You realize they’re stealing from you don’t you?

I’m not just talking about the government. They’re ALWAYS stealing from you.

I’m talking about the criminals running rampant throughout society. The hooligans running around smashing and grabbing. The thieves waving guns in folks faces and in barely intelligible speech saying “Rolex, Rolex, Rolex” then scampering off on foot or scooter.

I’m talking about the squatters, and entitled illegals, the muslims who refuse to eat food graciously given to them by people who can barely feed themselves.

Attachment Doug Ibendahl Facebook.jpg.

I’m speaking of the animals knocking people onto subway tracks, and the assholes punching women & children on the street because they know there will be no punishment.

I’m talking about the people with no common sense, civility, or decorum who will suddenly start brawling in a restaurant.

Carjacked robbed.Even if you haven’t been directly affected, beaten, robbed, or disturbed, I submit that you’ve been stolen from.

They’ve stolen from you, every time you’ve chosen to take your beater car to the store, instead of your nice car because you’re worried about being carjacked.  

Every time you’ve left your nice jewelry or Rolex in the safe instead of wearing it out on the town for a night, you’ve been stolen from.

NJ sneaker store robbery img.

Every time you’ve triple checked your door locks and security system before you left your home for a few days, or you’ve cut your vacation short because you didn’t want to have your home vacant, you’ve lost some of your freedom.

In short, any and every change you’ve made in your life to accommodate the possibility, or in some cases the probability that you’ll come to harm, has been theft.

Your peace of mind and security have been stolen from you.

While yes, the criminals are at fault for the crime. There is an overarching fault, or source of this theft.

Look to your left, look to your right, now look in the mirror.

Black lives matter protest nyc.

In at least one of those directions you’ll see someone who said defund the police and voted for such.

You’ll see someone who said smash and grab crime is “Victimless” because the insurance companies will pay for the loss.

You’ll see someone who consistently supported lax criminal prosecution because there were too many of this or that kind of person in prison. You’ll see someone who took it on faith that the border would sort itself out.

You’ll see a person who disarmed you because they were afraid to protect themselves and imposed their fear and their will upon you unbidden.

You’ll see a person who believed that their cruelty was kindness, who knew they were “right” and that their “rightness” should apply to all. Any and all evidence to the contrary notwithstanding.

That person or persons, exercised their will by voting (usually), or by protesting for some cause that they were only obliquely aware of.

Not out of belief or commitment, but to brag about to their colleagues on Monday morning at work. They wanted to be able to answer their coworker’s question, “What did you do this weekend?” With something supremely virtuous.

Only very rarely did one of these people actually investigate, analyze, evaluate the end point, or unintended consequences, of what they were supporting by protesting.

They needed the social credit with their coworkers, and instagram likes.

So they stole from the rest of us. Maybe they didn’t realize that’s what they were doing at the time. But they did it nonetheless, using authoritarian intimidation tactics and “consensus”. 

Bear in mind these people are often the “Karens” in our society. These people were the people saying the unvaccinated should be put in camps. These are the people who demand mask wearing for their protection not yours, and tried to implement vaccine IDs to enter venues.

They’re the ones who supported mandatory vaccinations, while at the same time screaming about abortion rights and how important a woman’s bodily autonomy is.

These are the people who will gasp and cry at female genital mutilation, saying it’s abhorrent. But will strap their infant son to a board to be circumcised.

These people are profoundly confused when they’re mugged, their homes are burglarized, or their neighborhood vandalized.

They somehow think their “Virtue” should make them immune from such things and that their virtue should be obviously visible to would be criminals.

They’re outraged that the police didn’t show up until several hours after their 911 call. Yet instead of admitting that the police are necessary and require more funding, they’ll suggest less police funding. Then they’ll demand a social services person address non violent issues.

They’ll quietly hire private security for their perfectly planned HOA community. Doing so allows them to continue virtue signaling, and blame the private security firm for mishandling a situation if someone gets hurt.

Any logical thinking person, regardless of political affiliation or even closely held beliefs, can see objectively that we’re swirling around the maelstrom.

There’s still time to escape, time to right the ship and choose a better course.

Florida Sheriff Tells Residents To Shoot Home Intruders And save Taxpayers Money 60555 1.The trouble is, the deeper into this particular maelstrom we go, the more brutal the corrective action must be.

We’re past the point of simply hiring more police. We may be at the point now where the police must become everything the liberal progressives feared they would become.

It’s quite possible that police will have to shoot first and hope the criminal survives to be tried in court.

That too will make us all less safe, and once again we as a society have something stolen from us. That intangible thing, is our safety out in public.

High speed chases are supposedly limited in California because of the excessive collateral damage these chases inevitably cause. What happens when police by necessity are quick on the draw, exchanging gunfire with criminals? What does that collateral damage look like?

Soft enforcement of the law, does not make things better. It creates more lawlessness.

The trouble with enforcing the law, is that often the lower classes in society bear the brunt of enforcement. To truly make things better, to pull us back from the brink, law enforcement must be equal and perhaps draconian for a time across all levels of society.

Meaning that from The President, to his family, to members of Congress and their families, not one single person is above the law, ever. Our Society must insure that no-one can buy their way out of prosecution or punishment regardless of who they are, how much money they have, or to some extent even their mental capacity. 

Equal justice under the law is a precept of this nation. It’s time to get back to making examples of people that break the law by punishing those people. Corruption in high office or amongst those charged with enforcing the law is, in my mind, a high crime. Corrupt prosecutors, judges, lawyers, politicians, or police should be the most harshly punished.

In cases where a corrupt prosecutor obtained a false conviction, they should have to serve time for their corruption and the sentence from the false conviction(s). For example, the George Floyd case. Floyd died from an overdose, not from Derek Chauvin pinning him to the ground.

False accusations of crime should be harshly punished as well. This is especially true in cases where the false accusation resulted in imprisonment or excessive fines & compensatory damages. For example, the E Jean Carrol case, and the Trump real estate case in New York.

I also ask why Jon Stewart has not been indicted for falsely estimating the worth of his New York property.

There is the appearance that Leticia James and Alvin Bragg have used the law to obtain their desired results, NOT justice. I would very much like to see their allegations and evidence of guilt against Trump & have them explain their lack of concern about Stewart. I want their entire process exposed to full public inquiry.

I say this is not in defense of Trump. It’s in defense of one of the foundational concepts of our nation.

I’ve written this because the lawlessness has pissed me off. I see no end to it, only escalation. I refuse to live in fear but at the same time, unconsciously have been making decisions which result in self limitation while exercising my freedoms because I’m adapting to avoid the problems.

In that I’m as guilty of capitulating to the criminals as the stores which unlock their doors only when you ask to be allowed in.

We’re told this behavior is based in safety for the employees and the customers. In reality it’s based in fear. Fear that self defense isn’t permitted. Fear that a customer will be injured in a crime and subsequently sue for damages, Fear that the criminal may be injured and also be able to sue even though they were injured in the commission of a crime.

Even my choice to drive the beater vehicle is based in fear. Fear that my nice vehicle will be carjacked, fear that the insurance company will never pay me enough to replace the nice vehicle.

I’ve experienced that already. An illegal totaled my paid for, well maintained vehicle. The insurance company paid off less than the cost of a comparable used vehicle & I ended up with another car loan that I didn’t want. That illegal with no drivers license, or insurance, took something from me and I got to pick up the difference. She stole from me personally, and from everyone else paying for car insurance in Southern California.

Had the immigration laws been enforced, she wouldn’t have been in the country. So once again lack of enforcement of the law resulted in tangible harm being visited upon an innocent victim.

These are the hidden costs of not enforcing the law. 

Closed mall.I find that I feel no pity for neighborhoods where fast food restaurants, grocery stores, pharmacies, and other necessary stores, are closing due to crime.

I know that the shopping centers closest to me are probably looking at closing. If not the entire shopping center, then stores within the center. I’m expecting to loose the nearby Taco Bell, Burger King, McDonald’s, and probably a number of smaller independent restaurants, due to the new minimum wage in California, the criminal element, and too few customers in a day. 

Lincoln mall 1 min.I suspect that the shopping centers will follow suit. I’ve seen it before. There was a shopping mall in San Bernardino years ago.

I worked right across the street from it. I shopped there on my lunch hour, and did my Christmas shopping after work. That mall wasn’t where you’d find top of the line things, but for a sweater, or a shirt, or a pair of socks it was perfect and convenient.  

I remember at some point walking through the place with my other half and commenting that the clientele was getting kind of low class. Then on another occasion we witnessed petty shoplifting and reported it to the employees of the store.

They shrugged and said there wasn’t anything they could do. By the time the police would show up, the criminals would be gone.

Within a few years all the major stores had vacated. What was left, was a strange collection of stores mostly involved in the wig, weave, and cheap cosmetics industries.

None of that was of any interest to us so we stopped going to that mall entirely. A few years after that, the mall was closed.

The last few times I’ve been to the local malls, and even the newest outdoor shopping plaza, I’ve noticed the same pattern and signs. Boarded up stores, “For Lease” signs, a more shady element in the clientele, the feeling that too many eyes were looking for opportunity, and once again I’ve seen petty theft brazenly happening. 

I thought a year or two ago, these were residual effects from the COVID lockdowns. Indeed that may have been the start, but the damage is taking a long time to correct.

I’m thinking now that the years of lawlessness, “mostly peacful” protests followed by looting and general destruction have contributed to the damage.

Uncertainty about what will be done to enforce the law, & loss of clientele due to their concerns for safety, may well end the era of some shopping centers in my local area.

Ironically, the thieves end up stealing from themselves. They’re just not smart enough to see it. 

Few people think about what happens when the cost to open a business’s doors go up. 

There’s a finite cost just to open a store every day. Power, employees, insurance, merchandise, just to name a few things. If these cost more, then the cost of merchandise to the consumer will go up. This reduces the consumer’s buying power and as I understand it, is called inflation. If the consumer’s salary doesn’t keep up, then they’ll buy less, forego purchases altogether,  or find cheaper alternatives. 

Eventually there’s a point where the business cannot remain in business because the cost to open is greater than the profit to be had from selling merchandise. If the business is also dealing with shoplifting, that point is reached faster. A smart business owner will sell off everything, then find greener pastures.

California is a perfect petrie dish demonstrating these concepts.

Since it’s essentially legal to steal $900 a day from a store. Plus in some areas there are multiple thieves or gangs of thieves the losses rapidly add up.

Cost of mitigation to slow the theft down may exceed the profitability of the store in a particular location, so logic dictates the store must close to protect the shareholders. 

We’ve seen this in San Francisco, & Oakland. Fast food restaurants are closing because of increasing violence toward their employees and robberies. (A.K.A. Increased liability.) Retail stores have or are closing because the theft has exceeded the profitability of the store and the cost of insurance + limitations on coverage make the policy no longer affordable.

Lawlessness, & failure to enforce laws are directly responsible for the resulting “Food Deserts” and lack of neighborhood stores and services.

It doesn’t take long.

Aside from the loss of jobs, the loss of services, loss of pharmacies, loss of grocery stores, and the loss of places to eat… What happens to the people left in these “No go zones?” One could conclude that Ghettos are a result of lawlessness.

Perhaps the conclusion could be reached that said, Black Lives Matter and the Defund the police movement have done far worse things to African Americans and other minorities than the police or racism ever could.

Once again, a whole group of people has been stolen from. This time by people claiming to help. In this case these folks may have had their futures stolen too.

This is shit that goes through my mind often. I think to myself I can’t be the only one who sees it.

I’ve written this long assed post because this rattling around my brain is like a splinter. I really needed to dig it out of my head and put it in yours!

You’re Welcome!

Okay I’m really over this!

California retailers are responding to the insanity of legal thieving ($900).

Stealing is okay according to the morons in California’s legislature, as long as you don’t steal too much. (They should heed their own advice!)

California retailers are locking the damn doors, even though they’re open. So someone like me. You know, a decent law abiding person for whom stealing is the furthest thing from their mind, can’t just shop.

No, I have to ask permission to walk into some stores. I have to be buzzed in, or I have to be escorted while I’m in the store.

People don’t understand that when I’m shopping I’m moving. I’m not lingering over something unless it catches my eye. My mode of shopping annoys retailers who’ve had to open locked doors and give the super secret hand shake.

I’ll zip through a store in 5 minutes or less, if I don’t see something I like, I’m gone!

If we’ve gotten to the point that lawlessness is the rule, not the exception, we’ve got serious problems. Problems that might only be solved by gunfire.

Unfortunately if retailers are resorting to these tactics in my area (60 miles away from Los Angeles, 500 miles from Oakland and San Francisco, 100 miles north of San Diego), then in California at least, crime has apparently become the norm.

I remember being told in school that one major difference between America and Russia was that, in Russia there were lots of criminals and high crime. In America we had law and order, we could safely walk the streets.

40 some odd years later and i find myself asking is that still true?

I found myself enjoying that the Russians had found four of the assholes who shot up a music hall within 2 days. They didn’t give a shit about those pieces of filth. The Russians went ‘old school ‘to get information out of the criminals. One dude had his private parts wired up to some electrical device. Another had an eyeball fall out, (oops), a Third had an ear removed, the fourth was beat senseless and appeared for his arraignment unconscious.

Apparently, these criminals started singing like birds. So the Russians knew who to hunt down next.

The Russian people walk the streets of Moscow tonight safe. They get onto and off of subway trains that are clean. They walk through stations that are brightly lit, clean and beautiful.

We used to be the same.

If you’ve ever been to San Francisco, you may have seen BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit) Stations. There was a time 30 years or so ago when me going to the Bay Area meant riding BART. I loved it. The stations were all clean, the trains were clean, it was safe and I think many, if not all of the stations were unique works of art. it was a pleasure to use the system, and I looked forward to my visits.

San Francisco was a beautiful jewel of a city. It was safe. It was a walking town, and if you got tired there were always the Streetcars, MUNI busses, or BART. On a sunny day, walking the streets of the city was a joy. The color and vibrancy, the oddball businesses tucked into old buildings made every block a new discovery.

I wanted to live in San Francisco. I wanted to get rid of my car, use mass transit, live in a quirky old building, work in the city, and watch the sun set over the bay every night. Of every place I’d been, San Francisco was the first and only city I’ve ever fallen in love with.

The last time I was there was about 10 years ago. I felt unsafe from the moment I walked into the BART station from the airport. At every station, there were people who were obviously ill. Either from drug addiction or psychological impairment, they appeared to be homeless, living in the stations. It was necessary to run a gauntlet of mentally ill or “high” people just to get to a train.

The trains formerly, sparkling clean and comfortable, were filthy as were the stations. When the train I was riding entered the tunnel going under San Francisco Bay, I hoped that at least the tunnel maintenance had been done properly. That had never been a concern for me before.

That was the last time I was in San Francisco. Now in the post COVID era I have no desire to go back since it’s gotten so much worse. It’s heart breaking what has happened to what was a model of efficient transportation, and a spectacularly beautiful city itself.

Permissiveness, has destroyed or is destroying California. It has been eroding all aspects of the state for a very long time.

I’d really like to see police allowed to do whatever it takes to put a stop to crime. If that means nightsticks liberally applied, or saving the taxpayers money by putting down criminals with a bullet I’m good with it.

I suppose I’m saying, I no longer see criminals as humans. They rip through stores like locusts and I’m all for them being exterminated like locusts.

Probably a little harsh… I’m just really tired of accommodating criminal behavior.

Update: 3/29/2024

Well, I’m going to be looking for a new barber. The owner of the shop has decided that they need to charge 1/2 upfront for an appointment.

This was slightly annoying when I booked my every 4 week appointment. Then I thought about it.

My Barber said the upfront charge was because of excessive cancellations, without the individuals having the courtesy to call.

Okay, but… I’ve never missed an appointment, and the 1 time in a year that I needed to reschedule. I called to reschedule 2.5 weeks ahead of the appointment. In contrast, due to health issues my barber has rescheduled on me 2 or 3 times.

I really like my barber, but I really don’t like being punished for the “crimes” of other people. I understand that the shop has a problem with the appearance of preferential treatment so they have to treat everyone equally.

I on the other hand, can express my displeasure with this new policy by not making appointments in the future. This will likely mean I will take my trade elsewhere. Being able to walk in for a haircut isn’t something that works because as the only barber shop in town they’re pretty busy.

OR maybe they were busy. I honestly wonder what this new policy is going to do to the business.

I can say, they’re pricy. I’ve stuck with them for two reasons. 1) I like my barber. 2) I like to support local businesses.

I’ll not be making another appointment. Especially since perhaps Sports Clips will work out better for me. I can combine a less expensive hair cut with shopping for groceries, and puppy supplies.

This is just another example of how the breakdown of civil behavior, courtesy and professionalism, negatively affects us all.

I really wonder if the country I thought I lived in, is long gone…

I also wonder if I even need to obey any of the laws.

Joe Biden has been taking classified documents since 1974. But he’s not going to be charged for this criminal act.

I saw this Article and wondered if the charges against Trump having documents at Mar a Lago will be dropped.

Then I thought about it and realized that I was smoking something. This is another example of the double standard. What the article omitted was that Biden as Vice President was not, as I understand it, allowed to remove classified documents at all, without permission of the archive folks.

President Obama removed documents, without any screaming. Donald Trump, 2 years after vacating the White House is raided by the FBI and all kinds of charges filed against him.

Uhhh Under Presidential Privilege Trump, like Obama, Clinton, Bush, Nixon, Carter, and Ford, were all allowed to remove documents. The only question I have in the case of Trump is, did he actually have the power to declassify documents or did he misunderstand the process.

I thought, (Obviously mistakenly,) that the was only one set of laws that governed everyone, from the lowest to the highest in the land. I’ve been a law abiding citizen my whole life because I believed in our legal system. Now, I find myself asking why bother? There is no set of laws for everyone.

If I were to become a successful enough criminal, I could buy enough politicians that I’d never see a day in jail. That is… If I was caught.

It’s ashamed I can’t be a criminal. I’d be really good at it. Unfortunately, my father busted my ass so much that I’m completely unable to break the law. I’m not blaming him… When one of our family goes bad… We go REALLY BAD! We’re typically on the smarter end of the spectrum and if we start misusing our smarts in the service of crime it’s a mess.

We’re talking completely unrestrained amoral behavior. Murder, theft, prostitution, drugs, any form of vice and we don’t begin to think about the collateral damage.

My father was protecting all kinds of people.

83 Million Dollars?


E. Jean Carroll

You know, that woman touched my PP! It was while I was visiting New York several years ago, I don’t remember the exact year.

She reached down my pants and grabbed my penis and testicles. She asked me if I wanted to fuck a sexy woman like her?

When I said “no” she became abusive and bruised my penis trying to dig her fingernails into the shaft.

She doesn’t handle rejection well.

The above didn’t happen. But it’s equally as believable as anything E Jean Carroll said about her encounter with Donald Trump.

For a cut of 83 million dollars, I’d swear the above fiction did happen and that she was abusive during an uninvited sexual advance initiated by her.

I know it sounds terrible, but I can’t help but think this woman saw an opportunity to cash in, the court system and a New York jury allowed her to do it.

I also think that this whole mess is beyond unfair and a miscarriage of justice.

I doubt that she’s ever going to see a dime of the 83 Million. It’s going to be tied up in appeals for years. Ultimately I hope that the conviction is overturned and that Carroll has to pay Donald Trump for all the hassle she caused him.

My, My, My, The DOJ finally authenticates Hunter’s Laptop

You know, the importance of this isn’t so much that the laptop is Hunter’s. Nor is it that the laptop contains some of the filthiest videos I’ve ever seen, (and that’s saying something!) Even the fact that the laptop contains business communications between Hunter and various foreign entities where it’s clear that Hunter is selling influence isn’t the issue in my mind.

All of these points are important, but not as important as the fact that the way this laptop has been investigated and dealt with, demonstrates breathtaking corruption at the highest levels of our government. 

Once respected institutions that the American people looked to for justice, are now as befouled and besmirched as a diseased whore’s bedsheets.

Russian Disinformation? HA! How many times over the four years of the Trump presidency did we hear that stupid shit?

51 Intelligence officers confirming the laptop was Russian disinformation calls into question their competence.

I’m not an intelligence officer but as I peeled through what I could of the disk image I noted a consistency that any computer professional would have seen. That told me back in 2019 the laptop was real and not Russian Disinformation. I wrote about it on this very blog.

So clearly, I’m better at data analysis, than those 51 intelligence officers and should have their job.

The FBI and DOJ calling into question the computer repair shop owner’s honesty and integrity after he turned the laptop over to the FBI, then later Giuliani, was obscene.

This guy was just trying to collect on a bill. Then realizing the stuff on the laptop was freaking nuclear he gave it to the “proper” authorities. When the FBI did nothing, said nothing, and left him without any instructions, he turned the disk image over to Giuliani.

Yeah, it was a disk image. Hunter took the MacBook Pro to the repair shop because it had water damage. He wanted the computer repaired and the data recovered from the drive. In these situations the computer might be totaled (water and electronics don’t really mix), but the data on the drive is often recoverable, after all that’s what you’re interested in right? You can move the data to another computer.

Here, you have an honest businessman trying to do the right thing and absolutely no-one from the FBI or DOJ gave him any guidance or instruction. Isn’t that kind of their job?

Instead, after the story breaks, he can’t even go to work because the media frenzy created by the whole Russian Disinformation claim made it look like he was the bad guy, a Russian Spy, a nefarious operator looking for a million dollar payday.

The Authorities, our FBI and DOJ willingly destroyed this man, his life, and his business.

Now some of the 51 Intelligence officers admit they signed their letter not because the Russian Disinformation claim was true, but because they hated Trump.

What happened to Honor? What happened to Truth being the highest principal? 

Those 51 individuals dishonored their respective agencies, and themselves. They, the FBI and DOJ, I believe  should all be punished severely for their part in what can only be described as a bloodless Coup d’état.

The so called January 6th insurrection was a logical consequence to people realizing that the Coup had already happened. The march on the Capital was in fact We The People demanding redress to grievances. 

Allow me to reiterate again because this can never be said too many times.

No Capital Police were killed on Jan 6th. The Crowd was unarmed, there were no guns, rifles, or bombs being carried by the crowd. The only weapons were in the hands of the Capital Police. They had the guns, rifles, teargas, and flash-bangs. The only person shot on Jan 6th was Ashli Babbitt, she was murdered by a Capital Police officer with a history of poor judgement regarding firearms. 

Yet somehow an unruly crowd demanding their voices be heard by their elected officials, got turned into a dangerous insurrection. The DOJ run by Merrick Garland arrested hundreds of people present at the Capital on Jan 6th, well after the fact. Many have been wrongfully Imprisoned, held without trial or bail, they are in effect, political prisoners and have been denied their right to a speedy trial, along with the rest of their constitutional rights. 

Don’t even get me started on the Jan 6th committee, and their theatrical bullshit. For all that’s holy don’t get me talking about the unbelievably unfair sentences some of the Jan 6th protestors have been hit with. 

All of which is further evidence, albeit circumstantial, that the FBI, and DOJ, are no longer about actual justice. These arms of the government have become ENFORCEMENT / PROTECTION arms of the authoritarian shadow government behind the puppet carcass known as Joe Biden. These authoritarians are the real danger to our democratic republic.

It might be that Donald Trump, because he’s a wildcard, or Robert Kennedy, because these folks may have been involved in the assassinations of his family members, and he believes that’s the case, are threats to the shadow government which is why they’ve gone so hard after Trump perverting the justice system in the process, or why Robert Kennedy has repeatedly been denied the secret service detail presidential candidates enjoy.

I know that line about Trump and Kennedy is the stuff of conspiracy theory. But at this point, when so many lies have been told and “truths” we’ve accepted have turned out to be lies…

How are we as citizens to place any faith or trust in our government or our presumably fairly “Elected” officials? 

But there’s more! 

The collusion between Facebook, Twitter, Google, the government, and media served to censor what was real and mostly accurate information. It wasn’t possible to post comments about the laptop or repost the New York Post article that broke the laptop story.

That censorship effectively put moronic Joe Biden in the Whitehouse as a figurehead to some truly evil cabal of people operating behind the scenes. Joe Biden may be “The President”, but at this point pretty much everyone I know believes he’s nothing more than an animated corpse being used as a puppet. 

In other words, the election was in fact stolen! This is born out by polling results stating that 70% of the American people who voted for Joe Biden would have rethought their vote had the information about the Hunter Biden Laptop been widely available and discussed. The margins Trump versus Biden were mighty slim. It wouldn’t have taken much to push Trump into the win. As it was, suppression of information about the laptop appears to have dragged Joe Biden into the win and across the threshold of the Whitehouse.

That same collusion between technology giants, the media, and government went on in continued disservice to the American people in particular, and the world in general during the COVID panic.

Doctors, therapies, effective medications, and real clinical data were all suppressed in favor of an irrational narrative designed to make pharmaceutical companies hundreds of billions of dollars injecting people with an ineffective vaccine that may well have long term unpredictable side effects.

Now we have the WHO speaking at Davos and the WEF meeting telling us they think there’s going to be another pandemic, (there will be, the normal cycle is about every hundred years or so.)  Except the WHO is talking about another pandemic soon… Oh? So they mean another man-made pandemic. Hmm… 

News out of China is that the motherfuckers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology have created COVID 2.0+ and yippee it’s 100% fatal in their mouse study. (Please note. The mice in question are genetically modified to express some human proteins for experimentation purposes.) Remember that the WHO is funded mostly by fucking China!

What a fucking coincidence!

The WEF, WHO, and Elites at Davos are big time depopulation control freaks. But they also like to make money so I’m absolutely sure that China will release their new “Decimator” virus and then try to sell us all a new and improved vaccine. 

Don’t make the mistake I did thinking the WEF was a bunch of pompous Europeans screwing their own countries that we didn’t have to worry about. American politicians are there too collaborating with the world Elites. We know this because Blinken’s Boeing aircraft broke down in Davos. No doubt due to diversity hire mechanics mandated by Pete Buttigieg’s DOT.

Again, in what world would I or anyone trust the United States Government or so called world leaders?

Then there’s the question of Ukraine. My God, what the hell is that about? We know Hunter was doing something that made no sense in terms of his experience,  but was making a shit ton of money at Burisma in Ukraine. We know that for some inexplicable reason, Joe Biden as Vice President during the Obama administration, caused the lead investigator of corruption in Ukraine to be fired. (Joe Brags about it all the time.)

Coincidentally the investigator that was fired was looking into Burisma and finding dirt. Flash forward 6 years or so and suddenly The US is goading Russia into attacking Ukraine by making it known Ukraine will be joining NATO.

Vladimir putinOf course Putin is going to react.

The question to ask is why now? Why announce the NATO thing with Ukraine? 

Could it be that someone was expecting the collateral damage of a war to wipe a bunch of evidence?

Wars don’t just kill people, they kill buildings and records. Transaction records, loan paperwork, property titles, and all kinds of other things are utterly and irrevocably destroyed. 

Honestly I wouldn’t put it past the Biden’s, or whoever is pulling Biden Inc’s strings to have started a war killing thousands of people just to cover up some dirty financial dealing, or to protect their identities.

The cold hearted nature of the Biden administration speaks loudly and clearly that they don’t care about anyone but themselves. The upper class is to be protected at all costs and the lower class is completely expendable.

I’m supposed to trust the fairness and justice of our government? I’m supposed to believe that I’m equal, and have equal rights? I’m supposed to trust the Governments 3 letter organizations, FBI, IRS, DEA, EPA, FDA, DOJ, FAA, CIA, NSA, Etc?

No, I tried that for most of my life. There’s only so much disappointment a man can take. 

I’m not going to be able to have my faith restored in Government until Corrupt Officials are being shot for treason against the capital wall.

Yeah, I’m SUPER pissed off about the breath-taking corruption playing out before my eyes.