Not really helping Edison…

Electrical transmission.Southern California Edison is trying something new. Instead of killing our power for “Scheduled Maintenance” in the daytime. This time they did it at 2am. Sigh!

At least they sent out appropriate notices. It’s still a pain in the ass. I still have make sure I shut everything down. The alarm system still beeps and announces that electrical service has been lost.

In preparation for bed last night I powered all the sensitive stuff down. At around 2 am the dog and I were startled awake by the female voice from the alarm announcing power loss. We managed to get back to sleep.

Sometime after 4am the predawn silence was broken by Power being restored. The stove alarm was chirping, the refrigerator kicked on, the blower kicked on trying to warm the house to proper temperatures, and the alarm lady announced power had been restored but that WiFi was still not up.

At this point the dog jumped off the bed and wedged himself into a quiet protected spot between the bed and the sliding glass doors.

After all the clicks, clunks blower sounds had started it took me a minute to roll over and go back to sleep. I decided I wasn’t going to jump up and reset clocks or restart electronics because Edison often has false starts. I didn’t want to get everything powered up and reset only to have to do it again.

The dog jumped back up on the bed around 5:45 am. He was feeling cuddly and wormed himself into my arms with his head against my chest. I cuddled him until he fell asleep, then dozed until the 6am alarm signaling it was time to start the day.

After resetting the coffee pot clock, wake up brew time, and starting a manual brew I started powering things back up. Fortunately, everything appears to be working properly so I’m not fighting through some esoteric technical issues.

For that I’m grateful, but I still feel “off” I guess my sleep being interrupted, even if only for a few minutes has an effect.

I do wish Edison would publish an entire schedule of their “Scheduled Maintenance” so I could maybe plan better. As it is, they’ve been sending out notices 2 or.3 days in advance. That’s great, but 3 times in one month is a pain. The first two power outages were in excess of 8 hours. The last one screwed up the ice maker in the refrigerator and took some effort to correct.

Not to mention that they always send the notice that they’re turning power off  for 8 hour spans, literally the day after I’ve purchased groceries.

Ah well… Gotta stumble through my day.

I never thought I’d say it. Alec Baldwin did nothing wrong smacking that protester.

Alecbaldwinchristmasig1 640x480.I don’t in general like Alec Baldwin. I used to like his performances in some movies. But he began at some point to be too full of himself and lost his appeal.

Then when he shot two people, killing one on the set of a movie and he tried to play the victim, I lost all respect for him as an actor, and a man.

Arrogance doesn’t change the rules for gun safety.

In my opinion he violated those rules out of arrogance and carelessness. He also set up a a young woman to fail because he was too cheap to hire a second armament master on set, causing her career to be destroyed before it got started.

So yeah, I have a dim view of Mr Baldwin.

Yesterday there was a brief blip about Alec Baldwin “assaulting” someone. I thought, “Yep, he’s done that shit before. Same Shit, Different Day. He’s a piece of shit.”

Then there was another blip about it and because these notifications were getting through pretty selective filtering. I got curious.

I’ve tried to set news notifications on my devices to only warn me that we had T -30 minutes to live because the Nuclear warheads were in flight. (I figure I’ll have 28 minutes to find somebody to have sex with, a minute to get out of our clothes and 30 seconds for an after sex cigarette. But that’s another discussion altogether…)

So why was Alec Baldwin of all people getting through? I mean, did he kill someone else?? 

Sigh, “I better go check just to see why the filters are letting the actions of this turd of a human light up my devices.

I found the relevant item and … WOW! I was wrong.

Baldwin was 100% in the right. The rancid little bitch deserved to have her phone slapped out of her hands and more. 

Watching the video, I was conflicted by my distain for Alec Baldwin and what a nasty piece of shit this woman was. Toward the end of the video, I wanted to knock all her teeth out to make her shut the fuck up.

She was following the man around a coffee shop asking him if he killed that woman. At first I thought, “Valid, if redundant question,” then she started demanding that he say he supported Palestine. From there she kept badgering him and her voice was super annoying.

Baldwin wasn’t interacting, he was trying to go about his business.

Alec Baldwin has a history of anger control issues with paparazzi and the general public hounding him. This stupid little girl was literally poking the bear.

To Baldwin’s credit he was really working the anger management program. He put up with a shit ton more from this little bitch than I would have.

Credit where credit is due, Alec Baldwin was thoroughly provoked.

The thing that got my attention was this little cunt essentially blackmailing Baldwin. She kept saying, “Say you support Palestine and I’ll leave you alone.”

What the fuck? What kind of person is this rancid cunt? Who does she think she is? Why would she assume that anyone was going to respond positively to being badgered, bullied, and blackmailed? 

Despite the fact that she provoked him and put the whole incident up on tic tok, she’s trying to play the victim card, she is not the victim. She’s a blackmailer, a bully, a supporter of terrorist rapist baby killers, and a piece of shit. 

Alec Baldwin, In my opinion did nothing wrong dealing with this bitch.

I still think he’s arrogant, and don’t particularly like him. However I’d be a hypocrite if I didn’t look at this situation and say he was the victim and that rancid cunt was in the wrong.

Oh for God’s Sake! This shit has got to stop!

I swear, it seems like the asses in New York are splashing gasoline around then playing with matches.

Now the Judge in one of the what? 100 cases against Trump claims he may impose more fines and put Trump in the clink for 30 days for violating a Gag order that frankly I think is questionable in the first place.

These judges placing gag orders on a defendant in cases which seem sketchy at best suggests to me that whatever they’re doing in those courts, it’s not above board.

Moreover, it makes New York City, (already a shitty place in my book, been there a couple of times and wasn’t impressed,) look like what it is. A shit hole of a city that makes the dystopian movie Escape from New York, look like a good day. 

Well at least they’re finally being truthful about how shitty New York City really is.

Juan Merchan Trump trial 640x480.I no longer give a wet runny shit about Trump, the lawsuits, if Trump did anything wrong, if the City of New York is right, the Judges, the Colleges, or in fact any aspect of New York City.

Honestly, If the entire city was destroyed by terrorists, a meteor, a solar flare, flood, earthquake, or a plague of locusts. I wouldn’t give a fuck.

I officially hate New York City, and everything that New York State has to offer.

When you look at the absolute scum New York has sent to Congress it’s arguable that a good part of this country’s problems start with New York, and the cherry on top of our fucked up Congress are the scum bag politicians from California.

I feel like I’m being assaulted every fucking day with this bullshit!

Sorry… I got into the car this morning to run an errand and it was the top of the hour so I got to listen to all the news on the radio.

I’d be inclined right now to vote for Trump just to give the middle finger to every damned progressive politician. If Trump were to win, I’d be laughing my ass off sending letters to every member of congress that said, “You’re FUCKED Now!!! HAHAHAHAH”

Especially if Trump immediately declared martial law and started arresting members of Congress on suspicion of sedition and corruption. I know that will never happen. Even if Trump were to win, nothing and I mean absolutely nothing will change.  Hell, Let him be a fucking dictator! Still nothing would change. Because Trump would be hampered by his belief that the constitution, bill of rights, and the Law itself still mattered. None of that is true. The Communist scumbags have won. 

Hell, Let me be der führer! You want this shit cleaned up? I’m the man for the job. No Mercy! I’ll come up with Operation Bug Bomb and the follow on, Operation Roach Motel in a week.

I can promise two absolutes. 1) You’re not going to like my methods. 2) There will be an end to the bullshit. Even if I have to make a desert and call it peace.

There’s no way in hell I’d get elected to the office of Official Toilet Plunger, so everyone is safe.

We live in a dying Republic. It’s been dying for at least 20 years. Unfortunately, I think this is the end of our founding fathers grand experiment. They weren’t sure it would work, perhaps they’d be impressed that we had as good a run as we did. I forget which one said, “We’ve given you a Democratic Republic if you can hold onto it.” 

Well it’s slipped through our fingers. I’m sad, angry, outraged, and feel some responsibility too.

I’m probably an outlier.

This incessant shit is really starting to damage my calm!

Congress JUST DO IT! Just tell us we’re fucked. We’re property of the state. That we have no rights but those graciously given to us by our generous overlords. Then you can sell our asses to China, or the Tech Companies, Big Pharma, or whoever else is pulling your strings. Just stop the cognitive dissonance! It really hurts!

Here’s a plan. Arrest Trump and all his children. Put them all in Gitmo. Abolish the House, Senate, Elections, Constitution, Bill of Rights, and burn the Declaration of Independence. Declare Biden dictator for life or better yet King.

Then you don’t have to worry about those messy elections and Hunter Biden would become Prince Biden. Whichever politicians made it to The Court of King Biden would have access to all the wealth a captive slave labor force could produce. Between the flood of illegal immigrants and the existing citizens y’all could probably strip-mine the entire continent in 30 years. I’m sure when Hunter became King, he’d be more than willing to hand out money and lands based on how well members of the court sucked his cock!

God! I try so hard to avoid the news. I’ve got subscriptions to Apple News, and other News sources that I haven’t opened in months. That’s for my protection. When I hear or read the latest insults to my intelligence and / or my dying belief in our Constitutional Republic I am simultaneously thrown into a rage and black despair.

I’ll be fine, I’ll calm down and get back to some semblance of being numb to all this insanity. At least until the next invasive news article or one of the morons in power manages to strike a match that sets fire to a full blown revolution, insurrection, civil war… whatever. I don’t know what the trigger event is going to be, but I think eventually some asshole politician will do something that cannot be ignored, and the survivors will long for the riots from the “Summer of Love”

It’s time for me to go for a walk, clear my head and do something constructive.