I seriously need to get off

Yeah It’s been a while.

Need to take some time, get naked, and fucking play with myself for at least a few hours.

Just thinking about it, is making my cock drip. It’s been way too long!

You know it’s the weirdest thing. I’m off work and working harder than ever. I’ve been so busy catching up on stuff that I’ve needed to get done that I haven’t taken time for myself.

I’m thinking today I’ll down shift. Slow down and enjoy my body.  I might be less of a prick and less wound up.

It’s funny how we get so caught up in our projects, working out, and generally busy that we forget the basics.

As a young man, I thought sex would always be the the front of my mind. Now in middle age I still think about sex and react when I see someone that’s physically attractive. But there are times when I’m so busy and focused and I’ll realize a whole day has got by me, I’m horny as hell but tired too.

I like to take a good long time and enjoy working up a nice load of cum. I’m working for it and I want to really enjoy squirting.

So if I’m doing myself, I don’t want to start out tired or feel like I’m on some kind of timetable. Then it’s all just stroke, & cum. Don’t get me wrong that’s a great combination sometimes and it can take the edge off but I usually want bit more, sometimes a LOT more.

Unfortunately, that means that somewhere somehow I’ll need to carve a chunk of time out of my day for me and that’s often easier said than done.

I’ve been thinking about a long brutal massage with a fucking great happy ending. (Yes, I had someone in mind who doesn’t mind me relaxing afterward) But I don’t want to spend the cash especially since

I’m looking at expensive car repairs.

I had a buddy that I’d Skype with. We’d be talking about general shit in our lives, we were both naked and stroking watching each other. In a strange way sharing the experience wasn’t like having sex with each other, it was something else. The words that come to mind are; Fun, calming, honest, bonding, satisfying. I have no idea why it felt that way but am more than willing to accept that it just was…

Well my schedule is clear for a few hours,  I think I’ll silence the phone, and have some fun….

Plan some stroke time for your selves guys. I’m right there with ya.

And yet again … I’m a Prick!

Well I had my semi annual blow up about the piles of shit stacking up around here.

I don’t say anything and it gets worse.

I do say something and there are hurt feelings… and it gets worse.

I blow a gasket and then there are really hurt feelings. I say shit that I probably mean but really shouldn’t say out loud and the hurt feelings get worse.

Then I start cleaning up the piles O’ shit. And suddenly the creator of the piles is far more interested in dealing with them.

From my perspective I shouldn’t have to blow the gasket in the first place. It’s WELL FUCKING known that I detest the piles of crap everywhere. However that doesn’t stop their creation.

Even now, I see piles “that need to be sorted through” sitting on the counter. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that If I said nothing. SIX FUCKING MONTHS later those “important” papers will be covered in dust still unsorted.

I know I’ll keep pushing. It’s my nature I can’t stop. At least until the counter is clean for a couple of days. It becomes a test of will and in this situation It’s like my will is fueled by the non-compliance.

I’m thinking about it and I’m trying to not keep pushing.

I just don’t know what the hell the best solution is. I can’t be silent and yet I don’t want to deal with the sulking or hurt feelings either.




The Beat Goes on.


And the car report is… NOW it’s boost faults.

Apparently, one or both turbos failed to spin up properly. 753 just to figure it out. Then whatever it costs to actually repair the problem.

Needless to say… this has not been one of my better days.

The question is does my extended warranty cover this? 2nd question is how did this happen? 3rd question is HOW long has this been going on?

Technically I’ve been chasing a gremlin problem around that car since 2009 and when ever I took the car in for routine service I was always… “We cant find any problem””


Methinks there is the odor of cover-up in the air. Question is how to prove it.

Well that was kind of a waste

Just got back from the dum dum de dum “SIGNING” which could easily have been done via fax and telephone. But on the positive side I got to enjoy the big boss and his slightly dark sense of humor.
The letter is simply a formalization of what I already knew. The official layoff date is the 29th and well … there’s nothing much going on in terms of other projects so…. I’m going to be out the door on the 29th. Ok good NEXT!

Then I took a nice drive with the top down, along Pacific Coast Highway and enjoyed the ocean and sun.

Coming home my car posted a NEW message which has resulted in an appointment with the dealership tomorrow morning.
This can’t be good!

On the plus side maybe now they will be able to track down and solve the issue that I’ve been feeling in my ass when I’m driving. I AM NOT YOUR GRANNIE when it comes to driving and I drive a performance car because 1) I love pissing off and then smoking Priuses and 2) I like driving on open freeways and having fun.

I’m glad it happened today and not while I was flying up the coast 1000 miles from home.

Happy Fathers Day


I was fortunate enough to have two dads who love(d) me.

My Genetic Father is dead. My Step Father is alive and kicking.

Both of them love(d) me for who I am.

I am very lucky.

To all you men out there, Let your dad know you appreciate him.

If you’re not tied up with family of your own, go grab your dad and take some time to do something you enjoy doing together.

If your dad’s no longer with us, remember you honor him by adhering to the best lessons he taught you. Go do something you both enjoyed.

There’s that old saying something like Those we remember fondly are never truly dead.