Osama bin Laden is DEAD!


I’ve been told by my more moderate friends and family that I shouldn’t be so dang happy about it. But I’m happy we finally gave him lead poisoning.

The only thing I wish is that we hadn’t buried him at sea. I don’t think he deserved that courtesy.

I’ve wished for years that we would capture him and then whip him naked through the streets of New York and Washington DC. Then have him shot in the shadow of the Washington Monument and his head placed on a pike for the world to see.

Brutality and violence seem to be the only thing al-Qaeda understands. I’m all for giving it to them in abundance.

I’d guess that we have targeted all of the al-Qaeda leaders and subordinates.

I hope that their heads are squarely in the crosshairs of a SEAL, Ranger, or Other Special Operations guys, and that the al-Qaeda body count is about to rise very quickly.

Gothic! Medieval! Brutal! YES! All true and there is a part of me that is a little ashamed of that, but bear with me here.

That desire is born out of pure rage that comes from seeing our soldiers bodies defiled, and seeing videos of these al-Qaeda “Freedom Fighters” decapitating kidnapped terrified civilians.

I’m enraged because despite the fact that we haven’t had much in the way of attacks here in the US since 9/11, our way of life has been irrevocably changed. We are not as free as we were, we have lost some of our rights, traveling by air has become nightmarish, and we now look at everyone with suspicion. In one regard the terrorists succeeded, they made an impression and they took away our innocence.

On Sunday, our military brought justice to one of the people responsible for the changes to my home. I’m good with that and I thank those guys from the bottom of my heart.

And in other stupid news…

Is it me?

Obama released his birth certificate. Big deal! It would have been more useful for him to have done this what? 2 years ago? That simple action would have avoided the whole birther stupidity.

Then we have the ongoing Trump fiasco. First he’s claiming victory for forcing Obama to release his Birth Certificate. Now he’s being accused of racism because he made comment about Obamas grades not being high enough to get into Harvard.

So for me, the question is; Were Obamas grades good enough? If we pulled other entrance grades from Obamas sophomore class at Harvard what would we see? Would his grades be at the middle of a bell curve, at the top or at the bottom? It’s a legitimate question.

It’s not a relevant question.

The fact of the matter is that Obama IS THE PRESIDENT! He has been since 2008 and there are a lot of people that need to GET OVER IT!

I’m not saying he’s a good president or a bad one. I’m personally not impressed. But history will judge if he was good for the country or not.

I’ve said all along that it is unrealistic for the American people to expect instant change in our government based solely on the installation of a new president. In his first term Obama cannot be expected to undo decades of bad political decisions.

He’d actually do well just to understand where those decisions were made, their ramifications, and what to do about them.

It will take a very strong president (Not Obama in my opinion) a full two terms in office to even BEGIN to steer the country in any direction. And that is predicated on a President even wanting to change the country’s course.

I am sick and tired of hearing the cry RACIST whenever someone asks a question that folks of color don’t like.

Asking a question don’t make you racist, it makes you curious.

If I were black and asked the same question about Former President Bush would the Racist Label still fit? I think not.

FYI folks. White people don’t have a lock on racism. The color of your skin doesn’t make you racist nor does it make you immune FROM being a racist.

Prejudice, discrimination, and hatred directed against someone of a different race makes you a racist. And you know what? That sword cuts both ways…

So how about we stop all this stupidity, let the President finish out his term and in 2012, We The People will again decide who our leader will be.

A Brief Introduction

Just a quick snapshot of my current state of mind…

You can take the boy out of the country… but cant take the country out of the boy.

I am capable of carrying on a conversation with someone that has a different opinion. That’s the art of conversation. I’ll even concede a well made point.

I don’t adhere to a strict Republican party line and I don’t automatically dismiss all the Democratic party line. I do try to be moderate.

Lets see if I can sum myself up briefly (pardon the run-on sentences).

I’m a constitutionalist.

A Liberal Red Neck, who believes in personal responsibility. I want freedom from overbearing rules and regulations designed to protect me from myself. I’m pretty sure about God, not so sure about Jesus but think either way what the guy tried to teach were very good lessons, I just wish more people worked harder to live by those lessons instead of using them to push agendas.

I’m kind of anti law. I think that the government is way too involved in our daily lives and that they really do need to get the hell out. I’d love to see us reboot all the law in this country and start again with the fundamentals.

I’m not advocating anarchy, or revolution, Im simply saying that we have 250 years of laws on the books, many of which are completely irrelevant and a large body more that are simply incomprehensible.

It shouldn’t require a law degree to read and understand a law. I think that when a law starts getting so complex that you need a lawyer to interpret it then you can’t say things like “ignorance of the law is no excuse”.

Since relatively few of the population do in fact have a law degree. What happens when someone uses “I didn’t know that was illegal” as a defense? Can you legitimately try and convict someone whose educational level precluded them from understanding a law as it was written? Don’t we end up on the slippery slope of mental incompetence at that point?

(I’ve been sitting in traffic too much. Too much time to think…)

I don’t want special laws on the books for gay marriage, or to permit inter-racial marriage. I think that Marriage should be honored, respected and extended to ANY TWO CONSENTING ADULTS, regardless of race, creed, gender, or whatever else, because Marriage (or partnering) is basic and fundamental to humans. If it’s allowed for one group… it by definition MUST be allowed for all. Religion really doesn’t enter into it in my opinion.

I contend that marriage is in reality nothing more that a contract between consenting adults that delineates ownership. No, not of the parties involved but of their possessions.

As I see it if I’m married to someone then the STATE prevents my relatives from taking my stuff away from my spouse when I die. This right of possession does not exist for a gay couple.

We’ve seen time and again where one of a gay couple dies and the other is fighting greedy relatives and the STATE to keep his or her home. This doesn’t happen often in the case of a male /female couple married or not. But it’s all too common in the case of gay couples.

Even if gay couples spent the money with lawyers to attempt to secure their rights, the legal battles often drain the estate to the point that the surviving spouse has to bear the burden of the loss and financial hardship. This is simply not fair and shouldn’t be allowed to continue.

I think since we’re in wars in the middle East we should fight them to win and establish prefectures in those countries, we should be honest about our intentions and admit we’re after the oil if in fact thats what we’re after and simply own it.

I don’t think we should give a damn about being “liked” globally, I hate the fact that we’ve been throwing money and food at broken governments and feeding people who ultimately will (or do) hate and attack us when our own people go wanting.

I think the UN should be asked to remove themselves to Geneva. The UN, like the League of Nations before it is a failure. The UN has the added attraction of being in my opinion horribly corrupt.

I’d like to see us CHARGE the UN and other Nations for our military intervention. If the world wants us to be cops… they should be willing to pay for our services. I don’t think the American Tax payer should have to bear the burden of cleaning up someone else’s mess.

I don’t want us to become more involved in Libya. I’m a bit annoyed that we’ve spent 100 million dollars on cruise missiles and that we will in all likelihood end up fighting a ground war there too.

I’d like to see our country STOP trying to impose morality and our form of government on the rest of the world. It’s none of our business if some tin pan dictator is abusing his citizens. In due time they’ll revolt and when they do they’ll be ready for a new form of government of their own design. It may be better, it may be worse but the people of any country should be the ones deciding their own fates… NOT US.

I don’t believe in gun laws. I can purchase an illegal weapon in about 1 hour in LA. Often the price is less than I would pay retail.

The big difference is, illegally there is no check on my fitness to own or operate the weapon and the illegal sellers will throw in ammo and extra magazines.

Legally, I’m subject to a 21 day waiting period, a background check, huge state and federal involvement and I have to prove I know what I’m doing with the gun.

Lets face it, the genie is already out of the bottle regarding guns. Draconian laws & excessive rules will not put the genie back in the bottle.

When I was growing up there were guns around the house, all us kids knew where they were, the guns weren’t locked up and nobody got shot by accident. I think that says something about there being no mystery about what a gun was or what it could … and could not do. As always education and training trump silly regulations.

Sexually, I’m not terribly sure what I am any more. I’ve lived the straight life, I’ve lived in the gay life, I’m not ashamed of either.

I honestly don’t think my sexuality is necessarily anybody else’s business except my close friends and the man or woman I’m sleeping with.

There was a time when I was exclusively straight and I enjoyed the heck out of being with women, but they rarely touched me in a deep emotional way. Men, on the other hand have touched me in a deeply emotional way, but it’s been somewhat transient.

I suppose that I’m happiest when I’m not being defined, contained, or labeled. At this stage in my life I’m more interested in getting back in touch with myself and not worrying about where I fit.

All of which is to say… I’m probably more conservative than liberal, More Republican, than Democrat. More about personal responsibility and common sense than laws, rules and regulations, but I’m willing to consider and listen to the other side. I’ll revise my opinions as I get more information.