That wasn’t on my Bingo card for 2024!

There’s a report this morning that some countries are issuing travel warnings regarding Great Britain.

I admit I never saw that coming!

I suppose it makes sense if 1/2 of the reports of roving muslims “protecting” themselves from white people in the streets are true.

I’ve been undecided about the veracity of the size and extent of the dust ups. I completely discounted the Muslim assholes claiming there had been acid attacks on their innocent women & children.

Acid attacks are Muslims mens style, NOT Western Europeans.

I’ve read other disturbing reports out of England that suggest the Police are arresting pensioners for saying they don’t like the way things are going on FaceBook rather than putting an end to the unrest in the streets.

I’ve also read with come concern that police are standing with the Muslim invaders against the citizens of Britain who are justifiably angry about the stabbing deaths of 3 little girls at a dance recital and injury of other people also present.

The Brits call the perpetrator a person of Asian descent. (To the American mind that conjures up images of Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean, or Japanese people.) No, those folks are East Asian. The Brits refer to the peoples of the sand as Asians too only Western Asian.

Uk riots 640x480.Honestly it would be easier if we all referred to these people with the same terms. Then Europe would have a better handle on the magnitude of the problem. SOMRD, Suckers of Muhammad’s Rancid Dick? Although referring to them as Peoples of the Sand might work too. “POS” Pieces of Shit, Peoples of the Sand. Eh, SAME DIFFERENCE!

That sounds racist, so fucking what? These folks have been poor mouthing it and claiming they’re refugees. Yeah? Why then are there so damn many males and damn few women & children?

It’s been said many times, you can’t take an Arab at his word. Guess what? It’s true, in the furtherance of Islam not just as a religion but as an infectious form of totalitarian government everything is forgiven. Lie, Steal, Rape, Murder, it’s all good because it’s about taking over.

This isn’t a revelation. Thomas Jefferson knew it. For some reason, people choose to ignore what is right in front of their faces. It should also be noted that German forces in WWII were allowed to operate freely across North Africa and indeed had allies among the tribes. The very people that have come into Europe and America are to some extent residue of the NAZI party. I have never figured out how Germany with their strong Anti-NAZI regulations had managed to ignore that the Islamic people hate Jews.

Out of compassion and kindness the EU and America have allowed them to infect our countries. These people have used and abused our kindness and compassion, with specific intent.

Like cancer that has metastasized, these animals believe with all their rapist, murderous little hearts that if they kill enough, and terrorize enough people will join their foul religion. A religion which is about anything but peace unless you count the peace of the grave.

What I believe is happening in Great Britain at the moment is these POS have reached critical mass. There are now enough of them they believe they’re in a position to force Great Britain to accede to their demands for Sharia law, and special rights that place them above the native British population.

They might be right. The English have become decidedly non-confrontational. The Welsh, Irish, and Scotts, I don’t know. It bears pointing out that the people of the British Isles at one time fought Rome, Vikings, and The Crusades. 

It might be that they’ve had enough of the Islamic shit and government censorship protecting Islam, and all the other subject which are taboo to speak of on FaceBook, Twitter, Instagram, or whatever.

If that’s the case, the Police should rethink their loyalties and the Muslims should probably get their asses to France.

Robocalls really piss me off.

They also demonstrate the ineffectiveness of the government.

I’m on the Do NOT CALL list. I’ve been on that list for literally years, possibly a decade or more at this point.

Yet I get this kind of thing at least once or twice a day. I’ve also noticed that I’m getting the x2 calls sometimes x3 calls because they’re trying to break through a do not disturb block on the phone.

DND on most phones will allow multiple rapid calls from the same number to ring through on the presumption that it’s an emergency of some kind.

Let’s see, why would someone turn on DND? Could it be they’re in class? How about work? Maybe in a meeting? How about at a funeral? Or in a job interview? Holding the hand of a dying loved one?

I get annoyed these moronic telemarketers or whatever they are, somehow think what they’ve got to say is so important that they need to override your need to not be disturbed.

Apparently however, their oh so important message is not worthy of leaving a voice mail.

This shit bugs the hell out of me. Just got another one while typing this blog.

There is one common element to all these numbers.

They’re owned by some cloud telecom company, Thus far the most prevalent is ONVOY, LLC and more recently someone called COMMIO LLC.

I don’t think these companies are operating under the same licenses as say AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile, or Frontier.

COMMIO is based in North Carolina

ONVOY is based in Minnesota.

I think they both just rent numbers to whoever, via VOIP so God only knows where the actual phone call is originating from.

Both companies can wash their hands of any breach of protocol or laws because they’re just making VOIP devices available to their clients and have no idea or indeed control over how those services are used.

There’s probably some loophole about the “Do Not Call” registry that only includes copper analog landlines from traditional telephone providers and completely omits anything that was transmitted digitally.

I don’t know for sure but that would make sense. How the hell could the buffoons in Congress begin to understand what they should and should not limit.

At least one of the companies was founded in 1992 the other in 2012. Both are associated with SPAM calls & Texts so frequently they’re included in letter from the Federal Trade Commission to 19 Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) service providers warning them that “assisting and facilitating” illegal telemarketing.

Thus far though, it looks as if the FTC hasn’t been able to sink their legal teeth into these companies.

On the two companies web sites, it’s interesting that they say they’re concerned about privacy. Uh Huh. Their own!

Commio llc searches are very strange. The data either starts to come up and then is wiped from the screen, or you get “There’s nothing to report” But if you look for information about other VoIP providers being in trouble with the FTC suddenly you get all kinds of information about Commio themselves. 

Super weird, but I don’t want to take the time to dig into why searches like “Commio llc Spam” are so weird. If I was suspicious, I’d think something was being done to hide their association with telephone and SMS Spam.

And people wonder why I like being able to run Windows on my Mac. It was using the Edge browser on Windows 11 that allowed me to see that something strange was going on. DuckDuck Go just kept telling me there was nothing to see or there was an error. I didn’t have to load another browser or use Google, on my primary operating system. Why? I have a viable Windows OS that I could wipe out and reload from my NAS drive in less than 10 minutes. I wouldn’t even care! There’s nothing to lose and nothing important in that Windows OS.

Nonetheless it leads me back to the question of leaving my phone sending ALL Unknown callers to voicemail or buying a subscription to one of the applications that compare the incoming call against a database of known spammers allowing only the non-spam calls to get through.

I worry, I’m missing calls that I’d otherwise be interested in receiving.

Say calls from prospective employers? Although I’d expect legitimate prospective employers to leave a message and a call back number.

I suppose part of this is election crap. There’s been an uptick in calls lately. I could attribute those to political solicitation. After the election is won, lost, stolen, or delayed indefinitely, I’m pretty sure the calls will slow down again.

“One Size Fits Most”

One Size Fits Most

2000216232 402 P1.That was written in medium sized print on 2 boxes of Nitrile Gloves I was throwing away. I couldn’t help but laugh. Then I thought, “What a scam!”

I’m a medium sized man with what I’ve always thought of as small to medium sized hands. My motorcycle and winter gloves have always been “Medium” although this year I’m going to be in the market for new gloves and I suspect that I’m looking at the inevitable “OH NO! You’re wrong again you don’t wear Medium, you wear LARGE don’t you know that????

 I’ve worn medium sized T-Shirts for years, now suddenly I wear large. You’d think it was because of the middle aged gut, that is a component, but that’s not the whole story.

Tight shirt men e1491380960466.If I grab a Medium T-Shirt from 8-10 years ago it fits great, even with the middle aged bulge. However a Medium T-Shirt I bought last month didn’t fit in the shoulders, sleeves, or gut. I might as well have been wearing a sausage casing. I exchanged that T-Shirt for a large and it fits. This has been a recurring theme of late.

Like the Nitrile gloves in the recycle bin. “One Size Fits Most” used to mean the item would fit me just fine. Not anymore!

The other half had purchased these particular gloves while I was doing some work on the house. He’d caught them on sale, and had purchased the same brand and size that I was already using comfortably. He’d even gone down into the garage to look at the box containing my dwindling supply.

Then we found another partially used box of gloves and I didn’t get around to opening these boxes until today. They’re over two years old, and were still sealed in their plastic overwrap.

I couldn’t put them on. Literally, they were so tight I couldn’t get my hands into them. If I’d just purchased them, I’d have exchanged them. Given their age… into the trash they went.

I’ve got some large and medium sized latex gloves that will serve the purpose right now. Since they’re Latex, they have a shelf life, so I should use them before they get so fragile as to be useless.

As I was running all this through my brain I came back to the “Scam” thought.

Follow this logic if you will.

If I’d ordered two boxes of the “One Size Fits Most” from Amazon at 1.98 a box, then figured out I couldn’t put my hands in them, I’d have written it off. I’d have ordered the next size up and given the boxes that were too small away. Or I’d have dumped them in the trash because they were too much trouble to box up and return to Amazon.

End result, the vendor sold the gloves, didn’t have to process a return, got to make up a review, and the boxes of gloves ended up in the trash unused. In other words. Scam! 

You could assume they’d been built somewhere in China and OneHungLow was having a bad day. Instead of tossing the poorly made product, these were sold cheap as seconds at a steep but still profitable discount. In the end, the shitty product still made it into an American landfill.

The manufacturer makes money, the Amazon vendor makes money, Amazon makes money, UPS makes money, but me, the consumer, ends up paying to be OneHungLow’s garbage man.

Then my mind turned over this question:

How often does this kind of thing happen? If it’s common then there’s a lot of waste. Even if people return badly made crap there’s the fuel expense of delivering and picking up. Plus all the packaging and labeling and the labor costs. No matter how you slice it bad standards of sizing must cost a fortune.

I’d gotten to the point where I tried on every single pair of Levis because even though they all said 34/30. Rarely were any two pair actually the same size. It’s not just Levis, Wrangler, Lee, and even the off brands from Tractor Supply or whoever. No two pair of pants fit the same. The same is true of shirts, and T-shirts, even underwear. 

I’m a pretty simple guy. I want to grab 4 pairs of jeans from a cubby. I’ll check that the sizes are what I need, then head to the register. I used to be able to do that. I could shop for clothes in 20 minutes. 15 minutes was spent in line and walking in the parking lot.

Same with shirts and underwear. Sizes made sense, they were consistent, and life was easy.

Now, I literally have to try on everything and when I don’t, I have a shirt that looks like I’m in a sausage casing. How the heck do clothing mail order houses stay in business?

But there’s something else to think about in all this.

Our whole society is based on “One Size Fits Most”.

There was a time when that meant something. There was a consistency that could be relied upon more often than not. Now days? Virtually nothing is consistent. Safety is not guaranteed (there was a weird ad in a newspaper titled “safety not guaranteed” it was a promotion for some movie about time travel I think.) 

Well, we’re in the future and safety is not guaranteed, nor is sizing, or building codes, or vehicle standards. Hell, Toyota just recalled 100,000 engines. 

Engine from car museum.Think about that! Complete engine replacement in 100,000 vehicles. These are standard internal combustion engines. You know, the kind we’ve been building for over 100 years. How do you go so horribly wrong in building one that you have to recall them instead of being able to replace the bad component?

Moreover, how did the design make it through testing and emissions certification and into full production with no one noticing a problem?

Could it be poor standards?

How many of our standards have been allowed to slide because we don’t want to hurt anyones feelings? How many ticking time bombs of failure do we have in our everyday lives because a supervisor or quality person couldn’t or wouldn’t say, “That is Wrong! What you’ve made doesn’t meet the specification.

One Size no longer fits most.

Accessed the other half’s computer today….

That’s always difficult.

It’s stupid, but I feel like I’m somehow violating privacy. He’s dead there’s no reason for him to need or expect privacy but I still feel like somehow I’m intruding.

Aside from the way he stored information on his computer, (to me it seems literally random,) there are other stumbling blocks to get past. The biggest one is that he’d subscribed to pretty much every mailing list on the planet and waiting for his machine to speed up means waiting for the download of all that junk mail to complete.

It had been almost a year since I’d turned his machine on.

I was looking for a student he’d been teaching to play the harp. As I’ve been going through yet more piles of crap, I found a cache of harp music. Sure I could give the music to one of the local harpists. Most of it would probably sit in their libraries, then be forgotten.

Or, I could gift his library to a person he loved teaching. Their lesson time together was always joyful and he was happy for days afterward. The student was marvelous, a quick learner, and impetuous enough to keep him entertained because keeping the lesson on track was a bit like herding cats. That particular student he really had to work hard to stay ahead of.

So it seemed fitting that his library be given to help feed this student’s voracious learning curve. I hope the child’s mother doesn’t think I’m some spammer.

I”d no sooner sent the email & shut his computer down again than an earthquake rolled through. I do hope it wasn’t commentary from on high.

There’s a lot of odd emotional back & forth when I’m sorting through his stuff, his computer is the most difficult for some reason. I feel it going through other things but the computer is the most draining for me.

I decided, after the emotional drain and an earthquake that lunch was necessary. I ate then got a shower & flipped on the boob tube. My intention was to catch up on the news and see if I could get the magnitude and location of the quake.

President Biden was blathering on about SCOTUS and wanting to make changes to the justices terms, He also wants to change the immunity that presidents have. I think he really should think long and hard about that one lest he be “Hoisted with his own petard”.

Joe Biden 1 640x480 1 640x480 1.It doesn’t matter, I can’t stand hearing Biden, Trump, or Harris anymore. I’m equally sick of the left / right members of congress. At this point they’re all liars, the only question remaining is, “To what degree are these bastards lying?”

So the TV was turned off almost as soon as it came on. I did learn that the quake was a 4.9 or so initial magnitude. I’m sure that number will drop because they always do.

I think it will be a while before I turn the other half’s computer on again. I’m not saying there’s a link between president poopy pants blathering on about something, earthquakes, and my use of the other half’s machine.

But well… It couldn’t hurt to treat it like a cursed object.

I think it’s time for a nap!

Apparently the Olympic opening ceremonies didn’t go well.


Several X posts were reporting that the IOC is pulling down video and has filed DCMA requests for copies of the offensive videos to be taken down too.

The videos and photos I’ve seen are… Uh… well, awful!

There have even been messages on X from Parisians apologizing for the show. Think about that. Parisians NEVER apologize for anything!

There have been some really funny parody videos from Russia piling on the humiliation.

Generally, I don’t watch the Olympics. Seems like a lot of hype and not a lot of actual sport.

I don’t mean that to suggest that the Athletes aren’t the top in the world in their sport. It’s just that for an event that says all the athletes have to be amateur and unpaid. There’s a ton of money being made by everyone else.

Commercial after commercial, sponsors and commerce. Not to mention the cash the IOC rakes in. 

The Olympics could be considered a metaphor or commentary on the government citizen relations vis-à-vis taxation. The athletes do all the work, the IOC & TV networks reap the rewards. 

While I do think the photos and video clips I’ve seen of the opening ceremonies were pretty awful, I apparently wasn’t alone. I think that a large percentage of the backlash might simply be that world wide maybe people are sick to death of everything being Trans or whatever other victim class the TQIA2S+ mob can come up with.

Do what you want to your body, I don’t care. Sleep with whoever you want, I don’t care. Turn your bedroom into an orgy every night with as many people as you can stack in the space, I don’t care. But for God’s sake stop shoving it down my throat!

One good and faithful person was all I needed. He’s gone now, and I’m beyond disinterested in being dragged into some Trans drama of perpetual victimhood.

Full disclosure, over our decades together He and I both colored outside the lines on occasion. It wasn’t a big deal. We didn’t feel like we needed to advertise it. Had the right third person come along, we’d have been open to the possibility of a polyamorous situation.

The point is, none of this is new, different, or special. All of this is adult activity and has no place in front of children, nor does it need to be splashed into the living rooms of families across the planet.

That sentiment is coming from a gay man, who’s apparently not alone in that view. I could write a 2000 word piece on how annoyed, disgusted, and angry I am about the gay community being utterly destroyed by the TQIA2S+ mob. That is a piece for another time.

The TQIA2S+ mob has even taken over and devalued our once fun pride events. Oh, and we don’t need a freaking month of “Pride”. We used to have a lot of fun with just a couple of weekends.

It appears that the TQIA2S+ mob will not be content until they make everyone miserable enough to turn away from entertainment venues of every kind. They say this is about representation and inclusion, but clearly it’s not.

Honestly, I’m not represented or included. Nor is any straight person. I don’t like living in a fucking pride parade every day of the year.

I have to admit, they’ve done a fantastic job of eradicating the photos and videos as of this morning.

The damage is done. The controversy has been written about. It doesn’t matter if the photos are no longer available, the world saw that dumpster fire of an Olympic opening ceremony.

I was somewhat amazed that the costumes looked like a bad high school production of Hedwig & the Angry Inch or Rocky Horror Picture Show. With the money spent, I would have expected something that at least looked like they’d spent some time in costume design.

Perhaps it’s just me. Everything in the published photos looked cheap and tawdry.

I will say Lady Gaga carried off her costume well, I’ve seen no photos of Celine Dions performance. It’s a pity that the TQIA2S+ mob’s dumpster fire managed to overshadow their performances.

As I was reading through the posts on X I kept hearing Mallory Archer saying, “This is why we can’t have nice things.” Apparently the TQIA2S+ mob portion of the ceremonies did one thing the director claimed to want to do.

It united a broad swath of people in anger, disgust, and revulsion. So good job dude.