Brrrr! First snow of the season

We got a light dusting of snow last night. I suspect that the white fluffy hides a bunch of ice so I’ll be walking very carefully on manmade surfaces until it warms up a bit.

The temp is a balmy 29°F at the moment.

I wasn’t wanting to spend another winter here, but here I am. I’ll make the best of it as I always do. I probably wouldn’t mind so much if the county plowed our street, but they don’t, and I’m not looking forward to the winter workouts. 

I’ve replaced a bunch of threadbare socks with nice wool ones. I’ve replaced my worn out “goto” boots with a new pair. My various seasonal jackets will hold together for another year so I guess I’m mostly set. 

I’ll be stocking up on soups and lay in some other food supplies over the next few shopping trips to make sure there’s food in case I get snowed in.

It’s time to fill the overly complicated annoying “safer” gas can. I’m going to need it full of gas to fill the snow thrower soon.

Honestly the stupid thing seems to be a fill it once then toss it, because the vapor pressure caused by temperature changes has deformed the plastic permanently. It’s 1 year old. I had metal cans that were 20 years old before the house fire.

This new fangled complicated abomination has a ratcheted locking ring to keep the fill cap on. Due to the deformation of the plastic, it can’t be pressed down against the can, far enough to release. So I can’t get the top off to refill the POS.

God! I miss the old fashioned standard metal gas cans we grew up with. The flexible “snake” pour spout was the most complicated thing about ‘em. And all those metal cans, had a little plug in the top that you popped open when you filled them, or poured the gas. It equalized the pressure and prevented the glug glug that caused spills.

Hmmm. I’m thinking tin snips and a little brute force engineering will solve the problem on the current gas can. I don’t want to pay another $15 for a single use gas can. Besides, I thought these “improvements” were supposed to make things better & safer.

Because of the “Safety” features, I’m going to have a go at, a partially filled, pressurized, (pressure release? We don’t need no stinking pressure release,) gas can with a metal implement in an attempt to get the damn cap off. Yeah, that’s a lot safer!

I swear, the older I get the more I appreciate the KISS principal!

Speaking of which, I might treat myself and buy a new snow shovel. My favorite one, (we have several,) is a little tattered. It might make it through another Winter, but then again, It might not. I don’t really want to spend money on winter gear if I’m not going to be living someplace where it’s necessary.

I did treat myself to an un-necessary but convenient little device. While shopping for my nice wool socks, I bought one of those little headlamp deals. I used it a lot while I was cleaning the garage the other day. It was nice being able to peer into dark corners to see if something was peering back at me.

At one time we had two of these headlamp things. We’d received them as gifts, but Jerry used them more than I did. Now, I can only find one of the two, and it seems a little flakey. I’m thinking Jerry wore out one, switched to the other, and was well on his way to wearing out the second one. They were large, heavy, and clunky. I found them uncomfortable and they tended to have a lot of light shining back in my eyes, in addition to illuminating the area I was facing.

This new one is smaller, brighter, more directional, and I can change the brightness.

It wasn’t necessary, but I’m using it in the basement going through boxes of stuff and it was cheaper than some of the work lights I was looking to purchase.

I can also see using this one if I move someplace where Jesse & I take walks in the evening. That was a lesson learned while we were evacuated due to the fire. Jesse has a “Disco Light” that I use in the evenings to make him more visible, but if I’m not carrying a flashlight I’m invisible. Having a light is also helpful when I’m bagging his poo.

Winter preparation chores are upon me. It’s time for me to shut down the external hose bibs, and trim the chocolate flower next to the walkway. I let it grow wild throughout the Spring & Summer because the honey bees like it. In Fall, I trim it back to almost the ground because it interferes with clearing snow. 

It’s strange, last year I was still reeling in reaction to Jerry’s passing. I wasn’t really feeling it. 

This year, I feel it very sharply.

This time of year, Jerry would be doing things for the church or the temple, he’d be laying in canned goods and doing the inside stuff to prepare for Winter. I’d be outside, trimming plants, and securing various items for the freezing temperatures, I’d be adding mulch to protect their roots, cleaning the dryer vent, moving things around to make snow clearing easier, and I’d be whistling the whole time. If it was cold while I was working, Jerry would call me in every couple of hours to drink something warm. It was the inverse of our Spring / Summer routine.

Doing the chores now, and being present, (to use an overused “woo woo” term,) makes the loss a bit sharper and yet not overwhelming as it seemed last year. I guess I’ll count that in the “Win” column. I suspect it means I’m healing and coming to some sense of peace. 

I miss him. I always will. Yes, I’m doing the stuff that needs to be done. Only now I realize I was doing that stuff for him, for Us, and it was about making us comfortable. Somehow, when I come in from the various chores, the house seems oppressively silent. This is the second winter without him, and it’s feeling a lot harder than the first. Harder isn’t the right word, poignant? That seems to be a better fit, but doesn’t really capture the breadth of it.

All that being said, it is a beautiful day outside. Yeah it’s cold, but the sun is bright and it’ll warm up while Jesse and I are on our walk. I think it’s time to get up from this desk and go enjoy nature. It will make Jesse happy, and most of the time I end up smiling or laughing at his antics.

We encountered a portable generator yesterday. He didn’t know what to make of it and didn’t like it. So, he decided it was appropriate to bark at the little red block.

The workmen and I were all laughing but Jesse was undeterred in telling the machine that it was on our walking path. I took a knee and told Jesse it was okay, then one of the workmen kindly turned the machine off until Jesse & I were well away from their work area.

I’m curious to see what today brings.

Carpe Diem!

The Wailing and gnashing of teeth is getting boring

My goodness!

The shrieking, & wailing is annoying enough.

Leftist woman shaving.Seeing women shaving their heads and vowing not to have sex was kind of funny.

Reading about psychologists (then seeing the same person on TV), telling people that maybe they shouldn’t go to holiday dinners with their families who voted “Incorrectly” is a good thing, is just flat stupid on it’s face.

If you don’t like your family you were never under any obligation to have Thanksgiving Dinner with them. You don’t need an election as an excuse. Alternatively, in the South we had a simple rule. No talking of politics, or religion, (aside from the prayer over dinner,) on Thanksgiving. It was enforced by cutting off the bourbon, or denying uncle Bob his favorite sweet potato pie. For one stinking day, the family didn’t grind axes, we all sat down, joked & laughed, watched a football game or two, and remembered we were family.

The day after Thanksgiving, all bets were off, until we all got together again to celebrate baby Jesus’s birthday.

I’ve not seen anyone rending their clothing over the election, but I have seen at least one dumb assed woman walking the dog & pushing a pram, while wearing a handmaids tale costume. I’ve not seen any episode of the show, nor read the book(s)?

Burqa Style Islamic Code of Dressing for Muslim Women.However the contextual reference is that it’s some form of oppression show for women. Interestingly, the similarities between the shows costume and real life, in the form of Muslim oppression of women are conveniently overlooked.

Pete Hegseth.As Trump has been naming his cabinet & administration picks the wailing has jumped up a notch or two.

I like Trumps nomination for Secretary of Defense. Pete Hegseth. I like having an Army combat veteran in that position. Two bronze stars might suggest that he’d be mindful of what’s at stake both in our military readiness and the lives of our troops.

The mainstream media has portrayed Hegseth as a News host, mostly ignoring that he’s done other things including writing a best selling book.

Tom Homan 640x480.I really like this Tom Homan guy. The news showed him testifying before congress and I liked him putting AOC in her place, but really liked him reminding Representative Jayapal that she works for him (the American taxpayer). 

He’s just the SOB I want in the position to deport illegal alien immigrants.

It’s not that I’m wanting to be cruel, but I realized I’m sick and tired of weak willed politicians giving our tax dollars away to the point that you’re better off being an illegal alien, or part of a questionable foreign government, than being a retired person in this country.

For that matter, the amount of tax money that has been sent to fund proxy wars is obscene and should have been spent here, you know, on Americans. Tough concept I know…

Think about it, we’re being bled dry like a dog with too many ticks. We’ve got mouths to feed, high food & fuel prices, disasters in the form of hurricanes and flooding to attend to. But we’re sending billions to Ukraine with no accountability, and apparently no-one has thought to turn the cash faucet off?

Kamala Harris’s election debt is a prime example, she’s a poster child if you will, for the problem. Her campaign raised, and spent a billion dollars. Then ended up 20 million dollars in debt. That right there is a fitting example of what’s wrong with the Biden / Harris administration in particular and more broadly the Washington establishment. She apparently thought she’s just magically going to have as much money as she wanted.

I’ve been concerned over the past 3 or 4 years that very few in Washington have mentioned any concerns over the shit ton of money we’ve been burning. If Harris is any example, then I know where that problem came from.

I am hard and dripping over the thought of Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy heading up a government waste elimination department. It will be nice to see the cockroach bureaucrats being bent over their desks, taking it up the ass, then sent on their way to the unemployment line. Better yet, the soup line. Yes, I realize that this kind of disruption may in fact cause some problems.

It’s also possible that we’re looking at something more substantial than “problems” and more like the Great Depression. So be it!

That will be the end of the Democrat party in the country, and Communism for at least the next 50 years. Hopefully, the memory of the American people will be long and bitter towards both.

The dying main stream news is doing all they can to keep their base revved up and angry. That’s laughable when some of the more popular talking heads have seen anywhere from a 35 to 60% loss in viewership over the past few months.

Who knows? We might finally be rid of the shrieking harridans on The View, I’m not holding my breath. Hollywood is nothing if not iterative. They might cancel The View, but they’ll respawn the bitter vitriol on another hateful daytime show. The up side is that we won’t have to hear the unhinged bullshit of Whoopie Goldberg and Joy Behar.

The thing is, most everything I’ve listed above is just on endless repeat. Trump is naming people that he thinks can do the job. Each time he names a selection, the media machine churns and comes up with anything they can to say how bad it is.

Then it’s Wash, Rinse, Repeat.

This morning, the establishment media added something new, They’re screaming that his choices aren’t diverse enough. 

I think they’ve missed the point. Trump ain’t hiring folks for the color of their skin, he’s hiring folks based on their proven ability, & whether he can work with them, that’s it.

All the rest of the DEI bullshit is out the fucking window in his administration.

He’s going full businessman mode. “What can you do? When can you do it? How much will it cost? When will you be done?” 

I think DEI and all this other artificial racial hiring bullshit is about to get tossed out & replaced with a meritocracy, the way it should be and the way it should always have been.

It’s about time. If you look at the government like a house that needs a major remodel. When you look for a contractor, do you look in the phonebook to pick a contractor by race? Hell no! You ask your friends who they’ve used and if they were happy.

The mouthpieces for the Communist/Democrat party are completely hypocritical in their criticism of Trumps hiring practices. They damn sure wouldn’t hire the bottom of the class heart surgeon to crack their chest open, based on them being the only black/indian/mexican doctor, just to virtue signal about DEI.

The funny part about the media trying to pump the diversity narrative is that for the better part of a decade, they’ve been telling us Trump is a racist.

I find myself thinking, “So what if Trump’s cabinet isn’t diverse? I mean He’s a racist right?”

The Democrats, The Media, Hollywood, and a lot of other organizations should shut up and stop beclowning themselves.

Oh yeah, what about all those “Important” actors who were supposed to leave if Trump was elected? I’ve put a list up, I’ll add to and update it to see who really does what they say.

Funny how that works isn’t it?

I’d be laughing my ass off about this, if it didn’t underscore a real problem.

NYC protesters 640x480.There were protests in New York over the weekend about Trump’s election win.

Uhhh, folks. Trump won both the popular vote and the electoral vote pretty much nation wide.

This is EXACTLY the democracy you were yammering on about protecting for the past 4 fucking years playing out in real time.

I literally fail to see how Americans, my fellow citizens, could be so horrifically hypocritical. You people shame all of us! I for one, do not appreciate it one little bit!

Demand your recounts. Go before the judiciary to register your complaints. (I guarantee the courts will hear you, where they refused to hear us in 2020)

How about you figure out where that almost 20 million votes you had in 2020 disappeared to? Oh right, you don’t really want to look at that particular issue because you know exactly what you’ll find… Exactly the level of cheating we were complaining about, and were then completely, totally ignored, castigated, shamed, mistreated, and in some cases imprisoned because we had the balls to ask questions.

Now that the shoe is on the other foot, suddenly there has to have been election fraud, to the point that some of you have put forth the asinine theory that Musk blew up his own Starlink satellites on Election Day in order to hamper voting or counting? 

What the actual fuck are you morons talking about?

A) the voting machines aren’t supposed to be connected to the internet (that’s what you told us in 2020.)

B) destroying Starlink satellites doesn’t specifically deter Democrat votes, it would potentially drop all communications being carried over the Starlink network in a given area, but not the internet.

My God! That you supposedly educated people have so little understanding about how shit works is terrifying!

You’re the dumb fucks that would kill all the cats in a village as minions of Satan, during the fucking black plague. Oh wait… you’re the people who demanded everyone wear a bit of fabric, if N-95 masks weren’t available, over their faces to prevent a virus that was 20 nm in size. I rest my fucking case! (Here’s a little tidbit of fact. The virus was smaller than the wavelength of an X-Ray emission.)

You’re the folks that assume electric vehicles are clean and carbon free because they’re electric. While looking down your noses at anybody that doesn’t drive an electric vehicle or who worse yet questions the long term environment effects of electric vehicles when they reach end of life.

But you have no clue that most electricity is generated by burning coal or natural gas.

You’re the people who require Twitter to put community notes on pictures from a movie called “Interstellar” to tell them that the scenes were filmed on Earth. It’s astounding to me that would be required. We’ve not set foot on another planet other than the moon. Therefore it should go without saying that the scenes, all the scenes from the movie were filmed on Earth.

Worse yet, you people have claim to want a democracy, (We’re actually a Constitutional Republic)  but pure democracy means the rights of the individual or smaller groups of individuals can be completely abrogated by the will of the majority.

So all that worry you people have about women’s rights? Well here’s a thought, in a pure absolute democracy without the protections of The Republic, respect for the individual’s rights, The Constitution, & Bill of Rights, theoretically, if the democratic majority voted to force every single woman in the United States to get pregnant and have a baby under penalty of imprisonment, it would be law. You’d have no protections.

Just like the lesbians in Nazi Germany who were forced to “accept” a good German soldier’s Aryan seed for the good of the Reich. Technically it was industrialized legal rape. That’s where pure Democracy can lead.

But none of you bothered to learn about these issues in your minority lesbian black womens studies classes. God forbid you’d be triggered by reading about something distasteful.

I’m truly disgusted by people protesting Trump’s election. 

It’s stupid on its face and only complete idiots would march in the streets demanding these particular election results be overturned. He fucking won on election night. We knew the results by 4 am EST. That kind of turnout nationwide, not just in a few key cities, should be the end of it.

But the Democrat Party seems to be comprised of the brain dead. You know, the same people whose women are going to the hospitals for tubal ligations because they fear a Trump administration is going to take away their “Rights” to have abortions. Dumb shits! It’s already a States Rights issue. That was the point of the Supreme Court decision. The issue of abortion is not a federal issue, it’s a States issue. You continue to have access to birth control, as will the men you so willingly open your legs for.

So stop! Stop playing the victim, stop being idiots, stop being so narcissistic that you can’t stand not being the center of attention for more than 5 minutes.

Take a breath. Open a book, or the site with a dictionary and learn something useful about your rights and the protection of those rights.

Who knows? You might learn that you aren’t losing a damn thing.

At the same time, those of us who really do try to be egalitarian will be watching closely to make sure that all of our rights will be preserved. If I think Trump and his administration step out of line, I’ll be screaming bloody murder against whatever infraction they attempt.