The the words of David Lo-Pan from “Big Trouble in Little China” 

“NOW this shit really pisses me off!”

President (I shit myself again,) Biden a.k.a. sniffer in chief, apparently issued preemptive pardons for the J6 Committee, General “Treason is my second job” Miley and that scum bag rabid little weasel Anthony Fauci!


The article is here

I’d hoped that finally after 40 years I’d get to watch Fauci get what’s coming to him. As I’ve written elsewhere in these pages that little fuck is responsible for pain and suffering clearly enumerated by all the panels of the AIDS quilt. Then that little weasel fucked us all again with COVID and what is starting to look like illegal gain of function research.

Biden issues pardons 640x480.Biden is too dementia ridden to stand trial, but not too demential ridden to issue pardons for crimes that have not been proven to have occurred? 

President poopy pants, just gave a bunch of mother fuckers a get out of jail free card for shit they’ve not been tried for. The Biden administration has got to be the most corrupt illegal administration in the history of this country.

Good riddance to bad rubbish! 

This really may spell doom for the Democratic Party I wouldn’t shed a tear about that either. The party of the KKK and unbelievable corruption needs to be dispatched.

I hope that come midterms every American remembers that preemptive pardons are essentially admissions of guilt and votes accordingly.

Again Adam Schiff demonstrates that he really doesn’t get it.

Adam schiff democrat california house of representatives.I know this Washington snake is soon to be installed in the Senate. I know that properly I should be referring to him as Senator-elect Adam Schiff (D-CA).

I can’t. All I see is a lying, duplicitous, self aggrandizing, immoral, snake that shouldn’t be within 1000 miles of the levers of power.

I see him as a representation of everything that is wrong not only with Washington D.C. but also with the California electorate who votes (D) no matter what.

Schiff was bad enough when he represented the 30th District, but was typical of that district. The district encompasses parts of LA, Burbank, Pasadena and some of the filthy rich democrat enclaves in La Cresenta, Montrose, La Canada Flintridge, Glendale, Altadena, and parts of Tujunga.

Many of these areas enjoy gated walled communities and are largely disconnected from, or untouched by, the things they vote in favor of.

Prior to 2016 the only time I’d heard his name was when some political scandal broke. I don’t recall if he was condemning the scandal or was part of it. Honestly I didn’t care. Whatever was going on, it was the business of the electorate in the 30th district.

After 2016, he gained prominence by consistently lying and being caught lying in testimony to congress usually about Trump, often while trying to impeach the President. I’m for impeachment of a bad president for cause. I however have a serious problem impeaching the President based on false testimony, statements, fabricated evidence, and the word of a liar who happens to be in the House of Representatives.

Judy Chu 2048x1366.He was like Judy Chu (D-CA) who represents an adjacent district to the East. I ignored her too, until she had Obama annex a part of the forest in the mountains nearer Pasadena. She touted this as important legislation that would ensure the forest was maintained and reduce fire hazards. It didn’t. The feds haven’t done squat, and the recent “Bridge Fire” is ample proof of that.

After the last redistricting, Judy Chu, is unfortunately now representing me and my town so I do pay attention to her. Looking at the redistricting map it’s clear the powers that be wanted to destroy a large Republican voting block that had formed in the high desert. Over the years conservatives who happened to be mostly republican moved to the desert where houses were more affordable and crime was lower. Interesting side note, that migration heralded the loss of Californians to other states for exactly the same reasons.

Judy Chu sends happy horse shit announcements about how interested she is in hearing from us. She invites us to hear her speak prior to elections on weekdays from 8-5 in Pasadena. After the election, we don’t hear anything at all from her or her office. Requests for assistance or even requests for clarity about specific addresses being in her district, or not, go unanswered.

Her notices tell us how important it is for us to be “part of the process,” and how interested she is in hearing from those of us in the mountain portion of her district. I’d bet she couldn’t find this town with a map, GPS, and police escort. She’s another California politician that sits in congress collecting her paycheck, finding ways to get rich like Nancy Pelosi, and doing nothing for the California people. But I digress.

Over the weekend, Schiff appeared on ABC’s “The Week” and said that Americans didn’t vote for Trump to see him pardon “criminals involved” in Jan 6. A brief writeup appeared in Breitbart

Uhhh Adam, yes they did. In great part because you and the Jan 6th committee engaged in what was clearly theater.

Generally speaking, everything the committee did looked a lot more like an old style Soviet show trial than actual justice. It was obvious from the start the committee was going to find anyone guilty that supported Trump and opposed the Democrat Party, or Joe Biden.

That farcical committee pardoned then arranged for a promotion of the single individual who discharged his firearm that day resulting in the murder of Ashley Babbitt.

The committee via the DOJ imprisoned 1000s of American citizens for the duration of Joe Biden’s presidency, many of them in horrific conditions and still awaiting trial or in some cases even pretrial hearings.

Then the committee destroyed evidence. 

We The People, want a lot more than pardons for the January 6 prisoners. We want justice. I can’t speak for all Americans but I want all the members of that committee investigated, tried, sentenced, and imprisoned in exactly the same conditions as the January 6th Prisoners.

Joe Biden might preemptively pardon some of the committee. Which in my mind, simply underscores their guilt, but he’s not going to pardon everyone who contributed to this reign of lawlessness and law fare.

Believe me, when all those underlings and “disposable” people are looking at prison terms, they will turn on members of the committee and even though those members will be sitting fat dumb and happy with pardons. Their guilt will be exposed. I won’t be surprised in the least if the families of those who end up taking the rap for “The Committee” come looking for a little bit of revenge.

On the threshold of World War III

Well, what a lovely Thanksgiving this is going to be.

It’s not that Thanksgiving itself is all that bad. I’ve been invited over to a neighbor’s house so that’s going to be nice, and means that I can drink and I don’t have to worry about driving. The worst that could happen is I’ll fall down in their driveway, then roll down the hill right into my driveway.

Unfortunately, we’re sitting on the verge of World War III. How is that going to play out in dinner conversation? It’s like having the sword of Damocles hanging over our heads, we’re back to Cold War era dinner conversations.

At least in the Cold War, we knew we had mutually assured destruction, these days not so much.

President Biden.I am astounded that the Biden administration is poking the bear the way they are with the Vladimir Putin. At the moment he is the only one that appears to be sane. That’s saying something completely strange and I didn’t have this on my 2024 bingo card.

Putin, as I’ve said before has some legitimate issues.

1) Ukraine as a NATO member puts NATO on Putin’s front door step. We didn’t allow it when the old USSR put Nukes in Cuba. Why do we expect Putin to allow NATO to put Nukes in Ukraine?

2) Putin knows as long as he maintains a war footing with Ukraine he stands to gain a couple of things. Land, odds are good that he’ll be able to keep what he’s captured or at least some portion of it. There are people in Ukraine who are ethnically Russian and they apparently want to be part of the mother country. I could see an election being held that allows the Russian portions of Ukraine to decide for themselves where they send their taxes. 

3) The longer Putin keeps the war going, the longer Ukraine is not a NATO member. I’d bet that he’s just going to keep this mess going long enough to get Trump back into office, then he’ll negotiate with NATO & Trump some deal that keeps Ukraine out of NATO for the time being. I say this because Putin knows he can’t negotiate with the Biden administration. 

I believe Putin can’t negotiate with the Biden Administration for a couple of reasons. I suspect that a large portion of the Biden administration actually believes the throughly debunked, disproven, pack of lies about Trump / Russia collusion. You know the lies and rumors started by the Hillary Clinton campaign.

That nasty bitch telling lies and Adam Schiff & the media constantly repeating lies has, I believe damaged world peace.

The other reason is one that has been glossed over a lot. Joe Biden, through Hunter has ties and did favors for the Ukrainian oligarchies and Burisma. There is at least one of the business people who claims to have the receipts on money paid to Joe Biden for favors.

Then there’s evidence suggesting there were the biolabs in Ukraine that are reported to have done work for god knows who, in the United States, prior to COVID-19. These labs were a mechanism for Fauci et al, to get around the restrictions on gain of function research, and keep their hands clean.

It is not in Biden’s or his administration interest to stand down from this shitty little war they’ve been feeding because if loads of hard evidence show up, Biden is toast. 

I suspect that’s why Biden has authorized the use of the long range missiles, which require United States personnel to fire. Meaning, the US military is actually firing weapons into Russia.

You want to tell me again what a bad shit crazy & unreasonable man Putin is? He could have declared war on the US and the UK, but didn’t.

S960 Shadow Storm USE contract   MBDA UK Ltd 2016-960x640-1-960x570.Yeah, the UK for god knows what reason is allowing their StormShadow missiles to be fired into Russia too. The StormShadows, like our missiles require the assistance of HRH Charles III’s military.

Right now, we, the entire world, are skating on the razors edge with Western leaders apparently trying to piss Vladimir Putin off.

President Putin.Lest we forget, there are people in Putins government who have been sharpening their teeth since the 60s & 70s. They’re a lot more nationalistic and war mongery than Putin. I would imagine there are some very contentious meetings happening in The Kremlin every day. 

Yes, I understand that the Russians started this war, (in my opinion because of Ukraine beginning the NATO entry process). However, Western leaders have placed Putin in a very awkward position. That he’s keeping a lid on this bullshit is impressive.

I personally think that we should all send very polite messages to President Putin saying “Спасибо, сэр”(Thank You Sir.) Because after his demonstration of the hypersonic MIRV he put us all on notice. 

Some reports say that weapon exceeded the speed (Mach 10), President Putin said it operated at. To me that suggests that perhaps they didn’t open it up all the way. That would make sense because the distance between Russia and the target was relatively short.

Uhhhh, we can’t shoot down something moving at MACH 10. 

We really need to applaud and thank president Putin for showing restraint.

Instead idiots in the West, The Biden administration among them, went to a higher nuclear readiness level, which Russia has no choice but to answer with a higher level on their part. Do we see a pattern here?

This shit has got to stop! If it doesn’t, we’re going to have a misfire, then a horrific accident, then all out war. Nukes, tactical or otherwise are not an option. Yes, I’ve joked about stopping global warming by Nuking our enemies.

I never considered the possibility that someone would be reckless enough or foolish enough to push us to the brink of another war. Then along comes Biden… And NATO.

I really had high hopes that all the nukes would be dismantled and their fission cores used to fuel power plants bringing free energy to everyone. Why free? Because every citizen in nuclear capable countries has already paid for the R&D on nuclear weapons. They should see a peaceful return on their investment. Free electricity seems like a great start!

It doesn’t look like peace or any other good things are in the cards, near term. 

Thanksgiving it is, with conversations steered away from religion and politics.