other than that I’ll just live my life doing the things I want to do.

There are things I’m interested in and perhaps with a little discretion I’ll find other guys who are interested in those things too. Maybe I’ll just get some nice subtle rainbow items. (Old rainbow not that new abomination!)

Something to hang on my backpack or dive gear, small but noticeable to the discerning eye. Possibly I’ll add some swag from my political party affiliation too. I could also add some swag from the Atlas Shrugged website… That would be over most people’s heads, but some might get it.

This adornment might be off-putting to most, but to the kind of folks I’m interested in hanging out with, or knowing in the biblical sense, it might be a way of winnowing the wheat from the chaff.

Alternatively, I could simply resolve to confine my dating to nothing more than prostitutes…

“Your cash is on the counter Chad, thanks for the mediocre blowjob, now get out.”

I must admit that does seem to be more direct, more convenient, and quite possibly cheaper …

Men, if you want to visit a Male only resort…

Get your reservations in order NOW.

Pardon me for putting this bluntly but a fucking bitch filed a discrimination law suit against Island House and New Orleans House because both resorts specifically cater to male clients desiring a clothing optional vacation, and denied her entry to the clothing optional areas. Hey lady, if you want to see naked men you could look at any number of websites!

Here’s the link

Gentlemen this is how if fucking starts!

I’ve seen this bullshit play out over years and several businesses.

The first was a place whose owner recognized that Men, real Males, dudes who have cocks and balls, like having their grooming needs met in a place where they don’t have to smell the chemicals used to color or curl hair. They also don’t like the smell of fiberglass and acrylic nail bonding materials.

This particular owner owned two salons, about a block apart. One they designated as for men, the other they designated for women. Both salons were decorated in ways that appealed to their expected clientele.

The male space provided a beer after work, current games and replay channels of various sports. Men could, and did go in after work and get their hair cut on the way home. It was a welcoming space and we could even get a real straight razor shave. In effect this place was a safe space for men.

That ended when a nasty bitch decided that she didn’t want to go to the lady’s place, she wanted to have her hair cut in a mans place because the lady’s place wouldn’t do it right. Which was ironic because a lot of the stylists working in the male space had come from the female salon. The exception were the 3 barbers who were authorized by California to do straight razor shaves.

I once overheard a new stylist saying how glad she was to be working at the men’s salon. I asked her why it mattered she was working for the same owners. She smiled and replied, “Men are so much nicer to work with. If I make a mistake or misunderstand how a man wants his hair cut, I apologize and fix it with zero drama.”

When this nasty bitch was asked to go to the lady’s salon, she ran crying to an attorney like the little bitch she was.

One year later, what had been a booming business catering to men, was just another stinky hair burning palace. The barbers left within a month or two, and a lot of the stylists found other places to be. The place still exists and operates under the same name but where their website used to have men, and male cuts and services prominently displayed now it’s all female. I’m not trying to be misogynistic but I don’t think it’s unreasonable for a man to want a male space.

Similarly there was a gym that had VIP Male locker rooms that you paid a lot of money extra to have. The same gym didn’t have a female equivalent. The reason wasn’t about discrimination it was about profit.

There were substantially more men from local businesses who would pay for a nicer private locker room with more amenities. The women typically didn’t and even if they were willing to pay extra, women made up less than 25% of the membership of this particular gym. The math is simple, the owners of the gym invested where it was likely they’d get a substantial return on the investment.

That gym is now closed.

I heard of another gym that tried an experimental mix in the VIP locker room, but the women didn’t like that men would walk around without bothering to wrap a towel around themselves.

The men for their part thought nothing of being nude and if the women wanted to be there… Fine, ladies you’re going to see us in our natural habitat.

The women eventually won. I’m not sure what the mechanism was, but many younger men are so ashamed of their bodies they’ll leave a gym without showering or even changing clothes. They’re too afraid of someone else seeing their cocks and balls. Older guys like me… I don’t much care one way or the other.

I guess we all knew this assault on Men was coming. If not from some crazed bitch who just wants to make trouble, then it would be from some fucked up trans asshole. Can you tell that I’m sick to fucking death of this trans bullshit?

Now this trans shit is going to destroy clothing optional men’s resorts right along with every other fucking thing this moronic movement has destroyed or otherwise fucked up beyond all recognition.

I don’t want to share clothing optional spaces with “Halflings” (God I hate using that term because I actually like Hobbits,) unfortunately I’m given no choice.

I don’t want to look at some half transitioned naked whatever the fuck it is. This is especially true if I’m at a resort trying to relax. I don’t mind whatsoever being at a nudist resort with men and women. That’s a different situation, everyone is naked and the vibe is different from a male only space.

An awful lot of the half transitioned should get their money back, there’s no excuse for their mastectomy scars to be that prominent.

My brain can’t relax when I’m forced to observe a science experiment. Sorry, I am not going to be able to be anything but clinically analytical and that’s not relaxing to me.

Where the fuck can I go and have my rights or desires respected?

When I contemplate things like this, and ask the question above, this is what I hear in my head;


You’re a male, you’re white, you’re not hip, you’re not young, you don’t understand our wonderful brave new utopian world, so why don’t you just die?

That really appears to be the message men get from almost all fronts these days.

There was recently a news article that rebooted my brain. The article said that fitness was white supremacist because white nationalist groups promote a healthy lifestyle and healthy competition between males.

In other words, older values and traditions that celebrate strength, redirected normal aggression into healthy pursuits like wrestling, boxing, and various martial arts is racist and wrong. Celebrating masculinity, perhaps even trying to revive some of the rites of being accepted as a man by other men and the implied duties of manhood are now “BAD”. It’s racist for MALES TO BE WHAT THEY ARE and accept it guilt free.

But it’s okay when people deny reality and identify as a cross sexed elf Klingon hybrid clone of Kayliss? We’re all supposed to accept this as normal? I think not!

I’ve written in this very blog many times over the years that stifling natural male tendencies would lead to no good.

Boys aren’t all ADHD, they’re high fucking energy and need to move. That’s not a bad thing. I wouldn’t be surprised if there was actually some biological system forcing the restlessness and need to move. I’ve wondered if it was part of why males are generally stronger than females.

A lifetime of rough and tumble activities and testing ourselves against our world has to develop strength, agility, coordination and the world teaches us our limits.

We used to accommodate this need with recess and time after lunch to hit the playground so that boys could burn off their excess energy before returning to the classroom.

Elder adult males could also be trusted to act as guardians, and guides on the path of manhood. Many of them were probably handing down lessons and knowledge in an almost oral tradition. They’d been taught by their fathers and grandfathers, who’d been taught by their fathers and grandfathers in an unrecognized tradition that may have gone back hundreds of years or further.

Manhood, Masculinity, Duty to Family, God, and Country, Decency, and Honor were all in the not too distant past celebrated.

Often, the first celebration of passing from childhood to manhood was with the patriarchs of a young man’s family. The recognition of the passing may have been formal or it may have been something as simple as being invited to listen to, or participate in a discussion the men were having at Thanksgiving dinner.

The young man being called to the adult table from the kids table, and the elder men scooting aside to make room for the new addition to their ranks. These were powerful acknowledgements of a young man having earned respect and gaining acceptance of the elders.

In that acceptance was another message, “Welcome. Now young Man, you will have duties you didn’t have before. Continue proving yourself and that you’ve learned the lessons we tried to teach you.

In large part I think this has been stripped away from our society and what we’ve gotten from this lack is 40% of Brown University identifying as LGBTQI @#$%^&( or whatever.

The really surprising thing about this to me personally is that Gay or Straight never changed the fundamental duties of manhood or masculinity. You were a man first, who you got your rocks off with, and how was supposed to be your business.

I wrote these thoughts down over the years using polite terms. The time for polite is passed.

It’s well past time for the Elder men to stand unafraid against a society gone mad. Now, I’m not going to bother with politeness or worry about hurting someone’s feelings. I’ll speak my mind and urge what men are left to do the same. Speak the truth, and if someone has to go to their safe space so be it.

I’m sick of my manhood and masculinity being under constant assault, (called toxic, dangerous, racist, misogynistic, hateful…) by people who would without question take from me all that I am. At the same time, these people would demand that I substitute their philosophy for my own . The reward they think I’ll value is acceptance into a society that I don’t want to participate in, or recognize.

I’ve digressed a bit.

Okay, I’ve meandered all over the fucking road! I’m sorry but there’s a lot of stuff running through my head all the time now. I’m trying to work through it. In a way it feels like All of these things are buffered in my brain, I’ve got to get them out so that normal operations can resume.

I’d really hoped to visit The FL Keys again and stay in these famous gay resorts before I kicked off this planet.

Now, depending on how the appeals and counter appeals go there may not be any point.

Another thing, another pleasure, taken away or destroyed by the tyranny of the infinitesimally small minority.

Although in this case I wouldn’t be surprised if the woman in question is a religious zealot who cleverly realized she could fuck the evil sodomites using lawfare. Or perhaps she had her husband leave her for another man so she’s taking revenge.

Either is possible and i suspect that regardless of where the courts or hotel commission come down on this, she may have already won.

I honestly can’t see myself paying the rates that Island House or New Orleans House charge, to sit around pretending to enjoy being surrounded by refugees from Frankenstein’s workshop.

If that sentiment is shared by a large enough number of gay men, then the gay meccas of Fire Island, Key West, Palm Springs, and perhaps even the Russian River will be gone for good. Just like a lot of the famous gay bars. Been to LA or Laguna Beach lately??

The equation is simple.

Pay $150 a night at a clothing optional resort being forced to see something that brings you no enjoyment, you’re surrounded by freaks, and too uncomfortable to take your clothes off… OR pay $150 a night at The Hilton, enjoy the pool, and have room service.

For me, it’s a matter of value.

If I’m staying at The Hilton, then I don’t have to visit Palm Springs, Fire Island, Key West, or the Russian River. There won’t be any gay men there for me to interact with anyway, so any Hilton in any city on the planet will do just fine.

Great Job you MORONS!!!!

Thanks a million you TQ2+ (Insert random characters, glyphs, and numbers)

We of the LGB community want a fucking divorce, and we want our LGB community back from you.

We spent a shit ton of time and effort to calm down the church folks and the rabid conservatives. Anyone remember the controversy surrounding Anita Bryant?

We worked super hard getting the majority of people to realize that all we wanted was the ability to have all the rights marriage effortlessly conferred. We didn’t want anything more or less than equality and to live with who we loved.

In a very few short years you motherfuckers in the arbitrary, (I’ll be Trans today,) or gender fuck drag community have fucked us all.

In truth, the majority of the world doesn’t give a fuck about how anyone gets their rocks off. The general population doesn’t care that you’re trans or whatever. Most of us just wish you’d deal with your shit and leave the rest of us out of it. We really don’t care, and just wish we didn’t have to hear about it all day, every day, or deal with your bastardization of the language.

Here’s a simple question for you to ponder. What part of, “I don’t give a shit,” don’t you understand?

That’s coming from a gay guy.

Have any of you morons heard the religious right lately? A lot of them who used to be at least tolerant, sound worse than Westboro Baptist Church now. (Look it up, godhatesfags.org)

They’re quoting the book of Revelations about the vomitous abortion you’ve made of the rainbow flag. By extension they’re trying to rally around taking back the rainbow flag in God’s name.

Personally I don’t think we need a flag anymore and you assholes have sure screwed that pooch (No! Not your friend in Puppy Play Drag! Don’t get me started on this…)

When folks start whipping themselves into a frenzy over a deity who doesn’t make his or her intentions clear, you get rabid revival tent preachers claiming that God spoke to them and demanded action from the faithful.

You want to see what that looks like? Look up gay murders or executions in Muslim countries. There are plenty of videos of their faithful tossing Gays off roofs.

Historically, “Thou shalt not Suffer a Witch to live,” Had some serious consequences during the inquisition and / or Salem witch trials! Remember… It’s a short step to, “Thou shalt not suffer a fag to live.”

You got a sampling of it at the Dodgers Game over the weekend. That crowd was mostly pissed off and offended Catholics.

Great job, you’ve set us back 40 years and you’re too selfish and stupid to recognize the danger or the damage you’re causing.

Moreover, you’re going to have the LGB community siding with the conservatives and religious folks in this battle.



We’re tired of hearing about your perceived grievances.

At least those of us honest enough to speak our minds are.

We know full well that there’s a bunch of our ultra progressive brothers and sisters who will excommunicate or cancel us.

I say so what? I’m also pretty sure that there are a lot of folks like me, who resent the annoyance of using your pronouns or trying to figure out which bathroom symbols mean “Men’s room”.

Half the time I’m tempted to go behind a building and piss on a wall. This is especially true if I’m a little tipsy.

One of the new symbols looks like some kind of weird clock and I’m not sure what time it’s supposed to indicate. I really resent having something as simple as taking a piss being made complicated with gender ideology bullshit.

The simplest solution is not new and confusing symbology. The solution is a sign that says, “Bathroom”. If there are two doors with the same signage social convention would have people knocking before attempting entry and waiting their turn.

Ain’t it funny how the old or simplest solutions often work the best?

It’s true everything woke touches gets ugly!

The rainbow flag used to be a happy thing to see. Even if you weren’t gay, everyone loves rainbows because they’re pretty and almost always a surprise that puts a smile on your face.

If you happened to be LGB the rainbow flag meant that you were going someplace where you could perhaps be a little more relaxed than at the JC Penny, or Sears.

A rainbow flag outside a bar told you that inside the bar it was likely that you’d meet a bunch of folks just like you and might even get lucky for the night.

Along come the woke progressive gender confused dipshits… and this is what they come up with. Pardon my dry heaves!

Really? This is the best you could come up with? What happened to the LGB community being full of artists? OH RIGHT! The LGB community has been told by the T+(random letters ad-infinitum), “Give us all your money then get to the back of the bus!

That leaves a bunch of angry perpetual victims with the artistic sensibility of a blind rabid chimpanzee to give us this piece of vomit.

(Yeah, I’m gonna say how I really feel!)

If the woke progressives don’t like it… Fuck off and don’t read this blog!

This new flag SUCKS! It’s beyond ugly, it’s FUGLY! I wouldn’t wipe my ass with this flag, Id be afraid of catching something truly vile. Anal warts, or something equally hideous!

This abomination does serve two distinct purposes.

  1. It clearly advertises which businesses are probably catering to the gender confused crowd.
  2. That will allow people like me to avoid those places like the freaking plague.

Hopefully, at some point during Pride Month, I’ll be able to find some old guard LGB folks to have a beer with and watch the parade of morons go by.

Really… How can a company be this out of touch with their clients?

I didn’t know who the fuck Dylan Mulvaney was.

Here’s the short version. He, and I do mean “He” is a dude who thinks he’s a woman and has achieved some fame on the Tic Tok application. He’s been calling himself a woman for a year.

Big Deal, SO WHAT?

There have been a lot of little blurbs about his partnership with Bud Light which I’ve mostly ignored because it’s just another Trans whatsit bunch of crap. Today there’s an article about some kind of backlash brewing over his partnership with Bud Light.

There’s an old saying that any publicity is good publicity and maybe that’s true, but a couple of decades ago, it was all the rage that Coors beer wouldn’t be served in Gay bars. I forget now what the deal was, I thought it was silly at the time, and quickly lost interest. Generally thinking, I doubt that the gay boycott of Coors had much of an effect on their bottom line.

Although at the time there may have been men ordering Coors in straight bars just to flip off the gays, perhaps that improved Coors bottom line. I kinda doubt it, most men didn’t spend more than a couple of seconds thinking about their beverage choices.

Today on the other hand, a non-trans boycott of Bud Light and Anheuser-Busch products will likely hurt the Busch bottom line. (Note to self, make sure that my broker sells any Anheuser-Busch holdings immediately.) On the plus side in six months to a year Anheuser-Busch stock may be available at rock bottom prices.

I have a feeling that the majority of our country and the world is sick and tired of hearing about all this Trans bullshit. I know I am. It’s no problem for me to avoid Anheuser-Busch products. I prefer Blue Moon, or Corona.

If I’m indicative of the rest of the country. I suspect we’ll see Dylan Mulvaney whining on Tic Tok that he’s not in a partnership with Anheuser-Busch anymore because of Trans Hate. Then we’ll hear of Anheuser-Busch’s executives being quietly shown the door. Perhaps then we’ll be having less of the Trans shit in our daily lives.

For your reference, Anheuser-Busch products include:

Budweiser, Bud Light, Stella Artois, Shock Top, Kona Brewing Co., Michelob Ultra, and Busch Beer.

If you’re of a mind to send a financial message to Anheuser-Busch.