A Brief Introduction

Just a quick snapshot of my current state of mind…

You can take the boy out of the country… but cant take the country out of the boy.

I am capable of carrying on a conversation with someone that has a different opinion. That’s the art of conversation. I’ll even concede a well made point.

I don’t adhere to a strict Republican party line and I don’t automatically dismiss all the Democratic party line. I do try to be moderate.

Lets see if I can sum myself up briefly (pardon the run-on sentences).

I’m a constitutionalist.

A Liberal Red Neck, who believes in personal responsibility. I want freedom from overbearing rules and regulations designed to protect me from myself. I’m pretty sure about God, not so sure about Jesus but think either way what the guy tried to teach were very good lessons, I just wish more people worked harder to live by those lessons instead of using them to push agendas.

I’m kind of anti law. I think that the government is way too involved in our daily lives and that they really do need to get the hell out. I’d love to see us reboot all the law in this country and start again with the fundamentals.

I’m not advocating anarchy, or revolution, Im simply saying that we have 250 years of laws on the books, many of which are completely irrelevant and a large body more that are simply incomprehensible.

It shouldn’t require a law degree to read and understand a law. I think that when a law starts getting so complex that you need a lawyer to interpret it then you can’t say things like “ignorance of the law is no excuse”.

Since relatively few of the population do in fact have a law degree. What happens when someone uses “I didn’t know that was illegal” as a defense? Can you legitimately try and convict someone whose educational level precluded them from understanding a law as it was written? Don’t we end up on the slippery slope of mental incompetence at that point?

(I’ve been sitting in traffic too much. Too much time to think…)

I don’t want special laws on the books for gay marriage, or to permit inter-racial marriage. I think that Marriage should be honored, respected and extended to ANY TWO CONSENTING ADULTS, regardless of race, creed, gender, or whatever else, because Marriage (or partnering) is basic and fundamental to humans. If it’s allowed for one group… it by definition MUST be allowed for all. Religion really doesn’t enter into it in my opinion.

I contend that marriage is in reality nothing more that a contract between consenting adults that delineates ownership. No, not of the parties involved but of their possessions.

As I see it if I’m married to someone then the STATE prevents my relatives from taking my stuff away from my spouse when I die. This right of possession does not exist for a gay couple.

We’ve seen time and again where one of a gay couple dies and the other is fighting greedy relatives and the STATE to keep his or her home. This doesn’t happen often in the case of a male /female couple married or not. But it’s all too common in the case of gay couples.

Even if gay couples spent the money with lawyers to attempt to secure their rights, the legal battles often drain the estate to the point that the surviving spouse has to bear the burden of the loss and financial hardship. This is simply not fair and shouldn’t be allowed to continue.

I think since we’re in wars in the middle East we should fight them to win and establish prefectures in those countries, we should be honest about our intentions and admit we’re after the oil if in fact thats what we’re after and simply own it.

I don’t think we should give a damn about being “liked” globally, I hate the fact that we’ve been throwing money and food at broken governments and feeding people who ultimately will (or do) hate and attack us when our own people go wanting.

I think the UN should be asked to remove themselves to Geneva. The UN, like the League of Nations before it is a failure. The UN has the added attraction of being in my opinion horribly corrupt.

I’d like to see us CHARGE the UN and other Nations for our military intervention. If the world wants us to be cops… they should be willing to pay for our services. I don’t think the American Tax payer should have to bear the burden of cleaning up someone else’s mess.

I don’t want us to become more involved in Libya. I’m a bit annoyed that we’ve spent 100 million dollars on cruise missiles and that we will in all likelihood end up fighting a ground war there too.

I’d like to see our country STOP trying to impose morality and our form of government on the rest of the world. It’s none of our business if some tin pan dictator is abusing his citizens. In due time they’ll revolt and when they do they’ll be ready for a new form of government of their own design. It may be better, it may be worse but the people of any country should be the ones deciding their own fates… NOT US.

I don’t believe in gun laws. I can purchase an illegal weapon in about 1 hour in LA. Often the price is less than I would pay retail.

The big difference is, illegally there is no check on my fitness to own or operate the weapon and the illegal sellers will throw in ammo and extra magazines.

Legally, I’m subject to a 21 day waiting period, a background check, huge state and federal involvement and I have to prove I know what I’m doing with the gun.

Lets face it, the genie is already out of the bottle regarding guns. Draconian laws & excessive rules will not put the genie back in the bottle.

When I was growing up there were guns around the house, all us kids knew where they were, the guns weren’t locked up and nobody got shot by accident. I think that says something about there being no mystery about what a gun was or what it could … and could not do. As always education and training trump silly regulations.

Sexually, I’m not terribly sure what I am any more. I’ve lived the straight life, I’ve lived in the gay life, I’m not ashamed of either.

I honestly don’t think my sexuality is necessarily anybody else’s business except my close friends and the man or woman I’m sleeping with.

There was a time when I was exclusively straight and I enjoyed the heck out of being with women, but they rarely touched me in a deep emotional way. Men, on the other hand have touched me in a deeply emotional way, but it’s been somewhat transient.

I suppose that I’m happiest when I’m not being defined, contained, or labeled. At this stage in my life I’m more interested in getting back in touch with myself and not worrying about where I fit.

All of which is to say… I’m probably more conservative than liberal, More Republican, than Democrat. More about personal responsibility and common sense than laws, rules and regulations, but I’m willing to consider and listen to the other side. I’ll revise my opinions as I get more information.

Opening Volley

First of all let me get a couple of things straight right up front.

I’m not necessarily a racist.(I could be one but try very hard not to be.) Yes I’m a white male… in some circles that pretty much means that I’m a racist by default.

I’m an adult, this is an adult oriented blog. I consider human sexuality a continuum, not necessarily black or white and as such will discuss sexuality and sexual concepts from time to time. This can include activities between two consenting adults regardless of their genders.

I’m not really political. Well I wasn’t… As time has gone on I’m finding that I disagree more and more with the establishment. This means that I may well skewer a scared cow or two. I mean no overt offense but it’s possible you’re going to be offended.

If you don’t like what you read here, then sorry. I’m not going away but YOU CAN. As in all other things in life if you don’t like the message… change the channel, or turn off the computer and go outside. Play with your kids. Those are YOUR options and your rights exercise them!

South Park


I’m pretty angry about a lot of things in general, but today I want to talk about South Park.


Ya know I really enjoy the show. I’ve enjoyed ALL and I mean ALL of the episodes lampooning the various silliness of religion.

Most recently I enjoyed the episodes where silly famous people were trying to harvest Muhammeds’ “Anti-ridicule” force.

I applaud comedy central for airing the second episode albeit censored. 

That an AMERICAN radical islamic website essentially threatened  the creators of South Park veiled though the threat was is completely unbelievable.

Let me explain something to you muslim morons!

  1. This is a free country, not some woman hating theocracy! 
  2. The same rights that allow you to speak your mind APPLY to everyone NOT JUST YOU!
  3. You threaten someone in this country and you better pray that nothing and I mean nothing happens to the person or persons that you threatened. Because you’ll be at the top of the suspect list if those you’ve threatened come to harm.
  4. MY RIGHTS are just as important as yours
  5. NOBODY forced you to watch South Park… or for that matter look at the cartoons of Muhammad. GET OVER IT! In the case of South Park… they made no attempt to capture or caricature Muhammads likeness AND THEY ADDRESSED that the RADICAL Islamic and apparently the NOT so radical islamic groups would have a problem with the mere mention of your prophet. 

Presumably you people came to this country because you WANTED to enjoy the freedoms that we as a people enjoy in America. 

If you don’t like that I’m free to make fun of Muhammad then I suggest that you go the HELL back to whatever third world cesspit you came from. 

I also feel it my duty to point out a couple of other things that you people clearly don’t get about being in America.

  1. I as a citizen am DUTY BOUND to protect your right to say anything you want to say. EVEN IF I disagree with you with every fibre of my being. BY THE WAY you’re under the same obligation to me if you’re a Citizen.
  2. If you feel it’s necessary to try to harm me or my kin because you disagree with what we say or think… You should be prepared for US to defend ourselves in the most vigorous way. I sincerely hope that you are smart enough to realize that this is not a threat… THIS IS A PROMISE! A World war II Japanese military man is credited with saying something like ” were we to invade America the weapons arrayed against us would be more numerous than blades of grass.” You should probably bear that in mind before you decide to attack America again.

I don’t particularly like religious nut jobs in general. I really don’t like religious nut jobs that offer ultimatums like “convert or we will kill you”. 

You should probably be aware that most Americans take a very dim view of people that attack Civilians or civilian targets. We Americans remember 911 and the brutally slow beheading of 26 year old Nick Berg vividly. 

I’ve personally got no pity in my heart for folks who were Waterboarded or embarrassed at Abu Ghriab.

Bottom line, Don’t you DARE try to force your beliefs down my throat… I’ll afford you people the same courtesy. 

Cross that line at your own peril.