I absolutely hate the medical profession


To my relatives that are in the medical profession…. Well I don’t hate you …. But you should read on anyway.
Without getting too deep into why I’m seeing doctors suffice it to say that I’ve seen more doctors and their arrogant staff in the past month than I’ve seen in my entire life.
For those of you that may be reading this and worrying, I’m not sick, and have nothing more terminal than life itself… I’ve had some anomalous test results which have prompted more tests which prompt more doctors consults. etc. etc. etc.
First and foremost
Doctors are still practicing… They don’t know everything, they are in fact human. The only difference between you and your Doctor is the choice of education / profession. What you’re paying for when you see a doctor is their education, diagnostic skill, and experience but that does not in fact mean that they will always be right.
I personally have a problem with the Nurse Practitioners doing a preliminary exam and then going and telling the doctor what they saw… Shouldn’t the doctor be observing that with his or her own eyes? That’s actually one very quick way for a doctor to lose me as a patient.
If I’m with a doctor I expect the doctor to be with me. I also have this odd little expectation that we will work together to provide me with the best care possible. I tell the doctor completely and honestly what ever is going on and they access their knowledge-base and narrow the possible conditions to a few. The next step is for the doctor to ask additional questions whose answers narrow the conditions even further until a single causal effect is all that’s left. Then a remedy is prescribed and I move on with my day and life.
That’s what I’m paying for…
The problem is that many practices are so busy, and the doctors are so distracted and the insurance companies so very liability oriented that as a patient you become very quickly dehumanized. You’re just another body, who either has insurance or doesn’t, has filled out the correct paperwork or hasn’t, is on time for their appointment or isn’t, and on and on.
I found myself thinking that I might actually be better off with a diagnostic computer…
“Please swipe your insurance card.”
“Please enter the booth and disrobe”
“Scanning in progress remain still, breath normally”
“You will feel a sharp pinprick pain in your right arm as blood is drawn”
“3 out of 5 databases concur you have a common cold”
“your prescription will appear in the slot to your left.”
“You may now put your clothing back on and exit the booth don’t forget your prescription.”
The sad part is…. That’s the way a lot of the physicians offices make the patient feel without the computers.

But Dad!!! I want to play.


This is the 80 pound goofball that I almost lost last year to heartworm.
He’s about 95% his old self but does seem to tire a little easier than he used to.
Heartworm had never been much of a problem here so the vet completely discounted the symptoms and then misdiagnosed the problem for about 3 months.
Sundance dang near died
Over Thanksgiving I had him at a friends house. They have a huge fenced yard and Sunny got to run around all day. It brought a tear to my eye to see him running again full tilt boogie.
He’s been bugging me to go play in the snow with him so perhaps I’ll take a break later today and wrestle him in the drifts.