I hate it when I’m like this.

I’ve been writing… I try to write every morning over the first cup of coffee. Okay maybe the second and third cups too.

The trouble is, as I’m writing multiple thoughts collide and then the post sort of falls apart. 

A way to visualize the problem is watch a zipper as it’s closing. The left and right halves would represent two distinct trains of thought in my head, then you run the closure mechanism up the zipper and both trains are merged. 

That works great for a zipper but when you’re writing it creates a mess. If you have a few trains of thought running in your head at the same time what you end up with is a really bad train wreck.

There have been a number of train wrecks over the past few weeks.

I’ve written about Leticia James, Donald Trump, women gloating, why I think female to male transgenders can’t pass as men, and why I think the Biden regime is being run by women or man bun wearing soy boys who are weak & annoying.

Sometimes when I have a train wreck in my head I’ll just copy out the train wreck point and create another post that stands on its own merit.

Oh there was also a piece bemoaning the loss of meritocracy.


That hasn’t worked very well lately. I’m thinking the trouble is in everything being so intertwined.

Here’s an example: 

Trump was being a whiney little bitch about losing 2020 for the past 3 almost 4 years. Had the Biden regime not weaponized the legal system against Trump, I think Trump would have faded into history and lost to another conservative presidential candidate. That’s because the Biden Regime moved too far left too fast and the correction is going to be Biden is a one term president. People in general are or were tired of Trump and all the drama. However the Biden Regime behaved like a woman in a divorce and couldn’t just let things settle. They needed vengeance. It wasn’t solely the Biden regime, it was the entire Democrat party. They’re still pissed off that Hillary lost in 2016 and they’re willing to punish Trump and the American people for 8 -12 years for that heinous “betrayal”. It’s analogous to the way women hold onto their anger in an argument. Instead of putting a stake in the heart of the monster known as Donald Trump, Biden and the Democrat party effectively fed him virgins blood. Now each trial, each indictment, each bloviating buffoon of a Mayor, Governor, District Attorney, Attorney General or Special Prosecutor makes Donald Trump stronger than ever before.

If you read that paragraph there’s a lot to unpack!

Yes, I’m not a big fan of Trump. I’ll vote for him for no other reason than he’s the better of the options available.

I think the Democrat party is behaving like a bunch of bitter women who want their pound of flesh no matter the cost. That’s a major problem for the nation.

I think that Trump lost much of his dignity by bitching and moaning for the past four years about 2020. I lost respect for him because of his inability to lose with some shred of good grace. After 6 months or so, he should have shut the fuck up. Honestly, if he’d “Gone Dark” then exploded on the Presidential campaign scene say in Jan of 2024 he might have avoided all the legal bullshit.

Biden’s presidency has been the most filthy administration since Nixon. I literally hate every single aspect of the Biden Regime top to bottom. I would dance a jig if the lot of them were tossed into prison cells awaiting trial for treason. I call them a regime because there is no honor in this Presidency. The will of the people, and the good of the people has been subverted by the Biden Regimes greed and lust for power. 

I have grown increasingly angry at the justice system, starting with their refusal to hear cases regarding voter fraud. Not for Trumps sake, but for the sake of our Republic. By not hearing the cases, the judiciary has effectively countenanced voter fraud. But then it goes further. Every case brought against Trump, every alteration in the law to allow Trump to be tried for whatever, demonstrates that the country I love and believe in, doesn’t exist. I don’t know if that country ever existed but I’m really pissed that my illusions have been shattered.

Lastly, there’s a fair bit of misogyny in there because I point out women’s behavior in divorces and their preternatural ability to hold onto anger and vengeance (look at Nancy Pelosi!). That line of thinking leads to my exploring why female to male transgenders might pass as men visually, but fail to pass emotionally.

So gentle readers, that’s why the blog posting has been spotty recently. 

My multiple trains of thought have been about as controllable as psychotic horses running into a burning barn.

It’s going to take some time to work through it. Your patience is appreciated.

Hmm… Mitch McConnell is retiring. Good!

It’s about time.

I wrote a piece a while ago suggesting the he be put out to pasture.

Honestly, I’m always amazed that our politicians can be obviously having health issues, mental issues, and / or be obviously corrupt and still hold their seats in office.

McConnell literally froze up in public like a machine that had the power pulled. If one of our loved one’s were to freeze up like that and start talking gibberish we’d rush them to the hospital to be examined & treated for a stroke. Then we’d start looking at getting them into rehab while deciding about retirement and what the next steps were.

McConnell was back a few days later, and since that day in September has frozen up the same way several more times.

I can’t for the life of me, understand why he’s putting it off until November. Unless it’s that he doesn’t trust the people likely to take over his Senate Majority Leadership. They’re not my first choices either, but it’s unlikely they’re going to be booted out of office in the upcoming election. I haven’t checked to see if they’re even up for re-election.

We know Biden is suffering with something. I’m not a doctor but it sure looks like dementia. Although Karine Jean Pierre assures us the President takes a cognitive test every day in all the massive amount of work he does. 

Ahem. If one of these days that woman is struck by lightening from on high, and a booming voice from the clouds saying, “Shut IT!” I won’t be in the least surprised. Don’t humans have a built in lie counter that causes them to spontaneously combust when they reach a certain limit?

Could it be they do, and the problems we’re seeing with Biden and McConnell are what happens when someone gets near the limit?

I wonder…

Okay, So I have a guilty pleasure…

Alright… I have many guilty pleasures! Some of which will not be discussed at this moment.

The guilty pleasure I’m going to talk about is enjoying watching Ancient Aliens, Skinwalker Ranch, and lately, Beyond Skinwalker Ranch.

I’m not a believer per se. But I really enjoy the outlandish conclusions based on what could be nothing more than embellished legends or spurious electrical emissions. Oh and by the way… I want to believe, and if possible I want to ShipJack some poor alien tourists to get off this rock! 

Ancient Aliens I tend to tear apart pretty quickly. There are simply so many other possible explanations for what the “researchers” present as truth. The other half used to roll his eyes, smile, then ask me why I was watching if I didn’t believe their conclusions. He also used to point out that my watching the show and the advertising meant I was complicit in supporting absolute bullshit! 

Skinwalker Ranch, was a little more interesting and a little more difficult to rip apart. The other half just rolled his eyes and went back to his reading.

Now with Beyond Skinwalker Ranch, where two other “investigators” are wandering around with instrumentation and sampling the environment. It’s possible, that instead of proving anything about Skinwalker ranch, they’re simply proving that “odd” things are actually normal in a lot more places than we thought.

Skinwalker Ranch -.But one thing that makes me really start ignoring Beyond Skinwalker Ranch is the goofy ignoring of science. Well known science in fact.

One one episode they’re looking at odd electromagnetic readings and said those readings we disconnected from radio transmissions they were seeing.

Uhhh NOPE!

And at the time there was a guy who builds Tesla Coils standing there. Believe me, Tesla Coil guy knows all about radio interference. His neighbors must love him… On another episode there was a HAM operator who heard these guys say something similar. Neither of these guys corrected the “Hosts”. Both had the credentials to correct the bullshit. Neither of them should have let it go, They should have told the hosts “Nope, you’ve got that wrong, here’s why, and let me demonstrate the principal for you.”

Something that caught my attention was an anomaly on a bridge. The bridge crosses a river at 90° and is a pretty low, standard construction. Concrete, rebar, asphalt, Beyond skinwalker ranch.In the middle of the bridge their TriField meter spiked for no apparent reason. I admit that’s weird… That’s the kind of stuff that intrigues me. Something like that isn’t a cue for the spooky music. It’s an effect that says “Hey look at me, I’m interesting! Can you figure out why I’m doing this? When you do you’ll say that’s cool!”

They drove the bridge a couple times and verified their results. They probably should have switched to another meter. They could also have found another bridge, and just to be thorough measured dry riverbeds and bridges crossing water at different angles. If other bridges exhibited the same behavior and dry riverbeds were different than riverbeds with water flowing in them, then we all could have learned something.

Machinery moving through the ocean can become magnetized. I don’t know if submarines and ships become magnetized because of friction between the hull of the ship and water, or if it’s the flow of water itself that generates a magnetic field. I only know that the Navy regularly demagnetizes ships, to make it harder for potential enemies to identify various ships in a flotilla by their distinctive magnetic signature. 

I’m pretty sure that a Navy scientist could explain the interaction between a ship moving through the ocean and magnetism.

Water is a conductor, the earth has a lot of naturally occurring magnetism. I know that moving a conductor through magnetic fields generates electricity. Which also propagates magnetic fields.

I have no idea what a flowing fluid conductor like water, or mercury would do. Interesting question though. I wonder what happens if the flow is not smooth. Creeks and rivers often have turbulent flow or turbulent sections. How might that impact conductivity or magnetism? Cool question… Maybe one of those fancy drones with a magnetometer could quickly and easily answer it.

My point is that it’s possible the flow of water is interacting with the grounded rebar in a bridge that’s generating a magnetic anomaly. It doesn’t have to be some Spooky Music scenario.

Science! Physics! Both can be stone bitches. But they provide people like me a foundation. Well, maybe it’s more like a security blanket. 

Both Skinwalker Ranch and Beyond Skinwalker Ranch make a big deal about 1.6 Ghz transmissions or interference. As somehow special.

I can think of half a dozen machines including the computer that I’m typing on right now that could generate 1.6 GHz. I often see evenly spaced interference on my radio if I’m using my big computer monitor and laptop dock. The monitor and dock both have processors in them and I suspect the emissions are leaking from one or more of the cables connecting the devices. The interference is weak, but it’s there, with the frequency analyzer built into my radio I can detect it. The equipment I’m talking about is modern which means, it’s pretty low power and therefore low RF emission. 

This begs the question. What kind of emissions would you get from older or higher power equipment?

All of these shows, I think need someone that says, “Wait a damn minute… Before we freak each other out what does the actual known science tell us?”

Honestly, I think there might be a market for a Skeptics show. The reason I think there’s a market, is because if the skeptics can’t come up with an explanation then whatever is left, really is unexplained and mysterious. The fun could be, discovering if  the mystery simply the limits of our knowledge, our equipment, or really something to be spooked by. 

If we’re going to have scary camp fire stories… let’s make ‘em scary as hell.

02/26/2024 Update.

Sorry for the weird half sentences in the originally published piece. My favorite application for writing blog posts had an update. Everything on screen looked great, until the piece was published.

What you were seeing appears to have been a partial fusion of original text, autocorrected spelling, and various edits, all overlaid in a very strange way.

I may have to switch to the alternate application for a while.

OR… Cue the dramatic spooky music! There’s no way that the software could be affected that way… It must be Aliens!