Our Media is out of control

Perhaps I’m a little Grumpy this morning. DSC_0843

Well in truth I’m usually grumpy in the morning. I’ll eventually become human at some point during the day.

In recent history we’ve seen major news organizations take what they’ve read online for granted. Then without vetting the information, or checking any ancillary sources they’ve published as true and correct, completely fictitious stories.

The most recent example of this are the blog posts supposedly from a “Gay Girl in Syria” These posts garnered a lot of media attention. Mainstream and local, news outlets were taken in.

All anyone had to do was check the originating IP addresses on the blog posts or the emails supposedly coming from this poor girl. And the hoax would have been immediately apparent. Eventually someone technologically savvy did precisely that, discovering that the emails originated from an American in Edinburgh.

Faster communication doesn’t necessarily mean better communication.

What someone writes on a blog isn’t necessarily true. ANY Idiot can write a blog, (I’m an Idiot and you’re reading my blog) when did blogs, which are essentially the personal opinions of the writers become valid news sources? At best blogs should be treated as editorial pieces and at worst ignored completely.

Our media need to return to being Journalists instead of talking heads looking for the most salacious, sensational bits of information or misinformation they can find.

They need to actually investigate their stories, and they need to stop relying on purely online resources for their research.

There was something called Journalistic responsibility once, perhaps it’s time to make that concept a priority again.

Just THIS Village idiots opinion…

Rambling thoughts for a Sunday


I have got to stop reading the news! It just pisses me off. I’ve developed the habit of reading the paper over my first cup of coffee. I don’t need to be pissed the first thing in the morning even if I am moving slow.

I’m being a lazy bum today, I do need to get my sorry ass in gear and work in the yard but right now I’m just enjoying a coffee and being a bit lazy. I haven’t even bothered to pull on any clothes.

I think this is probably the second or third morning where it’s been warm enough to be comfortable nude. So I’m’ enjoying it. There’s still time for me to do the chores that I need to do.

I’ve been thinking about putting up a screen around part of the deck railing so that when it’s really nice outside I can have coffee out on the deck in the sun and not bother with clothes either.

Thinking about it… The deck would be a nice place to do morning yoga and then have coffee. If you’re going to do a sun salutation you might as well salute the sun in all it’s glory… in all your glory.

Yikes! Another project. I keep doing that to myself… Well at least this project should be on the simpler side. Although lately it seems that the simplest things seem to always snowball into layer on layer of complicated. Is it just my luck or am I somehow cursed?

Was at a friends house for dinner yesterday and I think he introduced me to a potentially expensive new hobby. It sounds interesting and would allow me to get a lot better at shooting. For me that’s a twofer. I don’t get to shoot nearly enough and want to build skill and be much more comfortable with my gun.

It means that I’m going to have to get up early next Saturday to make it to the range. I’ll also need to get more ammo sometime during the week.

I know the things above seem un-related.

Allow me to explain. Over the past three years I’ve had a monster of a commute through some of the worst traffic LA has to offer.

Most days I was on the road four hours some days it was six.

The schedule was like this, drive 2 or 3 hours into work, work a 10 hour day, drive 2 or 3 hours home. Eat dinner way too late, crash for the night and repeat. By the time the weekend rolled around I had no energy to do shit.

Now that my company is “laying me off”, I’ve been home for a few weeks.

During that time, I’ve been filling my days with chores, and workouts and writing. Now I’ve got enough energy to start new projects, and try my hand at hobbies that I couldn’t commit time to before.

As I’ve stated elsewhere in the blog I’m planning to take a driving trip up the coast. If I can fit my dive gear in the car I’ll take it with me too. I’ve got at least one buddy up the coast that dives and I’m hoping to coax him into a dive or two.

The point is, now that I have the time I’m trying to use it well. I’ve been wanting to get to the shooting range more often. I want to dive more. I want to get out and take more photos. I’m working on a book and my goal is to complete that by the end of the year.

Those are the personal goals.

At the same time I need to figure out what I’m going to do for work. There is enough money so that with unemployment and  if I’m not crazy in my spending I can go for a while. But ultimately I will need to have a source of income.

I’m far more relaxed and in general much happier than I have been for a while.

The only fly in the ointment is that the company hasn’t yet said “you’re laid off” (there’s a long story there which I’ll blog about sometime). They’ve told me not to bother coming in because there’s little to no work for me. I check my company email once a day or so and they’re still paying me. (I know… it’s a great fucking gig! Too bad it won’t last.)

If another project wants me, I’m obligated to join the new project when and where they want me. If I refuse the position then technically I’m quitting and that means no unemployment benefits.

For the moment I’m in a kind of employment limbo and while having a job is preferred, I’m done with the commute. I just can’t stomach the thought of 2 and 3 hour drives to work every day anymore. There has to be a better way to make a living.

So for the moment I’m in a holding pattern.

I suspect that the company will give me the official word soon. When they do I’ll take my work computer back to them and process out.

At that point it’s new career time. But first….

I’m going to go play!

Psycho Babble


I caught an article in The Huffington Post this morning about Anthony Weiner and thought “OH for God Sake”

In this article a several Psychologists (all female) were spouting psycho hoodoo explanations about why Weiner cheated.

Dr. Robi Ludwig I think came closest to touching on the truth. when she said; “Cheating for the man is about excitement, building up their ego, enjoying the chase and just plain mixing things up!”

I have a some questions.

1) Why is it ALWAYS dowdy women Psychologists being interviewed? (although In this case all three are pretty hot looking )

2) Why is it always assumed it’s the Mans fault? Why couldn’t it be that his wife just isn’t interested in sex?

3) Why does no-one EVER consider the possibility that the couple in question has an arrangement?

4) Is ANY of this OUR business?

I think it’s worth noting that many women are very sexually attracted to “bad boys”. I have been hit on frequently at happy hour events if I’m wearing a ring. And even more so if I’m a little scruffy around the edges.

I think at minimum that there are two issues going on here. First, the women are bored in their love life and they want to shake things up too. It’s likely that their husbands are just not bothering to take the time to make them happy (sex as a duty instead of a lot of fun). Second the old cliche is true, if a guy is wearing a ring, he’s safe, he’s not going to show up with flowers and candy and throw her nice neat life into a tail spin.

My point is, women cheat too and while they’re caught far less often they’re right there getting naked with a stranger JUST like men. And Thank God for bored wives!

Why do men cheat?

The thrill of the Hunt

We DO love the thrill of the hunt, I’ll grant you that. Of course our society today and many women in particular seem to think that approximately 1.8 Million years of genetic predisposition to hunting can be cancelled out by a mere 10,000 years of so called civilization. WRONG!

Variety vs boredom

Getting nasty with someone different JUST feels damn good. A different person means different technique, different sensations and smells and that just ADDS to the excitement.

Without spilling the beans and losing my MAN card… Guys will put their dicks in just about anything. It’s not because we’re perverts (N.O.W.’s screeching notwithstanding) It’s because we’re curious about new sensations. “Hummm what does that watermelon feel like on the underside of my dick? what would it feel like to have (Insert Celebrity name here) lick the juice from my balls?”

I don’t think its any different for men or women. We all get bored in our sex life. Sometimes one partner isn’t interested in mixing it up or trying something new. If that goes on too long, the adventurous partner has three basic choices.

1) Live with that particular kink unfulfilled

2) Discard the current spouse and find someone that WANTS to play more adventurously

3) Keep the spouse and find a little fun on the side.

I doubt seriously that option 2 or 3 are executed on the spur of the moment. Most often option 1 is the choice because it’s the simplest, easiest, and safest. But year after year of boring sex and the viability of options 2 or 3 increase exponentially.

When your spouse ONLY wants to fuck in the missionary position and refuses to even consider something new it’s pretty damn easy to find someone that’s up for a little adventure. As a man, I can tell you it becomes almost an imperative.

As an aside, there is also such a thing as TOO MUCH. If lovemaking becomes a tour de force of “marital aids” where each device is more technical than the last. Or when a good old Saturday afternoon fuck becomes a 1 hour preparation for 30 minutes of sex, well then the equation is unbalanced and it’s probably easier to go to the garage and jerk off.

Some of the devices sound like you’re working in a wood shop. I don’t know about you, but for me, spontaneity is completely ruined when I’m looking for fucking batteries in the kitchen drawer to fire up a toy that sounds like a wood chipper.


Adults can enter into arrangements. It’s possible that due to poor health, or growing apart ( but staying together for the kids) that a couple would simply agree to sexually go their separate ways. These arrangements are more common than you might think.

I’ve personally known two couples dealing with cancer. In couple A the woman had cancer and was undergoing a variety of very harsh treatments and surgeries. Couple B it was the man undergoing the treatment.

Both of the cancer patients Gave their spouse permission to find someone to see to their sexual needs. In fact both of the cancer patients even suggested a person that might have been willing to fill the bill, from a circle of their closest friends.

This in my humble opinion is about love not perversion or cheating.

I’ve been living in an open arrangement for the past two decades. Were I confined I’d have gone insane. I’m sure that I’d also have been cheating. As it is both of us are allowed to enjoy ourselves so long as we practice safe sex and don’t wave it in each others faces. Arrangements work if both parties have a clear sense of boundaries.


I think that monogamy is an un-natural and unrealistic construction. It’s about control and probably was about keeping women in check. After all the men were out and about and what happened on the hunt, or on the raid, or crusade STAYED there. Dudes aren’t likely to come home and tell each others wives, “Richard raped his way through the holy land m’lady he was an animal”

I don’t think monogamy is natural for humans in general and certainly not for me in particular.

In the Whoa! category

I also have begun to wonder about our societies treatment of men and male sexuality. It’s pretty accepted that men are more about sex than women. So on the one hand we acknowledge this and at the same time denigrate male sexuality as some kind of “condition” comments like “he’s testosterone poisoned” show up in comedy routines pretty often.

Most men’s best friend is their dick. Men shouldn’t be made to feel bad about wanting to use their dick. We shouldn’t be embarrassed about jerking off as boys or adults, we’re acting according to our nature. We’re visual and we like porn. so what? It’s not wrong and the actors / models get paid for their work. WHY do we call that exploitation and all too often castigate men in general for enjoying what it’s in our nature to enjoy.

Repression of natural urges is not a good idea, for men that repression often shows up in other less desirable ways. Why don’t we all agree to accept Male sexuality as a normal thing and stop acting like it’s bad?

I’m not condoning cheating per se

Part of being a man is living up to your commitments. If you committed to your spouse that you wouldn’t cheat then you really must live up to that commitment.

At the same time you and your spouse committed to meet each others needs. If either of you break that commitment then frankly all bets are off.

I just don’t think it’s any of the publics business. I sure as hell wouldn’t want my dirty laundry carted out in the national press. Which brings me to another point.

The media needs to stay out of celebrity and politicians bedrooms.

Who is fucking who is NONE of the publics business. We’re becoming a nation of voyeurs. We need to get our fat asses off the couch, go fuck our spouses, and GET OUT and LIVE OUR lives.

We all need to stop living vicariously through celebrity news, and reality TV. Go do something in your own life!

Getting out and moving is especially important for Men.

DUDES I hate to tell you this, but all the good living here in the United States is fucking us up. Go out and check the testosterone levels over the past 30 years or so. There’s a substantial trend down. Which means prostate cancer is up, sterility is up, and less than hard erections in young men are becoming the norm.

You can combat this trend by eating less junk/processed food and by WORKING. I’m not talking your 9 to 5…

I’m talking getting out an mending fences, or playing football with your kids, or working out. Do anything that engages your mind and your muscles and you’ll be healthier in general and your cock and balls will thank you.

CIA director Leon Panetta is in Pakistan


The media is reporting that the visit it supposed to be smoothing over the ruffled feathers of the Pakistani government.

I ask WTF???

The Pakistanis are upset that the US didn’t let them know going to engage in secret operations on Pakistani soil.

Hummmm…. The Pakistani government allowed Bin Laden to live in safety within spitting distance of the Pakistani Intelligence training facility for at least 5 years.

It is reasonable to assume that the Pakistani government in general or key individuals within that government were protecting Bin Laden. Oc7OsamaTVGun

The loud denials of the Pakistani officials notwithstanding, They KNEW he was hiding in their country. So it wouldn’t have been in our best interests to inform the Pakistani officials, since it’s likely that someone was on Bin Laden’s payroll and they would have warned him to get out before we attacked.

What I don’t get is WHY we’re apologizing! The Pakistanis have supposedly been our allies in looking for him, so apparently they saw a profit in misdirecting the search. It would be interesting to see how much Bin Laden money flowed into Pakistani hands oh starting about 5 years ago?

I think the only message that Panetta should deliver to Pakistan is Shut the hell up, Stay the hell out of our way, wipe Al Qaeda out of your country, and IF YOU PLAY MORE DUPLICITIOUS GAMES with the US, you have only to look at Afghanistan to know what we will do to YOUR country.

I’d love to see him deliver a message like that, then just get back on the plane and come home.

But then again I’m an evil Conservative…

Today is a strange day

3 years ago today I was looking at the burned out hulk of my house. My vehicles were unusable, I had no money, no wallet, no car keys, and exactly 1 item of clothing that was mine (a bathrobe).  I was wondering what to do next, and frankly I was at a complete loss.

My other half was walking around at least as perplexed as I was and neither of us had any idea about anything Other than we were missing 5 pets… And a house!

I knew the two retrievers had gotten out but had a terrible feeling about the 3 unaccounted for pets. As it turned out they died that night. I buried them myself several days later. I occasionally visit the spot, suppose I’ll be brushing away the pine needles sometime after sunrise.

I’m writing this at 1 in the morning, I just can’t sleep.

This is the first anniversary where I’ve been unable to sleep since that night.

The fire consumed the house between 3 and 4 am. Tonights sleeplessness is like an itch in the back of my head, like I’m waiting for something to happen, like I’m catching movement out of the corner of my eye. It’s maddening!

I know there is nothing there but for some reason the primitive part of my brain is on full alert.

Things even worked out OK. The house was rebuilt, the retrievers came home and I eventually got my stride back figuring out what to do next.

One of the dogs is dozing at my feet. He wakes up, checks on me nuzzles my toe then goes back to sleep like a sensible creature at this time of night.

He knows something is up with me. He’s not sure what it is but he’s going to look after me in any case.

That I have any pre-fire possessions at all,  I owe to  a small group of dedicated and loving friends. They simply would not let me chuck it all in the bin and move on. It’s a mixed blessing to be sure.

There were a surprising number of things that survived but most of my possessions were lost. Because of that, I appreciate the items that made it all the more.

I’ll run across something and it takes me back. But in all I’m thankful for those friends who loved me enough to fight me. They were keeping my best interests at heart even when I would not.

It’s funny to say it this way, but my friends are dogs.  Just like the real dog at my feet they look after me with unflinching dedication. I must let them know more often how much they mean to me. Especially when I have so dang few friends to begin with.

I’m very tired, my thoughts are not coherent. For some reason I keep flashing to that night and while I’m not reliving it completely I’m seeing images of things that stick out in my mind.

I was asleep even while evacuating. The most primitive part of my brain was processing data with nothing more than survival in mind. I guess that’s a reasonable place to be in an emergency situation.

I still feel guilty about the pets. I wonder if I’d been more alert and thinking with a little more 21st century brainpower could I have changed things.

The primitive says NOPE! definitely Not… Well who am I to argue?

Perhaps this is about letting go of the guilt. It’s a burden I’ve carried long enough.

The goofball sleeping on my foot forgave me… I’m going to follow his lead.

Forgive myself and go to bed.

In that order.