Woe is the puppy!

It’s rained most of the day.

The pup hates being rained on.

About every hour or so, he’ll go to the door, I’ll let him out. He will wander from one end of the deck to the other verifying that the rain is really coming from the sky and not some other source, then he’ll come back in with this pitiful look on his face.

I’d put on appropriate clothing and walk him in the rain if he wanted to go.

On the other hand, I’m just as happy to not go out in the rain. It’s nice that accidentally the dog has some common sense.

I think I needed the day off. We walk at least a mile, usually more every day seven days a week. That distance isn’t much, but it is downhill and then uphill, usually I’m being dragged a bit by the dog with 4 paw drive on. It puts a bit of stress on my knees both directions.

I’ve noticed that when I have a rare day off from the “exercise” that I feel better and stronger the next time we’re walking.

The down side is that tomorrow he’s going to have a lot of energy. So I’m likely to be really dragged all over hell’s half acre.

Eh, it’s worth it.

For some reason I only got about 3 hours of sleep last night so I’ve been a lazy slug all day. Neither the dog or I have gotten anything done.

On the plus side, at least he’s not using my pillow!

There are times…

IMG 2882When I’m very thankful for the Dog.

Sometimes, he’s an absolute pain in my ass!  Other times, I catch a glimpse of the world through his eyes and see beauty.

This morning was one of those mornings.

I did laundry yesterday. As part of that process I changed the bedsheets from the summer lightweight cotton to the winter flannel. 

It’s been cold enough here at night that I have run the heater a few times. I hate getting up to a house that’s 55°F. 

I was even able to pack the last summer sheet set, into its original package. That was cool.

There’s another chore that I need to do. I’ve got to match up the sheet sets. I think I lost one if not two top sheets back in January. That wouldn’t be bad except that they were from the king size sets, not the queen size sets that I thought they were. It doesn’t matter a lot because when the time comes and I move, I’m getting rid of the king sized bed and going to a queen. At that time I’ll buy new sets for a new life. Hey, I’m trying to put a positive spin on it. But in the mean time… I’ve got mismatched sets of sheets that I need to sort out and dispose of, to minimize confusion and frustration.

Anyhow, flannel sheets in place, I went on with the day doing just usual puttering around. I haven’t been sleeping well and my head has not been “in the game” for much of anything lately. 

Bedtime rolled around and I crawled into a nice warm bed. I’ve recently instituted a moratorium on bedside alarms on Sunday. Meaning, I’ll sleep if possible until something wakes me up or until I wake up naturally. This morning, I woke up completely naturally. The dog was curled up on the foot of the bed and there was silence. I sat up, looked at the phone next to the bed and it was after 8am. Sweet! I slept straight through the night. 

I got up, peed, and by the time I was done the dog was ready to do his morning rounds. I let him out, poured myself a cup of coffee, and pulled on some sweats. After a few minutes enjoying my coffee the dog is at the door. I let him in, he heads for his equivalent of morning coffee.

He’s asking for his morning Greenie. 

I give it to him, he starts to trot toward the back door again. “Fine,” I say, opening the door. He heads out trotting to his usual spot (The spot where Greenies are consumed,)  Then he turns back and sits at the door looking at me. He’s still got the Greenie in his mouth.

Because the behavior is “odd” for him I open the door and step out onto the deck to see if something is wrong. 

The dog starts tossing the Greenie at me then playing keep away. I set my coffee on a nearby outdoor table and engage in the game. He’s wagging his tail and challenging me, we’re having fun.

Then he’s a little too rough picking up the Greenie to toss it at me and bites it in half. Game over! Now it’s time to eat it.

I’m standing out on the deck, the morning chill is being displaced by the sun and I’m struck by how pretty the day is.

In fact it’s a spectacular day. Not too cold, it’s clear and crisp and quiet. That’s one of the things that really strikes me… The silence. 

We’ve been living in a construction zone for most of the Summer. There’s been heavy equipment running from 7am to 4 pm every week day and some weekends. It’s annoying because of the dust.

I haven’t been able to paint the trim or the stairs of the house, and now it’s getting too cold at night to do the painting especially the back stairs and deck because they’re in shadow much of the day.

But the noise is also a factor even when the equipment is at the far end of the wash, the sound reverberates right back up the canyon, and it’s constant. Dumptrucks driving 25 or 30 feet from your front door all day long create a wall of noise that you can’t escape. The dust blowing off their loads, and being kicked up by their passing is quite possibly bad for us.

In the height of Summer we tend to have our windows open, most folks here don’t have air conditioning. So we’ve been living with never ending dust to the point that every morning stepping into the shower I can feel the grit under my feet. I vacuum every day and I simply gave up dusting. What’s the point? I have to rinse every dish or pot before using it, or leave everything in the dish washer. 

But breathing all this dust can’t be good for us. Not to mention the possibility of Valley Fever. The sides of the wash are populated by thousands, if not millions of rodents. Valley Fever comes from rodent poop, it’s usually something a person gets if they’ve been out clearing land and kick up a lot of dust. Folks weed whacking without a mask, or using leaf blowers commonly get it.

IMG 2886It’s not the county workers fault, they’re doing what they’ve been told to do. They get paid by the flood control district and even the supervisors think they’re doing the right thing. Although I contend that had they done what had been done in the 1920’s that lasted 70 to 80 years, everyone would have been better off and the county would have saved a shit ton of money.

Not that the county gives a damn about saving money or using it wisely. I have no reason to believe that the County of San Bernardino will take any more responsibility for health issues they’ve caused in this neighborhood than they will for the private roads they’ve damaged, the environment they’ve destroyed, or the degraded quality of life issues their poorly designed and executed “Flood Control Project” has caused.

As I think about it, enjoying my coffee and the beautiful morning on my back deck. I think that I should probably write a complaint letter to the County describing all of this, I suspect that OSHA would shut this down if the neighborhood was a worksite. But since we’re a neighborhood I doubt there are any regulations. Nonetheless I should get a letter on file so that if I develop some disease caused by breathing granite dust I can point to them as responsible.

In the mean time… I’m going to sit here enjoying my home for the first time in 4 months. I’m glad the dog dragged my ass outside this morning. He’s snoozing in the sun occasionally raising his head to survey the world.

Have a happy Sunday.

So how’s that anti police stand working for ya?


Target has announced they’re closing 9 stores across the country.

Boo Hoo! 

“Community Leaders” are bemoaning the imminent closures, citing the harm such closures cause to people on fixed incomes. They’re saying things like people could walk to the Target but when it closes the people will have to go elsewhere via car, bus, or train.

Waaa, Waaa, Waaa,

One store being closed is in Harlem. Two stores in Seattle, Three Stores in Portland, and Three in San Francisco.

What part of retail stores are FOR PROFIT don’t people understand? When the stores are projected to loose upwards of 1 billion dollars, Anybody with a brain could predict the outcome. Target will cut its losses and say, “fuck you,” to communities that sanction crime. 

You can’t deny that these communities sanction crime. Defund the Police says, “we don’t believe in law and order.”  I’m sure there are some of these folk who actually thought that crime was somehow a function of police actions. Unfortunately, the people this will hurt most are the elderly. 

All the young dumbshits running rampant through stores stealing anything they can put their hands on should be real proud of themselves. 

It’s not the “man” a.k.a. “white fucker” running the business that is hurt. That guy, and the board of directors, and the investors in Target see the loss as a blip in profitability. A blip that is easily remedied by closing stores, laying off employees, and security guards, selling the store fixtures, and finally selling the store building or terminating the building lease. 

The ‘Blip’ disappears almost instantly, and profitability resumes.

It’s all handled in gleaming glass and steel office buildings, by people who make hundreds of thousands of dollars a year, and drive Teslas, Mercedes, and BMWs. Their hands are clean and for them all of this is just numbers on a piece of paper. They’ll never know or see the collateral damage done to the community, nor should they. 

Because they’re not the ones doing the damage! They’re just reacting to profitability dropping and expenses rising. In fact a computer could make all the same decisions with the same outcome.

It’s the single mother who has to go on a three hour trip with her screaming children in tow to get diapers. It’s their granny pushing her walker past the closed stores 2 blocks from home, to hit the subway for the 40 mile trip to get her heart medication.

So good job! You filthy thieving pieces of shit! You hurt no-one but your own, and changed nothing except to make things worse. 

I guess we can’t expect anything better from you. After all, you were educated in the American School system and taught repeatedly that you were entitled to that PlayStation and big screen TV, but never taught that you had to get off your ass and work for it. Instead you thought you’d be a big time influencer, or sports player, or entertainer. Uh huh, sure… 

Here’s something that “Racist” math is good for. Take the number of people in your particular community. Now count the number of people from that community that are any of those things (Influencer, sorts player, entertainer). Divide the influencer/sport/entertainer, count by the number of your overall population. See that little tiny number? The one that starts 0.0000000?

It may have a 1 or larger number after all those zeros. 

That jackass, is how many people from your community are making a living in those “jobs”. That’s not even the probability that you are going to make it as an (influencer, sports player, or entertainer). Just so you know bucko the probability of you personally “making it” looks more like 0.00000000000000000000000000123.

So instead of jerking off in your mama’s basement waiting for your “Big Break,” maybe you should go back to school, learn a trade and get your ass to work. Then instead of throwing rocks through windows and stealing shit, you can walk into a store and buy shit like everyone else has been doing since humanity first moved into villages.

Yeah, historically, if you’d been taught actual history… Villages, spawned trade and free markets, and OH MY GOD! NOOOOOO!, Capitalism. 

Communism is the artificial construct. Nobody is altruistic enough for Communism to ever work. I don’t want to work my ass off for someone who’s a lazy piece of shit. Why can’t I be a lazy piece of shit too? Why should I work to provide food for my family when that guy who plays X-Box all day smoking dope with his friends, gets as much food for his family as I do, even though I’m the one growing the food!

Communism is completely antithetical to Human Nature. It will never work, and hasn’t to date worked ever anywhere on the planet.

Human Nature always wins.

He tries so hard to be a good boy.

My dog that is,

The poor puppy was so conflicted.

My lower back is spasming and any little movement on my part generates intense pain. Standing is an ordeal, lying down in bed is almost as bad. Sitting is mostly tolerable but getting up & down is a nightmare.

Thankfully I did whatever I did to my back near the end of the day so the pup got his walk.

Sleeping last night was more of a dream than actual fact.

The dog spent most of the night on the bed. He checked on me every time I woke myself up groaning in pain. At one point he lay down beside me with his head on my shoulder. Normally, he’s not a super cuddly pup, so I know he’s aware something is wrong with daddy.

I hope he’ll understand when he doesn’t get his walk today.

Well before dawn, while I was enjoying this rare cuddly moment, the yappy annoyances otherwise known as chihuahuas at crazy pants house started in. There are 5 of them, (I think. It’s tough to count them because they all look and sound alike.) After at least a half hour of this incessant barking we hear from crazy pants herself making some weird noise in addition to the barking chihuahuas.

My dog, had mostly ignored the incessant barking, I suspect that’s because it’s incessant, and even he has come to realize these chihuahuas are running their mouths but not saying anything of interest to him.

At the height of their yapping he’d rolled over on his back and groaned. As if to say, “What the Fuck Now?” Unfortunately for him, the roll put his head at an uncomfortable angle against my arm. He was trying to get comfortable again when crazy pants started in at the top of her lungs.

That was too much.

He had to get up to go see what the noise was about. He ran to the front window trying to see whatever was going on. Then he came back to the bedroom and started working me out of bed. It’s my job to open the slider in the morning.

By this time, crazy pants had begun jabbering words, and making sounds that sounded like grunting, or a human vomiting. That she was doing all this in her yard isn’t surprising, I wouldn’t be surprised in the least if I looked over there and saw her taking a shit, or playing with herself. (At which point I’m sure I’d be the one vomiting. Crazy pants has been ridden hard and put up wet once too often. I’m sure the same is true of her privates.)

At this point my dog, try as he might couldn’t stop himself from running between the window and the backdoor. He just had to check out the disturbance and comment on it. Unlike the yappy chihuahuas his comments are more like “ruff” then a random interval where he’s listening to the commotion followed by another “ruff”.

I’m blessed that he rarely barks for no reason. If he’s barking there’s something that I should be aware of. He does howl, if there are other “real” dogs barking about something in the neighborhood.

Last night he’d asked to go out about 2am. That’s unusual and often means his tummy is upset. I was up so it wasn’t a big deal. He’d been down in the yard, taken care of business, then laid down on the rear deck so he could watch crazy pants house. If he doesn’t come right back in, it because his stomach is still unsettled.

I must have dozed off on the couch, because about 2:45 I was awakened by the most soulful, mournful, howl I’ve ever heard from him. I don’t know if he was answering coyotes in the distance, or just howling at the moon. I called his name once, and he came right in. He didn’t even give me a dirty look when I closed and locked the slider again.

Opening the slider this morning, he bolted out and down the back stairs right to the gate. Then he sat looking over at crazy pants place, and the barking chihuahuas, while commenting occasionally with a grumbling “ruff, ruff, ruff,” nothing was going on that deserved a real bark from him. He turned and came back inside the house looking almost disgusted.

I’d poured a cup of coffee for myself when crazy pants starts screaming, “It burns! Then began loudly, sobbing and howling owwww!” My thought was, “Oh my, did someone sprinkle water on her?” Alternatively, I actually hoped that she’d found something fatal in the junkyard that her back yard has become.

That’s not kind.

The dog headed back out to the upper deck for a better vantage point since the chihuahuas had increased the intensity of their barking to drown out crazy pants.

After a few more minutes of her “performance” to no audience, applause, or any other form of attention, crazy pants shut the hell up and wandered back into her house I assume.

I couldn’t see her as she was giving her performance, nor did I see her go into her house.

She’d accomplished her goal… Everyone in the neighborhood was no doubt awake.

I think I’m going to try lying or sitting on the couch with a heat pad to get the spasming in my lower back to stop. I doubt that I’ll get the laundry done, or much more in the way of sorting physical paperwork for the accountant.

But, I might still be productive today by immersing myself in the totally digital realm. I can dive into the data from the other half’s computer looking for any relevant financial information that the accountant might need.

I sincerely hope your night and pre-dawn morning was better than mine.

Probably the shape of things to come…

Congressional redistricting what fun!!!!

My guy used to be Olbernolte. He lives in Big Bear and knows the mountain communities well. He’s a businessman, a Pilot, and technology guy. But… It looks like he’s not my guy anymore, thanks to redistricting.

Now it’s some woman named Judy Chu out of Monterey Park. I guarantee that she couldn’t find my town with GPS. Nor would she give a damn. She’s a dazzling urbanite whose only concerns will be for the other dazzling urbanites living in the wealthy parts of Pasadena, Altadena, La Canada / Flintridge, La Crescenta – Montrose, and Sierra Madre.

No one of any value lives outside those areas. Right?

In other words, we will not exist so there will be no advocating for disaster assistance coming from Chu in the event of another winter storm like we had last year. But Chu happily votes to spend Trillions of dollars we don’t have in foreign countries because she’s an obedient puppet.

Here’s another proof of just how we’re going to be ignored.


Just to be clear, I tried all five of the variations of my address created by the masters of technology that have given us all such wonderfully fucked up maps in rural areas. Helpful hint… your mapping efforts should start with the original county maps. It’s so much fun that my address can appear in one of three different towns depending on whose map you’re using.

Chu was also targeted by Fang Fang the Chinese Spy, shortly before Eric Swallow-well started dipping his wick in Fang Fang.

Fang Fang worked for Judy Chu for a time.

Ahhh, it’s going to be grand having zero representation!

Perhaps another clue that it’s time to get the hell out of California… Or learn Mandarin.