Well whatever it was it’s going away…

After being a lazy slug yesterday and sleeping a large portion of the day, Feeling MUCH better.

So, today it’s off to a photographic show and other FUN running around.

Just found out that the new phone can post blog entires directly to this blog… VERY COOL!

The automatic word choices the phone makes… may leave something to be desired.

All in all life is going pretty nicely.

Now If I can just find a job….

Spent the day on the run yesterday

Today, planning a quiet day.

My furlough has been extended by another 30 days. Not really sure I like that but it’s a process.

As the day has progressed I’ve been feeling poorly.

Wondering if I’m coming down with something. Sinuses are blocked and I’ve developed a slight cough, so it’s nap time.

Everyone have a great weekend!

Old Cell Phone is… Outta Here!

My old phone died and terminal phone-itus set in.

I picked up the new puppy yesterday and wow, I’m impressed!

It’s a very smart machine. The new baby is an Android based HTC Sensation. It’s thin, fast, 4G, and very smart… also it was expensive as hell.

But it works, and my old phone had gotten just too dang flakey for words.

So new phone and learning all the new features there are a lot of those.

One of the funniest things about it is that I can share pictures, or videos directly with my DLNA enabled TV.

I can also print to my existing 3 year old printer.

These features are not available on my iPad. If I want to put a video up on the big screen, I need an apple TV. If I want to print, well I can but only to select printers. I can purchase an application that does an ok job but it’s a bit kludgey in it’s operation.

In short I’m more and more convinced that Android is the way to go for my phones, and future tablets.

Sorry Apple…. as much as I like your sense of design, you’re just too dang fussy about what devices you’ll interface with, and how your products communicate with those devices. Why the hell did you cripple bluetooth in the iPad 1? Oh well it doesn’t matter… my next tablet is going to be Android.

Uhh Apple, you should probably remember that when a company no longer listens to the customer… the customer will move on to a company that is listening.

We’re a strange species

Was out and about today and noticed some things about the society.

I couldn’t help feeling like the Zombie Apocalypse has happened.

Oh nobody was walking around moaning “Brains”… But virtually all of the people were walking around engaged in their cell conversations, texts, or on the internet, They were completely oblivious to the people physically around them.

It was weird…

As readers may recall, I found myself in this mindless state a couple of months ago. I walked around South Coast Plaza chatting like a moron with one of my best friends, completely oblivious to how rude I was being to other shoppers.  So I’m not throwing stones here, Just observing the phenomena.

Our technology is an interesting thing. We create the technology in an effort  to improve our connectedness and while we’re connected to our friends, FaceBook, and the internet… We’re alone in a crowd, shopping, or at a restaurant. I’ve watched people on dates interrupt their conversations to read the latest text message or friends posting on FaceBook.

I don’t know what the world would look like today if the cell net went down and stayed down.

I remember sitting in a bar after the Loma Prieta earthquake in 1989 watching business people killing the batteries in their “BRICK” cellphones trying to figure out why they couldn’t make calls. What confused them was that the cell net was up but only 911 calls were being routed through the network.

Today, I suspect that if the cell net were to go down people would loose their minds, I know that I’d be a little cranky!

We also create technology to make our lives easier. (There’s a whole other train of thought regarding this… I’ll save it for another time) Yet in fact it’s easier now to hand a clerk cash.

 Debit and credit cards used to be easier to use. Here’s an example. Think about using a credit card at a gas station.

In the old days, you’d swipe the card, fill your tank, get the receipt and you were on your way. Pretty much all of the machines worked the same way, it was simple, fast, and convenient.

Now you swipe your card and get the third degree. The pump wants to know “Do you want a car wash?”, “Do you want a receipt?”, “Debit or Credit?”, “Enter your PIN or Enter your billing zip code” Sheeesh And of course all this while “PUMP-TOP TV” is blaring at you something inane about the latest celebrity faux-pas.

We’re surrounded by walls of technology or technological distractions. It’s as though we’re trying to insulate ourselves from interacting with each other in person. Yet we’ll spend hours following the posts of our “friends”, playing Angry Birds, or FarmVille. It’s psychotic!

If we spent half the time actually interacting with each other locally rather than fooling ourselves into thinking that we actually have 779 “Friends” we’d probably be a lot happier and a lot less fearful.

So I suggest you turn off the phone, oh sure keep it with you, power it up if you need it, but turn it off.

Then spend a day in THIS reality. Notice the people around you, listen the the banter at a Starbucks.  Interact with each other,  you might find this reality preferable…

Amazing what we forget….

I’ve recently been reacquainted with something I’d forgotten about myself.

My libido is strongly tied to my self image…

I know, it seems obvious, but after spending too many years stressed out and too angry to feel like I had the time or the energy to actually take care of myself I guess I forgot about it.

Like a lot of things that I forgot about during the long ass commutes, and dealing with idiot bosses. I keep having these “Oh Yeah moments”

Since I’ve been Furloughed, I’ve been working a lot in the yard and I’ve had time to work out. Over the past 2 weeks I’ve started to see more obvious physical changes in my body. Now when I look at my naked ass in the mirror I’m not looking through the filter that allowed me to ignore things about my body I don’t like.

The filter doesn’t come on anymore because I’m enjoying seeing the changes and I’m getting visual feedback about my efforts paying off.

This isn’t meant to sound narcissistic, it’s just a mile marker in my acceptance of me and my acknowledgment that in fact hard work pays off.

I had a moment hit me last night.

I was bored and couldn’t sleep. Every man knows that’s an excellent recipe for a good old fashioned J/O session. I’m no exception and pretty soon I’m feeling pretty damn good even if I’m not sleeping.

There I am, stroking my dick edging myself and had been for about an 1 ½ hours at that point when I happened to glance in the mirror and saw myself… Really saw myself for the first time in years.

Yeah I still have a little more around the middle than I should, but the spare tire is shrinking. My pecs are firming up and my bicep/triceps are bulking out. My shoulder definition is starting to show and my legs are taking on more tone and definition. I looked at myself and thought damn! How had I missed those changes?

Then I felt proud, even sexy, desirable, and yes horny.

I guess that if you don’t like your appearance, and you’re always feeling tired and angry the effects are more insidious than you’d think.

In my case, those feelings make me feel like I’m unworthy of pleasure in the form of sex. It’s like I’m punishing myself. Actually I’m doubly punishing myself, I’m doing the crazy ass commute, putting up with all the corporate shit, AND I’m denying myself the simple release that sex can provide.

It had gotten to the point that my body would eventually just DEMAND I do something to relive the tension. 

But even then, I approached sex with myself or another person as a “Chore” akin to taking a dump… not as something that I really wanted to participate in. My body was doing it, my mind was just along for the ride as an unwilling voyeur.

As I’ve been more active, and getting stronger I’m much more interested in sex. When I’m lifting weights in the garage I’m watching porn. Seeing some of the muscular men in the films gives me incentive and a “Goal” state. 

Granted sometimes during a workout a hard dick is problematic but it always puts a smile on my face. So I’m not complaining.

These little remembrances and epiphanies have been good for me.

I’m getting back on track with my fitness goals, and have remembered some other things I wanted to work on.

Meanwhile I was looking at this mirror guy, Yep he was me… then I noticed something else about that guy…

He was happy… 

Sitting there 2 am, dick in hand and grinning back at myself with a happy feral gleam in my eye.

Yeah, my libido is coming back and I’m taking time to feed it.

After another look at myself, I took a deep breath & went back to stroking my dick… I was doing homework after all. Figured if I couldn’t sleep, I’d work on multi-orgasmic exercises. I kinda got a “F” for last nights session. I lost control and popped my load. 

Ahh well at least… I LIKE doing the homework!