Hmm. I’m not sure if this is a selling point for the Democrats or not.

Planned Parenthood Chicago 640x480.I saw an article this morning the made me laugh. 

Planned Parenthood is offering free neutering and abortions, although they might as well offer spaying services too, during the Democrat National Convention. When I read the headline All I could think of was free sterilization clinic for dogs and cat offered by the county.

Here’s the link…

Planned Parenthood to Offer Free Vasectomies, Abortions During DNC 

As a guy, I’m not sure that’s something I’d want to have done while I was attending a convention. I have it on good authority that getting snipped isn’t that big a deal however, I’ve also been told that for the first day or two after the procedure you just want to sit or lie comfortably with an ice pack, maybe a beer and some of your favorite junk food.

Not being a woman, I can’t speak to having an abortion. I do however wonder if after say, six abortions, perhaps as a benefit to society the woman in question should be spayed. Some people would call that harsh, I call it practical. It save the woman from having to go through the procedure again and again. In some cases it save the taxpayer money.

I suspect that some of the more gender confused Democrats might decide to “have” a procedure not intended for, or appropriate to their biological gender, so they can feel more included. That should be an interesting headline. “Biological Woman offended that doctors won’t perform vasectomy on her.” 

I really started laughing about it when I thought about the neutering/spaying a Democrat angle. That would probably be something that would boost Republican convention attendance. If you could bring someone and check them in for the procedure, while you attended the convention.

Bring your complaining, whiny ‘Karen’ Democrat neighbors to the RNC. Be a responsible neighbor and insure that Democrats don’t breed. Bonus! Act now & they’ never complain about your Trump sign, MAGA hat, You not wearing a mask, or NRA stickers again!

That’s really harsh. I think the concept of Planned Parenthood doing this at the DNC is pretty fucked up. It makes the Democrats seem somehow worse than they already do, but I’m not sure I can put a finger on why that is. 

It’s like with the Abortion thing they’re celebrating death. Then you add the vasectomy component and it’s like they’re saying, “Put an end to the species while you’re at it.” Add a few wars, people struggling to put food on the table, the gender madness, and it really seems like death and destruction is all they’re offering.

I see no “hope” there, I see no “forward” with Democrat policies except into the abyss.

Perhaps I’m being unfair. When I decided to leave the Republican Party years ago, I looked at the Democrat Party and found I was as revolted by their policies as I was by the Republican Party. They really were like two halves of the same coin, neither offered anything substantially beneficial except intrusive governance and ever expanding government.

The Democrats expand the government rapidly until the people say, “STOP” by voting them out. Then the Republicans come in and manage the newly expanded government BUT they never reduce the size to the previous level.

It really is a “Same Shit Different Day” situation.

Until recently, I thought of Democrats as normal folks who thought differently about certain things than I did. I disagreed fundamentally, but I still saw them as people like me. Average folks, just trying to get through their day, have a nice life, and some modicum of peace & quiet.

Now when you say “Democrat” to me, I picture someone, uninformed, fat, with blue hair, enough metal in their face to make clearing a riot possible with an electro magnet, screeching obscenities about nonsensical “wrongs” that haven’t been real problems for at least two decades, dumpster fires of people with no functional abilities, who scream louder when backed into a logical corner if asked to explain how they’re oppressed, carrying Palestinian flags with Queers for Palestine placards.

In other words I see howling lunatics. If they were dogs roving the streets frothing at the mouth as they do We’d be calling animal control to put them down as possibly rabid.

I can tell you this. As a man I wouldn’t go near a planned parenthood clinic for a vasectomy, even if it was free. Those people are out of their damn minds and I don’t want any of them near my dick with a sharp object. I’ll go to a recommended urologist!

Somehow I expect to hear in a comedy routine, 

“Wow I went to the DNC convention and all I got was this vasectomy.”

“I really miss my balls… What? They shouldn’t have cut my balls off? I was wondering how they were going to reverse it if I decided I wanted kids.”

“I guess I should’ve known something was wrong when they didn’t even give me a T-Shirt!”

“Huh that explains why there were only white guys in the recovery room I was in, and we all had the same procedure. I kept thinking the Black guys and Mexicans were tough bastards the way they were dancing out of their recovery room.”

The best they have to offer? I think we deserve more!

Kamala Harris Tim Walz Campaign Event Laughing.I’ve been watching the Harris / Walz campaign. I can’t help thinking, “If this is the best they have to offer, we’re in real trouble.”

Normally, I wouldn’t pay much attention to a dumpster fire like the Democrat presidential campaign.  I pretty much ignored the Biden / Harris Campaign in 2020.

Honestly, I didn’t think Biden had a chance in Hell of winning. That campaign was just soooo stupid! People at rallies in little rings? It was a campaign that looked like the candidate was terrified of setting foot outside.

U.S. Sen. Kamala Harris speaks at L.A.s Families Belong Together March 02-scaled-e1723555079172.Americans typically don’t vote for fearful / timid candidates. We favor the Bold. It was laughable that Biden could win at all. Then he did…

Or rather we were told he won in a “Fair and Secure” election. That Fair and secure line got overused to the point that it crossed over from being a statement of apparent fact, to being pure propaganda. Just as the phrases “election denier”, and later “Antivaxers”

Saying a catch phrase a few times when it is relevant to the news report is one thing, pounding the phrase into the public psyche is quite another. After a while it seemed as if news pieces were being constructed however awkwardly, so that the emotional catch phrase could be incorporated instead of articles simply reporting what happened.

I have no doubt that Kamala is going to “Win” this election. She and Walz are laughably bad. If this was a television show they’d be comedy gold. But it’s not. 

Tim Walz Bagram.I also believe with all my heart that the political machine in Washington D.C. will engineer the election results to Kamala’s benefit. I don’t believe that it’s just the Democrats either, It’s literally everyone in Washington from the lowest level bureaucrats, to the highest levels of elite politicians & well into the wealthy powerful lobbyists, actually pulling a lot of the strings.

Those people in power have painted themselves into a corner. They’ve gotten addicted to the power but forgot that their positions were supposed to be temporary. Now they have no choice but to keep Kamala in the White House. They’re literally fighting for their cushy overpaid jobs and hoping that by keeping Kamala for 2 terms, they’ll have managed 12 years total in their parasitic useless jobs.

Remember Kamala dropped out of the 2020 race because she couldn’t garner enough interest even from people in her own home state.

There was a time when I thought something this obscene would generate a reaction from the American people. It might, particularly on November 6th when Kamala is declared the winner of the election. (Actual votes notwithstanding.)

I’m losing faith that the subjugated, shamed American citizen will say a word. Decades of telling Americans that we’re xenophobic, sexist, and racist, making us all feel ashamed of who we are and our national identity have taken their toll.

We’ve been hammered on by internal & external forces who, for their self interests, wanted America to believe the worst of ourselves, so they could have the moral high ground while bleeding us dry of money and resources. Their constant haranguing worked. About 1/2 of our population believes that America and Americans are pieces of shit.

This self loathing is evident on the streets of our nation daily. Look at any of the protests “beautifying our cities streets”. What do you see? People who in their non-conformity are in fact conformists. People who are trying to emulate pictures of the hippy movement but whose reasons for protest appear to be radically different.

Hippys wanted us out of the Vietnam war specifically, and for us to stop interfering in other countries generally. Protestors today seem to want us in some wars and out of others, but there’s no clear message other than “aren’t we cool mutilating our bodies, so we’re more non-conformist yet conforming.” 

I saw a photo the other day where 5 or 6 female to male trans “things” were showing their symbol of solidarity. A close up of hands holding syringes of testosterone. Ooooh what a powerful symbol of strength.

Yes, you’re dependent on weekly injections of a synthetic drug manufactured in China whose supply could be disrupted at any time, to make you “feel” like you’re in control and “a Man”. Good job

Ladies… One thing, Men, real Men don’t have injection parties. Even if we’re doing HRT, or steroids to bulk up, we’re not typically getting together with a bunch of our best buddies to shoot up.

Yet another item among many others that women don’t understand about men, it’s why trans women are telegraphing to us constantly, they’re not men. In fact that opening falsehood is, I think what turns men off and causes us to close ranks in our social groups, to exclude female to male trans whatsits.

Gay men often notice the same thing when they come out. The men that they grew up with, the men that were their friends for years, sometimes have a real problem that their “Good Friend, or Best Friend” lied about something so basic as not being interested in tits & ass. It’s a betrayal, and it cuts deep. Sometimes too deep. In that case, the gay man finds his circle of friends greatly diminished or gone entirely.

Before I digress too far from my original point…

The point is, men don’t like liars. We shun them, we don’t trust them, we usually don’t associate with them and make no apologies about it.

In politics we have a concentration of liars, almost like they’ve collected in Washington D.C. because they were unwelcome everywhere else.

Harris and Walz may be the epitome of liars. Harris changes her opinion like the wind, or like a $20 hooker you slip an extra $5 to so she tells your buddy he’s the biggest and best she’s ever had.

Tdy anne gore share 1200x630 center-314011501.Walz has credibility problems not the least of which is his sort of “dirty exit” from the National Guard. Yes, he served for 24 years. Good. Great! But people that served with him from his unit, and even a Chaplin say he wasn’t a good commander. 

Walz has been called out on his misrepresentation of his military career in the past. He is apparently fond of “embellishing” his service record.

He chose to retire while he knew something was up regarding deployment. After 24 years in the National Guard, if he couldn’t or didn’t recognize the familiar pre-deployment pattern of resources being allocated to his unit, he didn’t deserve to be in his position. So I don’t buy the line that he didn’t know what was happening.

Senator Vance official portrait. 118th Congress.In contrast, JD Vance was a Marine, and did deploy to Iraq for 6 months as a Combat Correspondent. (Interestingly former Vice President Al Gore deployed to Vietnam for 6 months as an Army Correspondent.) Neither of them embellished or claimed higher rank than they’d achieved. It looks like Walz may have claimed higher rank than was actually granted.

The few people in D.C. who speak the truth and are actually there to do good not for themselves but for the people they’re representing are hated and reviled by almost everyone else in D.C.

In other words Washington D.C. has become a complete inversion of most of the rest of the country.

From this viewpoint, Harris and Walz are the perfect candidates.

Not to be on a run of bitching, BUT…

I know, there’s a lot of really important stuff to be worried, or complain about.

This one has been growing to the point that I’m not sure if it’s just me being overly sensitive or if this is a real problem that all of us face and should be resolved.


Everything we get is packaged in something. From the atomic bomb resistant packaging of a set of batteries, to the chicken pot pie we’ve got in our freezers. (It’s comfort food! So sue me!)

Everything is sealed and puncture resistant. But a fair amount of these items have “Easy open” strips or perforations that are supposed to allow us to tear along the perforation and gain access to the product inside. Hopefully this happens without requiring a thermal lance burning at 10,000° F.

But lately, none of the “Easy Open” features work properly. Resealable packages with the helpful “Tear Here” strips often don’t open, or when using the “Tear Here” strip, the resealable bit is damaged beyond usability. (This is why you’ll find frozen chicken strips, in their original bag prominently declaring the package resealable, inside a Ziplock Bag in my freezer.) 

Even the perforated pull strip on the butter doesn’t work anymore. It’s gotten to the point that I don’t even try. I’ll tear the end of the carton of butter completely off rather than frustrating myself with tearing a strip off.

Oh, I’d like to be able to pull the little strip, expose the little tongue & groove closure, and be able to use it to keep the butter closed and neat looking in the fridge.

However is shouldn’t take me 3 minutes of tearing the strip off, cleaning up the failure of the strip to open the package, working a knife into the carton flaps to neatly open the package, then still being unable to access the butter inside, from which I’ll have to peal wax paper too.

These days, my butter package looks like it was mauled by a bear.

Aluminum Foil and plastic wraps seem to be experiencing similar packaging troubles.

Microwave popcorn bags used to be easily opened by grabbing opposing corners and pulling. That method works about 65% of the time today. The remaining 35% of the time, popcorn gets blasted all over the kitchen.

I can do without microwave popcorn and have done for a while now.

Don’t get me started on the “Coin” style batteries. Opening the outer and inner packaging requires the sharpest set of scissors in the house followed by a blowtorch to get through the inner packaging, topped off by a sharp blade to scrape the protective plastic coating from the positive side of the battery prior to installation.

God help you if the batteries in question powered a pacemaker or something ‘cause you’d be dead on the kitchen floor!

It is for this reason that I never bring more than one coin type battery device online per day. If I had to change five “2016 type” batteries in a single day I’d probably end up stabbing myself multiple times, out of sheer frustration.

I have to say the Bubba Angus burgers cardboard zip strip does work as designed.

The thing is, all of these packaging methods used to work properly.

It’s getting harder to rip open the top of a bag of chips without having it explode all over the kitchen. 

That used to be a simple thing. Grab both sides of the bag, pull in opposite directions and the bag would open along the thermal seal.

Not anymore! Somehow the thermal seal is stronger than the surrounding mylar reinforced bag and I’ve found that instead of applying 100,000 Newtons of force (22,480 Pounds), it’s just easier and neater to use a set of kitchen shears.

Back to the pot pie. It has been literally 9 years since I’ve had a Marie Calendar’s pot pie open along the perforations. You’ve got to take the top of the carton off of one of these no matter how you’re heating it up.

There are very convenient tabs on either side of the carton that say “push here”. These usually pop as expected provided the cheap cardboard carton doesn’t collapse before the perforation gives way. The real challenge is after the tabs.

This is the long angled perforation on either side of the carton that never tears properly. It’s so near the edge of the carton that you can’t really use a knife to open it because the carton will most assuredly crush, leaving you with the need to reheat the potpie on a plate if in the microwave or on a cookie sheet if you’re using an oven.

The way these cartons are manufactured is obviously about them being only slightly more rigid than tissue paper. Hey, Marie Calendar’s why not simply wrap the potpie in nuclear capable plastic overwrap and forego the carton entirely? Why continue to frustrate people with a shitty carton that doesn’t work as designed?

Better yet, since we know that 99% of all this packaging is about preventing certain elements in society from spoiling or stealing the contents. How about we go back to the old packaging that wasn’t frustrating and simply shoot anyone caught screwing around with packaged goods?

Cleanup on aisle 8, this one’s a bleeder bring two mops!

We seem to be comfortable with suggesting or doing heinous things “For the Greater Good” these days. Removing the shittier parts of society would definitely be for the Greater Good wouldn’t it?