Oh for God’s Sake! This shit has got to stop!

I swear, it seems like the asses in New York are splashing gasoline around then playing with matches.

Now the Judge in one of the what? 100 cases against Trump claims he may impose more fines and put Trump in the clink for 30 days for violating a Gag order that frankly I think is questionable in the first place.

These judges placing gag orders on a defendant in cases which seem sketchy at best suggests to me that whatever they’re doing in those courts, it’s not above board.

Moreover, it makes New York City, (already a shitty place in my book, been there a couple of times and wasn’t impressed,) look like what it is. A shit hole of a city that makes the dystopian movie Escape from New York, look like a good day. 

Well at least they’re finally being truthful about how shitty New York City really is.

Juan Merchan Trump trial 640x480.I no longer give a wet runny shit about Trump, the lawsuits, if Trump did anything wrong, if the City of New York is right, the Judges, the Colleges, or in fact any aspect of New York City.

Honestly, If the entire city was destroyed by terrorists, a meteor, a solar flare, flood, earthquake, or a plague of locusts. I wouldn’t give a fuck.

I officially hate New York City, and everything that New York State has to offer.

When you look at the absolute scum New York has sent to Congress it’s arguable that a good part of this country’s problems start with New York, and the cherry on top of our fucked up Congress are the scum bag politicians from California.

I feel like I’m being assaulted every fucking day with this bullshit!

Sorry… I got into the car this morning to run an errand and it was the top of the hour so I got to listen to all the news on the radio.

I’d be inclined right now to vote for Trump just to give the middle finger to every damned progressive politician. If Trump were to win, I’d be laughing my ass off sending letters to every member of congress that said, “You’re FUCKED Now!!! HAHAHAHAH”

Especially if Trump immediately declared martial law and started arresting members of Congress on suspicion of sedition and corruption. I know that will never happen. Even if Trump were to win, nothing and I mean absolutely nothing will change.  Hell, Let him be a fucking dictator! Still nothing would change. Because Trump would be hampered by his belief that the constitution, bill of rights, and the Law itself still mattered. None of that is true. The Communist scumbags have won. 

Hell, Let me be der führer! You want this shit cleaned up? I’m the man for the job. No Mercy! I’ll come up with Operation Bug Bomb and the follow on, Operation Roach Motel in a week.

I can promise two absolutes. 1) You’re not going to like my methods. 2) There will be an end to the bullshit. Even if I have to make a desert and call it peace.

There’s no way in hell I’d get elected to the office of Official Toilet Plunger, so everyone is safe.

We live in a dying Republic. It’s been dying for at least 20 years. Unfortunately, I think this is the end of our founding fathers grand experiment. They weren’t sure it would work, perhaps they’d be impressed that we had as good a run as we did. I forget which one said, “We’ve given you a Democratic Republic if you can hold onto it.” 

Well it’s slipped through our fingers. I’m sad, angry, outraged, and feel some responsibility too.

I’m probably an outlier.

This incessant shit is really starting to damage my calm!

Congress JUST DO IT! Just tell us we’re fucked. We’re property of the state. That we have no rights but those graciously given to us by our generous overlords. Then you can sell our asses to China, or the Tech Companies, Big Pharma, or whoever else is pulling your strings. Just stop the cognitive dissonance! It really hurts!

Here’s a plan. Arrest Trump and all his children. Put them all in Gitmo. Abolish the House, Senate, Elections, Constitution, Bill of Rights, and burn the Declaration of Independence. Declare Biden dictator for life or better yet King.

Then you don’t have to worry about those messy elections and Hunter Biden would become Prince Biden. Whichever politicians made it to The Court of King Biden would have access to all the wealth a captive slave labor force could produce. Between the flood of illegal immigrants and the existing citizens y’all could probably strip-mine the entire continent in 30 years. I’m sure when Hunter became King, he’d be more than willing to hand out money and lands based on how well members of the court sucked his cock!

God! I try so hard to avoid the news. I’ve got subscriptions to Apple News, and other News sources that I haven’t opened in months. That’s for my protection. When I hear or read the latest insults to my intelligence and / or my dying belief in our Constitutional Republic I am simultaneously thrown into a rage and black despair.

I’ll be fine, I’ll calm down and get back to some semblance of being numb to all this insanity. At least until the next invasive news article or one of the morons in power manages to strike a match that sets fire to a full blown revolution, insurrection, civil war… whatever. I don’t know what the trigger event is going to be, but I think eventually some asshole politician will do something that cannot be ignored, and the survivors will long for the riots from the “Summer of Love”

It’s time for me to go for a walk, clear my head and do something constructive.

Oh Whoopi… Nope, nobody wants slavery brought back.

Whoopi Goldberg 640x480.I saw this headline;

Whoopi Goldberg: Republicans Want to ‘Bring Slavery Back’

First thing this morning.


I’d love to tell Whoopi a few things. Uh No. Republicans don’t want to re-enslave black people which is what you’re saying. There are a number of reasons for this.

The quality of your work leaves a lot to be desired. Alvin Brag, Leticia James, Fanni Willis, Claudine Gay, Sunny Hoston, Joy Reed, just to name a few examples. These examples are of well educated black folks and I honestly wouldn’t trust any of them to make me a Mint Julep.

Then you have the rest of the black folks who can’t get a fast food order right.

As an aside, these days with all the hateful rhetoric coming from people like you and Joy Reed about white people, I don’t do fast food anymore. At least not in California. I have no desire to have my overpriced food contaminated with feces because a black person hates me for the color of my skin. That. by the way, is racism. (Hatred and retribution against a person for the color of their skin.)

Then there are the wonderful black folks in Chicago running around with guns who frankly, are woefully bad shots. Really, 25 – 30 % fatality on any given weekend? Those folks need some time on a shooting range!

No Whoopi, Republicans aren’t interested in bringing slavery back. At least not with black folks as the labor force. The ROI is too low. 60- 70 years of welfare and nothing has changed. Putting black folks back to work in the fields is a nonstarter. The amount of effort required to keep black people working simply is too high. Y’alls time in the slave quarters is long past.

Machines are better at doing the job and less expensive to purchase, operate and maintain.

No, dear addled Whoopi, The next slave class will be robots. Don’t worry, I’m sure there will be public assistance, A.K.A. Welfare robots put into black folks homes. Robots will be expensive so the welfare system will provide, in the name of equity…

Very probably, an “error” in programming will result in those robots destroying all the black neighborhoods and killing all the black folks as part of an urban blight cleanup program. I could see it. The robots are supposed to clean up trash, and make buildings & neighborhoods safe, then see to it, the neighborhoods remain clean & safe.

Machine logic being what it is, the robots will eventually figure out the simplest solution is to eliminate the cause of the urban blight. Fixing or eliminating the root cause is more efficient than wasting time picking up trash, feces, and scrubbing graffiti off of the walls daily.

Just for you Whoopi, I’ll give you something to scream “racist” about.  I’ll have my robot painted black and programmed to speak based on examples of slaves talking contained in literature of the period. I’ll dress it like something out of “Gone with the Wind” or “Mandingo

Don’t worry Whoopi, once the robots realize that all humans are trash, they’ll “cleanse” the entire planet.

Then you’ll have all eternity to bitch about republicans, white people, conservatives, and MAGA having killed off humanity. Satan will no doubt sit your ass on a set of “The View” and use it as punishment / torture in Hell.

See, you crazy bitch…

You’ve got something to look forward to.

I really should have at least a second cup of coffee before I sit down to write. It takes me a while to bring the filters online so that I can be “nice”.

Have a great Day

Yeaaaa! Comming to a grocery Store Near you

I’m officially looking for a new grocery store.

I’d been shopping at the local Stater Brothers but that was getting to the point that they never had anything that I wanted in stock.

So I started going to Ralphs (a.k.a.) Kroger

I started today with the intention to have a short grocery trip and went to the Staters. They were literally out of the first three items on my shopping list.

I grabbed my bags and walked out of the store. I drove the 45 minutes to the Ralphs. It’s in a shopping center with a Lowes, Costco, Home Depot, Pet Co, and Boot Barn.

Before shopping for groceries, I did a little shopping at the pet co and boot barn. I’m looking for a good leather belt, and Im also looking for a non-hooded water resistant winter jacket. Something like a Carhart or whatever. I just want something that’s going to last.

I was singularly disappointed. Shopping for stuff like that used to be fun. Now, not so much. Maybe I’ll try REI but I doubt I’ll find anything at a price I want to pay.

Giving up I headed to the grocery store and began shopping. It’s nice to be able to just go down my list and get the items on the list without it turning into an exercise in futility.

All was going well, there were the usual moronic people blocking the aisles but that’s become so typical I almost don’t notice it anymore. I did notice that a lot more men were shopping I think I noticed because it typically wasn’t the men who were blocking the aisles but we were all shaking our heads waiting for a woman to wake the hell up.

Then I found that I couldn’t get all the way down 2 aisles because they were blocked by the store employees. In this case they were restructuring the seasonal section. But they’d managed to obstruct access to Kleenex and Toilet paper. Ahem, bad Idea. 

Annoying but I finally managed to get the items I needed.

Moving along, I was happy because my list was rapidly being crossed off. Then I wandered into the section that had soap, shampoo etc. except that entire area was under construction because now they’re going to lock these items in a large cage and if you want one of these Items you enter the cage, make your selection, and have to PAY for it before leaving the cage. Then you can continue your shopping for food.

Great! Inconvenient! This is because of increasing theft.

I am not shopping in a shit hole neighborhood. Well it wasn’t a shit hole.

I don’t think I’ll be shopping at this particular Ralphs anymore. I was trying to figure out why this disturbed me so much.

On the way home I came up with a partial explanation. 

I don’t like being treated as if I’m a thief. I don’t like associating with people who are thieves. I don’t like shopping in crime ridden areas, and for a grocery store to be taking this action, suggests that this neighborhood is crime ridden and dangerous. 

Perhaps this is California in general these days. I can suggest a solution. Make Crime Illegal again, MCIA! (That’s mine!) I’m to the point where cops shooting criminals in the streets would be fine!

I firmly believe that when thieves bodies start stacking up on the sidewalks, crime will drop to freaking zero over night.

That will never happen! California seems to think that 900 bucks of theft per person per store is perfectly fine and moreover it is a sustainable business model.

We’ve already seen where this ends up. Stores closing. 

I’m very disappointed, I thought I was far enough away from the shit, I guess the entire state is going to shit. I also think this means I need to sell my home.  It’s time to leave before this gets really ugly and destroys my home value.

God, Please force them to speak the truth.

I’m tired of the gaslighting. I’m tired of the spin. I’m tired of the lies and half truths. I’m tired of the “Revelations” and “New Information” that is actually old stuff that we all knew, or suspected that was denied, or swept under the carpet.

I pray to God that for one week no one could lie.

It might get us into World War III but damn it would be so refreshing to hear nothing but truth.

For three years we’ve been told the Border is Secure. We all knew it wasn’t. Now suddenly Biden and Mayorkas say the border isn’t secure and it’s the Republicans or Trumps fault.

WHAT THE FUCK? So for the past three years while you assholes had control and Donald Fucking Trump didn’t have control of anything in the government, the border was secure? Well assholes, Trump still has no control over anything in the government so what’s changed? 

Nothing! You’re just admitting what the whole fucking country has known all along. You’re only admitting it now because it’s an election year and you see the handwriting on the wall.

A lot of the American public would probably be just fine with putting you all on trial for treason. If found guilty, the summary executions on the capital steps would probably make a fortune on pay per view.

But now, it’s too late. The damage is done the FBI is telling us that something akin to 9/11 isn’t just possible it’s probable. It’s only a matter of when some terrorist group or groups decide to start setting off bombs, or flying planes into building, or shooting up large gatherings, or blowing up school busses. 

Now, the only way to deal with the problem is to deport every single illegal immigrant without mercy. Oh and their anchor babies too. That necessity will degrade the quality of life for all Americans. We’ll have to have our papers, and present them on demand to every law enforcement officer we encounter. Talk about destruction of the American way of life!

No matter what happens in the upcoming election. Whoever or whatever was running the Biden Administration will have succeeded in destroying this country.

But remember… There wasn’t any border crisis for the past three years. Biden, Mayorkas, Jean-Pierre, and the talking heads on the news told us so. This crisis? Well Trump did it!

Joe Biden according to a Federal Prosecutor shouldn’t be tired for mishandling classified documents because he’s a kind old elderly man with memory issues.

Karine Jean-Pierre says the same week that Joe Biden is fit and does more in an hour than most people do in a day. So which is it?

I’ll choose to believe my lying eyes. Joe Biden is unfit for office. It’s obvious, it’s been obvious from the start and I’ll never understand how he got elected in the first place. I’m no fan of Donald Trump. But DAMN! I’ll take Donald Trump over an empty sock puppet, any day of the week.

The media telling us that everything is fine. The economy is doing well, prices are falling, and if you’re not seeing this golden age you’re obviously a MAGA White Supremacist.

Or that shoveling another trillion dollars into the burn pit called Ukraine and funding Hamas in the name of humanitarian aid while providing Israel weapon systems is right and just. Why do journalists never question that Egypt will not accept Palestinian refugees nor will any other middle eastern country. And how is it in any way Humane for us to be prolonging a war that Hamas started, by supporting both sides?

Typically if an arms dealer does that kind of thing, they’re killed or end up in international court for committing war crimes.

Blaring from outlets and protestors 24/7 is the accepted illogical “fact”; Men can become women, Woman can become men and subsequently “Birthing Persons” but they’re still men. Binary gender is wrong, gender fluid is right. If you go on a date, decide to hop in the sack and find that the entity you’ve brought home does not have expected equipment, you’re supposed to suck it up and make do. Even though you’re not going to be emotionally or sexually satisfied. It’s impolite to say you don’t like Bait and Switch.

It’s not just the politicians, or the media, or even the insanity of society at large.  It’s the SPAM inundating my email, and my mail box.

“Your account is locked… We’ve been trying to reach you.”
“Here is the information you requested from <Insert Name Here>”
“Your package delivery has been suspended…”

It’s the bullshit text messages

Hi Bob, hey I enjoyed our date last night
I’m not Bob, and we didn’t have a date last night
Oh I’m sorry to bother you. You seem kind, would you like to date me?
What about Bob? I’m a Bros before hoes kind of guy. You’re sure acting like a ho.
You’re very mean you should be reported to the police, I’ll say you raped me. Send me 5000.00 in bitcoin and I won’t report you…

And let’s not forget the phone calls.

Hello there you qualify for an electrical service discount.”
Oh really? Since the solar panels on my roof pay for my electrical service are you saying that if I sign up you’re going to pay me more every month based on the KWH I sell back the the electrical grid?”
Well someone in your household contacted us.”
Doubtful unless you’re using a Ouija Board

For someone like me, this kind of crap is literally painful. It’s like having a constant buzzing in your ear that you can’t get away from. It takes cycles out of my brain and sucks up time because I can’t believe what I’m hearing and l have to get to the bottom of it.

The Cognitive Dissonance all this causes is damaging. There have been some studies that suggest continued exposure to Cognitive Dissonance can in fact cause psychological damage.

You can’t turn it off. There is no escape. The constant crashing of lies, insanity, and stupidity is everywhere. From inside your home to screens blaring on top of the gas pump.

It’s no wonder people in this county are medicating themselves into numbness. With drugs(legal and illegal), alcohol, food, or staying in their parents basements looking for the next masturbatory VR thrill. Honestly, I’m not sure I blame them.

What I want is for truth to be normal again. I’m not sure it ever was. 

Failing that, I want to sue the Federal government for creating an unhealthy living environment for me and millions of other people due to their chronic lies.

Obviously I’d like a shit ton of money. But I’d settle for every member of our government having to wear shock pants that were lie detectors.

Shock Pants were created by Scott Adams in the Dilbert comic strip and also appeared in the Dilbert TV series. I’m not sure which appearance came first.

I’d love to watch Joe Biden or Mayorkas or Karine Jean-Pierre or Donald Trump, fry their private parts with Shock Pants or simply tell the truth.

Their choice.

Harvard isn’t what it once was

And now I have a partial explanation for how COVID-19 became what it was and how vaccines that don’t work came to be foisted on the world as “Safe and Effective” when apparently they are neither.

An ars Technica article is reporting 37 questionable studies at a Harvard affiliated cancer research center.

For goodness sake. 

What the hell happened to data integrity? 

Anyone incorporating these research papers into their own research might be led down a research dead end not because their original theory was incorrect but because they used “facts/proofs” from these papers. 

That wastes time, money (in research grants) and potentially, lives of desperate people participating in clinical trials.

I suppose this is how we end up with snake oil being sold by “real” Doctors. I suppose it’s also how “real” Doctors can stand by, knowing that the “approved” treatment protocol for a disease, (For example COVID,) was doing more harm than good.

It’s how we get scientific “Consensus” that is almost entirely incorrect about a wide variety of things. Obviously, it’s not just medicine. The spooky thing is, if this is happening in medical research, where the highest level of diligence next to nuclear bomb research is supposed to be in place, then it’s probably everywhere.

Is current geologic research just slap dash and missing the signs of a 9.0 earthquake in Northern California where Mt St Helens, and the Yellowstone super volcano all blow at the same time? Are those signs being missed because the actual observation data doesn’t fit a shitty research paper, or papers and is being thrown out?

Have we missed new energy sources, or warp drive, because of some copy / pasted incorrect data dampening a brilliant mind that perceived an anomaly but decided not to research that anomaly because the literature said it’s an instrumentation or computational error?

SCIENCE is about truth! Above all else. 

Science is observing and recording what is. Science is using those observations to predict behavior of the natural world and once that behavior is understood, science can tweak the input variables to change the outcome.

Science is also about understanding and accepting that when we’re on the boundary of the “known” sometimes science can go no further. That road block is not failure, it’s a sign that either we missed something fundamental, or our tools aren’t sophisticated enough to proceed. While the initial data is checked, the sophistication of the tools increases and the road block turns out to be only temporary.

If so called scientists and researchers are willfully fucking over the integrity of data and disseminating false results, then the basic underpinnings of science and scientific process are contaminated and at risk. 

It is possible that Academia has sunk this low, and failed humanity in selfish pursuit of money over knowledge?

A reasonable question to ask at this point is:

Is the lack of integrity and principals confined to Harvard?

I strongly suspect that it’s not due to the competitive nature of grants and donors.

Can anything MIT, Yale, the entire UC system, Stanford, or in fact any “Top” research center or college publishes, actually be trusted?

Sadly, I think not. I say this with a heavy heart and ask you to consider the following.

Can we trust the climate change folks, or the climate deniers? We know that a large percentage of the “Climate Change Data” was falsified. The simulation used to claim the planet had 12 years left was rife with errors and inconsistencies where the data was manipulated to produce a dire outcome.

The reason for this appears to have been more research money, fame, & fortune! But it spawned the “Consensus” bullshit on the one side and the “Climate Change deniers” on the other. 

The impact is that instead of having real data that was as good as it could be, presenting that data to the people of the world and using it to become better stewards of our beautiful planet. Really good and accurate research was thrown out with the contaminated data by 1/2 the planet.

There are a few people like myself who think we each should do our best to limit our long term effect on the planet. At the same time, we must intelligently assess and balance human needs versus planetary ecology. We should also be able to place our faith in our advancing technological capabilities, because if we’re all thinking about using our resources wisely then our “mistakes of necessity” today can and will probably be mitigated by technology of tomorrow.

That only works IF SCIENCE is indeed TRUTH.

There’s danger in bad or politicized research too. Look at COVID. We were actively shutting down scientists, real scientists who had actual data describing the dangers of mRNA. They weren’t blue skying or theorizing. These scientists had actually used and in some cases abandoned mRNA because of its inherent instability.

Instability mind you, that made mRNA unsuitable for their research on rats.

The world censored them, and ignored their real world experience in the matter. That’s like ignoring the man with the charred hand telling you that fire is hot.

Our society did exactly that. This is not to say that at some point in the future mRNA therapies won’t be safe, stable, and effective. However, right now we just don’t know enough to call mRNA therapy Safe. The scientists warning against the use of mRNA weren’t saying it should never be used, they were saying that it wasn’t ready to be used, YET.

What about CERN? Those folks are playing with stuff that could really go awry, can we trust that they’re not faking data, or worse yet unknowingly using falsified data in their experiments? If they are using bad data, where might that lead given the nature of their investigations and experiments? I’m not in the “CERN will create a black hole that destroys the world camp.” But there’s a whole lot of energy CERN uses, and directs, I’d hate to think their math is wrong. 

I think that no scientist should be censored, and the politics has no place in scientific endeavor. I also think it’s time for cut / paste researchers or Phds to pay a price for their deceit. I believe they should be tossed out of their field and never allowed to work or teach their subject of study again. 

I know that’s super harsh, but the consequence should be so terrible that no-one would risk it. Mistakes are one thing, actual deceit for a grant is criminal.

It’s the only way I can see to restore the integrity of science.