Israel, I think this is a mistake

Yahya Sinwar Getty 640x480.Israel announced they’re pulling out of Gaza. I personally think it’s a mistake, but I’m not Israeli, nor Jewish, so I don’t really get a say. Nonetheless I think it’s a mistake, because every time Israel has shown mercy in the past, the Palestinians and Hamas have betrayed the spirit of mercy and used the time of peace to regroup & resupply.

That’s why I think Israel is making a big assed mistake. The Hamas assholes are declaring they won after being butt fucked on the international stage for 6 months. How exactly is that a win you stupid motherfuckers?

I really don’t like Hamas, or the Palestinians for that matter. Their bullshit has infected my country, my congress, American colleges, and generally created havoc here.

Let’s be real, if other Arab Islamic countries wouldn’t take Palestinian refugees in, maybe there’s a damn good reason. I’ve seen at least one report suggesting that all Palestinians were expelled from Yemen, or Kuwait after the first gulf war because a large percentage of them were providing assistance and military intelligence to Saddam’s forces. You know, the invading military seeking to take over…

If that’s true then no wonder none of the other Arab countries would take them in. That would be like saying, “Hey CANCER! I’ve got a nice healthy set of lungs you can move into.”

This cease fire hands Joe Biden a talking point. I can hear that old moron now on the Monday talking head shows.

Well, I told Israel I was going to withhold, uh, uh, mmm, ice cream, if they didn’t cease fire, and sonofabitch an hour later they declared a ceasefire…

God, I’m not sure I’ll be able to listen to Biden’s drivel much longer without going deaf as a defense mechanism.

Except it’s not a cease fire.

Israel has stopped and is pulling out of Gaza except for a battalion. But the Palestinian fuckers are still firing missiles at Israel. Uh my definition of a cease fire appears to be different from that of Palestinians. Were I Israel, the cease fire would’ve been over the second missiles launched from Gaza during the cease fire.

Fuck Palestinians! I’d vote to keep boots on the throats of Palestinians forever. I wouldn’t vote to kill them all, just make them miserable enough that they’d strangle their newborn children then kill themselves.

That is the level of rage and absolute hatred October 7 2023 ignited in me. So thanks for that Palestinians, you miserable fucks…

This is why the IDF, and Israel is demonstrably composed of much better people than me. They know and respect mercy, they extend mercy even when they don’t need to. 

The IDF said something about Hamas stealing the humanitarian aid being sent to the people of Gaza, which was causing great suffering being part of why they’ve decided to stop.

Hmm, Hamas and Palestinians adhere to sharia law don’t they?

I guess there’s gonna be a lot of one handed Hamas soldiers in a week or two. Oh, right, they only cut off the hands of innocent people stealing so they don’t starve.

Every single photo of Hamas prisoners of war I’ve seen, their soldiers look fat. They’re not starving, it’s the civilians who are going hungry.

The Fat assed Hamas fighters I’ve seen probably gave up because they just couldn’t run anymore, and knew the Israelis wouldn’t shoot their fat asses where they stood.

What REALLY pisses me off about this bullshit, is the US taxpayer will be on the fucking hook to rebuild Gaza, AGAIN!

Where do we start?

Perhaps we should just start by building the fucking tunnels, (at least we could give Israel the blueprints,) Then we can move on to building hospitals, schools, and daycare centers directly over top of them. 

You know, that way when the fucking Palestinians, (notice I’m not separating Hamas from Palestinians as a whole,) decide to start shelling Israel again. They’ll have ready made reasons to wail and rend their clothing over Israel bombing the fuck out of an empty school.

The Palestinian people are responsible for Hamas. They elected them, they keep them in power, if they don’t like Hamas then they should vote them out of power, or revolt. They won’t because they actually believe that Israel has no right to exist. Pretty much like every other islamic asshole on the planet.

Israel, as a friend don’t let your guard down. Don’t repeat the cycle, drive Hamas into the sea.

Just my opinion, Y’all do what you think is right. 

Oh goody! Tonight is the State of the Union Address.

Should I just kill myself now?

I know Joe Biden is going to paint me as a White Supremacist, MAGA Republican, Racist, Misogynistic, Bastard, who should just die.

Oh, he’s going to do all that based on two things. 1) I’m a White Male, and 2) I’m not a Democrat

So much for “Unity” or the great unifier.

Aside from what Biden has done to this country in 3 years, I really dislike him for continuing to divide the nation with truly hateful rhetoric at almost every speaking event. 

He’s stoking violence and lawlessness along the racial divide and then when a White person, ANY White Person takes action to defend their lives against a person of color, Joe is the first out the gate to scream racism and paint the person of color as somehow the victim instead of the White person laying in hospital wondering why the police weren’t there to protect them.

Joe wrongly accused border patrol of “Strapping” innocent Haitian immigrants. Never has Joe said, “Hey Guys I’m very sorry for jumping the gun there.”

But it’s worse, because right from the beginning in that incident, the person who took the photo, you know the actual witness, said that border patrol was not hitting the immigrants.

Doesn’t matter. Biden’s administration said no horses on the border. 

Joe Biden has been wrong every single time he’s made comment about a crime, or victim, or in fact anything happening in the country over the past 3 years.

He’s tried to violate our freedoms on bodily integrity, by forcing upon us all a horribly flawed vaccine. He’s created situations where people lost their jobs because they chose not to panic over a virus that was 98% survivable.

He demonized those people and publicly called for them to be treated like pariahs. He’s repeatedly tried to bypass Congress’s ability to make laws, such as when he made OSHA demand COVID vaccination as a workplace safety issue.

Then claims that he doesn’t have the power to stop the flood of immigrants. What does OSHA  and the CDC say about all the tropical diseases that these folks may be carrying into places where those diseases never existed?

He’s significantly eroded our military readiness and destroyed thousands of military careers with vaccine mandates, DEI, and Transgendered bullshit.

Oh, and let’s not forget that he’s made it clear that White people need not apply to the military because even if they’re accepted, they’ll never achieve rank.

In Joe Biden’s vision of America only people of color will succeed and then, only because they’re people of color not because their promotions were based in merit.

That devalues the achievements of every person of color who worked their asses off for their promotions and careers.

It also tells every single white person, “Don’t bother to try. We’ve rigged the system so heavily against you you’ll never succeed. If by some miracle you do succeed, we’ll file law suits and IRS liens, and accuse you of some crime and take your success. We’ll bleed you dry with legal fees and unrealistic judgements. But you can avoid all of this by sucking the Democrat Party dick.”

Joe Biden in every single speech has demonstrated contempt and hatred of average Americans like myself.

As a result, I feel the same about Biden, His administration, and the government in general. 

Nothing Biden could say in this State of the Union will redeem that feeling. Even if he were to resign tonight, the damage is done. I will never trust the government again.

I know now beyond a shadow of a doubt they have no concern for me except as a contributor to their coffers, facilitator for their wasteful spending, and financier for their graft and corruption.

Biden’s 87,000 ARMED, Jack Booted IRS THUGS are a testament to how little choice any of us have in paying taxes. If we refuse to give our taxes willingly they’ll happily rob us at the barrel of a gun.

I love my Country. I HATE with all the fury of HELL what our government has become. 

I can save all of us time tonight. Here’s a summary of Biden’s address.


Since we live in a time of “Feelings”. That’s how I feel, therefore it must be right.

I typed it in CAPS because we all know Biden is going to go from creepy whisper to yelling. 

I’ll probably tune into the speech. During which I’ll appropriately numb myself with bourbon. No, I’m not masochistic, I just would like to know how badly I’m going to get fucked during the next 10 months, and possibly maybe likely… God Help me the next four years.

I am almost sure that somehow, some way, no matter how unlikely, outlandish, or illogical it is. Biden will get another term in office. 

Yeah, that’s how corrupt I believe our government has become. That’s how stupid 50% of this country has become. That’s how sure I am that the Democrat party will find a way to cheat like a motherfucker in this next election.

Even if Trump were to win, another “God help us” situation, even though I tend to believe that Trump really does want to fix what’s wrong with the government. All we’ll have is four years of conflict and badmouthing but nothing will get done. 

This is what Hope dying looks & sounds like.

This is Biden’s legacy with me personally. I’m not sure how many other people feel the same way.

The Democrat Party wants their fucking plantations and slaves back. Guess what? 

That’s Us!

Ahhh Twatter, you’re back!

X formerly known as Twitter has reinstated its Deadnaming and misgendering protections.


Twatter is back. Yippee!

In case you’ve not been following along, and why the fuck should you have been?

Deadnaming is calling someone by their previous gender’s name. 

So if Cecil became Cecelia (even if only for a day) and now runs around with nail polish, a beard, garish clown makeup, in a pink tutu, a dirty wife beater, showing his/her/its gorilla-like body hair. And you call she/he/it “Cecil” on Twatter you’ll get in trouble.

I’m in favor of always listing the transgenders as she/he/it in that order because if you say it fast…

Did you get it??

You’ll actually accurately describe the stupid fuckers that have overly complicated everyone’s lives. There are real transgender folks out there, to them I sincerely apologize, 

The attention seeking trans/non-binary/2 spirited/ whatever the fuck else these gender confused idiots are calling themselves these days can literally go fuck off.

I’m speaking to them/they/zim/zer… The loads their daddies should have jacked into a really filthy cum rag… I believe the rest of my brothers and sisters in the LGB community. As well as the straight folks have had quite enough of your bullshit!

We used to call you all deranged. 

“God how I miss that simpler life… “

Honestly, we didn’t care that you were deranged. You could live your lives as you saw fit and when y’all hauled your skanky asses out into the sunlight for a pride parade, the rest of us politely didn’t laugh and point derisively. We let y’all have your fun. We were annoyed that you were always the ones the news media focused on and the Anita Bryant’s of the country pointed to, as reason enough to hate the gays.

Y’all made our fight for equality tougher but we fought on, and won. We even carried your basement dwelling freaky asses forward with us.

But you’ve all gone way too damned far.

I will not comply with your ever changing demands to use some made up, unpronounceable, “pronoun”.  Go Fuck Yourself.

I will not worry about “Deadnaming” you. If I know you as Bob, I’ not going to call you Citronella-Dawn. Go Fuck Yourself.

I personally am sick and tired of hearing of your struggles and I’ll be damned if I’m going to let you usurp my history. You have pissed me off and alienated me 100% by rewriting history. The history of Stonewall, the history of our fight for equality, the history of being LGB. 

According to people who were actually AT STONEWALL, no one knows who threw the first brick. What we do know is that it was the moment we stood together to say, “STOP! You may arrest us, but you can not erase us. We are here, we have always been here. You no longer have our permission to abuse us because you’re bored on a Saturday night.”

I’m paraphrasing.

Just because we don’t know who’s hand threw that brick doesn’t mean that YOU Alphabet nut jobs get to commandeer our history. You don’t get to claim all the LGB struggles as your own.


Crying tranny.And frankly, that’s exactly what it feels like.

You bitch about the wrong pronouns, you whine that Gay men don’t want to sleep with you because you’ve got a vagina, you say straight men should sleep with you regardless of what you have,  vagina or penis. You expect the entire rest of the world to engage with your delusion without question. 

When any of us express our sexual preferences that don’t include sleeping with a person whose body isn’t our cup of tea, you scream transphobe. Then you try to make us feel guilty about how our sexuality expresses itself. All the while telling everyone, whether they’re interested or not, how your sexuality expresses itself. Newsflash, nobody would give a shit except that you keep shoving it down our throats. 

You’ve invaded gay spaces & even apps, trying to negate our ability to find what we desire. You’ve even made it “BAD” for us to reject you. We’re not rejecting you as a person, we’re rejecting you as a sex partner. You’re not what fires our rockets. There are some guys who are into it, but if the majority of gay men reject you because you have a vagina that’s not a crime and you have no right to make us feel bad about what excites us.

The FTM transgenders seem to have the hardest time getting it. For a lot of gay men, a vagina is a boner killer, and contrary to popular belief men aren’t just living dildos, always able to get hard at the drop of a hat.

Let’s face it, a lot of gay men are handsome, they’re often successful and pretty well educated. Has it ever crossed any FTM transgender’s mind that a lot of gay men could have literally any woman they wanted?

Some gay men are so handsome they could probably walk into a straight bar, walk up to any woman, and ask, “wanna fuck?” Then walk out woman in hand 4 minutes later. Some of these guys probably wouldn’t have to bother with a hotel or going anywhere but the parking lot. 

So given that reality, it’s obvious that a gay guy wants dick. Therefore he’s not going to be interested in a “Dude” with a vagina.

I really don’t get some of the FTM transgenders. If you’re only looking for dick, you don’t need to have surgery and take drugs.

Buy a nice dress, learn how to apply makeup, then go out with your friends to a bar. Be willing to look at men who aren’t 10s driving Porsches.

Look at the guy with a less Dunn & Bradstreet eye. Is he fun, does he laugh easily, does he dance like no-one is looking? If more women looked at men as nice guys, and fun to be with instead of a payday. I’m betting men and women would be a lot happier.

It seems a lot of the transgenders have partnered with insane liberal women suffering from Münchausen syndrome to literally erase Gay Men and Lesbian Women. 

What else would you call it? A boy says he feels like a girl and suddenly he’s on all kinds of hormone and puberty blockers. A girl says she feels like a boy or wishes she was a boy, and it’s the same. Surgeries are scheduled as soon as possible.

Guess what? The end result is there will be no boys who want to suck cock and no girls that want to lick a clit. There will only be boys and girls.

The transgenders are always speaking of transgender genocide. While at the same time assisting in the commission of Gay and Lesbian genocide. Do they hear themselves?

Now, they’ve re-conquered Twitter. 

Now, they can’t be insulted or have their feelings hurt, by someone with a different opinion. Their victimhood is complete, built upon the backs of everyone else. Now, no one has the right to speak without fear.

None of what I’ve written here could be published on Twatter. It would hurt the little Transgenders feelings. I’d be banned for hate speech. Hey snowflakes… This isn’t hate speech. This is angry speech

I left Twatter years ago over this kind of censorship. I returned to Twatter because I was assured freedom of speech and opinion were again the highest principals. 

If this is not true, then I can leave again. In the short time I’ve been on X/Twitter (Twatter) I’ve run across a lot of men that are like me. Most of them are too young to be dating material for an old fossil like myself, but they’re decent guys, conservative, and I’ve enjoyed reading their posts.

I’d miss access to them, but leaving X/Twitter would still be easy at this point.

Oh, one more thing…

Put the fucking urinals back in the damn public restrooms!!!!